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Python rediscluster.StrictRedisCluster类代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中rediscluster.StrictRedisCluster的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python StrictRedisCluster类的具体用法?Python StrictRedisCluster怎么用?Python StrictRedisCluster使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: monkey_link

    def monkey_link(host=None, port=None, decode_responses=False):
        Helper function to return custom slots cache data from different redis nodes
        if port == 7000:
            result = [[0, 5460, [b'', 7000], [b'', 7003]],
                      [5461, 10922, [b'', 7001], [b'', 7004]]]

        elif port == 7001:
            result = [[0, 5460, [b'', 7001], [b'', 7003]],
                      [5461, 10922, [b'', 7000], [b'', 7004]]]

            result = []

        r = StrictRedisCluster(host=host, port=port, decode_responses=True)
        orig_execute_command = r.execute_command

        def execute_command(*args, **kwargs):
            if args == ("cluster", "slots"):
                return result
            return orig_execute_command(*args, **kwargs)

        r.execute_command = execute_command
        return r

示例2: getRedisKeyValues

def getRedisKeyValues(host, port, keyFilter):

        startup_nodes = [{"host": host, "port": port}]
        rc = StrictRedisCluster(startup_nodes=startup_nodes, decode_responses=True)
        info = rc.info()
        for key in info:
            print "%s: %s" % (key, info[key])

        result = []
        # keysCount = len(rc.keys())

        count = 0
        for key in rc.keys():
            if count >= 1024:
                if key.find(keyFilter) != -1:
                    count += 1
                    # 查询类型
                    # (key, value)
                    result.append([key, getValue(rc, key)])
            #        pprint.pprint("type:" + rc.type(key) + "$key:" + key + "$value:" + getValue(rc, key))
            #        print rc.get(key)
        return result
    except Exception, e:
        return [["<font color='red'>Error Info</font>", "<font color='red'>%s</font>" % (str(e) + "<br/>请检查ip和端口是否正确")]]

示例3: test_access_correct_slave_with_readonly_mode_client

def test_access_correct_slave_with_readonly_mode_client(sr):
    Test that the client can get value normally with readonly mode
    when we connect to correct slave.

    # we assume this key is set on
    sr.set("foo16706", "foo")
    import time


    with patch.object(ClusterReadOnlyConnectionPool, "get_node_by_slot") as return_slave_mock:
        return_slave_mock.return_value = {
            "name": "",
            "host": "",
            "port": 7003,
            "server_type": "slave",

        master_value = {"host": "", "name": "", "port": 7000, "server_type": "master"}
        with patch.object(
            ClusterConnectionPool, "get_master_node_by_slot", return_value=master_value
        ) as return_master_mock:
            readonly_client = StrictRedisCluster(host="", port=7000, readonly_mode=True)
            assert b("foo") == readonly_client.get("foo16706")
            assert return_master_mock.call_count == 0

示例4: test_ask_redirection

def test_ask_redirection():
    Test that the server handles ASK response.

    At first call it should return a ASK ResponseError that will point
    the client to the next server it should talk to.

    Important thing to verify is that it tries to talk to the second node.
    r = StrictRedisCluster(host="", port=7000)

    m = Mock(autospec=True)

    def ask_redirect_effect(connection, command_name, **options):
        def ok_response(connection, command_name, **options):
            assert connection.host == ""
            assert connection.port == 7001

            return "MOCK_OK"

        m.side_effect = ok_response
        raise AskError("1337")

    m.side_effect = ask_redirect_effect

    r.parse_response = m
    assert r.execute_command("SET", "foo", "bar") == "MOCK_OK"

示例5: test_moved_redirection

def test_moved_redirection():
    Test that the client handles MOVED response.

    At first call it should return a MOVED ResponseError that will point
    the client to the next server it should talk to.

    Important thing to verify is that it tries to talk to the second node.
    r = StrictRedisCluster(host="", port=7000)
    m = Mock(autospec=True)

    def ask_redirect_effect(connection, *args, **options):
        def ok_response(connection, *args, **options):
            assert connection.host == ""
            assert connection.port == 7002

            return "MOCK_OK"

        m.side_effect = ok_response
        raise MovedError("12182")

    m.side_effect = ask_redirect_effect

    r.parse_response = m
    assert r.set("foo", "bar") == "MOCK_OK"

示例6: test_moved_redirection_pipeline

def test_moved_redirection_pipeline():
    Test that the server handles MOVED response when used in pipeline.

    At first call it should return a MOVED ResponseError that will point
    the client to the next server it should talk to.

    Important thing to verify is that it tries to talk to the second node.
    r = StrictRedisCluster(host="", port=7000)
    p = r.pipeline()

    m = Mock(autospec=True)

    def moved_redirect_effect(connection, command_name, **options):
        def ok_response(connection, command_name, **options):
            assert connection.host == ""
            assert connection.port == 7002

            return "MOCK_OK"

        m.side_effect = ok_response
        raise MovedError("12182")

    m.side_effect = moved_redirect_effect

    p.parse_response = m
    p.set("foo", "bar")
    assert p.execute() == ["MOCK_OK"]

示例7: test_ask_redirection

def test_ask_redirection():
    Test that the server handles ASK response.

