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C++ Rational::streamInsert方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中Rational::streamInsert方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ Rational::streamInsert方法的具体用法?C++ Rational::streamInsert怎么用?C++ Rational::streamInsert使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在Rational的用法示例。


示例1: main

int main() 
	Rational p; // p uses the default constructor 
	Rational q(1, 2); // q uses the other constructor 
	Rational b(1); // uses constructor to initialize numerator and defaults the denominator to 1

	cout << b << endl;
	p.setNumerator(1); // set p to be 1/4 
	p= p + q;
	p= p * q;

	//print out p and q

	cout << "p is " << p.getNumerator() << "/" << p.getDenominator() << endl; 
	cout << "q is " << q.getNumerator() << "/" << q.getDenominator() << endl; 
	Rational r; 
	Rational s; 
	cout << "Enter a rational number (a/b): "; 
	cin >> r; 
	cout << "Enter a rational number (a/b): "; 
	cin >> s; 

	cout << "You entered the rational numbers " << r << " and " << s << endl;
	//Confirm +,-,*, and / works with rationals.
	Rational sum = r + s;
	Rational product = r * s;
	Rational difference = r - s;
	Rational divide = r/s;

	// Test greater than, greater than or equal to, and isEqual
	cout << "Changing value of r and s..." << endl;
	s. setDenominator(4);

	if (r >= s)
		cout << r << " is greater than or equal to " << s << endl;
		if (r > s)
			cout << "okay..." << r << " is actually greater than " << s << endl;
		else if (r== s)
			cout << "okay..." << r << " is actually equal to " <<  s << endl;
		cout << "Oops, I enter an incorrect rational to test greater than or equal to!" << endl;

	// Test less than, less than or equal to, and isEqual(again)
	cout << "Changing value of r and s again..." << endl;

	s. setDenominator(4);

	if (r <= s)
		cout << r << " is less than or equal to " << s << endl;
		if (r < s)
			cout << "okay..." << r << " is actually less than " << s << endl;
		else if (r== s)
			cout << "okay..." << r  << " is actually equal to " << s << endl;
		cout << "Oops, I enter an incorrect rational to test less than or equal to!" << endl;
	// Test the ability to cout new ADT.
	cout << r << " + " << s << " = " << sum << endl;
	cout << r << " * " << s << " = " << product << endl;
	cout << r << " - " << s << " = " << difference << endl;
	cout << r << " / " << s << " = " << divide << endl;
	// Test cloning or coping Rational ADT
	Rational t(s); 
	double tFloat = t.convertToFloatingPoint();
	cout << "s copied the rational " << s << " to t " << t << "." << endl;
	cout << "t in decimal equals: " << tFloat << endl; 

	// Test reducing rational **extra credit***

