本文整理汇总了Python中shapely.geometry.Polygon类的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Polygon类的具体用法?Python Polygon怎么用?Python Polygon使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: pointinside
def pointinside(lat, lon, shapefile):
# Verifica todos os pontos que estão dentro do polígono
# http://streamhacker.com/2010/03/23/python-point-in-polygon-shapely/
# '/home/rodrigues/AmbientePython27/lib/python2.7/site-packages/PyFuncemeClimateTools/shp/pontos_ce.txt'
# Ler os pontos do vértice e tranformar em um poligno
poly = Polygon(shapefile)
nlons = len(lon)
nlats = len(lat)
points_grid = []
lonlat_grid = []
array_bool = np.ones((nlats, nlons), dtype="bool")
for xlon in range(0, nlons):
for ylat in range(0, nlats):
point = Point((lon[xlon], lat[ylat]))
a = poly.contains(point)
if a == True:
array_bool[ylat, xlon] = False
points_grid.append((ylat, xlon))
lonlat_grid.append((lat[ylat], lon[xlon]))
return points_grid, lonlat_grid, array_bool
示例2: nms_discard
def nms_discard(self, proposal, accepted_detections, dataframe):
p_idx = proposal[0]
p_label = proposal[1].index[0]
p_xmin = dataframe.iloc[p_idx]['xmin']
p_xmax = dataframe.iloc[p_idx]['xmax']
p_ymin = dataframe.iloc[p_idx]['ymin']
p_ymax = dataframe.iloc[p_idx]['ymax']
p_poly = Polygon([(p_xmin,p_ymin), (p_xmax,p_ymin), (p_xmax,p_ymax), (p_xmin, p_ymax)])
for detection in accepted_detections:
detection = accepted_detections[detection]
d_idx = detection[0]
d_label = detection[1].index[0]
if d_label != p_label:
# No point checking if it isn't the same class of object
d_xmin = dataframe.iloc[d_idx]['xmin']
d_xmax = dataframe.iloc[d_idx]['xmax']
d_ymin = dataframe.iloc[d_idx]['ymin']
d_ymax = dataframe.iloc[d_idx]['ymax']
d_poly = Polygon([(d_xmin,d_ymin), (d_xmax,d_ymin), (d_xmax,d_ymax), (d_xmin, d_ymax)])
intersection = p_poly.intersection(d_poly)
union = p_poly.union(d_poly)
if intersection.area / union.area > 0.3:
return True
return False
示例3: return_sample_list
def return_sample_list(num, regions, dist, scale):
Return a list containing the position (x,y) of the samples.
Output is a list of lists: the ith list contains samples for
the ith region.
sample_list = []
for index, region in enumerate(regions):
min_x = min([region[i][0] for i in xrange(len(region))])
max_x = max([region[i][0] for i in xrange(len(region))])
min_y = min([region[i][1] for i in xrange(len(region))])
max_y = max([region[i][1] for i in xrange(len(region))])
poly = Polygon(region)
region_samples = []
while len(region_samples) != num:
if dist == "normal":
candidate = (np.random.normal(loc = (min_x + max_x)/2, scale = scale), \
np.random.normal(loc = (min_y + max_y)/2, scale = scale))
if dist == "uniform":
candidate = (np.random.uniform(min_x, max_x),np.random.uniform(min_y, max_y))
if poly.contains(Point(candidate)):
print "-done sampling-"
return sample_list
示例4: pack_shape_scale_linear
def pack_shape_scale_linear(self):
center = self.random_point()
base = self.base_shapes[0]
ph = np.random.random() * 2 * np.pi
R = np.matrix([[np.cos(ph), -np.sin(ph)], [np.sin(ph), np.cos(ph)]])
rbase = base * R
# linear search on scale to find best fit
r = 0
delta = 2 ** -4
while True:
p = Polygon(r * rbase + center)
intersected = False
for shape in self.shapes:
for poly in shape:
if p.intersects(poly):
intersected = True
if intersected:
# if any([p.intersects(poly) for poly in polys]):
if intersected:
r += delta
print(' %f' % r)
示例5: intersectNodes
def intersectNodes(path, srs, projName, projSRS, isGridProject, gridResolution):
j = []
isGridLine = False
sf = shapefile.Reader(path)
nodes = list(getShapelyNodes(projName))
for shape in sf.shapes():
shType = shape.shapeType
# http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shapefile#Shapefile_shape_format_.28.shp.29
if shType == 5: # Polygon
sh = Polygon(shape.points)
elif shType == 3: # Line
if isGridProject:
sh = LineString(shape.points)
isGridLine = True