    At first call it should return a ASK ResponseError that will point
    the client to the next server it should talk to.

    Important thing to verify is that it tries to talk to the second node.
    r = StrictRedisCluster(host="", port=7000)
    r.connection_pool.nodes.nodes[""] = {
        "host": u"",
        "server_type": "master",
        "port": 7001,
        "name": "",
    with patch.object(StrictRedisCluster, "parse_response") as parse_response:

        host_ip = find_node_ip_based_on_port(r, "7001")

        def ask_redirect_effect(connection, *args, **options):
            def ok_response(connection, *args, **options):
                assert connection.host == host_ip
                assert connection.port == 7001

                return "MOCK_OK"

            parse_response.side_effect = ok_response
            raise AskError("1337 {0}:7001".format(host_ip))

        parse_response.side_effect = ask_redirect_effect

        assert r.execute_command("SET", "foo", "bar") == "MOCK_OK"

示例8: test_pipeline_ask_redirection

def test_pipeline_ask_redirection():
    Test that the server handles ASK response when used in pipeline.

    At first call it should return a ASK ResponseError that will point
    the client to the next server it should talk to.

    Important thing to verify is that it tries to talk to the second node.
    r = StrictRedisCluster(host="", port=7000)
    with patch.object(StrictRedisCluster, "parse_response") as parse_response:

        def response(connection, *args, **options):
            def response(connection, *args, **options):
                def response(connection, *args, **options):
                    assert connection.host == ""
                    assert connection.port == 7001
                    return "MOCK_OK"

                parse_response.side_effect = response
                raise AskError("12182")

            parse_response.side_effect = response
            raise AskError("12182")

        parse_response.side_effect = response

        p = r.pipeline()
        p.set("foo", "bar")
        assert p.execute() == ["MOCK_OK"]

示例9: test_ask_redirection

def test_ask_redirection():
    Test that the server handles ASK response.

    At first call it should return a ASK ResponseError that will point
    the client to the next server it should talk to.

    Important thing to verify is that it tries to talk to the second node.
    r = StrictRedisCluster(host="", port=7000)
    r.connection_pool.nodes.nodes[''] = {
        'host': u'',
        'server_type': 'master',
        'port': 7001,
        'name': ''

    m = Mock(autospec=True)

    host_ip = find_node_ip_based_on_port(r, '7001')

    def ask_redirect_effect(connection, *args, **options):
        def ok_response(connection, *args, **options):
            assert connection.host == host_ip
            assert connection.port == 7001

            return "MOCK_OK"
        m.side_effect = ok_response
        raise AskError("1337 {0}:7001".format(host_ip))

    m.side_effect = ask_redirect_effect

    r.parse_response = m
    assert r.execute_command("SET", "foo", "bar") == "MOCK_OK"

示例10: test_access_correct_slave_with_readonly_mode_client

def test_access_correct_slave_with_readonly_mode_client(sr):
    Test that the client can get value normally with readonly mode
    when we connect to correct slave.

    # we assume this key is set on
    sr.set('foo16706', 'foo')
    import time

    with patch.object(ClusterReadOnlyConnectionPool, 'get_node_by_slot') as return_slave_mock:
        return_slave_mock.return_value = {
            'name': '',
            'host': '',
            'port': 7003,
            'server_type': 'slave',

        master_value = {'host': '', 'name': '', 'port': 7000, 'server_type': 'master'}
        with patch.object(
                return_value=master_value) as return_master_mock:
            readonly_client = StrictRedisCluster(host="", port=7000, readonly_mode=True)
            assert b('foo') == readonly_client.get('foo16706')
            assert return_master_mock.call_count == 0

示例11: test_refresh_table_asap

def test_refresh_table_asap():
    If this variable is set externally, initialize() should be called.
    with patch.object(NodeManager, "initialize") as mock_initialize:
        mock_initialize.return_value = None

        # Patch parse_response to avoid issues when the cluster sometimes return MOVED
        with patch.object(StrictRedisCluster, "parse_response") as mock_parse_response:

            def side_effect(self, *args, **kwargs):
                return None

            mock_parse_response.side_effect = side_effect

            r = StrictRedisCluster(host="", port=7000)
            r.connection_pool.nodes.slots[12182] = [
                {"host": "", "port": 7002, "name": "", "server_type": "master"}
            r.refresh_table_asap = True

            i = len(mock_initialize.mock_calls)
            r.execute_command("SET", "foo", "bar")
            assert len(mock_initialize.mock_calls) - i == 1
            assert r.refresh_table_asap is False

示例12: test_moved_redirection_pipeline

def test_moved_redirection_pipeline():
    Test that the server handles MOVED response when used in pipeline.

    At first call it should return a MOVED ResponseError that will point
    the client to the next server it should talk to.

