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Python BuiltIn.set_selenium_speed方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中robot.libraries.BuiltIn.BuiltIn.set_selenium_speed方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python BuiltIn.set_selenium_speed方法的具体用法?Python BuiltIn.set_selenium_speed怎么用?Python BuiltIn.set_selenium_speed使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在robot.libraries.BuiltIn.BuiltIn的用法示例。


示例1: _BrowserManagementKeywords

# 需要导入模块: from robot.libraries.BuiltIn import BuiltIn [as 别名]
# 或者: from robot.libraries.BuiltIn.BuiltIn import set_selenium_speed [as 别名]
class _BrowserManagementKeywords(KeywordGroup):
    def __init__(self):      
        self._remoteBrowser = os.environ.get("PYBROWSER", "0") == "0"
        self._job_id = 0
        self._sauce_rest = SauceRestWrapper()
        self._seleniumlib = BuiltIn().get_library_instance('Selenium2Library')
    def open_pyro_browser(self, determined_browser=os.environ.get("PYBROWSER", 'firefox'), selenium_speed=0.5):
        """Opens a browser in the context determined by the suite; such as, Sauce Miltiple, Sauce Single, Sauce Solo, Local Solo and add it to Selenium2Library the browser cache.
        If the Robot Framework test code is executed through TeamCity using Sauce CI, the browser will be remotely instantiated throgh the Sauce service. Visit the documentation in the intro to see how the username and key are obtained
        See https://saucelabs.com/login
        Returns the index of this browser instance which can be used later to
        switch back to it. Index starts from 1 and is reset back to it when
        `Close All Browsers` keyword is used. See `Switch Browser` for

        Optional alias is an alias for the browser instance and it can be used
        for switching between browsers (just as index can be used). See `Switch
        Browser` for more details.

        Possible values for local instance `browser` are as follows:

        | firefox          | FireFox   |
        | ff               | FireFox   |
        | internetexplorer | Internet Explorer |
        | ie               | Internet Explorer |
        | googlechrome     | Google Chrome |
        | gc               | Google Chrome |
        | chrome           | Google Chrome |
        | opera            | Opera         |
        | phantomjs        | PhantomJS     |
        | htmlunit         | HTMLUnit      |
        | htmlunitwithjs   | HTMLUnit with Javascipt support |
        | android          | Android       |
        | iphone           | Iphone        |
        | safari           | Safari        |
        Note, that you will encounter strange behavior, if you open
        multiple Internet Explorer browser instances. That is also why
        `Switch Browser` only works with one IE browser at most.
        For more information see:

        Optional 'ff_profile_dir' is the path to the firefox profile dir if you
        wish to overwrite the default.
        Command Line Supercede:
        IMPLICIT_WAIT (Set Selenium Implicit Wait) [can be set in import]
        COMMAND_DELAY (Set Selenium Speed) 
        KEYWORD_TIMEOUT (Set Selenium Timeout) [can be set in import]
        print '(open_pyro_browser)'
        if self._remoteBrowser: #sauce            
            self._seleniumlib.open_browser(os.environ['BASE_URL'], browser=determined_browser, remote_url=os.environ["PYROBOT_REMOTE_URL"], desired_capabilities=os.environ["PYROBOT_CAPS"])       
            self._job_id = self._seleniumlib._current_browser().session_id
        else:                   #local solo            
            self._seleniumlib.open_browser(os.environ['BASE_URL'], browser=determined_browser) 
        if os.environ.get('SAUCE_API_KEY') and os.environ.get('SAUCE_USERNAME') and self._remoteBrowser:
            print "execute sauce rest to update"
            self._sauce_rest.establish(self._seleniumlib._current_browser().session_id, os.environ.get('SAUCE_USERNAME'), os.environ.get('SAUCE_API_KEY'), sys.argv[2])
            #ondemand_string = "SauceOnDemandSessionID=%s job-name=%s" % (self._job_id, BuiltIn().get_variable_value("${SUITE_NAME}"))
            #print 'setting ONDEMAND_PYRO to : %s' % ondemand_string
            #OperatingSystem().set_environment_variable("ONDEMAND_PYRO", "1111")    
            #os.environ['ONDEMAND_PYRO'] = ondemand_string
        # Determine timeouts based on commandline
        if 'IMPLICIT_WAIT' in os.environ:
        if 'COMMAND_DELAY' in os.environ:
            print '(open_pyro_browser) setting selenium speed %s' % selenium_speed
        if 'KEYWORD_TIMEOUT' in os.environ:

    def sencha_login(self, user_name, password, element_on_next_page, suspend_timeouts=True):
    #def sencha_login(self, user_name, password, element_on_next_page):
        Using the instantiated browser from `Open Browser`, the page traverses through the login page and waits for the targeted element on the following page.
        print '(login_sencha)'
        self._seleniumlib.wait_until_element_is_visible('loginnameid-inputEl', timeout=5)
        self._seleniumlib.wait_until_element_is_visible('loginpasswordid-inputEl', timeout=5)
        self._seleniumlib.input_text('loginnameid-inputEl', user_name)
        self._seleniumlib.input_text('loginpasswordid-inputEl', password)
        self._seleniumlib.wait_until_element_is_visible('loginbuttonid-btnIconEl', timeout=5)
        self._seleniumlib.wait_until_element_is_visible('id=%s'% element_on_next_page, timeout=5)
        if suspend_timeouts == True:
            print '(login_sencha) javascript issuing suspendAll!'
