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C语言 strchr()用法及代码示例

本节将讨论 C 编程语言中字符串头的 strchr() 函数。 strchr() 函数用于在原始字符串中查找指定字符的第一次出现。换句话说,strchr() 函数检查原始字符串是否包含定义的字符。如果在字符串中找到该字符,则返回一个指针值;否则,它返回一个空指针。在C语言中使用strchr()函数时,需要在程序中导入<string.h>头文件。

strchr() function in C


char *strchr (const char *str, int c);

在上面的语法中,一个 strchr() 函数有两个参数:str 和 ch。

str:str 表示要在其中搜索字符的原始字符串。

ch:ch 是字符类型变量,表示在字符串 str 中搜索的字符。


演示 strchr() 函数使用的程序



#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main ()
    const char str[] = "Use strchr() function in C.";
    const char ch = 's'; // it is searched in str[] array
    char *ptr; // declare character pointer ptr
    printf (" Original string is:%s \n", str);
    // use strchr() function and pass str in which ch is to be searched
    ptr = strchr( str, ch);
    printf (" The first occurrence of the '%c' in '%s' string  is:'%s' ", ch, str, ptr);
    return 0;


Original string is:Use strchr() function in C.
 The first occurrence of the 's' in 'Use strchr() function in C.' string is:'e strchr() function in C.'

在上面的程序中,我们给strchr()函数传递了一个str参数来搜索字符's',当找到一个字符时,返回一个指针ptr值。 ptr 变量包含来自原始字符串的指定字符的值,直到 ch 变量在字符串中没有获得空字符。

使用 strchr() 函数和 if-else 语句搜索字符的程序

让我们考虑使用 strchr() 函数和 if-else 语句在 C 编程语言的给定字符串中获取第一个字符的出现的示例。


#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h> // use string.h header file 

int main ()
    const char *s = "javatpoint"; // initialization of the constant char pointer
    char ch; // declare a ch variable
    printf (" Original string:\"%s\" \n ", s); // print the string
    // take a character from the user 
    printf ("Please enter a character you want to search in the string:");
    scanf (" %c", &ch;);
    // it checks whether the specified character exists in the string
    if ( strchr (s, ch) != NULL )
        printf (" \n '%c' is found in \"%s\" ", ch, s);
    // if the character is not found, the below statement is executed		
        printf (" \n '%c' is not found in \"%s\" ", ch, s);
    return 0;	


Original string:"javatpoint"
 Please enter a character you want to search in the string:p

 'p' is found in "javatpoint"


Original string:"javatpoint"
 Please enter a character you want to search in the string:b

 'b' is not found in "javatpoint"

在上面的程序中,我们传递了一个字符串 "javatpoint" 来搜索指定的字符。这里我们将 'p' 字符作为用户的输入并在字符串中进行搜索。之后,if 语句使用 strchr() 函数检查字符是否出现,如果存在则打印指定的字符。否则,表示在字符串中找不到该字符。


让我们考虑一个示例,使用 strchr() 函数和 C 编程语言的 while 循环打印给定字符串中每个字符的出现次数。


#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main ()
    // initialize a string
    char str[] = " Welcome to the JavaTpoint site";
    char *ptr; // declare a pointer variable
    int i = 1; // declare and initialize i
    // use strchr() function to check the occurrence of the character 
    ptr = strchr (str, 'e' );
    // use while loop to checks ptr until it becomes null
    while (ptr != NULL)
        printf (" Given character 'e' found at position %d \n", (ptr - str + 1));
        printf (" Occurrence of the character 'e':%d \n", i);
        printf (" The occurrence of the character 'e' in the string \"%s\" is \"%s\" \n \n", str, ptr);
        // use strchr() function to update the position of the string
        ptr = strchr (ptr + 1, 'e');
    return 0;


Given character 'e' found at position 3
 Occurrence of the character 'e':1
 The occurrence of the character 'e' in the string " Welcome to the JavaTpoint site" is "elcome to the JavaTpoint site"

 Given character 'e' found at position 8	
 Occurrence of the character 'e':2
 The occurrence of the character 'e' in the string " Welcome to the JavaTpoint site" is "e to the JavaTpoint site"

 Given character 'e' found at position 15
 Occurrence of the character 'e':3
 The occurrence of the character 'e' in the string " Welcome to the JavaTpoint site" is "e JavaTpoint site"

 Given character 'e' found at position 31
 Occurrence of the character 'e':4
 The occurrence of the character 'e' in the string " Welcome to the JavaTpoint site" is "e"


注:本文由纯净天空筛选整理自 strchr() function in C。非经特殊声明,原始代码版权归原作者所有,本译文未经允许或授权,请勿转载或复制。