,特别令人感兴趣的解,被称为圆柱贝塞尔函数,以著名的德国数学家弗里 Delhi 希·威廉·贝塞尔的名字命名。要求的原因
, 给出,
由于表达式中包含 Gamma Function,只能计算积分和半积分值,因此参数
C++17 (GCC 7.1) 标准库

Input: x = 2.798465, v = 0 Output: 4.152234090041574 Input: x = 3.04513, v = 0.5 Output: 4.792979684692604注意:以下源代码只能在 C++17 及更高版本上运行。可以检查给定代码的运行示例这里。要运行不同的输入,请访问链接并单击右下角的“Edit”。
// C++17 code for bessel function
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Compute the answer from the formulae for first 10 terms
long double answer(long double x, long double v)
long double ans_by_expansion = 0;
long double fact = 1;
for (int k = 0; k < 10; fact = fact * (++k)) {
ans_by_expansion += pow((x / 2), (2 * k)) / pow(fact, 2);
cout << "ans_by_expansion till term k = ";
cout << k << " is " << ans_by_expansion << "\n";
return ans_by_expansion;
// Driver code
int main()
long double x = 2.798465;
long double v = 0;
// Compute the Regular Modified Bessel Function
// for v = 0, x = 2.798465
long double ans_by_function = cyl_bessel_i(v, x);
cout << setprecision(15) << fixed;
cout << "The answer by function for "
<< "Regular_Modified_Bessel_Function" << endl
<< "(" << v << ", " << x << ") = "
<< ans_by_function << "\n";
// calculate answer by expansion
long double ans_by_expansion = answer(x, v);
cout << "Absolute Error in answer by both the methods is = ";
cout << abs(ans_by_expansion - ans_by_function) << "\n";
return 0;
The answer by function for Regular_Modified_Bessel_Function (0.000000000000000, 2.798465000000000) = 4.152234090041574 ans_by_expansion till term k = 0 is 1.000000000000000 ans_by_expansion till term k = 1 is 2.957851589056250 ans_by_expansion till term k = 2 is 3.916147300248771 ans_by_expansion till term k = 3 is 4.124614053687001 ans_by_expansion till term k = 4 is 4.150123238967278 ans_by_expansion till term k = 5 is 4.152120966924739 ans_by_expansion till term k = 6 is 4.152229612892962 ans_by_expansion till term k = 7 is 4.152233953968095 ans_by_expansion till term k = 8 is 4.152234086767796 ans_by_expansion till term k = 9 is 4.152234089977698 Absolute Error in answer by both the methods is = 0.000000000063876
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注:本文由纯净天空筛选整理自AayushChaturvedi大神的英文原创作品 std::cyl_bessel_i in C++17。非经特殊声明,原始代码版权归原作者所有,本译文未经允许或授权,请勿转载或复制。