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Python BuiltIn.should_match_regexp方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中robot.libraries.BuiltIn.BuiltIn.should_match_regexp方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python BuiltIn.should_match_regexp方法的具体用法?Python BuiltIn.should_match_regexp怎么用?Python BuiltIn.should_match_regexp使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在robot.libraries.BuiltIn.BuiltIn的用法示例。


示例1: _ElementKeywords

# 需要导入模块: from robot.libraries.BuiltIn import BuiltIn [as 别名]
# 或者: from robot.libraries.BuiltIn.BuiltIn import should_match_regexp [as 别名]

        Class's getBoolAttribute() and getStringAttribute() methods.
        Currently supported (appium v1.4.11):
        _contentDescription, text, className, resourceId, enabled, checkable, checked, clickable, focusable, focused, longClickable, scrollable, selected, displayed_

        _*NOTE: *_
        Some attributes can be evaluated in two different ways e.g. these evaluate the same thing:

        | Element Attribute Should Match | xpath = //*[contains(@text,'example text')] | name | txt_field_name |
        | Element Name Should Be         | xpath = //*[contains(@text,'example text')] | txt_field_name |      |

        elements = self._element_find(locator, False, True)
        if len(elements) > 1:
            self._info("CAUTION: '%s' matched %s elements - using the first element only" % (locator, len(elements)))

        attr_value = elements[0].get_attribute(attr_name)

        # ignore regexp argument if matching boolean
        if isinstance(match_pattern, bool) or match_pattern.lower() == 'true' or match_pattern.lower() == 'false':
            if isinstance(match_pattern, bool):
                match_b = match_pattern
                match_b = ast.literal_eval(match_pattern.title())

            if isinstance(attr_value, bool):
                attr_b = attr_value
                attr_b = ast.literal_eval(attr_value.title())

            self._bi.should_be_equal(match_b, attr_b)

        elif regexp:
                                        msg="Element '%s' attribute '%s' should have been '%s' "
                                        "but it was '%s'." % (locator, attr_name, match_pattern, attr_value),
                                        msg="Element '%s' attribute '%s' should have been '%s' "
                                        "but it was '%s'." % (locator, attr_name, match_pattern, attr_value),
        #if expected != elements[0].get_attribute(attr_name):
        #    raise AssertionError("Element '%s' attribute '%s' should have been '%s' "
        #                         "but it was '%s'." % (locator, attr_name, expected, element.get_attribute(attr_name)))
        self._info("Element '%s' attribute '%s' is '%s' " % (locator, attr_name, match_pattern))

    def get_elements(self, locator, first_element_only=False, fail_on_error=True):
        """Return elements that match the search criteria

        The element is identified by _locator_. See `introduction` for details
        about locating elements.

        If the _first_element_ is set to 'True' then only the first matching element is returned.

        If the _fail_on_error_ is set to 'True' this keyword fails if the search return nothing.

        Returns a list of [http://selenium-python.readthedocs.org/en/latest/api.html#module-selenium.webdriver.remote.webelement|WebElement] Objects.
        return self._element_find(locator, first_element_only, fail_on_error)

    def get_element_attribute(self, locator, attribute):
        """Get element attribute using given attribute: name, value,...


示例2: _ElementKeywords

# 需要导入模块: from robot.libraries.BuiltIn import BuiltIn [as 别名]
# 或者: from robot.libraries.BuiltIn.BuiltIn import should_match_regexp [as 别名]

        Class's getBoolAttribute() and getStringAttribute() methods.
        Currently supported (appium v1.4.11):
        _contentDescription, text, className, resourceId, enabled, checkable, checked, clickable, focusable, focused, longClickable, scrollable, selected, displayed_

        _*NOTE: *_
        Some attributes can be evaluated in two different ways e.g. these evaluate the same thing:

        | Element Attribute Should Match | xpath = //*[contains(@text,'example text')] | name | txt_field_name |
        | Element Name Should Be         | xpath = //*[contains(@text,'example text')] | txt_field_name |      |

        elements = self._element_find(locator, False, True)
        if len(elements) > 1:
            self._info("CAUTION: '%s' matched %s elements - using the first element only" % (locator, len(elements)))

        attr_value = elements[0].get_attribute(attr_name)

        # ignore regexp argument if matching boolean
        if isinstance(match_pattern, bool) or match_pattern.lower() == 'true' or match_pattern.lower() == 'false':
            if isinstance(match_pattern, bool):
                match_b = match_pattern
                match_b = ast.literal_eval(match_pattern.title())

            if isinstance(attr_value, bool):
                attr_b = attr_value
                attr_b = ast.literal_eval(attr_value.title())

            self._bi.should_be_equal(match_b, attr_b)

        elif regexp:
            self._bi.should_match_regexp(attr_value, match_pattern,
                                         msg="Element '%s' attribute '%s' should have been '%s' "
                                             "but it was '%s'." % (locator, attr_name, match_pattern, attr_value),
            self._bi.should_match(attr_value, match_pattern,
                                  msg="Element '%s' attribute '%s' should have been '%s' "
                                      "but it was '%s'." % (locator, attr_name, match_pattern, attr_value),
        # if expected != elements[0].get_attribute(attr_name):
        #    raise AssertionError("Element '%s' attribute '%s' should have been '%s' "
        #                         "but it was '%s'." % (locator, attr_name, expected, element.get_attribute(attr_name)))
        self._info("Element '%s' attribute '%s' is '%s' " % (locator, attr_name, match_pattern))

    def element_should_contain_text(self, locator, expected, message=''):
        """Verifies element identified by ``locator`` contains text ``expected``.

        If you wish to assert an exact (not a substring) match on the text
        of the element, use `Element Text Should Be`.

        Key attributes for arbitrary elements are ``id`` and ``xpath``. ``message`` can be used to override the default error message.

        New in AppiumLibrary 1.4.
        self._info("Verifying element '%s' contains text '%s'."
                    % (locator, expected))
        actual = self._get_text(locator)
        if not expected in actual:
            if not message:
                message = "Element '%s' should have contained text '%s' but "\
                          "its text was '%s'." % (locator, expected, actual)
            raise AssertionError(message)
