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C++ config::count方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中config::count方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ config::count方法的具体用法?C++ config::count怎么用?C++ config::count使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在config的用法示例。


示例1: atof

	stop_on_close_encounter_param(const config &cfg)
			dmin = 0.;
			dmin = atof(cfg.at("close_approach").c_str());

示例2: write_stable_systems

void write_stable_systems(defaultEnsemble &ens, defaultEnsemble &ens_init) 
  // find the stable ones and output the initial conditions for the stable
  // ones in keplerian coordinates
  //  std::cerr << "# Finding stable system ids\n";
  std::vector<unsigned int> stable_system_indices, unstable_system_indices;
  for(int i = 0; i < ens.nsys() ; i++ )
  //  std::cerr << "# Writing stable system ids\n";
      ofstream stable_init_output( cfg.optional("stable_init_output", string("stable_init_output.txt")).c_str() ); 
      print_selected_systems(ens_init,stable_system_indices, stable_init_output);

      ofstream stable_final_output( cfg.optional("stable_final_output", string("stable_final_output.txt")).c_str() ); 
      print_selected_systems(ens,stable_system_indices, stable_final_output);

      ofstream unstable_init_output( cfg.optional("unstable_init_output", string("unstable_init_output.txt")).c_str() ); 
      print_selected_systems(ens_init,unstable_system_indices, unstable_init_output);

      ofstream unstable_final_output( cfg.optional("unstable_final_output", string("unstable_final_output.txt")).c_str() ); 
      print_selected_systems(ens,unstable_system_indices, unstable_final_output);


示例3: disable_unstable_systems

void disable_unstable_systems(defaultEnsemble& ens, const std::vector<std::vector<double> >& semimajor_axes_init, const double deltaa_threshold )
  for(int sys_idx = 0; sys_idx < ens.nsys() ; sys_idx++)
      if(ens[sys_idx].is_disabled() ) continue;
      bool disable = false;
      int sys_id = ens[sys_idx].id();
      double star_mass = ens.mass(sys_idx,0);      
      double mass_effective = star_mass;
      double bx, by, bz, bvx, bvy, bvz;
      for(unsigned int bod=1;bod<ens.nbod();++bod) // Skip star since calculating orbits
	  //	  std::cout << "body= " << bod << ": ";
	  //	  std::cout << "pos= (" << ens.x(sys_idx, bod) << ", " <<  ens.y(sys_idx, bod) << ", " << ens.z(sys_idx, bod) << ") vel= (" << ens.vx(sys_idx, bod) << ", " <<  ens.vy(sys_idx, bod) << ", " << ens.vz(sys_idx, bod) << ").\n";
	  double mass = ens.mass(sys_idx,bod);
	  mass_effective += mass;
	  double x = ens.x(sys_idx,bod)-bx;
	  double y = ens.y(sys_idx,bod)-by;
	  double z = ens.z(sys_idx,bod)-bz;
	  double vx = ens.vx(sys_idx,bod)-bvx;
	  double vy = ens.vy(sys_idx,bod)-bvy;
	  double vz = ens.vz(sys_idx,bod)-bvz;
	  double a, e, i, O, w, M;
	  calc_keplerian_for_cartesian(a,e,i,O,w,M, x,y,z,vx,vy,vz, mass_effective);
	  i *= 180/M_PI;
	  O *= 180/M_PI;
	  w *= 180/M_PI;
	  M *= 180/M_PI;

	  if(!((e>=0.)&&(e<1.0)))	{ disable = true; }
	  if(!((a>0.)&&(a<10.0)))	{ disable = true; }
	  double da = a - semimajor_axes_init[sys_id][bod-1];
	  if(fabs(da) >= deltaa_threshold * semimajor_axes_init[sys_id][bod-1])
	    { disable = true; }

		std::cout << "# Disabling idx=" << sys_idx << " id=" << sys_id << " b=" << bod << " a= " << a << " e= " << e << " i= " << i << " Omega= " << O << " omega= " << w << " M= " << M << "\n";	  	
      if(disable) ens[sys_idx].set_disabled();