consoleAppend('Unknown shape type %s. Continue without access' %shType)
if srs != projSRS:
sh = shapelyReproject(sh, srs, projSRS)
if isGridLine:
sh = sh.buffer(gridResolution)
for node in nodes:
if sh.contains(node[1]): # node.geom
j.append(node[0]) # node.node_id
return j if j else None
示例6: compare_location_results
def compare_location_results(expected, found):
true_positive = 0
false_positive = 0
false_negative = 0
ambiguous = 0
paired = [False]*len(found)
for e in expected:
total_matched = 0
for idx,f in enumerate(found):
x = p1.intersection(p2)
if x.area/p1.area > 0.1:
paired[idx] = True
total_matched += 1
true_positive += 1
pass # not sure what to do here
if total_matched == 0:
false_negative += 1
elif total_matched > 1:
ambiguous += 1
for idx in range(len(found)):
if not paired[idx]:
false_positive += 1
return {"tp":true_positive,"fp":false_positive,"fn":false_negative,"ambiguous":ambiguous}
示例7: get_reachable
def get_reachable(self, coord, extra_coords):
res = []
for c in [(node.x, node.y) for node in self.nodes] + extra_coords:
if c == coord:
dirvec = (c[0]-coord[0], c[1]-coord[1])
norm = (dirvec[0]**2 + dirvec[1]**2)**.5
scl = self.uav_radius / norm
norvecs = [(v[0]*scl, v[1]*scl) for v in [(-dirvec[1], dirvec[0]), (dirvec[1], -dirvec[0])]]
corners = [
(c[0]+norvecs[0][0], c[1]+norvecs[0][1]),
(c[0]+norvecs[1][0], c[1]+norvecs[1][1]),
(coord[0]+norvecs[0][0], coord[1]+norvecs[0][1]),
(coord[0]+norvecs[1][0], coord[1]+norvecs[1][1])
path_poly = Polygon(corners)
# ls = LineString([coord, c])
canReach = True
for o in self.obstacles:
# if ls.intersects(o):
# canReach = False
if path_poly.intersects(o):
canReach = False
#if not self.fly_zone.contains(ls):
#canReach = False
if canReach:
return res
示例8: Polygon
class Polygon(Geometry):
""" class for convex polygon intersection test """
def __init__(self, vertices):
""" constructor for polygon, vertices must be specified
in counter-clockwise order """
# shapely should not be used if the students are implementing this
self.poly = ShapelyPolygon(vertices)
def intersects(self, geometry):
if isinstance(geometry, Collection):
return geometry.intersects(self)
elif isinstance(geometry, Point):
return self.point_poly_test(geometry)
return self.poly_poly_test(geometry)
def point_poly_test(self, p):
""" This method should be implemented by the students but for
demo purposes, shapely is used """
return self.poly.intersects(p.point)
def poly_poly_test(self, p):
""" This method should be implemented by the students but for
demo purposes, shapely is used """
return self.poly.intersects(p.poly)
def vertices(self):
return list(self.poly.exterior.coords)
示例9: pg_pix2latlon_strdf
def pg_pix2latlon_strdf(im_name):
# load the polygon data for each region
poly_path = './shpres/%s.json'%(im_name)
if not os.path.isfile(poly_path):
#print 'no shape files', im_name
#print 'shift', shift_dict[im_name]
rs, cs = shift_dict[im_name]
pg = simplejson.load(open(poly_path))
#print pg
exter = np.array(pg['ext'])
exter[:,0] += cs
exter[:,1] += rs
ex_lonlat = pix2ll(exter,t)
inters = pg['intlist']
inter_list = []
for inter in inters:
np_inter = np.array(inter)
np_inter[:,0] += cs
np_inter[:,1] += rs
np_inter = pix2ll(np_inter,t)
pg_obj = Polygon(ex_lonlat, inter_list)
print pg_obj.contains( Point(69.178746, 35.813774) )
示例10: box3d_intersection
def box3d_intersection(box_a, box_b):
A simplified calculation of 3d bounding box intersection.
It is assumed that the bounding box is only rotated
around Z axis (yaw) from an axis-aligned box.
:param box_a, box_b: obstacle bounding boxes for comparison
:return: intersection volume (float)
# height (Z) overlap
min_h_a = np.min(box_a[2])
max_h_a = np.max(box_a[2])
min_h_b = np.min(box_b[2])
max_h_b = np.max(box_b[2])
max_of_min = np.max([min_h_a, min_h_b])
min_of_max = np.min([max_h_a, max_h_b])
z_intersection = np.max([0, min_of_max - max_of_min])
if z_intersection == 0:
return 0.
