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C++ BatchedCommandResponse::toString方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中BatchedCommandResponse::toString方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ BatchedCommandResponse::toString方法的具体用法?C++ BatchedCommandResponse::toString怎么用?C++ BatchedCommandResponse::toString使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在BatchedCommandResponse的用法示例。


示例1: executeBatch

void BatchWriteExec::executeBatch(const BatchedCommandRequest& clientRequest,
                                  BatchedCommandResponse* clientResponse) {
    LOG(4) << "starting execution of write batch of size "
           << static_cast<int>(clientRequest.sizeWriteOps()) << " for " << clientRequest.getNS()
           << endl;

    BatchWriteOp batchOp;

    // Current batch status
    bool refreshedTargeter = false;
    int rounds = 0;
    int numCompletedOps = 0;
    int numRoundsWithoutProgress = 0;

    while (!batchOp.isFinished()) {
        // Get child batches to send using the targeter
        // Targeting errors can be caused by remote metadata changing (the collection could have
        // been dropped and recreated, for example with a new shard key).  If a remote metadata
        // change occurs *before* a client sends us a batch, we need to make sure that we don't
        // error out just because we're staler than the client - otherwise mongos will be have
        // unpredictable behavior.
        // (If a metadata change happens *during* or *after* a client sends us a batch, however,
        // we make no guarantees about delivery.)
        // For this reason, we don't record targeting errors until we've refreshed our targeting
        // metadata at least once *after* receiving the client batch - at that point, we know:
        // 1) our new metadata is the same as the metadata when the client sent a batch, and so
        //    targeting errors are real.
        // OR
        // 2) our new metadata is a newer version than when the client sent a batch, and so
        //    the metadata must have changed after the client batch was sent.  We don't need to
        //    deliver in this case, since for all the client knows we may have gotten the batch
        //    exactly when the metadata changed.

        OwnedPointerVector<TargetedWriteBatch> childBatchesOwned;
        vector<TargetedWriteBatch*>& childBatches = childBatchesOwned.mutableVector();

        // If we've already had a targeting error, we've refreshed the metadata once and can
        // record target errors definitively.
        bool recordTargetErrors = refreshedTargeter;
        Status targetStatus = batchOp.targetBatch(*_targeter, recordTargetErrors, &childBatches);
        if (!targetStatus.isOK()) {
            // Don't do anything until a targeter refresh
            refreshedTargeter = true;
            dassert(childBatches.size() == 0u);

        // Send all child batches

        size_t numSent = 0;
        size_t numToSend = childBatches.size();
        bool remoteMetadataChanging = false;
        while (numSent != numToSend) {
            // Collect batches out on the network, mapped by endpoint
            OwnedHostBatchMap ownedPendingBatches;
            OwnedHostBatchMap::MapType& pendingBatches = ownedPendingBatches.mutableMap();

            // Send side

            // Get as many batches as we can at once
            for (vector<TargetedWriteBatch*>::iterator it = childBatches.begin();
                 it != childBatches.end();
                 ++it) {
                // Collect the info needed to dispatch our targeted batch

                TargetedWriteBatch* nextBatch = *it;
                // If the batch is NULL, we sent it previously, so skip
                if (nextBatch == NULL)

                // Figure out what host we need to dispatch our targeted batch
                ConnectionString shardHost;
                Status resolveStatus =
                    _resolver->chooseWriteHost(nextBatch->getEndpoint().shardName, &shardHost);
                if (!resolveStatus.isOK()) {

                    // Record a resolve failure
                    // TODO: It may be necessary to refresh the cache if stale, or maybe just
                    // cancel and retarget the batch
                    WriteErrorDetail error;
                    buildErrorFrom(resolveStatus, &error);

                    LOG(4) << "unable to send write batch to " << shardHost.toString()
                           << causedBy(resolveStatus.toString()) << endl;