示例4: benchmark

void benchmark(const parameter_range& pr){ 

	// Go through the loop
	std::cout << "Parameter, Value, Time, Energy Conservation Factor (delta E/E)"
				 ", Position Difference, Velocity Difference, Time difference "
			     ", Integration (ms), Integrator initialize (ms) \n";

	string param = pr.parameter;
	vector<string> values = pr.values;

	if(!(param == "input" || param == "nsys" || param == "nbod" || cfg.count("reinitialize")))

	if(pr.interpolate)  {
		// Numeric range
		double from = atof(values[0].c_str()), to = atof(values[1].c_str());
		double increment = (values.size() == 3) ? atof(values[2].c_str()) : 1;

		for(double i = from; i <= to ; i+= increment ){
			std::ostringstream stream;
			stream <<  i;
			string value = stream.str();

			cfg[param] = value;

			DEBUG_OUTPUT(1, "=========================================");
	}else {
		// Iterate over values
		for(vector<string>::const_iterator i = values.begin();  i != values.end(); i++){
			string value = *i;

			if(param == "config")
				cfg = config::load(value,base_cfg);
				cfg[param] = *i;

			DEBUG_OUTPUT(1, "=========================================");

示例5: benchmark_item

void benchmark_item(const string& param, const string& value) {
	if(!validate_configuration(cfg) ) ERROR( "Invalid configuration" );

	if(param == "input" || param == "nsys" || param == "nbod" || cfg.count("reinitialize"))

	DEBUG_OUTPUT(2, "Make a copy of ensemble for energy conservation test" );
	current_ens = initial_ens.clone();

	double init_time = watch_time( prepare_integrator );

	double integration_time = watch_time( generic_integrate );

	double max_deltaE = find_max_energy_conservation_error(current_ens, initial_ens );

	// Compare with reneference ensemble for integrator verification
	double pos_diff = 0, vel_diff = 0, time_diff = 0;
	bool comparison =  compare_ensembles( current_ens, reference_ens , pos_diff, vel_diff, time_diff );

	/// CSV output for use in spreadsheet software 
	std::cout << param << ", "
	          << value << ",  "   
			  << current_ens.time_ranges() << ",  "
	          << max_deltaE << ",    " 
			  << pos_diff << ",    "
			  << vel_diff << ",   "
			  << time_diff << ",   "
	          << integration_time << ",    "
	          << init_time 
	          << std::endl;

	if( !comparison || pos_diff > pos_threshold || vel_diff > vel_threshold || time_diff > time_threshold ){


示例6: handle_plugins_option

 *	@brief	Analyze the PE with each selected plugin.
 *	@param	io::OutputFormatter& formatter The object which will recieve the output.
 *	@param	const std::vector<std::string>& selected The names of the selected plugins.
 *	@param	const config& conf The configuration of the plugins.
 *	@param	const mana::PE& pe The PE to analyze.
void handle_plugins_option(io::OutputFormatter& formatter,
						   const std::vector<std::string>& selected,
						   const config& conf,
						   const mana::PE& pe)
	bool all_plugins = std::find(selected.begin(), selected.end(), "all") != selected.end();
	std::vector<plugin::pIPlugin> plugins = plugin::PluginManager::get_instance().get_plugins();
	io::pNode plugins_node(new io::OutputTreeNode("Plugins", io::OutputTreeNode::LIST));

	for (std::vector<plugin::pIPlugin>::iterator it = plugins.begin() ; it != plugins.end() ; ++it)
		// Verify that the plugin was selected
		if (!all_plugins && std::find(selected.begin(), selected.end(), *(*it)->get_id()) == selected.end()) {

		// Forward relevant configuration elements to the plugin.
		if (conf.count(*(*it)->get_id())) {

		plugin::pResult res = (*it)->analyze(pe);
		if (!res)
			PRINT_WARNING << "Plugin " << *(*it)->get_id() << " returned a NULL result!" << std::endl;

		io::pNode output = res->get_output();
		if (!output || !res->get_information()->size()) {

	formatter.add_data(plugins_node, *pe.get_path());

示例7: main

int main(int argc, char* argv[] ) 
  // We keep it simple, later on one can use boost::program_options to 
  // have more options
  // but now we only use two configuration files. It is because the 
  // initial conditions configuration file can get really big and 
  // it has very little to do with other configuration options.
  if(argc < 3) cout << "Usage: montecarlo_ecclimit <integration configuration> <initial conditions configuration>" << endl;

