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C++ BatchedCommandResponse::setErrCode方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中BatchedCommandResponse::setErrCode方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ BatchedCommandResponse::setErrCode方法的具体用法?C++ BatchedCommandResponse::setErrCode怎么用?C++ BatchedCommandResponse::setErrCode使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在BatchedCommandResponse的用法示例。


示例1: run

    bool ClusterWriteCmd::run( const string& dbName,
                               BSONObj& cmdObj,
                               int options,
                               string& errMsg,
                               BSONObjBuilder& result,
                               bool ) {

        BatchedCommandRequest request( _writeType );
        BatchedCommandResponse response;

        // TODO: if we do namespace parsing, push this to the type
        if ( !request.parseBSON( cmdObj, &errMsg ) || !request.isValid( &errMsg ) ) {
            // Batch parse failure
            response.setOk( false );
            response.setN( 0 );
            response.setErrCode( ErrorCodes::FailedToParse );
            response.setErrMessage( errMsg );

            dassert( response.isValid( &errMsg ) );
            result.appendElements( response.toBSON() );

            // TODO
            // There's a pending issue about how to report response here. If we use
            // the command infra-structure, we should reuse the 'errmsg' field. But
            // we have already filed that message inside the BatchCommandResponse.
            // return response.getOk();
            return true;

        NamespaceString nss( dbName, request.getNS() );
        request.setNS( nss.ns() );

        // App-level validation of a create index insert
        if ( request.isInsertIndexRequest() ) {
            if ( request.sizeWriteOps() != 1 || request.isWriteConcernSet() ) {
                // Invalid request to create index
                response.setOk( false );
                response.setN( 0 );
                response.setErrCode( ErrorCodes::CannotCreateIndex );
                response.setErrMessage( "invalid batch request for index creation" );

                dassert( response.isValid( &errMsg ) );
                result.appendElements( response.toBSON() );

                return false;

        clusterWrite( request, &response, true /* autosplit */ );
        result.appendElements( response.toBSON() );

        // TODO
        // There's a pending issue about how to report response here. If we use
        // the command infra-structure, we should reuse the 'errmsg' field. But
        // we have already filed that message inside the BatchCommandResponse.
        // return response.getOk();
        return true;

示例2: run

    bool WriteCmd::run(const string& dbName,
                       BSONObj& cmdObj,
                       int options,
                       string& errMsg,
                       BSONObjBuilder& result,
                       bool fromRepl) {

        // Can't be run on secondaries (logTheOp() == false, slaveOk() == false).
        dassert( !fromRepl );

        BatchedCommandRequest request( _writeType );
        BatchedCommandResponse response;

        if ( !request.parseBSON( cmdObj, &errMsg ) || !request.isValid( &errMsg ) ) {
            // Batch parse failure
            response.setOk( false );
            response.setErrCode( 99999 );
            response.setErrMessage( errMsg );
            result.appendElements( response.toBSON() );

            // TODO
            // There's a pending issue about how to report response here. If we use
            // the command infra-structure, we should reuse the 'errmsg' field. But
            // we have already filed that message inside the BatchCommandResponse.
            // return response.getOk();
            return true;

        // Note that this is a runCommmand, and therefore, the database and the collection name
        // are in different parts of the grammar for the command. But it's more convenient to
        // work with a NamespaceString. We built it here and replace it in the parsed command.
        // Internally, everything work with the namespace string as opposed to just the
        // collection name.
        NamespaceString nss(dbName, request.getNS());

            // Commands with locktype == NONE need to acquire a Context in order to set
            // CurOp::_ns.  Setting a CurOp's namespace is necessary for higher-level
            // functionality (e.g. profiling) to operate on the correct database (note that
            // WriteBatchExecutor doesn't do this for us, since its job is to create child CurOp
            // objects and operate on them).
            // Acquire ReadContext momentarily, for satisfying this purpose.
            Client::ReadContext ctx( dbName + ".$cmd" );

        WriteBatchExecutor writeBatchExecutor(&cc(), &globalOpCounters, lastError.get());

        writeBatchExecutor.executeBatch( request, &response );

        result.appendElements( response.toBSON() );

        // TODO
        // There's a pending issue about how to report response here. If we use
        // the command infra-structure, we should reuse the 'errmsg' field. But
        // we have already filed that message inside the BatchCommandResponse.
        // return response.getOk();
        return true;

示例3: run

    bool ClusterWriteCmd::run( const string& dbName,
                               BSONObj& cmdObj,
                               int options,
                               string& errMsg,
                               BSONObjBuilder& result,
                               bool ) {

        BatchedCommandRequest request( _writeType );
        BatchedCommandResponse response;
        ClusterWriter writer( true /* autosplit */, 0 /* timeout */ );

        // TODO: if we do namespace parsing, push this to the type
        if ( !request.parseBSON( cmdObj, &errMsg ) || !request.isValid( &errMsg ) ) {

