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C++ shared_ptr::AddResponseHeader方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中std::shared_ptr::AddResponseHeader方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ shared_ptr::AddResponseHeader方法的具体用法?C++ shared_ptr::AddResponseHeader怎么用?C++ shared_ptr::AddResponseHeader使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在std::shared_ptr的用法示例。


示例1: CreateRangedMemoryDownloadResponse

int CWebServer::CreateRangedMemoryDownloadResponse(const std::shared_ptr<IHTTPRequestHandler>& handler, struct MHD_Response *&response) const
  if (handler == nullptr)
    return MHD_NO;

  const HTTPRequest &request = handler->GetRequest();
  const HTTPResponseDetails &responseDetails = handler->GetResponseDetails();
  HttpResponseRanges responseRanges = handler->GetResponseData();

  // if there's no or only one range this is not the right place
  if (responseRanges.size() <= 1)
    return CreateMemoryDownloadResponse(handler, response);

  // extract all the valid ranges and calculate their total length
  uint64_t firstRangePosition = 0;
  HttpResponseRanges ranges;
  for (HttpResponseRanges::const_iterator range = responseRanges.begin(); range != responseRanges.end(); ++range)
    // ignore invalid ranges
    if (!range->IsValid())

    // determine the first range position
    if (ranges.empty())
      firstRangePosition = range->GetFirstPosition();


  if (ranges.empty())
    return CreateMemoryDownloadResponse(request.connection, nullptr, 0, false, false, response);

  // determine the last range position
  uint64_t lastRangePosition = ranges.back().GetLastPosition();

  // adjust the HTTP status of the response
  // add Content-Range header
    HttpRangeUtils::GenerateContentRangeHeaderValue(firstRangePosition, lastRangePosition, responseDetails.totalLength));

  // generate a multipart boundary
  std::string multipartBoundary = HttpRangeUtils::GenerateMultipartBoundary();
  // and the content-type
  std::string contentType = HttpRangeUtils::GenerateMultipartBoundaryContentType(multipartBoundary);

  // add Content-Type header
  handler->AddResponseHeader(MHD_HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE, contentType);

  // generate the multipart boundary with the Content-Type header field
  std::string multipartBoundaryWithHeader = HttpRangeUtils::GenerateMultipartBoundaryWithHeader(multipartBoundary, contentType);

  std::string result;
  // add all the ranges to the result
  for (HttpResponseRanges::const_iterator range = ranges.begin(); range != ranges.end(); ++range)
    // add a newline before any new multipart boundary
    if (range != ranges.begin())
      result += HEADER_NEWLINE;

    // generate and append the multipart boundary with the full header (Content-Type and Content-Length)
    result += HttpRangeUtils::GenerateMultipartBoundaryWithHeader(multipartBoundaryWithHeader, &*range);

    // and append the data of the range
    result.append(static_cast<const char*>(range->GetData()), static_cast<size_t>(range->GetLength()));

    // check if we need to free the range data
    if (responseDetails.type == HTTPMemoryDownloadFreeNoCopy || responseDetails.type == HTTPMemoryDownloadFreeCopy)

  result += HttpRangeUtils::GenerateMultipartBoundaryEnd(multipartBoundary);

  // add Content-Length header
  handler->AddResponseHeader(MHD_HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH, StringUtils::Format("%" PRIu64, static_cast<uint64_t>(result.size())));

  // finally create the response
  return CreateMemoryDownloadResponse(request.connection, result.c_str(), result.size(), false, true, response);

示例2: CreateFileDownloadResponse

    uint64_t totalLength = 0;
    std::unique_ptr<HttpFileDownloadContext> context(new HttpFileDownloadContext());
    context->file = file;
    context->contentType = mimeType;
    context->boundaryWritten = false;
    context->writePosition = 0;

    if (handler->IsRequestRanged())
      if (!request.ranges.IsEmpty())
        context->ranges = request.ranges;
        HTTPRequestHandlerUtils::GetRequestedRanges(request.connection, fileLength, context->ranges);

    uint64_t firstPosition = 0;
    uint64_t lastPosition = 0;
    // if there are no ranges, add the whole range
    if (context->ranges.IsEmpty())
      context->ranges.Add(CHttpRange(0, fileLength - 1));

      // we need to remember that we are ranged because the range length might change and won't be reliable anymore for length comparisons
      ranged = true;


    // remember the total number of ranges
    context->rangeCountTotal = context->ranges.Size();
    // remember the total length
    totalLength = context->ranges.GetLength();

    // adjust the MIME type and range length in case of multiple ranges which requires multipart boundaries
    if (context->rangeCountTotal > 1)
      context->boundary = HttpRangeUtils::GenerateMultipartBoundary();
      mimeType = HttpRangeUtils::GenerateMultipartBoundaryContentType(context->boundary);

      // build part of the boundary with the optional Content-Type header
      // "--<boundary>\r\nContent-Type: <content-type>\r\n
      context->boundaryWithHeader = HttpRangeUtils::GenerateMultipartBoundaryWithHeader(context->boundary, context->contentType);
      context->boundaryEnd = HttpRangeUtils::GenerateMultipartBoundaryEnd(context->boundary);