  // First one is the configuration for integration
  string integ_configfile = argv[1];
  // the second one is the configuration for generating
  //  initial conditions it is used by \ref generate_ensemble_with_randomized_initial_conditions
  string initc_configfile = argv[2];
  cfg = config::load(integ_configfile);
  // 1.read keplerian coordinates from a file
  // 2.generate guesses based on the keplerian coordinates
  // 3.convert keplerian coordinates to an ensemble
  // The following line that is taken from swarm_tutorial_montecarlo.cpp
  // does the first three steps. Its pretty amazing.
  defaultEnsemble ens ; 
  if( cfg.count("input") ) 
    {    ens = snapshot::load(cfg["input"]);  }
    {    ens = generate_ensemble_with_randomized_initial_conditions( config::load(initc_configfile) );  }
  // save the ensemble as a snapshot
    {    snapshot::save( ens, cfg["initial_snapshot"] );	}

  defaultEnsemble ens_init = ens.clone() ;
  std::vector<std::vector<double> > semimajor_axes_init = calc_semimajor_axes(ens);

  // We want to find the ones that are really stable, so we integrate for
  // a really long time and over time we get rid of unstable ones. 
  double destination_time = cfg.optional("destination_time", 1.0E6);
  Pintegrator integ = integrator::create(cfg);
  integ->set_destination_time ( destination_time );
  // We can set the following two items if we really need
  // longer integrations before we stop for checking the
  // ensemble and saving snapshots.
  // one kernel call to allow for prompt CPU pruning of unstable systems
  int max_kernel_calls_per_integrate = cfg.optional("max_kernel_calls_per_integrate",1);
  // 10^2 inner orbits at 200 time steps per inner orbit
  int max_itterations_per_kernel_call = cfg.optional("max_itterations_per_kernel_call",20000);
  integ->set_max_attempts( max_kernel_calls_per_integrate ); 
  integ->set_max_iterations ( max_itterations_per_kernel_call ); 

  // integrate ensemble
  //  - drop the unstable ones as you go
  //  - redistribute the systems for better efficiency
  //  - save the results periodically
  //  This can be an infitie loop. but we can always get out of this
  //  the best way to do it is to use Ctrl-C. Further wecan
  //  define Ctrl-C signal handler to get out
  //  of this loop in a safe way. But we really want this loop
  //  to run for a long time
  // EBF Experiment trying to expose host log.

  while( number_of_active_systems(ens) > 0 && integration_loop_not_aborted_yet ) {

    // 1. Integrate, we could use core_integrate but the general integrate
    // saves all the headache. We should only use core_integrate if we are
    // going to do everything on GPU, but since we are saving a snapshot in 
    // the middle, there's no point. It also has a nice for loop and can
    // to several kernel calls.
    // 2. CPU-based tests to identify systems that can be terminated
    int active_ones = number_of_active_systems(ens);
    const double deltaa_frac_threshold = cfg.optional("deltaa_frac_threshold", 0.5);
    disable_unstable_systems( ens, semimajor_axes_init, deltaa_frac_threshold );
    //    double med_deltaE = find_median_energy_conservation_error(ens, ens_init );
    double max_deltaE = find_max_energy_conservation_error(ens, ens_init );
    std::cerr << "# Time: " << ens.time_ranges().min << " " << ens.time_ranges().median << " " << ens.time_ranges().max << " Systems: " << ens.nsys() << ", " << active_ones << ", ";
    active_ones = number_of_active_systems(ens);    
    std::cerr << active_ones << "  max|dE/E|= " << max_deltaE << "\n";

    // EBF Experiment trying to expose host log.  

    if (!cfg.count("input") && cfg.count("replace_unstable") )
	int nsys_to_replace = number_of_disabled_systems( ens ) ;
	if( nsys_to_replace >0 ) 
	    replace_disabled_systems( ens );
	    integ->set_ensemble( ens );

示例8: save_snapshot

/// Save a periodical snapshot if one is defined in the config file
/// Snapshot is usually saved as binary file, because it happens very
/// frequently and text files take very long time to generate.
void save_snapshot( defaultEnsemble& ens ) 
  if(cfg.count("snapshot")) snapshot::save( ens, cfg["snapshot"] );

