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C++ AACube::calcCenter方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中AACube::calcCenter方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ AACube::calcCenter方法的具体用法?C++ AACube::calcCenter怎么用?C++ AACube::calcCenter使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在AACube的用法示例。


示例1: if

void DiffTraversal::Waypoint::getNextVisibleElementDifferential(DiffTraversal::VisibleElement& next,
        const DiffTraversal::View& view, const DiffTraversal::View& lastView) {
    if (_nextIndex == -1) {
        // root case is special
        EntityTreeElementPointer element = _weakElement.lock();
        next.element = element;
        next.intersection = ViewFrustum::INTERSECT;
    } else if (_nextIndex < NUMBER_OF_CHILDREN) {
        EntityTreeElementPointer element = _weakElement.lock();
        if (element) {
            while (_nextIndex < NUMBER_OF_CHILDREN) {
                EntityTreeElementPointer nextElement = element->getChildAtIndex(_nextIndex);
                if (nextElement) {
                    AACube cube = nextElement->getAACube();
                    // check for LOD truncation
                    float distance = glm::distance(view.viewFrustum.getPosition(), cube.calcCenter()) + MIN_VISIBLE_DISTANCE;
                    float angularDiameter = cube.getScale() / distance;
                    if (angularDiameter > MIN_ELEMENT_ANGULAR_DIAMETER * view.lodScaleFactor) {
                        if (view.viewFrustum.calculateCubeKeyholeIntersection(cube) != ViewFrustum::OUTSIDE) {
                            next.element = nextElement;
                            next.intersection = ViewFrustum::OUTSIDE;
    next.intersection = ViewFrustum::OUTSIDE;

示例2: getAngularSize

float ConicalViewFrustum::getAngularSize(const AACube& cube) const {
    auto radius = 0.5f * SQRT_THREE * cube.getScale(); // radius of bounding sphere
    auto position = cube.calcCenter() - _position; // position of bounding sphere in view-frame
    float distance = glm::length(position);

    return getAngularSize(distance, radius);

示例3: updateVoxels

void VoxelShapeManager::updateVoxels(const quint64& now, CubeList& cubes) {
    const quint64 VOXEL_UPDATE_PERIOD = 100000; // usec
    _updateExpiry = now + VOXEL_UPDATE_PERIOD;
    PhysicsSimulation* simulation = getSimulation();
    if (!simulation) {

    int numChanges = 0;
    VoxelPool::iterator voxelItr = _voxels.begin();
    while (voxelItr != _voxels.end()) {
        // look for this voxel in cubes
        CubeList::iterator cubeItr = cubes.find(voxelItr.key());
        if (cubeItr == cubes.end()) {
            // did not find it --> remove the voxel
            voxelItr = _voxels.erase(voxelItr);
        } else {
            // found it --> remove the cube

    // add remaining cubes to _voxels
    glm::vec3 simulationOrigin = simulation->getTranslation();
    CubeList::const_iterator cubeItr = cubes.constBegin();
    while (cubeItr != cubes.constEnd()) {
        AACube cube = cubeItr.value();
        AACubeShape* shape = new AACubeShape(cube.getScale(), cube.calcCenter() - simulationOrigin);
        VoxelInfo voxel = {cube, shape };
        _voxels.insert(cubeItr.key(), voxel);

    if (numChanges > 0) {

示例4: getProjectedPolygon

OctreeProjectedPolygon ViewFrustum::getProjectedPolygon(const AACube& box) const {
    const glm::vec3& bottomNearRight = box.getCorner();
    glm::vec3 topFarLeft = box.calcTopFarLeft();

    int lookUp = ((_position.x < bottomNearRight.x)     )   //  1 = right      |   compute 6-bit
               + ((_position.x > topFarLeft.x     ) << 1)   //  2 = left       |         code to
               + ((_position.y < bottomNearRight.y) << 2)   //  4 = bottom     | classify camera
               + ((_position.y > topFarLeft.y     ) << 3)   //  8 = top        | with respect to
               + ((_position.z < bottomNearRight.z) << 4)   // 16 = front/near |  the 6 defining
               + ((_position.z > topFarLeft.z     ) << 5);  // 32 = back/far   |          planes

    int vertexCount = hullVertexLookup[lookUp][0];  //look up number of vertices

    OctreeProjectedPolygon projectedPolygon(vertexCount);

    bool pointInView = true;
    bool allPointsInView = false; // assume the best, but wait till we know we have a vertex
    bool anyPointsInView = false; // assume the worst!
    if (vertexCount) {
        allPointsInView = true; // assume the best!
        for(int i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++) {
            int vertexNum = hullVertexLookup[lookUp][i+1];
            glm::vec3 point = box.getVertex((BoxVertex)vertexNum);
            glm::vec2 projectedPoint = projectPoint(point, pointInView);
            allPointsInView = allPointsInView && pointInView;
            anyPointsInView = anyPointsInView || pointInView;
            projectedPolygon.setVertex(i, projectedPoint);

        // Now that we've got the polygon, if it extends beyond the clipping window, then let's clip it
        // NOTE: This clipping does not improve our overall performance. It basically causes more polygons to
        // end up in the same quad/half and so the polygon lists get longer, and that's more calls to polygon.occludes()
        if ( (projectedPolygon.getMaxX() > PolygonClip::RIGHT_OF_CLIPPING_WINDOW ) ||
             (projectedPolygon.getMaxY() > PolygonClip::TOP_OF_CLIPPING_WINDOW   ) ||
             (projectedPolygon.getMaxX() < PolygonClip::LEFT_OF_CLIPPING_WINDOW  ) ||
             (projectedPolygon.getMaxY() < PolygonClip::BOTTOM_OF_CLIPPING_WINDOW) ) {


            glm::vec2* clippedVertices;
            int        clippedVertexCount;
            PolygonClip::clipToScreen(projectedPolygon.getVertices(), vertexCount, clippedVertices, clippedVertexCount);

            // Now reset the vertices of our projectedPolygon object
            for(int i = 0; i < clippedVertexCount; i++) {
                projectedPolygon.setVertex(i, clippedVertices[i]);
            delete[] clippedVertices;

            lookUp += PROJECTION_CLIPPED;
    // set the distance from our camera position, to the closest vertex
    float distance = glm::distance(getPosition(), box.calcCenter());
    projectedPolygon.setProjectionType(lookUp); // remember the projection type
    return projectedPolygon;

示例5: recalculateCollisionShape

void EntityItem::recalculateCollisionShape() {
    AACube entityAACube = getMinimumAACube();
    entityAACube.scale(TREE_SCALE); // scale to meters
