本文整理汇总了Python中visualization_msgs.msg.Marker.points方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Marker.points方法的具体用法?Python Marker.points怎么用?Python Marker.points使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类visualization_msgs.msg.Marker
示例1: add_marker
# 需要导入模块: from visualization_msgs.msg import Marker [as 别名]
# 或者: from visualization_msgs.msg.Marker import points [as 别名]
def add_marker(self, array, track, color, tid):
m1 = Marker()
m1.header.frame_id = "camera_rgb_optical_frame"
m1.ns = "line"
m1.id = tid
m1.type = 4 #lines
m1.action = 0
m1.scale.x = .002
m1.color.a = 1.
m1.color.r = color[0]/255.
m1.color.g = color[1]/255.
m1.color.b = color[2]/255.
m1.points = track
m2 = Marker()
m2.header.frame_id = "camera_rgb_optical_frame"
m2.ns = "point"
m2.id = tid
m2.type = 8 #points
m2.action = 0
m2.scale.x = .008
m2.scale.y = .008
m2.color.a = 1.
m2.color.r = color[0]/255.
m2.color.g = color[1]/255.
m2.color.b = color[2]/255.
m2.points = [ track[-1] ]
示例2: node
# 需要导入模块: from visualization_msgs.msg import Marker [as 别名]
# 或者: from visualization_msgs.msg.Marker import points [as 别名]
def node():
pub = rospy.Publisher('shapes', Marker, queue_size=10)
rospy.init_node('plotter', anonymous=False)
rate = rospy.Rate(1)
#Set the frame ID and timestamp. See the TF tutorials for information on these.
points.ns=line.ns = "markers"
points.id = 0
line.id =2
points.type = Marker.POINTS
#Set the marker action. Options are ADD, DELETE, and new in ROS Indigo: 3 (DELETEALL)
points.action = line.action = Marker.ADD;
points.pose.orientation.w = line.pose.orientation.w = 1.0;
line.scale.x = 0.02;
line.scale.y= 0.02;
line.color.r = 1.0;
points.color.g = 1.0;
points.color.a=line.color.a = 1.0;
points.lifetime =line.lifetime = rospy.Duration();
p.x = 1;
p.y = 1;
p.z = 1;
while not rospy.is_shutdown():
#print points.points,'\n','----------------','\n'
示例3: display_init_config
# 需要导入模块: from visualization_msgs.msg import Marker [as 别名]
# 或者: from visualization_msgs.msg.Marker import points [as 别名]
def display_init_config(points, old=False, clear=False):
Displays config on screen.
Assumes markers already in the right place for frame camera1_rgb_optical_frame.
global rviz_marker, rviz_pub
if rviz_pub is None:
rviz_pub = rospy.Publisher('init_config', Marker)
if rviz_marker is None:
rviz_marker = Marker()
rviz_marker.type = Marker.POINTS
rviz_marker.action = Marker.ADD
if clear:
rviz_marker.points = []
if old and points is not None:
if points is None:
# rviz_marker.type = Marker.SPHERE
color = ColorRGBA(0.5,0,1,1)
rviz_marker.scale.x = 0.01
rviz_marker.scale.y = 0.01
rviz_marker.scale.z = 0.01
rviz_marker.pose.position.x = 0.0
rviz_marker.pose.position.y = 0.0
rviz_marker.pose.position.z = 0.0
rviz_marker.pose.orientation.w = 1.0
rviz_marker.pose.orientation.x = 0.0
rviz_marker.pose.orientation.y = 0.0
rviz_marker.pose.orientation.z = 0.0
rviz_marker.color = color
rviz_marker.points = []
for point in points:
rviz_marker.header.frame_id = 'camera1_rgb_optical_frame'
rviz_marker.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
示例4: get_visualization_markers
# 需要导入模块: from visualization_msgs.msg import Marker [as 别名]
# 或者: from visualization_msgs.msg.Marker import points [as 别名]
def get_visualization_markers(self, type='hough_lines'):
Returns a visualization_msgs.Marker Message
with the lines from the Hough Transform in the frame of the scanner.
if type == 'hough_lines':
marker = Marker()
marker.header.frame_id = self.scan.frame_id
marker.header.stamp = self.scan.timestamp
marker.ns = "hough_lines"
marker.id = 0
marker.scale.x = 0.01
marker.scale.y = 0.01
marker.scale.z = 0.01
marker.type = marker.LINE_LIST
marker.action = marker.ADD
marker.lifetime = rospy.Duration()
marker.points = []
for (pt1, pt2) in self.get_lines_meters():
marker.points.append(Point(pt1[1], pt1[0], 0))
marker.points.append(Point(pt2[1], pt2[0], 0))
marker.color.r = 0.0
marker.color.g = 1.0
marker.color.b = 0.0
marker.color.a = 1.0
return marker
示例5: marker
# 需要导入模块: from visualization_msgs.msg import Marker [as 别名]
# 或者: from visualization_msgs.msg.Marker import points [as 别名]
def marker(self, position=None, orientation=None, points=None, colors=None, scale=1.0):
mark = Marker()
mark.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
mark.header.frame_id = self.frame_id
mark.ns = self.ns
mark.type = self.type
mark.id = self.counter
mark.action = self.action
mark.scale.x = self.scale[0]
mark.scale.y = self.scale[1]
mark.scale.z = self.scale[2]
mark.color.r = self.color[0]
mark.color.g = self.color[1]
mark.color.b = self.color[2]
mark.color.a = self.color[3]
mark.lifetime = rospy.Duration(self.lifetime)
if points is not None:
mark.points = []
for point in points:
mark.points.append(get_point(point, scale))
if colors is not None:
mark.colors = colors
if position is not None or orientation is not None:
mark.pose.position = get_point(position, scale)
mark.pose.orientation = get_quat(orientation)
return mark
示例6: create_line_marker
# 需要导入模块: from visualization_msgs.msg import Marker [as 别名]
# 或者: from visualization_msgs.msg.Marker import points [as 别名]
def create_line_marker(p1, p2, frame_id):
h = Header()
h.frame_id = frame_id #tie marker visualization to laser it comes from
h.stamp = rospy.Time.now() # Note you need to call rospy.init_node() before this will work
#create marker:person_marker, modify a red cylinder, last indefinitely
mark = Marker()
mark.header = h
mark.ns = "unit_vector"
mark.id = 0
mark.type = Marker.LINE_STRIP
mark.action = 0
mark.scale.x = 0.2
mark.color = color = ColorRGBA(0.2, 0.5, 0.7, 1.0)
mark.text = "unit_vector"
points = []
pt1 = Point(p1[0], p1[1], p1[2])
pt2 = Point(p2[0], p2[1], p2[2])
# print "Pt 1 ", pt1
# print "Pt 2 ", pt2
mark.points = points
return mark
示例7: animate_path
# 需要导入模块: from visualization_msgs.msg import Marker [as 别名]
# 或者: from visualization_msgs.msg.Marker import points [as 别名]
def animate_path(circle_length, rate_animate):
animate_pub = rospy.Publisher("marker_visualization", Marker, queue_size=10)
rate = rospy.Rate(rate_animate)
marker = Marker()
marker.header.frame_id = "base" # marker is referenced to base frame
marker.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
marker.type = marker.LINE_STRIP
marker.action = marker.ADD
marker.scale.x = 0.01 # define the size of marker
marker.color.a = 1.0
marker.color.g = 1.0
while not rospy.is_shutdown():
(trans, rot) = listener.lookupTransform("base", "end", rospy.Time())
except (tf.LookupException, tf.ConnectivityException, tf.ExtrapolationException):
p = Point() # Define a point array that takes in x, y and z values
p.x = trans[0]
p.y = trans[1]
p.z = trans[2]
marker.points = deque(
marker.points, circle_length
) # Use deque to prevent list to increasing indefinitely; with this, after a certain circle_length, the list starts building from the beginning while replacing earlier elements
示例8: visualize_traj
# 需要导入模块: from visualization_msgs.msg import Marker [as 别名]
# 或者: from visualization_msgs.msg.Marker import points [as 别名]
def visualize_traj(points):
traj = Marker()
traj.header.frame_id = FRAME
traj.header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime()
traj.ns = "love_letter"
traj.action = Marker.ADD
traj.pose.orientation.w = 1.0
traj.type = Marker.LINE_STRIP
traj.scale.x = 0.001 # line width
traj.color.r = 1.0
traj.color.b = 0.0
traj.color.a = 1.0
traj.id = shapeCount;
traj.id = 0; #overwrite any existing shapes
traj.lifetime.secs = 1; #timeout for display
traj.points = list(points)
# use interactive marker from place_paper instead
示例9: line
# 需要导入模块: from visualization_msgs.msg import Marker [as 别名]
# 或者: from visualization_msgs.msg.Marker import points [as 别名]
def line(self, frame_id, p, r, t=[0.0, 0.0], key=None):
line: t r + p
This will be drawn for t[0] .. t[1]
r = np.array(r)
p = np.array(p)
m = Marker()
m.header.frame_id = frame_id
m.ns = key or 'lines'
m.id = 0 if key else len(self.lines)
m.type = Marker.LINE_STRIP
m.action = Marker.MODIFY
m.pose = Pose(Point(0,0,0), Quaternion(0,0,0,1))
m.scale = Vector3(0.005, 0.005, 0.005)
m.color = ColorRGBA(0,0.8,0.8,1)
m.points = [Point(*(p+r*t)) for t in np.linspace(t[0], t[1], 10)]
m.colors = [m.color] * 10
key = key or element_key(m)
with self.mod_lock:
self.lines[key] = m
return key
示例10: get_marker
# 需要导入模块: from visualization_msgs.msg import Marker [as 别名]
# 或者: from visualization_msgs.msg.Marker import points [as 别名]
def get_marker(self, line_seg, frame_id, scale=0.3):
p0, p1 = line_seg
v = np.asarray([p1.position.x - p0.position.x,
p1.position.y - p0.position.y,
p1.position.z - p0.position.z])
vnorm = np.linalg.norm(v)
if vnorm > 0.0:
v /= np.linalg.norm(v)
p2 = copy.deepcopy(p0)
p2.position.x += scale * v[0]
p2.position.y += scale * v[1]
p2.position.z += scale * v[2]
m = Marker()
m.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
m.header.frame_id = frame_id
m.ns = "beam"
m.type = Marker.ARROW
m.action = Marker.MODIFY
m.lifetime = rospy.Duration(1)
m.points = [p0.position, p1.position]
m.scale.x = 0.02
m.scale.y = 0.04
m.color.r = 1.0
m.color.a = 1.0
return m
示例11: draw_risk_grid
# 需要导入模块: from visualization_msgs.msg import Marker [as 别名]
# 或者: from visualization_msgs.msg.Marker import points [as 别名]
def draw_risk_grid(self, risk_grid):
if not rospy.is_shutdown():
p_list = list()
c_list = list()
x_gen = xrange(0, self.x_dim, 1)
y_gen = xrange(0, self.y_dim, 1)
for i in x_gen:
for j in y_gen:
risk = risk_grid[i, j]
pnt = Point(i, j, 0)
r, g, b, a = self.sm.to_rgba(risk)
clr = ColorRGBA(r, g, b, a)
marker = Marker()
marker.header.frame_id = "/my_frame"
marker.lifetime = rospy.Duration(10000000)
marker.type = marker.POINTS
marker.scale.x = 1
marker.scale.y = 1
marker.action = marker.ADD
marker.points = p_list
marker.colors = c_list
marker.id = -1
return self
示例12: create_marker
# 需要导入模块: from visualization_msgs.msg import Marker [as 别名]
# 或者: from visualization_msgs.msg.Marker import points [as 别名]
def create_marker(self, markerArray, view, pose, view_values):
marker1 = Marker()
marker1.id = self.marker_id
self.marker_id += 1
marker1.header.frame_id = "/map"
marker1.type = marker1.TRIANGLE_LIST
marker1.action = marker1.ADD
marker1.scale.x = 1
marker1.scale.y = 1
marker1.scale.z = 2
marker1.color.a = 0.25
vals = view_values.values()
max_val = max(vals)
non_zero_vals = filter(lambda a: a != 0, vals)
min_val = min(non_zero_vals)
print min_val, max_val, view_values[view.ID]
marker1.color.r = r_func( float((view_values[view.ID] - min_val)) / float((max_val - min_val + 1)))
marker1.color.g = g_func( float((view_values[view.ID] - min_val)) / float((max_val - min_val + 1)))
marker1.color.b = b_func( float((view_values[view.ID] - min_val)) / float((max_val - min_val + 1)))
marker1.pose.orientation = pose.orientation
marker1.pose.position = pose.position
marker1.points = [Point(0,0,0.01),Point(2.5,-1.39,0.01),Point(2.5,1.39,0.01)]
示例13: arrow_marker
# 需要导入模块: from visualization_msgs.msg import Marker [as 别名]
# 或者: from visualization_msgs.msg.Marker import points [as 别名]
def arrow_marker(position, direction, shaft_radius=0.02, head_radius=0.04, rgba=[1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
ns="", id=0, frame_id="", lifetime=None, stamp=None):
marker = Marker()
if stamp is None:
marker.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
marker.header.stamp = stamp
marker.header.frame_id = frame_id
marker.ns = ns
marker.id = id
marker.type = Marker.ARROW
marker.action = Marker.ADD
#marker.pose.position.x = position[0]
#marker.pose.position.y = position[1]
#marker.pose.position.z = position[2]
marker.points = [Point(*tuple(position)), Point(*tuple(position+direction*1.0))]
marker.scale.x = shaft_radius
marker.scale.y = head_radius
marker.scale.z = 1.0
marker.color.r = rgba[0]
marker.color.g = rgba[1]
marker.color.b = rgba[2]
marker.color.a = rgba[3]
if lifetime is None:
marker.lifetime = rospy.Duration()
marker.lifetime = rospy.Duration(lifetime)
return marker
示例14: addPolygonFilled
# 需要导入模块: from visualization_msgs.msg import Marker [as 别名]
# 或者: from visualization_msgs.msg.Marker import points [as 别名]
def addPolygonFilled(self, points):
oid = self.oid+1
name = "/polygonFilled"+str(self.oid)
marker = Marker()
marker.id = self.oid
marker.ns = "/polygonFilled"
marker.header.frame_id = name
marker.type = marker.TRIANGLE_LIST
marker.action = marker.ADD
marker.scale.x = 1
marker.scale.y = 1
marker.scale.z = 1
marker.color.r = 1.0
marker.color.g = 1.0
marker.color.b = 1.0
marker.color.a = 1.0
marker.pose.orientation.w = 1.0
marker.pose.position.x = 0
marker.pose.position.y = 0
marker.pose.position.z = 0
marker.points = []
for i in range(0,len(points)-2,1):
pt = Point(points[0][0], points[0][1], points[0][2])
pt = Point(points[i+1][0], points[i+1][1], points[i+1][2])
pt = Point(points[i+2][0], points[i+2][1], points[i+2][2])
示例15: otld_callback
# 需要导入模块: from visualization_msgs.msg import Marker [as 别名]
# 或者: from visualization_msgs.msg.Marker import points [as 别名]
def otld_callback(self, data):
print "Heard: " + str(data)
# get the depth image
s = rospy.Subscriber("/camera/depth_registered/points", PointCloud2, self.p2callback)
while not self.got_pointcloud:
# do nothing
print "Waiting for pointcloud"
self.got_pointcloud = False
# get the depth of the tracked area
# Header header
# int32 x
# int32 y
# int32 width
# int32 height
# float32 confidence
# probably first get the centroid, we should do a median here or something
centerx = data.x + data.width / 2
centery = data.y + data.height / 2
#print "self.pointcloud.row_step: " + str(self.pointcloud.row_step) + " self.pointcloud.point_step: " + str(self.pointcloud.point_step)
print "centerx: " + str(centerx) + " centery: " + str(centery)
#pointdepth = self.pointcloud.data[self.pointcloud.row_step * centery : self.pointcloud.row_step * centery + self.pointcloud.point_step]
#point = read_points(self.pointcloud, field_names=None, skip_nans=False, uvs=[centerx, centery])
point = read_points(self.pointcloud, field_names=None, skip_nans=False, uvs=[[centerx, centery]])
print "point is: " + str(point)
for item in point:
print "item is: " + str(item)
print "x: "+ str(item[0]) + " y: " + str(item[1]) + ", z: " + str(item[2])
# create PoseStamped
pose = PoseStamped()
pose.header = std_msgs.msg.Header()
pose.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
pose.header.frame_id = "camera_link"
pose.pose = Pose()
pose.pose.position.x = item[2] # kinect Z value, [2], is X in TF of camera_link
pose.pose.position.y = - item[0] # kinect X value, [0], is -Y in TF of camera_link
pose.pose.position.z = - item[1] # kinect Y value, [1], is -Z in TF of camera_link
pose.pose.orientation.w = 1
# send PoseStamped
arrow = Marker()
arrow.header.frame_id = "camera_link"
arrow.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
arrow.type = Marker.ARROW
arrow.points = [Point(0,0,0), Point(pose.pose.position.x, pose.pose.position.y, pose.pose.position.z)]
#arrow.points = [Point(0,0,0), Point(0,0,1)]
arrow.scale.x = 0.1 # anchura del palo
arrow.scale.y = 0.15 # anchura de la punta
# arrow.scale.z = 0.1
arrow.color.a = 1.0
arrow.color.r = 1.0
arrow.color.g = 1.0
arrow.color.b = 1.0