# oriented XY overlap
xy_poly_a = Polygon(zip(*box_a[0:2, 0:4]))
xy_poly_b = Polygon(zip(*box_b[0:2, 0:4]))
xy_intersection = xy_poly_a.intersection(xy_poly_b).area
if xy_intersection == 0:
return 0.
return z_intersection * xy_intersection
示例11: _center_pts
def _center_pts(pts):
'''Fancy label position generator, using erosion to get label coordinate'''
min = pts.min(0)
pts -= min
max = pts.max(0)
pts /= max
#probably don't need more than 20 points, reduce detail of the polys
if len(pts) > 20:
pts = pts[::len(pts)//20]
poly = Polygon([tuple(p) for p in pts])
for i in np.linspace(0,1,100):
if poly.buffer(-i).is_empty:
return list(poly.buffer(-last_i).centroid.coords)[0] * max + min
last_i = i
print("unable to find zero centroid...")
return list(poly.buffer(-100).centroid.coords)[0] * max + min
# This may not be worth being so verbose about... I think this is only for label positions.
import warnings
warnings.warn("Shapely error - computing mean of points instead of geometric center")
return np.nanmean(pts, 0)
示例12: fix_geometry
def fix_geometry(geometry):
"""Attempts to fix an invalid geometry (from https://goo.gl/nfivMh)"""
return geometry.buffer(0)
except ValueError:
polygons = geom_as_list(geometry)
fixed_polygons = list()
for i, polygon in enumerate(polygons):
if not linear_ring_is_valid(polygon.exterior):
interiors = []
for ring in polygon.interiors:
if linear_ring_is_valid(ring):
fixed_polygon = Polygon(polygon.exterior, interiors)
fixed_polygon = fixed_polygon.buffer(0)
except ValueError:
if len(fixed_polygons) > 0:
return MultiPolygon(fixed_polygons)
return None
示例13: replace_lines_to_point
def replace_lines_to_point(line_lyrs, old_point, new_point):
x = old_point[0].coords[0][0]
y = old_point[0].coords[0][1]
buff = Polygon([(x-1, y-1), (x-1, y+1), (x+1, y+1), (x+1, y-1), (x-1, y-1)])
buff.srid = old_point.srid
for line_lyr in line_lyrs:
# get intersection lines
query = line_lyr.feature_query()
# replace point in lines
for f in query():
line = f.geom[0]
new_line_points = []
need_reconstruct = False
for vertex in line.coords:
if vertex == old_point[0].coords[0]:
need_reconstruct = True
if need_reconstruct:
new_geom = MultiLineString([new_line_points,])
f.geom = new_geom
示例14: __init__
def __init__(self, robot_name, data_polygons):
self.robot_name = robot_name
self.open_area = Polygon()
self.full_area = Polygon()
for id_robot, pol_data in data_polygons.items():
# pol_data = [polygon, closed, time]
available = not pol_data[1]
pol = Polygon(pol_data[0])
# Invalid polygons cannot be join.
if not pol.is_valid:
pol = MultiPoint(pol_data[0]).convex_hull
if available or robot_name == id_robot:
self.open_area = self.open_area.union(pol)
self.full_area = self.full_area.union(pol)
except Exception:
print "Error Joining polygons", SystemError.message
示例15: parse_modis_coordinates
def parse_modis_coordinates(url_xml, coordinates, verbose):
upperleft = (float(coordinates.split(',')[0]), float(coordinates.split(',')[1])) # lat, lon
downright = (float(coordinates.split(',')[2]), float(coordinates.split(',')[3])) # lat, lon
upperright = (upperleft[0], downright[1])
downleft = (downright[0], upperleft[1])
requested_bbox = Polygon((upperleft, upperright, downright, downleft))
if verbose:
LOG.info("UL: LAT -> %s, LON -> %s" % upperleft)
LOG.info("DR: LAT -> %s, LON -> %s" % downright)
req = urllib2.Request("%s" % url_xml, None, HEADERS)
root = etree.parse(urllib2.urlopen(req))
bbox = []
for point in root.xpath('/GranuleMetaDataFile/GranuleURMetaData/SpatialDomainContainer/'
lon = point.xpath('./PointLongitude')
lat = point.xpath('./PointLatitude')
bbox.append((float(lat[0].text), float(lon[0].text)))
product_bbox = MultiPoint(bbox).convex_hull
if verbose:
for point in bbox:
(lat, lon) = point
LOG.info("Point: LAT -> %s LON -> %s" % (lat, lon))
if requested_bbox.intersects(product_bbox):
return True
LOG.info("Not Compatible")
return False