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Python BuiltIn.get_library_instance方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中robot.libraries.BuiltIn.BuiltIn.get_library_instance方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python BuiltIn.get_library_instance方法的具体用法?Python BuiltIn.get_library_instance怎么用?Python BuiltIn.get_library_instance使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在robot.libraries.BuiltIn.BuiltIn的用法示例。


示例1: PageObjectLibraryKeywords

# 需要导入模块: from robot.libraries.BuiltIn import BuiltIn [as 别名]
# 或者: from robot.libraries.BuiltIn.BuiltIn import get_library_instance [as 别名]
class PageObjectLibraryKeywords(object):


    def __init__(self):
        self.builtin = BuiltIn()
        self.logger = robot.api.logger

    def se2lib(self):
        # this is implemented as a property so that this class
        # can be imported outside the context of a running
        # suite (ie: by libdoc, robotframework-hub, etc)
        return self.builtin.get_library_instance("Selenium2Library")

    def the_current_page_should_be(self, page_name):
        """Fails if the name of the current page is not the given page name

        page_name is the name you would use to import the page

        This keyword will import the given page object, put it at the
        front of the robot library search order, then call the method
        ``_is_current_page`` on the library. The default
        implementation of this method will compare the page title to
        the ``PAGE_TITLE`` attribute of the page object, but this
        implementation can be overridden by each page object.


        page = self._get_page_object(page_name)

        # This causes robot to automatically resolve keyword
        # conflicts by looking in the current page first.
        if page._is_current_page():
            # only way to get the current order is to set a
            # new order. Once done, if there actually was an
            # old order, preserve the old but make sure our
            # page is at the front of the list
            old_order = self.builtin.set_library_search_order()
            new_order = ([str(page)],) + old_order

        # If we get here, we're not on the page we think we're on
        raise Exception("Expected page to be %s but it was not" % page_name)

    def go_to_page(self, page_name, page_root = None):
        """Go to the url for the given page object

        Unless explicitly provided, the URL root will be based on the
        root of the current page. For example, if the current page is
        http://www.example.com:8080 and the page object URL is
        /login, the url will be http://www.example.com:8080/login


        Given a page object named `ExampleLoginPage` with the URL
        `/login`, and a browser open to `http://www.example.com`, the
        following statement will go to `http://www.example.com/login`,
        and place `ExampleLoginPage` at the front of robot's library
        search order.

        | go to page    ExampleLoginPage

        The effect is the same as if you had called the following three

        | Selenium2Library.go to      http://www.example.com/login
        | Import Library              ExampleLoginPage
        | Set library search order    ExampleLoginPage

        Tags: selenium, page-object


        page = self._get_page_object(page_name)

        url = page_root if page_root is not None else self.se2lib.get_location()
        (scheme, netloc, path, parameters, query, fragment) = urlparse(url)
        url = "%s://%s%s" % (scheme, netloc, page.PAGE_URL)

        with page._wait_for_page_refresh():
            self.logger.console("\ntrying to go to '%s'" % url)
        # should I be calling this keyword? Should this keyword return
        # true/false, or should it throw an exception?

    def _get_page_object(self, page_name):
        """Import the page object if necessary, then return the handle to the library

        Note: If the page object has already been imported, it won't be imported again.

            page = self.builtin.get_library_instance(page_name)

        except RuntimeError:
            page = self.builtin.get_library_instance(page_name)

示例2: underscore

# 需要导入模块: from robot.libraries.BuiltIn import BuiltIn [as 别名]
# 或者: from robot.libraries.BuiltIn.BuiltIn import get_library_instance [as 别名]
"""This file provides robot library functions for NVDA system tests. It contains helper methods for system tests,
most specifically related to the setup for, starting of, quiting of, and cleanup of, NVDA. This is in contrast with
the systemTestSpy.py file, which provides library functions related to monitoring / asserting NVDA output.
# imported methods start with underscore (_) so they don't get imported into robot files as keywords
from os.path import join as _pJoin, abspath as _abspath, expandvars as _expandvars
import tempfile
import sys
from robotremoteserver import test_remote_server as _testRemoteServer, stop_remote_server as _stopRemoteServer
from robot.libraries.BuiltIn import BuiltIn
from robot.libraries.OperatingSystem import OperatingSystem
from robot.libraries.Process import Process
from systemTestUtils import _blockUntilConditionMet

builtIn = BuiltIn()  # type: BuiltIn
process = builtIn.get_library_instance('Process')  # type: Process
opSys = builtIn.get_library_instance('OperatingSystem')  # type: OperatingSystem

spyServerPort = 8270  # is `registered by IANA` for remote server usage. Two ASCII values:'RF'
spyServerURI = '{}'.format(spyServerPort)
spyAlias = "nvdaSpy"

# robot is expected to be run from the NVDA repo root directory. We want all repo specific
# paths to be relative to this. This would allow us to change where it is run from if we decided to.
repoRoot = _abspath("./")
whichNVDA = builtIn.get_variable_value("${whichNVDA}", "source")
if whichNVDA == "source":
	NVDACommandPathToCheckExists = _pJoin(repoRoot, "source/nvda.pyw")
	baseNVDACommandline = "pythonw "+NVDACommandPathToCheckExists
elif whichNVDA == "installed":
	NVDACommandPathToCheckExists = _pJoin(_expandvars('%PROGRAMFILES%'),'nvda','nvda.exe')

示例3: Common

# 需要导入模块: from robot.libraries.BuiltIn import BuiltIn [as 别名]
# 或者: from robot.libraries.BuiltIn.BuiltIn import get_library_instance [as 别名]
class Common(object):

    """ General Library for Commonly Used Keywords

    = Keywords =

    | `Unselect All Checkboxes` | locator |
    | `Page Should Not Have Broken Images` |



    def __init__(self):
        self._robot = BuiltIn()
        self._selenium = self._robot.get_library_instance(

    def unselect_all_checkboxes(self, locator):
        """ Unselect all checkboxes that match the specified locator

        :param locator: Element locator
        :type locator: string
        checkboxes = self._selenium.get_webelements(locator)
        for current_checkbox in checkboxes:

    def _match_message(self, log):
        return re.search(
            '(.*) \- ' +
            'Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of ' +
            '(\d+) \((.*)\)',

    def _filter_message(self, log):
        return self._match_message(log) is not None

    def _map_message(self, log):
        match = self._match_message(log)
        return {
          'url': match.group(1),
          'status_code': match.group(2),
          'status_msg': match.group(3)

    @keyword('Get Resources That Failed To Load')
    def get_failed_resources(self):
        failed_logs = []
        logs = self._selenium.get_browser_logs()
        if logs and len(logs) > 0:
            failed_logs = map(
                filter(self._filter_message, logs)

        return failed_logs

    def _is_image(self, log):
        img_extensions = ['.jpg', '.jpeg', '.gif', '.png', '.bmp', '.svg']
        return reduce(
            lambda previous,
            ext: log['url'].endswith(ext) or previous,

    @keyword('Page Should Not Have Broken Images')
    def check_broken_images(self):
        """ Checks all broken images in the current page
        failed_logs = filter(self._is_image, self.get_failed_resources())
        if len(failed_logs) > 0:
                'Page has broken images: \n%s' % '\n'.join(
                        ['url: %s status: %s' % (
                            log['url'], log['status_code'])
                            for log in failed_logs]