示例9: generate_initial_conditions_for_system

void generate_initial_conditions_for_system(const config& cfg, defaultEnsemble &ens, const int sysidx, const int sysid) 
  double time_init = cfg.optional("time_init", 0.0);
  const bool use_jacobi = cfg.optional("use_jacobi", 0);
  bool keplerian_ephemeris = cfg.optional("use_keplerian", 1);
  bool transit_ephemeris = cfg.optional("use_transit", 0);
  if(transit_ephemeris) keplerian_ephemeris = 0;
  assert(!(keplerian_ephemeris && transit_ephemeris));  // find a better way

  ens[sysidx].id() = sysid;
  ens[sysidx].time() = time_init;
  if(sysid>maxsysid) maxsysid = sysid;

  // set sun to unit mass and at origin
  double mass_star = draw_value_from_config(cfg,"mass_star",0.00003,100.);
  double x=0, y=0, z=0, vx=0, vy=0, vz=0;
  ens.set_body(sysidx, 0, mass_star, x, y, z, vx, vy, vz);

  // If omitted or value of zero, then default to cycling through body id to make eccentric
  int ecc_body = cfg.optional("ecc_body", 0);
    {      ecc_body = 1+(sysid*(ens.nbod()-1))/ens.nsys();    }
  double mass_enclosed = mass_star;
  for(unsigned int bod=1;bod<ens.nbod();++bod)
      double mass_planet = draw_value_from_config(cfg,"mass",bod,0.,mass_star);
      mass_enclosed += mass_planet;
      double a, e, i, O, w, M;
	  double period = draw_value_from_config(cfg,"period",bod,0.2,365250.);
	  double epoch = draw_value_from_config(cfg,"epoch",bod,0.2,365250.);
	  a = pow((period/365.25)*(period/365.25)*mass_enclosed,1.0/3.0);
	    e = draw_value_from_config(cfg,"ecc",bod,0.,1.);
	    e = 0.;
	  i = draw_value_from_config(cfg,"inc",bod,-180.,180.);
	  O = draw_value_from_config(cfg,"node",bod,-720.,720.);
	  w = draw_value_from_config(cfg,"omega",bod,-720.,720.);
	  i *= M_PI/180.;
	  O *= M_PI/180.;
	  w *= M_PI/180.;
	  double T = (0.5*M_PI-w)+2.0*M_PI*((epoch/period)-floor(epoch/period));
	  double E = atan2(sqrt(1.-e)*(1.+e)*sin(T),e+cos(T));
	  M = E-e*sin(E);
      else if (keplerian_ephemeris)
	  a = draw_value_from_config(cfg,"a",bod,0.001,10000.);
	    e = draw_value_from_config(cfg,"ecc",bod,0.,1.);
	    e = 0.;
	  i = draw_value_from_config(cfg,"inc",bod,-180.,180.);
	  O = draw_value_from_config(cfg,"node",bod,-720.,720.);
	  w = draw_value_from_config(cfg,"omega",bod,-720.,720.);
	  M = draw_value_from_config(cfg,"meananom",bod,-720.,720.);
	  i *= M_PI/180.;
	  O *= M_PI/180.;
	  w *= M_PI/180.;
	  M *= M_PI/180.;
      double mass = use_jacobi ? mass_enclosed : mass_star+mass_planet;
	std::cout << "# Drawing sysid= " << sysid << " bod= " << bod << ' ' << mass_planet << "  " << a << ' ' << e << ' ' << i*180./M_PI << ' ' << O*180./M_PI << ' ' << w*180./M_PI << ' ' << M*180./M_PI << '\n';
      calc_cartesian_for_ellipse(x,y,z,vx,vy,vz, a, e, i, O, w, M, mass);
      //  printf("%d %d: %lg (%lg %lg %lg) (%lg %lg %lg) \n", sysidx, bod, mass_planet, x,y,z,vx,vy,vz);
	  double bx, by, bz, bvx, bvy, bvz;
	  x  += bx;	  y  += by;	  z  += bz;
	  vx += bvx;	  vy += bvy;	  vz += bvz;
      // assign body a mass, position and velocity
      ens.set_body(sysidx, bod, mass_planet, x, y, z, vx, vy, vz);
	  double x_t = ens.x(sysidx,bod);
	  double y_t = ens.y(sysidx,bod);
	  double z_t = ens.z(sysidx,bod);
	  double vx_t = ens.vx(sysidx,bod);
	  double vy_t = ens.vy(sysidx,bod);
	  double vz_t = ens.vz(sysidx,bod);
	  std::cout << " x= " << x << "=" << x_t << " ";
	  std::cout << " y= " << y << "=" << y_t << " ";
	  std::cout << " z= " << z << "=" << z_t << " ";

