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Python Query.isCanonical方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中query.Query.isCanonical方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Query.isCanonical方法的具体用法?Python Query.isCanonical怎么用?Python Query.isCanonical使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在query.Query的用法示例。


示例1: Session

# 需要导入模块: from query import Query [as 别名]
# 或者: from query.Query import isCanonical [as 别名]
class Session(object):
    _dbSessionByUserId = {}
    def getUserSession(cls, user):

        sessionId = user.userId # quite the bad assumption!!
        if sessionId in cls._dbSessionByUserId: 
            print('found a session for user')
            return  cls._dbSessionByUserId[sessionId]
        print ('inserting a session for this user')
        lSession = Session(sessionId, user)
        cls._dbSessionByUserId[sessionId] = lSession
        return lSession
    def __init__(self, sessionId, user): 
        self.sessionId =sessionId
        self.user = user
        self.location = None
        self.query = Query(sessionId, '')
        self.convoHistory = [] # tuples (time, in|out, text) ###appended
    def respondToUserMessage(self, telMessage, matcher):
        print("session gets an object like this " + str(type(telMessage)) + ", value="  + str(telMessage))
        # state machine
        # always change lastUpdateTime
        # potentially creates query 
        # potentially adds to matcher
        # returns None, or Message to send to user (based on Brain's thoughts)
        # see 
        if telMessage.location:
            if self.state > STATE_RESOLVING_QUERY_AND_LOCATION:
                return "It is too late to change the location - cancel and resubmit if you want to change"
            self.location = telMessage.location
            if self.state == STATE_RESOLVING_LOCATION_ONLY:
                self.state = STATE_WAITING_FOR_MATCH
                return "OK! We are seeking a match for you now!"
            if self.state ==STATE_RESOLVING_QUERY_ONLY:         
                return "Changed your location - still trying to resolve your query: \n" + self.query.errorText
            if self.state == STATE_RESOLVING_QUERY_AND_LOCATION:
                self.state = STATE_RESOLVING_QUERY_ONLY
                return "Thanks for your location - still trying to resolve your query: \n" + self.query.errorText
            raise("Something went horribly wrong - got new location and state was " + str(self.state))

        elif telMessage.text:
            print ("got me some text")
            if self.state > STATE_RESOLVING_QUERY_AND_LOCATION:
                return "It is too late to change the query - cancel and resubmit if you want to change"
            oldWasGood = self.state in [STATE_RESOLVING_LOCATION_ONLY]
            newIsGood = self.query.isCanonical()
            if self.state == STATE_RESOLVING_QUERY_ONLY:
                if newIsGood:
                    self.state = STATE_WAITING_FOR_MATCH
                    return "OK! We are seeking a match for you now!"
                    return "Have location, but still waiting for proper query\n" + self.query.errorText
            if self.state ==STATE_RESOLVING_LOCATION_ONLY:
                if newIsGood:         
                    return "Query change accepted - still waiting for location"
                    self.state = STATE_RESOLVING_QUERY_AND_LOCATION
                    return "Still waiting for both location and proper query\n" + self.query.errorText
            if self.state == STATE_RESOLVING_QUERY_AND_LOCATION:
                if newIsGood:         
                    self.state = STATE_RESOLVING_LOCATION_ONLY
                    return "Query is valid! Still waiting for location"
                    return "Still waiting for both location and proper query\n" + self.query.errorText
            raise("Something went horribly wrong - got new text=" + str(self.query.rawText) + " and state was " + str(self.state))
