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C++ Pattern::getResult方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中Pattern::getResult方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ Pattern::getResult方法的具体用法?C++ Pattern::getResult怎么用?C++ Pattern::getResult使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在Pattern的用法示例。


示例1: CalculateComputableValues

// CalculateComputableValues - Fill in the ComputableValues map through
// analysis of the patterns we are playing with.
void InstrSelectorEmitter::CalculateComputableValues() {
  // Loop over all of the patterns, adding them to the ComputableValues map
  for (std::map<Record*, Pattern*>::iterator I = Patterns.begin(),
         E = Patterns.end(); I != E; ++I)
    if (I->second->isResolved()) {
      // We don't want to add patterns like R32 = R32.  This is a hack working
      // around a special case of a general problem, but for now we explicitly
      // forbid these patterns.  They can never match anyway.
      Pattern *P = I->second;
      if (!P->getResult() || !P->getTree()->isLeaf() ||
          P->getResult() != P->getTree()->getValueRecord())

示例2: run

     << "//\n";

  for (PatternOrganizer::iterator I = ComputableValues.begin(),
         E = ComputableValues.end(); I != E; ++I) {
    const std::string &SlotName = I->first;
    OS << "ReducedValue_" << SlotName << " *" << Target.getName()
       << "ISel::Reduce_" << SlotName
       << "(SelectionDAGNode *N, MachineBasicBlock *MBB) {\n"
       << "  ReducedValue_" << SlotName << " *Val = N->hasValue<ReducedValue_"
       << SlotName << ">(" << SlotName << "_Slot);\n"
       << "  if (Val) return Val;\n"
       << "  if (N->getBB()) MBB = N->getBB();\n\n"
       << "  switch (N->getPatternFor(" << SlotName << "_Slot)) {\n";

    // Loop over all of the patterns that can produce a value for this slot...
    PatternOrganizer::NodesForSlot &NodesForSlot = I->second;
    for (PatternOrganizer::NodesForSlot::iterator J = NodesForSlot.begin(),
           E = NodesForSlot.end(); J != E; ++J)
      for (unsigned i = 0, e = J->second.size(); i != e; ++i) {
        Pattern *P = J->second[i];
        OS << "  case " << P->getRecord()->getName() << "_Pattern: {\n"
           << "    // " << *P << "\n";
        // Loop over the operands, reducing them...
        std::vector<std::pair<TreePatternNode*, std::string> > Operands;
        ReduceAllOperands(P->getTree(), "N", Operands, OS);
        // Now that we have reduced all of our operands, and have the values
        // that reduction produces, perform the reduction action for this
        // pattern.
        std::string Result;

        // If the pattern produces a register result, generate a new register
        // now.
        if (Record *R = P->getResult()) {
          assert(R->isSubClassOf("RegisterClass") &&
                 "Only handle register class results so far!");
          OS << "    unsigned NewReg = makeAnotherReg(" << Target.getName()
             << "::" << R->getName() << "RegisterClass);\n";
          Result = "NewReg";
          DEBUG(OS << "    std::cerr << \"%reg\" << NewReg << \" =\t\";\n");
        } else {
          DEBUG(OS << "    std::cerr << \"\t\t\";\n");
          Result = "0";

        // Print out the pattern that matched...
        DEBUG(OS << "    std::cerr << \"  " << P->getRecord()->getName() <<'"');
        DEBUG(for (unsigned i = 0, e = Operands.size(); i != e; ++i)
                if (Operands[i].first->isLeaf()) {
                  Record *RV = Operands[i].first->getValueRecord();
                  assert(RV->isSubClassOf("RegisterClass") &&
                         "Only handles registers here so far!");
                  OS << " << \" %reg\" << " << Operands[i].second
                     << "->Val";
                } else {
                  OS << " << ' ' << " << Operands[i].second
                     << "->Val";
        DEBUG(OS << " << \"\\n\";\n");
        // Generate the reduction code appropriate to the particular type of
        // pattern that this is...
        switch (P->getPatternType()) {
        case Pattern::Instruction:
          // Instruction patterns just emit a single MachineInstr, using BuildMI
          OS << "    BuildMI(MBB, " << Target.getName() << "::"