示例10: generate_ensemble_with_initial_conditions_keplerian_from_file

 * Read in Keplerian coordinates from a text file
defaultEnsemble generate_ensemble_with_initial_conditions_keplerian_from_file(const config& cfg) 
  defaultEnsemble ens = defaultEnsemble::create( cfg.require("nbod",0), cfg.require("nsys",0) );
  std::cerr << "# nsystems = " << ens.nsys() << " nbodies/system = " << ens.nbod() << "\n";

  //  std::cerr << "# Set initial time for all systems = ";
  double time_init = cfg.optional("time_init", 0.0);
  //  std::cerr << time_init << ".\n";

  const bool use_jacobi = cfg.optional("use_jacobi", 0);

  //  std::cerr << "# Writing stable system ids\n";
  ifstream jacobi_input( cfg.optional("input_mcmc_keplerian", string("mcmc.out")).c_str() ); 

  for(unsigned int sysid=0;sysid<ens.nsys();++sysid)
      string id;
      double mass_star;
      jacobi_input >> id >> mass_star;
      ens[sysid].id() = sysid;
      ens[sysid].time() = time_init;
      double x=0, y=0, z=0, vx=0, vy=0, vz=0;
      ens.set_body(sysid, 0, mass_star, x, y, z, vx, vy, vz);
      double mass_enclosed = mass_star;
      for(unsigned int bod=1;bod<ens.nbod();++bod)

	  double mass_planet, a, e, i, O, w, M;
	  jacobi_input >> mass_planet >> a >> e >> i >> w >> O >> M;
	  //	  a = pow((period/365.25)*(period/365.25)*mass_enclosed,1.0/3.0);
	  i *= M_PI/180.;
	  O *= M_PI/180.;
	  w *= M_PI/180.;
	  M *= M_PI/180.;

	  mass_enclosed += mass_planet;	  
	  double mass = use_jacobi ? mass_enclosed : mass_star+mass_planet;
	    std::cout << "# Drawing sysid= " << sysid << " bod= " << bod << ' ' << mass_planet << "  " << a << ' ' << e << ' ' << i*180./M_PI << ' ' << O*180./M_PI << ' ' << w*180./M_PI << ' ' << M*180./M_PI << '\n';
	  calc_cartesian_for_ellipse(x,y,z,vx,vy,vz, a, e, i, O, w, M, mass);
      //  printf("%d %d: %lg (%lg %lg %lg) (%lg %lg %lg) \n", sysid, bod, mass_planet, x,y,z,vx,vy,vz);

	      double bx, by, bz, bvx, bvy, bvz;
	      x  += bx;	  y  += by;	  z  += bz;
	      vx += bvx;  vy += bvy;	  vz += bvz;
	  // assign body a mass, position and velocity
	  ens.set_body(sysid, bod, mass_planet, x, y, z, vx, vy, vz);

	      double x_t = ens.x(sysid,bod);
	      double y_t = ens.y(sysid,bod);
	      double z_t = ens.z(sysid,bod);
	      double vx_t = ens.vx(sysid,bod);
	      double vy_t = ens.vy(sysid,bod);
	      double vz_t = ens.vz(sysid,bod);
	      std::cout << " x= " << x << "=" << x_t << " ";
	      std::cout << " y= " << y << "=" << y_t << " ";
	      std::cout << " z= " << z << "=" << z_t << " ";
	      std::cout << "vx= " << vx << "=" << vx_t << " ";
	      std::cout << "vy= " << vy << "=" << vy_t << " ";
	      std::cout << "vz= " << vz << "=" << vz_t << "\n";
	}  // end loop over bodies
      // Shift into barycentric frame
      for(unsigned int bod=0;bod<ens.nbod();++bod)
	  ens.set_body(sysid, bod, ens.mass(sysid,bod), 
		       ens.x(sysid,bod)-x, ens.y(sysid,bod)-y, ens.z(sysid,bod)-z, 
		       ens.vx(sysid,bod)-vx, ens.vy(sysid,bod)-vy, ens.vz(sysid,bod)-vz);	  
	}  // end loop over bodies