            // Batch parse failure
            response.setOk( false );
            response.setErrCode( ErrorCodes::FailedToParse );
            response.setErrMessage( errMsg );
        else {

            // Fixup the namespace to be a full ns internally
            NamespaceString nss( dbName, request.getNS() );
            request.setNS( nss.ns() );
            writer.write( request, &response );

        dassert( response.isValid( NULL ) );

        // Save the last opTimes written on each shard for this client, to allow GLE to work
        if ( ClientInfo::exists() && writer.getStats().hasShardStats() ) {
            ClientInfo* clientInfo = ClientInfo::get( NULL );
            clientInfo->addHostOpTimes( writer.getStats().getShardStats().getWriteOpTimes() );

        // TODO
        // There's a pending issue about how to report response here. If we use
        // the command infra-structure, we should reuse the 'errmsg' field. But
        // we have already filed that message inside the BatchCommandResponse.
        // return response.getOk();
        result.appendElements( response.toBSON() );
        return true;

示例4: run

    bool ClusterWriteCmd::run( const string& dbName,
                               BSONObj& cmdObj,
                               int options,
                               string& errMsg,
                               BSONObjBuilder& result,
                               bool ) {

        BatchedCommandRequest request( _writeType );
        BatchedCommandResponse response;

        // TODO: if we do namespace parsing, push this to the type
        if ( !request.parseBSON( cmdObj, &errMsg ) || !request.isValid( &errMsg ) ) {

            // Batch parse failure
            response.setOk( false );
            response.setErrCode( ErrorCodes::FailedToParse );
            response.setErrMessage( errMsg );

            dassert( response.isValid( &errMsg ) );
        else {

            // Fixup the namespace to be a full ns internally
            NamespaceString nss( dbName, request.getNS() );
            request.setNS( nss.ns() );
            clusterWrite( request, &response, true /* autosplit */ );

        // Populate the lastError object based on the write
        dassert( response.isValid( NULL ) );
        LastError* lastErrorForRequest = lastError.get( true /* create */ );
        dassert( lastErrorForRequest );
        batchErrorToLastError( request, response, lastErrorForRequest );

        // TODO
        // There's a pending issue about how to report response here. If we use
        // the command infra-structure, we should reuse the 'errmsg' field. But
        // we have already filed that message inside the BatchCommandResponse.
        // return response.getOk();
        result.appendElements( response.toBSON() );
        return true;

示例5: run

    bool WriteCmd::run(const string& dbName,
                       BSONObj& cmdObj,
                       int options,
                       string& errMsg,
                       BSONObjBuilder& result,
                       bool fromRepl) {

        // Can't be run on secondaries (logTheOp() == false, slaveOk() == false).
        dassert( !fromRepl );
        BatchedCommandRequest request( _writeType );
        BatchedCommandResponse response;

        if ( !request.parseBSON( cmdObj, &errMsg ) || !request.isValid( &errMsg ) ) {

            // Batch parse failure
            response.setOk( false );
            response.setN( 0 );
            response.setErrCode( ErrorCodes::FailedToParse );
            response.setErrMessage( errMsg );

            dassert( response.isValid( &errMsg ) );
            result.appendElements( response.toBSON() );

            // TODO
            // There's a pending issue about how to report response here. If we use
            // the command infra-structure, we should reuse the 'errmsg' field. But
            // we have already filed that message inside the BatchCommandResponse.
            // return response.getOk();
            return true;

        // Note that this is a runCommmand, and therefore, the database and the collection name
        // are in different parts of the grammar for the command. But it's more convenient to
        // work with a NamespaceString. We built it here and replace it in the parsed command.
        // Internally, everything work with the namespace string as opposed to just the
        // collection name.
        NamespaceString nss(dbName, request.getNS());

        if ( cc().curop() )
            cc().curop()->setNS( nss.ns() );

        BSONObj defaultWriteConcern;
        // This is really bad - it's only safe because we leak the defaults by overriding them with
        // new defaults and because we never reset to an empty default.
        // TODO: fix this for sane behavior where we query repl set object
        if ( getLastErrorDefault ) defaultWriteConcern = *getLastErrorDefault;
        if ( defaultWriteConcern.isEmpty() ) {
            BSONObjBuilder b;
            b.append( "w", 1 );
            defaultWriteConcern = b.obj();

        WriteBatchExecutor writeBatchExecutor(defaultWriteConcern,

        writeBatchExecutor.executeBatch( request, &response );

        result.appendElements( response.toBSON() );

        // TODO
        // There's a pending issue about how to report response here. If we use
        // the command infra-structure, we should reuse the 'errmsg' field. But
        // we have already filed that message inside the BatchCommandResponse.
        // return response.getOk();
        return true;

示例6: run

    bool ClusterWriteCmd::run(OperationContext* txn, const string& dbName,
                               BSONObj& cmdObj,
                               int options,
                               string& errMsg,
                               BSONObjBuilder& result,
                               bool ) {

        BatchedCommandRequest request( _writeType );
        BatchedCommandResponse response;
        ClusterWriter writer( true /* autosplit */, 0 /* timeout */ );

