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C++ BatchedCommandResponse::getElectionId方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中BatchedCommandResponse::getElectionId方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ BatchedCommandResponse::getElectionId方法的具体用法?C++ BatchedCommandResponse::getElectionId怎么用?C++ BatchedCommandResponse::getElectionId使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在BatchedCommandResponse的用法示例。


示例1: executeBatch

                    // Get the TargetedWriteBatch to find where to put the response
                    dassert( pendingBatches.find( shardHost ) != pendingBatches.end() );
                    TargetedWriteBatch* batchRaw = pendingBatches.find( shardHost )->second;
                    scoped_ptr<TargetedWriteBatch> batch( batchRaw );

                    if ( dispatchStatus.isOK() ) {

                        TrackedErrors trackedErrors;
                        trackedErrors.startTracking( ErrorCodes::StaleShardVersion );

                        // Dispatch was ok, note response
                        batchOp.noteBatchResponse( *batch, response, &trackedErrors );

                        // Note if anything was stale
                        const vector<ShardError*>& staleErrors =
                            trackedErrors.getErrors( ErrorCodes::StaleShardVersion );

                        if ( staleErrors.size() > 0 ) {
                            noteStaleResponses( staleErrors, _targeter );

                        // Remember if the shard is actively changing metadata right now
                        if ( isShardMetadataChanging( staleErrors ) ) {
                            remoteMetadataChanging = true;

                        // Remember that we successfully wrote to this shard
                        // NOTE: This will record lastOps for shards where we actually didn't update
                        // or delete any documents, which preserves old behavior but is conservative
                        _stats->noteWriteAt( shardHost,
                                             response.isLastOpSet() ? 
                                             response.getLastOp() : OpTime(),
                                             response.isElectionIdSet() ?
                                             response.getElectionId() : OID());
                    else {

                        // Error occurred dispatching, note it
                        WriteErrorDetail error;
                        buildErrorFrom( dispatchStatus, &error );
                        batchOp.noteBatchError( *batch, error );


            // If we're done, get out
            if ( batchOp.isFinished() )

            // MORE WORK TO DO

            // Refresh the targeter if we need to (no-op if nothing stale)

            bool targeterChanged = false;
            Status refreshStatus = _targeter->refreshIfNeeded( &targeterChanged );

            if ( !refreshStatus.isOK() ) {

                // It's okay if we can't refresh, we'll just record errors for the ops if
                // needed.
                warning() << "could not refresh targeter" << causedBy( refreshStatus.reason() )
                          << endl;

            // Ensure progress is being made toward completing the batch op

            int currCompletedOps = batchOp.numWriteOpsIn( WriteOpState_Completed );
            if ( currCompletedOps == numCompletedOps && !targeterChanged
                 && !remoteMetadataChanging ) {
            else {
                numRoundsWithoutProgress = 0;
            numCompletedOps = currCompletedOps;

            if ( numRoundsWithoutProgress > kMaxRoundsWithoutProgress ) {

                stringstream msg;
                msg << "no progress was made executing batch write op in " << clientRequest.getNS()
                    << " after " << kMaxRoundsWithoutProgress << " rounds (" << numCompletedOps
                    << " ops completed in " << rounds << " rounds total)";

                WriteErrorDetail error;
                buildErrorFrom( Status( ErrorCodes::NoProgressMade, msg.str() ), &error );
                batchOp.setBatchError( error );

        batchOp.buildClientResponse( clientResponse );