    } // end loop over systems
  return ens;

示例11: generate_ensemble_with_initial_conditions_cartesian_from_file

 * Read in Cartesian coordinates from a text file
defaultEnsemble generate_ensemble_with_initial_conditions_cartesian_from_file(const config& cfg) 
  defaultEnsemble ens = defaultEnsemble::create( cfg.require("nbod",0), cfg.require("nsys",0) );
  std::cerr << "# nsystems = " << ens.nsys() << " nbodies/system = " << ens.nbod() << "\n";

  //  std::cerr << "# Set initial time for all systems = ";
  double time_init = cfg.optional("time_init", 0.0);
  //  std::cerr << time_init << ".\n";

  const bool use_jacobi = cfg.optional("use_jacobi", 0);

  //  std::cerr << "# Writing stable system ids\n";
  ifstream mcmc_input( cfg.optional("input_mcmc_cartesian", string("mcmc.out")).c_str() ); 


  const int lines_to_skip = cfg.optional("lines_to_skip", 0);
  for(int i=0;i<lines_to_skip;++i)
      char junk[1024];

  for(unsigned int sysid=0;sysid<ens.nsys();++sysid)
#if 1
      std::vector<double> masses(ens.nbod(),0.0);
      for(unsigned int bod=0;bod<ens.nbod();++bod)
	  mcmc_input >> masses[bod];
	}  // end loop over bodies

      ens[sysid].id() = sysid;
      ens[sysid].time() = time_init;
      double x=0, y=0, z=0, vx=0, vy=0, vz=0;
      ens.set_body(sysid, 0, masses[0], x, y, z, vx, vy, vz);
      double mass_enclosed = masses[0];
      for(unsigned int bod=1;bod<ens.nbod();++bod)
	  mcmc_input >> x >> y >> z >> vx >> vy >> vz;

	  mass_enclosed += masses[bod];
	  double mass = use_jacobi ? mass_enclosed : masses[0]+masses[bod];
	    std::cout << "# Drawing sysid= " << sysid << " bod= " << bod << ' ' << masses[bod] << "  " << x << ' ' << y << ' ' << z << ' ' << vx << ' ' << vy << ' ' << vz << '\n';
	      double bx, by, bz, bvx, bvy, bvz;
	      x  += bx;	  y  += by;	  z  += bz;
	      vx += bvx;  vy += bvy;	  vz += bvz;
	  // assign body a mass, position and velocity
	  ens.set_body(sysid, bod, masses[bod], x, y, z, vx, vy, vz);

	      double x_t = ens.x(sysid,bod);
	      double y_t = ens.y(sysid,bod);
	      double z_t = ens.z(sysid,bod);
	      double vx_t = ens.vx(sysid,bod);
	      double vy_t = ens.vy(sysid,bod);
	      double vz_t = ens.vz(sysid,bod);
	      std::cout << " x= " << x << "=" << x_t << " ";
	      std::cout << " y= " << y << "=" << y_t << " ";
	      std::cout << " z= " << z << "=" << z_t << " ";
	      std::cout << "vx= " << vx << "=" << vx_t << " ";
	      std::cout << "vy= " << vy << "=" << vy_t << " ";
	      std::cout << "vz= " << vz << "=" << vz_t << "\n";
      std::vector<double> masses(ens.nbod(),0.0);
      double x=0, y=0, z=0, vx=0, vy=0, vz=0;
      double mass_enclosed = 0.0;
      ens[sysid].id() = sysid;
      ens[sysid].time() = time_init;
      for(unsigned int bod=0;bod<ens.nbod();++bod)
	  mcmc_input >> masses[bod];
	  mcmc_input >> x >> y >> z >> vx >> vy >> vz;

	  mass_enclosed += masses[bod];
	  double mass = use_jacobi ? mass_enclosed : masses[0]+masses[bod];
	    std::cout << "# Drawing sysid= " << sysid << " bod= " << bod << ' ' << masses[bod] << "  " << x << ' ' << y << ' ' << z << ' ' << vx << ' ' << vy << ' ' << vz << '\n';
	      double bx, by, bz, bvx, bvy, bvz;
