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C语言 setfillstyle() and floodfill()用法及代码示例

头文件graphics.h包含setfillstyle()函数,该函数设置当前的填充图案和填充颜色。 floodfill()函数用于填充封闭区域。当前的填充图案和填充颜色用于填充区域。


void setfillstyle(int pattern, int color)

void floodfill(int x, int y, int border_color)


Input:pattern = HATCH_FILL, Color = RED 
        circle:x = 250, y = 250, radius = 100 
        floodfill:x = 250, y = 250, border color =15

Input:pattern = LTSLASH_FILL, Color = RED
       rectangle:left = 200, top = 200, right = 450, bottom = 450
       floodfill:x = 201, y = 201, border_color = 15

下表显示了与颜色相对应的INT VALUES:

COLOR               INT VALUES
BLACK                   0
BLUE                    1
GREEN                   2
CYAN                    3   
RED                     4
MAGENTA                 5
BROWN                   6 
LIGHTGRAY               7 
DARKGRAY                8
LIGHTBLUE               9
LIGHTGREEN             10
LIGHTCYAN              11
LIGHTRED               12
LIGHTMAGENTA           13
YELLOW                 14
WHITE                  15

下表显示了对应于模式的INT VALUES:

EMPTY_FILL               0
SOLID_FILL               1
LINE_FILL                2
LTSLASH_FILL             3   
SLASH_FILL               4
BKSLASH_FILL             5
LTBKSLASH_FILL           6 
HATCH_FILL               7 
XHATCH_FILL              8
WIDE_DOT_FILL           10
CLOSE_DOT_FILL          11
USER_FILL               12


// C Implementation for setfillstyle 
// and floodfill function 
#include <graphics.h> 
// driver code 
int main() 
    // gm is Graphics mode which is  
    // a computer display mode that 
    // generates image using pixels. 
    // DETECT is a macro defined in 
    // "graphics.h" header file 
    int gd = DETECT, gm; 
    // initgraph initializes the  
    // graphics system by loading 
    // a graphics driver from disk 
    initgraph(&gd, &gm, " "); 
    // center and radius of circle 
    int x_circle = 250; 
    int y_circle = 250; 
    int radius=100; 
    // setting border color 
    int border_color = WHITE; 
    // set color and pattern 
    // x and y is a position and 
    // radius is for radius of circle 
    // fill the color at location  
    // (x, y) with in border color 
    // closegraph function closes the 
    // graphics mode and deallocates 
    // all memory allocated by  
    // graphics system  
    return 0; 


注:本文由纯净天空筛选整理自DevanshuAgarwal大神的英文原创作品 setfillstyle() and floodfill() in C。非经特殊声明,原始代码版权归原作者所有,本译文未经允许或授权,请勿转载或复制。