    Important thing to verify is that it tries to talk to the second node.
    with patch.object(StrictRedisCluster, 'parse_response') as parse_response:
        def moved_redirect_effect(connection, *args, **options):
            def ok_response(connection, *args, **options):
                assert connection.host == ""
                assert connection.port == 7002

                return "MOCK_OK"
            parse_response.side_effect = ok_response
            raise MovedError("12182")

        parse_response.side_effect = moved_redirect_effect

        r = StrictRedisCluster(host="", port=7000)
        p = r.pipeline()
        p.set("foo", "bar")
        assert p.execute() == ["MOCK_OK"]

示例13: test_refresh_using_specific_nodes

def test_refresh_using_specific_nodes(r):
    Test making calls on specific nodes when the cluster has failed over to
    another node
    with patch.object(StrictRedisCluster, 'parse_response') as parse_response_mock:
        with patch.object(NodeManager, 'initialize', autospec=True) as init_mock:
            # simulate 7006 as a failed node
            def side_effect(self, *args, **kwargs):
                if self.port == 7006:
                    parse_response_mock.failed_calls += 1
                    raise ClusterDownError('CLUSTERDOWN The cluster is down. Use CLUSTER INFO for more information')
                elif self.port == 7007:
                    parse_response_mock.successful_calls += 1

            def side_effect_rebuild_slots_cache(self):
                # start with all slots mapped to 7006
                self.nodes = {'': {'host': '', 'server_type': 'master', 'port': 7006, 'name': ''}}
                self.slots = {}

                for i in range(0, 16383):
                    self.slots[i] = [{
                        'host': '',
                        'server_type': 'master',
                        'port': 7006,
                        'name': '',

                # After the first connection fails, a reinitialize should follow the cluster to 7007
                def map_7007(self):
                    self.nodes = {'': {'host': '', 'server_type': 'master', 'port': 7007, 'name': ''}}
                    self.slots = {}

                    for i in range(0, 16383):
                        self.slots[i] = [{
                            'host': '',
                            'server_type': 'master',
                            'port': 7007,
                            'name': '',
                init_mock.side_effect = map_7007

            parse_response_mock.side_effect = side_effect
            parse_response_mock.successful_calls = 0
            parse_response_mock.failed_calls = 0

            init_mock.side_effect = side_effect_rebuild_slots_cache

            rc = StrictRedisCluster(host='', port=7006)
            assert len(rc.connection_pool.nodes.nodes) == 1
            assert '' in rc.connection_pool.nodes.nodes


            # Cluster should now point to 7006, and there should be one failed and one succesful call
            assert len(rc.connection_pool.nodes.nodes) == 1
            assert '' in rc.connection_pool.nodes.nodes
            assert parse_response_mock.failed_calls == 1
            assert parse_response_mock.successful_calls == 1

示例14: test_cluster_of_one_instance

def test_cluster_of_one_instance():
    Test a cluster that starts with only one redis server and ends up with
    one server.

    There is another redis server joining the cluster, hold slot 0, and
    eventually quit the cluster. The StrictRedisCluster instance may get confused
    when slots mapping and nodes change during the test.
    with patch.object(StrictRedisCluster, 'parse_response') as parse_response_mock:
        with patch.object(NodeManager, 'initialize', autospec=True) as init_mock:
            def side_effect(self, *args, **kwargs):
                def ok_call(self, *args, **kwargs):
                    assert self.port == 7007
                    return "OK"
                parse_response_mock.side_effect = ok_call

                raise ClusterDownError('CLUSTERDOWN The cluster is down. Use CLUSTER INFO for more information')

            def side_effect_rebuild_slots_cache(self):
                # make new node cache that points to 7007 instead of 7006
                self.nodes = [{'host': '', 'server_type': 'master', 'port': 7006, 'name': ''}]
                self.slots = {}

                for i in range(0, 16383):
                    self.slots[i] = [{
                        'host': '',
                        'server_type': 'master',
                        'port': 7006,
                        'name': '',

                # Second call should map all to 7007
                def map_7007(self):
                    self.nodes = [{'host': '', 'server_type': 'master', 'port': 7007, 'name': ''}]
                    self.slots = {}

                    for i in range(0, 16383):
                        self.slots[i] = [{
                            'host': '',
                            'server_type': 'master',
                            'port': 7007,
                            'name': '',

                # First call should map all to 7006
                init_mock.side_effect = map_7007

            parse_response_mock.side_effect = side_effect
            init_mock.side_effect = side_effect_rebuild_slots_cache

            rc = StrictRedisCluster(host='', port=7006)
            rc.set("foo", "bar")

示例15: redis_write

def redis_write(nodes, dict_data):
    time1 = time.time()
    conn_rc = StrictRedisCluster(startup_nodes=nodes, decode_responses=True)
    for k in dict_data:
        # print k, func_dict[k]
        key_name = 'access_log' + '-' + str(k)
        conn_rc.set(key_name, dict_data[k])
        # print conn_rc.get(key_name)
    time2 = time.time()
    time3 = time2 - time1
    print time3
