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C++ SPtr::add_edge方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中SPtr::add_edge方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ SPtr::add_edge方法的具体用法?C++ SPtr::add_edge怎么用?C++ SPtr::add_edge使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在SPtr的用法示例。


示例1: if

Controller::connect(uint64_t tail_id, uint64_t head_id)
	SPtr<Node> tail = dynamic_ptr_cast<Node>(find(tail_id));
	SPtr<Node> head = dynamic_ptr_cast<Node>(find(head_id));

	if (!tail) {
		std::cerr << "error: tail node " << tail_id << " not found" << std::endl;
		return 0;
	} else if (!head) {
		std::cerr << "error: head node " << head_id << " not found" << std::endl;
		return 0;

	SPtr<Edge> edge(new Edge(tail, head));

	Forge& forge = _engine->forge();

	const Properties properties = {
		{ URIs::instance().rdf_type,
		  forge.make_urid(URIs::instance().machina_Edge) },
		{ URIs::instance().machina_probability, forge.make(1.0f) },
		{ URIs::instance().machina_tail_id,
		  forge.make((int32_t)tail->id()) },
		{ URIs::instance().machina_head_id,
		  forge.make((int32_t)head->id()) } };

	_model.new_object(edge->id(), properties);

	return edge->id();

示例2: beats

/** Load (create) all objects from RDF into the engine.
 * @param uri URI of machine (resolvable URI to an RDF document).
 * @return Loaded Machine.
Loader::load(const Glib::ustring& uri)
	using Glib::ustring;

	ustring document_uri = uri;

	// If "URI" doesn't contain a colon, try to resolve as a filename
	if (uri.find(":") == ustring::npos) {
		document_uri = "file://" + document_uri;

	cout << "Loading " << document_uri << endl;

	TimeUnit beats(TimeUnit::BEATS, MACHINA_PPQN);

	SPtr<Machine> machine(new Machine(beats));

	typedef std::map<Sord::Node, SPtr<Node> > Created;
	Created created;

	Sord::URI   base_uri(_rdf_world, document_uri);
	Sord::Model model(_rdf_world, document_uri);

	SerdEnv* env = serd_env_new(base_uri.to_serd_node());
	model.load_file(env, SERD_TURTLE, document_uri);

	Sord::Node nil;

	Sord::URI machina_SelectorNode(_rdf_world, MACHINA_NS_SelectorNode);
	Sord::URI machina_duration(_rdf_world, MACHINA_NS_duration);
	Sord::URI machina_edge(_rdf_world, MACHINA_NS_arc);
	Sord::URI machina_head(_rdf_world, MACHINA_NS_head);
	Sord::URI machina_node(_rdf_world, MACHINA_NS_node);
	Sord::URI machina_onEnter(_rdf_world, MACHINA_NS_onEnter);
	Sord::URI machina_onExit(_rdf_world, MACHINA_NS_onExit);
	Sord::URI machina_probability(_rdf_world, MACHINA_NS_probability);
	Sord::URI machina_start(_rdf_world, MACHINA_NS_start);
	Sord::URI machina_tail(_rdf_world, MACHINA_NS_tail);
	Sord::URI rdf_type(_rdf_world, MACHINA_URI_RDF "type");

	Sord::Node subject = base_uri;

	// Get start node ID (but re-use existing start node)
	Sord::Iter i = model.find(subject, machina_start, nil);
	if (i.end()) {
		cerr << "error: Machine has no start node" << std::endl;
	created[i.get_object()] = machine->initial_node();

	// Get remaining nodes
	for (Sord::Iter i = model.find(subject, machina_node, nil); !i.end(); ++i) {
		const Sord::Node& id = i.get_object();
		if (created.find(id) != created.end()) {
			cerr << "warning: Machine lists the same node twice" << std::endl;

		// Create node
		Sord::Iter d = model.find(id, machina_duration, nil);
		SPtr<Node> node(new Node(TimeStamp(beats, d.get_object().to_float())));
		created[id] = node;

			load_action(model, model.get(id, machina_onEnter, nil)));
			load_action(model, model.get(id, machina_onExit, nil)));

	// Get arcs
	for (Sord::Iter i = model.find(subject, machina_edge, nil); !i.end(); ++i) {
		Sord::Node edge = i.get_object();
		Sord::Iter t    = model.find(edge, machina_tail, nil);
		Sord::Iter h    = model.find(edge, machina_head, nil);
		Sord::Iter p    = model.find(edge, machina_probability, nil);

		Sord::Node tail        = t.get_object();
		Sord::Node head        = h.get_object();
		Sord::Node probability = p.get_object();

		float prob = probability.to_float();

		Created::iterator tail_i = created.find(tail);
		Created::iterator head_i = created.find(head);

		if (tail_i != created.end() && head_i != created.end()) {
			const SPtr<Node> tail = tail_i->second;
			const SPtr<Node> head = head_i->second;
			tail->add_edge(SPtr<Edge>(new Edge(tail, head, prob)));
		} else {
			cerr << "warning: Ignored edge between unknown nodes "
			     << tail << " -> " << head << endl;
