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Python StrictRedisCluster.execute_command方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中rediscluster.StrictRedisCluster.execute_command方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python StrictRedisCluster.execute_command方法的具体用法?Python StrictRedisCluster.execute_command怎么用?Python StrictRedisCluster.execute_command使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在rediscluster.StrictRedisCluster的用法示例。


示例1: test_refresh_table_asap

# 需要导入模块: from rediscluster import StrictRedisCluster [as 别名]
# 或者: from rediscluster.StrictRedisCluster import execute_command [as 别名]
def test_refresh_table_asap():
    If this variable is set externally, initialize() should be called.
    with patch.object(NodeManager, "initialize") as mock_initialize:
        mock_initialize.return_value = None

        # Patch parse_response to avoid issues when the cluster sometimes return MOVED
        with patch.object(StrictRedisCluster, "parse_response") as mock_parse_response:

            def side_effect(self, *args, **kwargs):
                return None

            mock_parse_response.side_effect = side_effect

            r = StrictRedisCluster(host="", port=7000)
            r.connection_pool.nodes.slots[12182] = [
                {"host": "", "port": 7002, "name": "", "server_type": "master"}
            r.refresh_table_asap = True

            i = len(mock_initialize.mock_calls)
            r.execute_command("SET", "foo", "bar")
            assert len(mock_initialize.mock_calls) - i == 1
            assert r.refresh_table_asap is False

示例2: monkey_link

# 需要导入模块: from rediscluster import StrictRedisCluster [as 别名]
# 或者: from rediscluster.StrictRedisCluster import execute_command [as 别名]
    def monkey_link(host=None, port=None, decode_responses=False):
        Helper function to return custom slots cache data from different redis nodes
        if port == 7000:
            result = [[0, 5460, [b'', 7000], [b'', 7003]],
                      [5461, 10922, [b'', 7001], [b'', 7004]]]

        elif port == 7001:
            result = [[0, 5460, [b'', 7001], [b'', 7003]],
                      [5461, 10922, [b'', 7000], [b'', 7004]]]

            result = []

        r = StrictRedisCluster(host=host, port=port, decode_responses=True)
        orig_execute_command = r.execute_command

        def execute_command(*args, **kwargs):
            if args == ("cluster", "slots"):
                return result
            return orig_execute_command(*args, **kwargs)

        r.execute_command = execute_command
        return r

示例3: test_ask_redirection

# 需要导入模块: from rediscluster import StrictRedisCluster [as 别名]
# 或者: from rediscluster.StrictRedisCluster import execute_command [as 别名]
def test_ask_redirection():
    Test that the server handles ASK response.

    At first call it should return a ASK ResponseError that will point
    the client to the next server it should talk to.

    Important thing to verify is that it tries to talk to the second node.
    r = StrictRedisCluster(host="", port=7000)

    m = Mock(autospec=True)

    def ask_redirect_effect(connection, command_name, **options):
        def ok_response(connection, command_name, **options):
            assert connection.host == ""
            assert connection.port == 7001

            return "MOCK_OK"

        m.side_effect = ok_response
        raise AskError("1337")

    m.side_effect = ask_redirect_effect

    r.parse_response = m
    assert r.execute_command("SET", "foo", "bar") == "MOCK_OK"

示例4: test_ask_redirection

# 需要导入模块: from rediscluster import StrictRedisCluster [as 别名]
# 或者: from rediscluster.StrictRedisCluster import execute_command [as 别名]
def test_ask_redirection():
    Test that the server handles ASK response.

    At first call it should return a ASK ResponseError that will point
    the client to the next server it should talk to.

    Important thing to verify is that it tries to talk to the second node.
    r = StrictRedisCluster(host="", port=7000)
    r.connection_pool.nodes.nodes[""] = {
        "host": u"",
        "server_type": "master",
        "port": 7001,
        "name": "",
    with patch.object(StrictRedisCluster, "parse_response") as parse_response:

        host_ip = find_node_ip_based_on_port(r, "7001")

        def ask_redirect_effect(connection, *args, **options):
            def ok_response(connection, *args, **options):
                assert connection.host == host_ip
                assert connection.port == 7001

                return "MOCK_OK"

            parse_response.side_effect = ok_response
            raise AskError("1337 {0}:7001".format(host_ip))

        parse_response.side_effect = ask_redirect_effect

        assert r.execute_command("SET", "foo", "bar") == "MOCK_OK"

示例5: test_ask_redirection

# 需要导入模块: from rediscluster import StrictRedisCluster [as 别名]
# 或者: from rediscluster.StrictRedisCluster import execute_command [as 别名]
def test_ask_redirection():
    Test that the server handles ASK response.

    At first call it should return a ASK ResponseError that will point
    the client to the next server it should talk to.

    Important thing to verify is that it tries to talk to the second node.
    r = StrictRedisCluster(host="", port=7000)
    r.connection_pool.nodes.nodes[''] = {
        'host': u'',
        'server_type': 'master',
        'port': 7001,
        'name': ''

    m = Mock(autospec=True)

    host_ip = find_node_ip_based_on_port(r, '7001')

    def ask_redirect_effect(connection, *args, **options):
        def ok_response(connection, *args, **options):
            assert connection.host == host_ip
            assert connection.port == 7001

            return "MOCK_OK"
        m.side_effect = ok_response
        raise AskError("1337 {0}:7001".format(host_ip))

    m.side_effect = ask_redirect_effect

    r.parse_response = m
    assert r.execute_command("SET", "foo", "bar") == "MOCK_OK"

示例6: test_refresh_table_asap

# 需要导入模块: from rediscluster import StrictRedisCluster [as 别名]
# 或者: from rediscluster.StrictRedisCluster import execute_command [as 别名]
def test_refresh_table_asap():
    If this variable is set externally, initialize() should be called.
    with patch.object(NodeManager, 'initialize') as mock_initialize:
        mock_initialize.return_value = None

        r = StrictRedisCluster(host="", port=7000)
        r.connection_pool.nodes.slots[12182] = {
            "host": "",
            "port": 7002,
            "name": "",
            "server_type": "master",
        r.refresh_table_asap = True

        i = len(mock_initialize.mock_calls)
        r.execute_command("SET", "foo", "bar")
        assert len(mock_initialize.mock_calls) - i == 1
        assert r.refresh_table_asap is False