      // for every range, we need to add a boundary with header
      for (HttpRanges::const_iterator range = context->ranges.Begin(); range != context->ranges.End(); ++range)
        // we need to temporarily add the Content-Range header to the boundary to be able to determine the length
        std::string completeBoundaryWithHeader = HttpRangeUtils::GenerateMultipartBoundaryWithHeader(context->boundaryWithHeader, &*range);
        totalLength += completeBoundaryWithHeader.size();

        // add a newline before any new multipart boundary
        if (range != context->ranges.Begin())
          totalLength += strlen(HEADER_NEWLINE);
      // and at the very end a special end-boundary "\r\n--<boundary>--"
      totalLength += context->boundaryEnd.size();

    // set the initial write position

    // create the response object
    response = MHD_create_response_from_callback(totalLength, 2048,
    if (response == nullptr)
      CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "CWebServer[%hu]: failed to create a HTTP response for %s to be filled from %s", m_port, request.pathUrl.c_str(), filePath.c_str());
      return MHD_NO;

    context.release(); // ownership was passed to mhd

    // add Content-Range header
    if (ranged)
      handler->AddResponseHeader(MHD_HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_RANGE, HttpRangeUtils::GenerateContentRangeHeaderValue(firstPosition, lastPosition, fileLength));
    response = create_response(0, nullptr, MHD_NO, MHD_NO);
    if (response == nullptr)
      CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "CWebServer[%hu]: failed to create a HTTP HEAD response for %s", m_port, request.pathUrl.c_str());
      return MHD_NO;

    handler->AddResponseHeader(MHD_HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH, StringUtils::Format("%" PRId64, fileLength));

  // set the Content-Type header
  if (!mimeType.empty())
    handler->AddResponseHeader(MHD_HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE, mimeType);

  return MHD_YES;

示例3: FinalizeRequest

int CWebServer::FinalizeRequest(const std::shared_ptr<IHTTPRequestHandler>& handler, int responseStatus, struct MHD_Response *response)
  if (handler == nullptr || response == nullptr)
    return MHD_NO;

  const HTTPRequest &request = handler->GetRequest();
  const HTTPResponseDetails &responseDetails = handler->GetResponseDetails();

  // if the request handler has set a content type and it hasn't been set as a header, add it
  if (!responseDetails.contentType.empty())
    handler->AddResponseHeader(MHD_HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE, responseDetails.contentType);

  // if the request handler has set a last modified date and it hasn't been set as a header, add it
  CDateTime lastModified;
  if (handler->GetLastModifiedDate(lastModified) && lastModified.IsValid())
    handler->AddResponseHeader(MHD_HTTP_HEADER_LAST_MODIFIED, lastModified.GetAsRFC1123DateTime());

  // check if the request handler has set Cache-Control and add it if not
  if (!handler->HasResponseHeader(MHD_HTTP_HEADER_CACHE_CONTROL))
    int maxAge = handler->GetMaximumAgeForCaching();
    if (handler->CanBeCached() && maxAge == 0 && !responseDetails.contentType.empty())
      // don't cache HTML, CSS and JavaScript files
      if (!StringUtils::EqualsNoCase(responseDetails.contentType, "text/html") &&
          !StringUtils::EqualsNoCase(responseDetails.contentType, "text/css") &&
          !StringUtils::EqualsNoCase(responseDetails.contentType, "application/javascript"))
        maxAge = CDateTimeSpan(365, 0, 0, 0).GetSecondsTotal();

    // if the response can't be cached or the maximum age is 0 force the client not to cache
    if (!handler->CanBeCached() || maxAge == 0)
      handler->AddResponseHeader(MHD_HTTP_HEADER_CACHE_CONTROL, "private, max-age=0, " HEADER_VALUE_NO_CACHE);
      // create the value of the Cache-Control header
      std::string cacheControl = StringUtils::Format("public, max-age=%d", maxAge);

      // check if the response contains a Set-Cookie header because they must not be cached
      if (handler->HasResponseHeader(MHD_HTTP_HEADER_SET_COOKIE))
        cacheControl += ", no-cache=\"set-cookie\"";

      // set the Cache-Control header
      handler->AddResponseHeader(MHD_HTTP_HEADER_CACHE_CONTROL, cacheControl);

      // set the Expires header
      CDateTime expiryTime = CDateTime::GetCurrentDateTime() + CDateTimeSpan(0, 0, 0, maxAge);
      handler->AddResponseHeader(MHD_HTTP_HEADER_EXPIRES, expiryTime.GetAsRFC1123DateTime());

  // if the request handler can handle ranges and it hasn't been set as a header, add it
  if (handler->CanHandleRanges())
    handler->AddResponseHeader(MHD_HTTP_HEADER_ACCEPT_RANGES, "bytes");
    handler->AddResponseHeader(MHD_HTTP_HEADER_ACCEPT_RANGES, "none");

  if (responseDetails.totalLength > 0)
    handler->AddResponseHeader(MHD_HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH, StringUtils::Format("%" PRIu64, responseDetails.totalLength));

  // add all headers set by the request handler
  for (std::multimap<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator it = responseDetails.headers.begin(); it != responseDetails.headers.end(); ++it)
    AddHeader(response, it->first, it->second);

  return SendResponse(request, responseStatus, response);
