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Python Query.getData方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中query.Query.getData方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Query.getData方法的具体用法?Python Query.getData怎么用?Python Query.getData使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在query.Query的用法示例。


示例1: selectDiffColumns

# 需要导入模块: from query import Query [as 别名]
# 或者: from query.Query import getData [as 别名]
    def selectDiffColumns(self, recievedData):
        """ given a dic of data recieve about a record
            compare it to the data in the DB
            remove entries in the recieved dictionary that already exist
            return truncated dict"""
        query = Query()
        where = "book.book_id =" + str(self.book_id)
        recordData = query.getData("edit", where)
        remove = []
        for col, val in recordData[0].items():
            if val == "":
                recordData[0][col] = None
                recordData[0][col] = str(val)

        for col in recievedData:
            if recievedData[col] == recordData[0][col]:
        for col in remove:
            del recievedData[col]

        return recievedData

示例2: Report

# 需要导入模块: from query import Query [as 别名]
# 或者: from query.Query import getData [as 别名]
class Report():

    def __init__(self, report):
        self.query = Query()

        self.forms = HTMLutils()
        self.author = Author()
        self.when = WhenRead()

        self.report = report
        self.columns = loadYaml('columns')
        self.pages = loadYaml('pages')

        if report == 'add':
            page = 'edit'
            page = report

        self.display_names = self.getDisplayNames(page)

    def buildMain(self, where= None, order_by = None):
        '''build table seen on main page using all books. Accepts optional
        arguements to filter (search) or sort. Returns table'''

        bookData = self.query.getData('main', where, order_by)

        # start html table
        mainTable = HtmlTable(border=1, cellpadding=3)

        # table header, uses display name and enables sorting
        table_header = ['#']

        for field, name in self.display_names:
            sortflag =''
            if field == order_by:
                sortflag = ' ^'
            js =  "document.form1.order_by.value='%s';" % field
            js += "document.form1.submit();"
            h = '<a onclick="javascript:%s">%s%s</a>' % (js, name, sortflag)

        # table body- build a numbered row for each record
        i = 0
        activity = 'view'

        for rec in bookData: 
            i += 1
            href = '<a href="detail.py?book_id=%d&activity=%s">%s'\
                % (rec['book_id'], activity, rec['title'])

            # format date
            if rec['date']:
                dates = '<br>'.join(['<nobr>%s</nobr>' % d.strip()
                                     for d in rec['date'].split('&')])
                dates = '-'

                 rec['author'] or '' ,
                 rec['notes' ]       ,

        return mainTable.getTable()

    def buildDetail(self, book_id):
        '''Static table to view book details'''

        where = 'book.book_id =' + str(book_id)
        bookData = self.query.getData('record', where)

        detailTable = HtmlTable(border=1, cellpadding=3)
        detailTable.addHeader(['Field', 'Entry'])

        for column, display in self.display_names:
            for rec in bookData:
                if rec[column]:
                    data = rec[column]
                    data = '-'
            detailTable.addRow([display, data])                 

        return detailTable.getTable()

    def buildRecordForm (self, book_id = None):
        '''responisble for building the composite form for book records by
        gathering all data, calling necessary helper methods, and adding all
        sub-forms together. Form has 3 sub-parts:
        (1) the book form which holds all data fields with a 1:1 relationship
        to a book_id 
        (2) the edit author from which itself has 2 sub-parts:
        (2a) the remove author feature (currently inactive) 
        (2b) add author section which defaults to hidden
        (3) the dates read add/remove (currently inactive)
        form is used for adding records and editing records. If a book_id is
        recieved current values for that book_id are pulled from the DB and
        used to pre-populate form fields (used for edit). Otherwise the form
        is built blank, with no default values (used for add).

示例3: Query

# 需要导入模块: from query import Query [as 别名]
# 或者: from query.Query import getData [as 别名]
        'title'               : title,
        'series'              : series,
        'notes'               : notes,
        'series_num'          : series_num, 
        'owner_status.status' : owner_status,
        'published'           : published,
        'type'                : type,
        'when_read.when_read' : when_read
for k, v in formDict.items():
    if v == 'None':
        v = 'NULL'

query = Query()
where = 'book_id =' + book_id
results = query.getData('record', where)

#build html_header
if activity == 'edit':
    header = 'Edit Record'

    header = 'Book Record' 

html_header= '''

#build debug_section
debug_section =  'Book ID = %s' % (book_id)

示例4: Report

# 需要导入模块: from query import Query [as 别名]
# 或者: from query.Query import getData [as 别名]
class Report():

    def __init__(self, report):
        self.query = Query()
        self.forms = HTMLutils()

        self.report = report
        self.columns = loadYaml('columns')
        self.pages = loadYaml('pages')

        if report == 'add':
            page = 'edit'
            page = report

        self.display_names = self.getDisplayNames(page)

    def buildMain(self, where= None, order_by = None):
        '''build table seen on main page using all books. Accepts optional
        arguements to filter (search) or sort. Returns table'''

        bookData = self.query.getData('main', where, order_by)

        # start html table
        mainTable = HtmlTable(border=1, cellpadding=3)

        # table header, uses display name and enables sorting
        table_header = ['#']

        for field, name in self.display_names:
            sortflag =''
            if field == order_by:
                sortflag = ' ^'
            js =  "document.form1.order_by.value='%s';" % field
            js += "document.form1.submit();"
            h = '<a onclick="javascript:%s">%s%s</a>' % (js, name, sortflag)

