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C++ BatchedCommandResponse::getWriteConcernError方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中BatchedCommandResponse::getWriteConcernError方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ BatchedCommandResponse::getWriteConcernError方法的具体用法?C++ BatchedCommandResponse::getWriteConcernError怎么用?C++ BatchedCommandResponse::getWriteConcernError使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在BatchedCommandResponse的用法示例。


示例1: getStatus

static Status getStatus(const BatchedCommandResponse& response) {
    if (response.getOk() != 1) {
        return Status(static_cast<ErrorCodes::Error>(response.getErrCode()),

    if (response.isErrDetailsSet()) {
        const WriteErrorDetail* errDetail = response.getErrDetails().front();
        return Status(static_cast<ErrorCodes::Error>(errDetail->getErrCode()),

    if (response.isWriteConcernErrorSet()) {
        const WCErrorDetail* errDetail = response.getWriteConcernError();
        return Status(static_cast<ErrorCodes::Error>(errDetail->getErrCode()),

    return Status::OK();

示例2: noteBatchResponse

void BatchWriteOp::noteBatchResponse(const TargetedWriteBatch& targetedBatch,
                                     const BatchedCommandResponse& response,
                                     TrackedErrors* trackedErrors) {
    if (!response.getOk()) {
        WriteErrorDetail error;
        cloneCommandErrorTo(response, &error);

        // Treat command errors exactly like other failures of the batch
        // Note that no errors will be tracked from these failures - as-designed
        noteBatchError(targetedBatch, error);


    // Stop tracking targeted batch

    // Increment stats for this batch
    incBatchStats(_clientRequest->getBatchType(), response, _stats.get());

    // Assign errors to particular items.
    // Write Concern errors are stored and handled later.

    // Special handling for write concern errors, save for later
    if (response.isWriteConcernErrorSet()) {
        unique_ptr<ShardWCError> wcError(
            new ShardWCError(targetedBatch.getEndpoint(), *response.getWriteConcernError()));

    vector<WriteErrorDetail*> itemErrors;

    // Handle batch and per-item errors
    if (response.isErrDetailsSet()) {
        // Per-item errors were set
            itemErrors.begin(), response.getErrDetails().begin(), response.getErrDetails().end());

        // Sort per-item errors by index
        std::sort(itemErrors.begin(), itemErrors.end(), WriteErrorDetailComp());

    // Go through all pending responses of the op and sorted remote reponses, populate errors
    // This will either set all errors to the batch error or apply per-item errors as-needed
    // If the batch is ordered, cancel all writes after the first error for retargeting.

    bool ordered = _clientRequest->getOrdered();

    vector<WriteErrorDetail*>::iterator itemErrorIt = itemErrors.begin();
    int index = 0;
    WriteErrorDetail* lastError = NULL;
    for (vector<TargetedWrite*>::const_iterator it = targetedBatch.getWrites().begin();
         it != targetedBatch.getWrites().end();
         ++it, ++index) {
        const TargetedWrite* write = *it;
        WriteOp& writeOp = _writeOps[write->writeOpRef.first];

        dassert(writeOp.getWriteState() == WriteOpState_Pending);

        // See if we have an error for the write
        WriteErrorDetail* writeError = NULL;

        if (itemErrorIt != itemErrors.end() && (*itemErrorIt)->getIndex() == index) {
            // We have an per-item error for this write op's index
            writeError = *itemErrorIt;

        // Finish the response (with error, if needed)
        if (NULL == writeError) {
            if (!ordered || !lastError) {
            } else {
                // We didn't actually apply this write - cancel so we can retarget
                dassert(writeOp.getNumTargeted() == 1u);
        } else {
            writeOp.noteWriteError(*write, *writeError);
            lastError = writeError;

    // Track errors we care about, whether batch or individual errors
    if (NULL != trackedErrors) {
        trackErrors(targetedBatch.getEndpoint(), itemErrors, trackedErrors);

    // Track upserted ids if we need to
    if (response.isUpsertDetailsSet()) {
        const vector<BatchedUpsertDetail*>& upsertedIds = response.getUpsertDetails();
        for (vector<BatchedUpsertDetail*>::const_iterator it = upsertedIds.begin();
             it != upsertedIds.end();
             ++it) {