        // NOTE: Sometimes this command is invoked with LE disabled for legacy writes
        LastError* cmdLastError = lastError.get( false );

            // Disable the last error object for the duration of the write
            LastError::Disabled disableLastError( cmdLastError );

            // TODO: if we do namespace parsing, push this to the type
            if ( !request.parseBSON( cmdObj, &errMsg ) || !request.isValid( &errMsg ) ) {

                // Batch parse failure
                response.setOk( false );
                response.setErrCode( ErrorCodes::FailedToParse );
                response.setErrMessage( errMsg );
            else {

                // Fixup the namespace to be a full ns internally
                NamespaceString nss( dbName, request.getNS() );
                request.setNS( nss.ns() );

                writer.write( request, &response );

            dassert( response.isValid( NULL ) );

        if ( cmdLastError ) {
            // Populate the lastError object based on the write response
            batchErrorToLastError( request, response, cmdLastError );

        size_t numAttempts;
        if ( !response.getOk() ) {
            numAttempts = 0;
        } else if ( request.getOrdered() && response.isErrDetailsSet() ) {
            numAttempts = response.getErrDetailsAt(0)->getIndex() + 1; // Add one failed attempt
        } else {
            numAttempts = request.sizeWriteOps();

        // TODO: increase opcounters by more than one
        if ( _writeType == BatchedCommandRequest::BatchType_Insert ) {
            for( size_t i = 0; i < numAttempts; ++i ) {
        } else if ( _writeType == BatchedCommandRequest::BatchType_Update ) {
            for( size_t i = 0; i < numAttempts; ++i ) {
        } else if ( _writeType == BatchedCommandRequest::BatchType_Delete ) {
            for( size_t i = 0; i < numAttempts; ++i ) {

        // Save the last opTimes written on each shard for this client, to allow GLE to work
        if ( ClientInfo::exists() && writer.getStats().hasShardStats() ) {
            ClientInfo* clientInfo = ClientInfo::get( NULL );
            clientInfo->addHostOpTimes( writer.getStats().getShardStats().getWriteOpTimes() );

        // TODO
        // There's a pending issue about how to report response here. If we use
        // the command infra-structure, we should reuse the 'errmsg' field. But
        // we have already filed that message inside the BatchCommandResponse.
        // return response.getOk();
        result.appendElements( response.toBSON() );
        return true;

示例7: run

    bool ClusterWriteCmd::run( const string& dbName,
                               BSONObj& cmdObj,
                               int options,
                               string& errMsg,
                               BSONObjBuilder& result,
                               bool ) {

        BatchedCommandRequest request( _writeType );
        BatchedCommandResponse response;

        // TODO: if we do namespace parsing, push this to the type
        if ( !request.parseBSON( cmdObj, &errMsg ) || !request.isValid( &errMsg ) ) {
            // Batch parse failure
            response.setOk( false );
            response.setN( 0 );
            response.setErrCode( ErrorCodes::FailedToParse );
            response.setErrMessage( errMsg );

            dassert( response.isValid( &errMsg ) );
            result.appendElements( response.toBSON() );

            // TODO
            // There's a pending issue about how to report response here. If we use
            // the command infra-structure, we should reuse the 'errmsg' field. But
            // we have already filed that message inside the BatchCommandResponse.
            // return response.getOk();
            return true;

        // App-level validation of a create index insert
        if ( request.isInsertIndexRequest() ) {
            if ( request.sizeWriteOps() != 1 || request.isWriteConcernSet() ) {
                // Invalid request to create index
                response.setOk( false );
                response.setN( 0 );
                response.setErrCode( ErrorCodes::CannotCreateIndex );
                response.setErrMessage( "invalid batch request for index creation" );

                dassert( response.isValid( &errMsg ) );
                result.appendElements( response.toBSON() );

                return false;

        // Assemble the batch executor and run the batch

        ChunkManagerTargeter targeter;

        NamespaceString nss( dbName, request.getNS() );
        request.setNS( nss.ns() );

        Status targetInitStatus = targeter.init( NamespaceString( request.getTargetingNS() ) );

        if ( !targetInitStatus.isOK() ) {

            warning() << "could not initialize targeter for"
                      << ( request.isInsertIndexRequest() ? " index" : "" )
                      << " write op in collection " << request.getTargetingNS() << endl;

            // Errors will be reported in response if we are unable to target

        DBClientShardResolver resolver;
        DBClientMultiCommand dispatcher;

        BatchWriteExec exec( &targeter, &resolver, &dispatcher );

        exec.executeBatch( request, &response );

        result.appendElements( response.toBSON() );

        splitIfNeeded( request.getNS(), *targeter.getStats() );

        // TODO
        // There's a pending issue about how to report response here. If we use
        // the command infra-structure, we should reuse the 'errmsg' field. But
        // we have already filed that message inside the BatchCommandResponse.
        // return response.getOk();
        return true;