        # table body- build a numbered row for each record
        i = 0
        activity = 'view'

        for rec in bookData: 
            i += 1
            href = '<a href="detail.py?book_id=%d&activity=%s">%s'\
                % (rec['book_id'], activity, rec['title'])

            # format dates
            if rec['date']:
                dates = '<br>'.join(['<nobr>%s</nobr>' % d.strip()
                                     for d in rec['date'].split('&')])
                dates = '-'

                 rec['author'] or '' ,
                 rec['notes' ]       ,

        return mainTable.getTable()

    def buildDetail(self, book_id):
        '''Static table to view book details'''

        where = 'book.book_id =' + str(book_id)
        bookData = self.query.getData('record', where)

        detailTable = HtmlTable(border=1, cellpadding=3)
        detailTable.addHeader(['Field', 'Entry'])

        for column, display in self.display_names:
            for rec in bookData:
                if rec[column]:
                    data = rec[column]
                    data = '-'
            detailTable.addRow([display, data])                 

        return detailTable.getTable()

    def buildBookForm(self, book_id= None):
        '''dynamic composite table. made of three parts:
        the book form which has all form elements for all elements related to
        the book except the date, and author which a book has a many:many 
        relationship with. 
        Date is a sperate form (INACTIVE currently)
        Author has two parts: the edit author table holds all author
        information, eventually removing authors will be enabled. It has a 
        sub table of add author.
        Accepts a book id, finds relevant data, calls helper methods.
        Returns composite table of all above sub-parts.

        if self.report == 'edit' and book_id != None:
            where = 'book.book_id =' + str(book_id)
            bookData = self.query.getData('edit', where)


示例5: record

# 需要导入模块: from query import Query [as 别名]
# 或者: from query.Query import getData [as 别名]
class LibraryHTML:
    '''Given an actitvity to prefrom on a record (view, edit, add)
       return a list of html building blocks to paint the page''' 

    def __init__(self, book_id, activity):
        self.book_id = book_id
        self.activity = activity
        self.connection = getDictConnection()
        self.conn = getConnection()
        #bring in yaml metadata
        metadata = Metadata()
        self.columns = metadata.loadYaml('columns')
        self.pages = metadata.loadYaml('pages')
        self.list = []

        if activity == 'edit':
            self.header = 'Edit Record'
            self.page = 'edit'
            self.new_activity = 'update'
            self.button_text = 'Submit'
            self.show_blank = ''
            self.cancel_button_text = 'Cancel'
            self.cancel_button_address = 'detail.py?book_id=%s&activity=view'\

        if activity == 'view':
            self.header = 'Book Record' 
            self.page = 'record'
            self.new_activity = 'edit'
            self.button_text = 'Edit'
            self.show_blank = '-'
            self.cancel_button_address = 'main.py'
            self.cancel_button_text = 'Back to Catalog'

        if activity == 'add':
            self.header = 'Enter New Record' 
            self.page = 'edit'
            self.new_activity = 'submit_new'
            self.button_text = 'Save'
            self.show_blank = ''
            self.cancel_button_address = 'main.py'
            self.cancel_button_text = 'Cancel'
        # build the right query for the page and bring in the data 
        if activity != 'add':
            self.query = Query()
            where = 'book.book_id =' + str(self.book_id)
            self.recordData = self.query.getData(self.page, where)

    def build_html_header(self):
        html_header= '''
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="//code.jquery.com/ui/1.11.1/themes/smoothness/jquery-ui.css">
        <script src="//code.jquery.com/ui/1.11.1/jquery-ui.js"></script>
        <script src = "jquery_1.11.1.js"></script>
        <script src="//code.jquery.com/jquery-1.10.2.js"></script>
        <script src="//code.jquery.com/ui/1.11.1/jquery-ui.js"></script>
                      $("#autoC").autocomplete({source: %s});
        '''% (self.list, self.header)
        return html_header
    def build_form_header(self):
        form_header = '''
        <form method = "POST" action = "detail.py" name = "form">
        return form_header

    def build_report(self):
        metadata = Metadata()
        display_data = metadata.interrogateMetadata(self.page, 'display')
        display_names = display_data['col_attributes']
        table = HtmlTable(border=1, cellpadding=3)
        table.addHeader(['Field', 'Entry'])

        for column, display in display_names:
            if self.activity == 'view':
            # make a simple table, not a form
                for rec in self.recordData:
                    if rec[column]:
                        data = rec[column]
                        data = self.show_blank
                table.addRow([display, data])                 

            #use methods to build form
                form = self.columns[column][0]['form_type']
#                type_method = {'text'        :' self.getTextField(column)',
#                               'drop_down'   : 'self.getDropDown(column)',
#                               'radio_static': 'self.getStaticRadio(column)',
#                               'autocomplete': 'self.getAutocomplete(column)'
#                              }

                if form == 'text':
                    form_field =self.getTextField(column)

示例6: HtmlTable

# 需要导入模块: from query import Query [as 别名]
# 或者: from query.Query import getData [as 别名]
table = HtmlTable(border=1, cellpadding=3)
table.addHeader(['Field', 'Entry'])

loadyaml = LoadYaml()
columns = loadyaml.loadYaml('columns')
pages = loadyaml.loadYaml('pages')

query = Query()
where = 'book.book_id =' + book_id

if activity == 'view':
    page = 'record'
if activity == 'edit':
    page = 'edit'

results = query.getData(page, where)

ordered_rows= []
for item in pages[page]:

# making a list of lists holding the col name and display names
# make a list of cols that need drop down menus
display_names = []
drop_down = []
for item in ordered_rows:
    x = []
    for element in columns[item]:
        if 'foreign_table' in element:
