本文整理汇总了Python中shapely.geometry.Polygon.simplify方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Polygon.simplify方法的具体用法?Python Polygon.simplify怎么用?Python Polygon.simplify使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类shapely.geometry.Polygon
示例1: simplify
# 需要导入模块: from shapely.geometry import Polygon [as 别名]
# 或者: from shapely.geometry.Polygon import simplify [as 别名]
def simplify(points):
polygon = Polygon(map(lambda x: (x["x"], x["y"]), points))
polygon = polygon.simplify(0.05)
return {
"points": map(lambda x: {"x": x[0], "y": x[1]},
"centroid": (polygon.centroid.x, polygon.centroid.y),
"bounds": polygon.bounds,
"area": polygon.area
示例2: get_tile_geometry
# 需要导入模块: from shapely.geometry import Polygon [as 别名]
# 或者: from shapely.geometry.Polygon import simplify [as 别名]
def get_tile_geometry(path, origin_espg, tolerance=500):
""" Calculate the data and tile geometry for sentinel-2 tiles """
with rasterio.open(path) as src:
# Get tile geometry
b = src.bounds
tile_shape = Polygon([(b[0], b[1]), (b[2], b[1]), (b[2], b[3]), (b[0], b[3]), (b[0], b[1])])
tile_geojson = mapping(tile_shape)
# read first band of the image
image = src.read(1)
# create a mask of zero values
mask = image == 0.
# generate shapes of the mask
novalue_shape = shapes(image, mask=mask, transform=src.affine)
# generate polygons using shapely
novalue_shape = [Polygon(s['coordinates'][0]) for (s, v) in novalue_shape]
if novalue_shape:
# Make sure polygons are united
# also simplify the resulting polygon
union = cascaded_union(novalue_shape)
# generates a geojson
data_shape = tile_shape.difference(union)
# If there are multipolygons, select the largest one
if data_shape.geom_type == 'MultiPolygon':
areas = {p.area: i for i, p in enumerate(data_shape)}
largest = max(areas.keys())
data_shape = data_shape[areas[largest]]
# if the polygon has interior rings, remove them
if list(data_shape.interiors):
data_shape = Polygon(data_shape.exterior.coords)
data_shape = data_shape.simplify(tolerance, preserve_topology=False)
data_geojson = mapping(data_shape)
data_geojson = tile_geojson
# convert cooridnates to degrees
return (to_latlon(tile_geojson, origin_espg), to_latlon(data_geojson, origin_espg))
示例3: shape_to_polygons
# 需要导入模块: from shapely.geometry import Polygon [as 别名]
# 或者: from shapely.geometry.Polygon import simplify [as 别名]
def shape_to_polygons(shape):
def inside(pt):
return hypot(*pt) <= R
def adjust(pt):
x, y = pt
a = atan2(y, x)
x = cos(a) * R
y = sin(a) * R
return (x, y)
result = []
parts = list(shape.parts) + [len(shape.points)]
for i1, i2 in zip(parts, parts[1:]):
points = map(tuple, shape.points[i1:i2])
points = map(laea, points)
points = filter(None, points)
p = Polygon(points)
p = p.buffer(-0.01)
p = p.buffer(0.01)
p = p.simplify()
if p.is_empty:
if isinstance(p, Polygon):
ps = [p]
ps = p.geoms
for p in ps:
points = list(p.exterior.coords)
print points
for a, b in zip(points, points[1:]):
# if not a[-1] and not b[-1]:
# continue
a = a[:2]
b = b[:2]
in1 = inside(a)
in2 = inside(b)
if not in1 and not in2:
if in1 and not in2:
b = adjust(b)
if in2 and not in1:
a = adjust(a)
result.append(LineString([a, b]))
return result