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C++ Rational::isInteger方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中Rational::isInteger方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ Rational::isInteger方法的具体用法?C++ Rational::isInteger怎么用?C++ Rational::isInteger使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在Rational的用法示例。


示例1: printRational

void TheoryArith::printRational(ExprStream& os, const Rational& r,
                                bool printAsReal)
  // Print rational
  if (r.isInteger()) {
    if (r < 0) {
      if (os.lang() == SPASS_LANG) {
        os << "-" << (-r).toString();
        if (printAsReal) os << ".0";
      } else {
        os << "(" << push;
        if (os.lang() == SMTLIB_LANG) {
          os << "~";
        else {
          os << "-";
        os << space << (-r).toString();
        if (printAsReal) os << ".0";
        os << push << ")";
    else {
      os << r.toString();
      if (printAsReal) os << ".0";
  else {
    os << "(" << push << "/ ";
    Rational tmp = r.getNumerator();
    if (tmp < 0) {
      if (os.lang() == SPASS_LANG) {
        os << "-" << (-tmp).toString();
        if (printAsReal) os << ".0";
      } else {
        os << "(" << push;
        if (os.lang() == SMTLIB_LANG) {
          os << "~";
        else {
          os << "-";
        os << space << (-tmp).toString();
        if (printAsReal) os << ".0";
        os << push << ")";
    else {
      os << tmp.toString();
      if (printAsReal) os << ".0";
    os << space;
    tmp = r.getDenominator();
    DebugAssert(tmp > 0 && tmp.isInteger(), "Unexpected rational denominator");
    os << tmp.toString();
    if (printAsReal) os << ".0";
    os << push << ")";

示例2: checkInt

  static void checkInt(const Rational& n, const string& funName) {
		("CVC3::Rational::" + funName
		 + ": argument is not an integer: " + n.toString()).c_str());

示例3: main

int main( int argc, char** argv )
  // Command line options
  bool help_mode_enabled{ false };
  scalar end_time_override{ -1.0 };
  unsigned output_frequency{ 0 };
  std::string serialized_file_name;

  // Attempt to load command line options
  if( !parseCommandLineOptions( &argc, &argv, help_mode_enabled, end_time_override, output_frequency, serialized_file_name ) )
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  // If the user requested help, print help and exit
  if( help_mode_enabled )
    printUsage( argv[0] );
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

  // Check for impossible combinations of options
  #ifdef USE_HDF5
  if( g_output_forces && g_output_dir_name.empty() )
    std::cerr << "Impulse output requires an output directory." << std::endl;
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  #ifdef USE_PYTHON
  // Initialize the Python interpreter
  Py_SetProgramName( argv[0] );

  // Initialize a callback that will close down the interpreter
  atexit( exitCleanup );

  // Allow subsequent Python commands to use the sys module
  PythonTools::pythonCommand( "import sys" );

  // Prevent Python from intercepting the interrupt signal
  PythonTools::pythonCommand( "import signal" );
  PythonTools::pythonCommand( "signal.signal( signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_DFL )" );

  // Initialize the callbacks

  if( !serialized_file_name.empty() )
    if( deserializeSystem( serialized_file_name ) == EXIT_FAILURE )
      return EXIT_FAILURE;
    return executeSimLoop();

  // The user must provide the path to an xml scene file
  if( argc != optind + 1 )
    std::cerr << "Invalid arguments. Must provide a single xml scene file name." << std::endl;
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  // Attempt to load the user-provided scene
  if( !loadXMLScene( std::string{ argv[optind] } ) )
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  // Override the default end time with the requested one, if provided
  if( end_time_override > 0.0 )
    g_end_time = end_time_override;

  // Compute the data output rate
  assert( g_dt.positive() );
  // If the user provided an output frequency
  if( output_frequency != 0 )
    const Rational<std::intmax_t> potential_steps_per_frame{ std::intmax_t( 1 ) / ( g_dt * std::intmax_t( output_frequency ) ) };
    if( !potential_steps_per_frame.isInteger() )
      std::cerr << "Timestep and output frequency do not yield an integer number of timesteps for data output. Exiting." << std::endl;
      return EXIT_FAILURE;
    g_steps_per_save = unsigned( potential_steps_per_frame.numerator() );
  // Otherwise default to dumping every frame
    g_steps_per_save = 1;
  assert( g_end_time > 0.0 );
  g_save_number_width = MathUtilities::computeNumDigits( 1 + unsigned( ceil( g_end_time / scalar( g_dt ) ) ) / g_steps_per_save );

  printCompileInfo( std::cout );
  std::cout << "Geometry count: " << g_sim.state().ngeo() << std::endl;
