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Python Query.metric方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中query.Query.metric方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Query.metric方法的具体用法?Python Query.metric怎么用?Python Query.metric使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在query.Query的用法示例。


示例1: jsonReport

# 需要导入模块: from query import Query [as 别名]
# 或者: from query.Query import metric [as 别名]
    def jsonReport(self,reportJSON):
        """Creates a report from JSON. Accepts either JSON or a string. Useful for deserializing requests"""
        q = Query(self)
        #TODO: Add a method to the Account Object to populate the report suite this call will ignore it on purpose
        if type(reportJSON) == str:
            reportJSON = json.loads(reportJSON)
        reportJSON = reportJSON['reportDescription']
        if reportJSON.has_key('dateFrom') and reportJSON.has_key('dateTo'):
            q = q.range(reportJSON['dateFrom'],reportJSON['dateTo'])
        elif reportJSON.has_key('dateFrom'):
            q = q.range(reportJSON['dateFrom'])
        elif reportJSON.has_key('date'):
            q = q.range(reportJSON['date'])
            q = q
        if reportJSON.has_key('dateGranularity'):
            q = q.granularity(reportJSON['dateGranularity'])
        if reportJSON.has_key('source'):
            q = q.set('source',reportJSON['source'])
        if reportJSON.has_key('metrics'):
            for m in reportJSON['metrics']:
                q = q.metric(m['id'])
        if reportJSON.has_key('elements'):
            for e in reportJSON['elements']:
                id = e['id']
                del e['id']
                q= q.element(id, **e)
        if reportJSON.has_key('locale'):
            q = q.set('locale',reportJSON['locale'])
        if reportJSON.has_key('sortMethod'):
            q = q.set('sortMethod',reportJSON['sortMethod'])
        if reportJSON.has_key('sortBy'):
            q = q.sortBy(reportJSON['sortBy'])
        #WARNING This doesn't carry over segment IDs meaning you can't manipulate the segments in the new object
        #TODO Loop through and add segment ID with filter method (need to figure out how to handle combined)
        if reportJSON.has_key('segments'):
            q = q.set('segments', reportJSON['segments'])
        if reportJSON.has_key('anomalyDetection'):
            q = q.set('anomalyDetection',reportJSON['anomalyDetection'])
        if reportJSON.has_key('currentData'):
            q = q.set('currentData',reportJSON['currentData'])            

        if reportJSON.has_key('elementDataEncoding'):
            q = q.set('elementDataEncoding',reportJSON['elementDataEncoding'])            
        return q
