本文整理汇总了Python中pyNN.utility.Timer.elapsedTime方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Timer.elapsedTime方法的具体用法?Python Timer.elapsedTime怎么用?Python Timer.elapsedTime使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类pyNN.utility.Timer
示例1: run_simulation
# 需要导入模块: from pyNN.utility import Timer [as 别名]
# 或者: from pyNN.utility.Timer import elapsedTime [as 别名]
def run_simulation(sim,Params):
print "Running Network"
timer = Timer()
simCPUtime = timer.elapsedTime()
print "Simulation Time: %s" % str(simCPUtime)
示例2: len
# 需要导入模块: from pyNN.utility import Timer [as 别名]
# 或者: from pyNN.utility.Timer import elapsedTime [as 别名]
if len(cortical_exc_inh_connections) !=0:
cortical_exc_inh_projection = simulator.Projection(cortical_neurons_exc, cortical_neurons_inh,
cortical_exc_inh_connector, receptor_type='excitatory')
# Recordings
cortical_neurons_exc.record(['gsyn_exc', 'gsyn_inh','v', 'spikes'])
cortical_neurons_inh.record(['gsyn_exc', 'gsyn_inh', 'v', 'spikes'])
#cortical_neurons_exc.record('spikes', 'v')
# read out time used for building
build_time = timer.elapsedTime()
# Run model and print information
simulator.run(t) # Run the simulations for t ms
simulation_time = timer.elapsedTime()
print 'Construction time', build_time
print 'Simulation time', simulation_time
# Extract the data
示例3: range
# 需要导入模块: from pyNN.utility import Timer [as 别名]
# 或者: from pyNN.utility.Timer import elapsedTime [as 别名]
# cell_params will be passed to the constructor of the Population Object
cell_params = {
'tau_m' : tau_m, 'cm' : cm,
'v_rest' : -65, 'v_reset' : -65, 'v_thresh' : -45,
'tau_syn_E' : tau_syn_exc, 'tau_syn_I' : tau_syn_inh, 'tau_refrac' : t_refrac, 'i_offset' : 0
# population and projection containers
v4_pop = []
pfc = []
projections = []
print "%g - Creating v4 populations" % timer.elapsedTime()
for i in range(orientations): # Cycles orientations
# creates a population for each connection
v4_pop.append(Population(base_v4_num_neurons*base_v4_num_neurons, # size
IF_curr_exp, # Neuron Type
cell_params, # Neuron Parameters
label="v4_%d" % i)) # Label)
if layer_to_observe == 'v4' or layer_to_observe == 'all':
print "%g - observing v4" % timer.elapsedTime()
# if layer_to_observe == 'v4': v4_pop[i].set_mapping_constraint({'x':0, 'y':1})
v4_pop[i].record() # ('spikes', to_file=False)
print "%g - Creating PFC population" % timer.elapsedTime()
for i in range(orientations): # Cycles orientations
示例4: run_retina
# 需要导入模块: from pyNN.utility import Timer [as 别名]
# 或者: from pyNN.utility.Timer import elapsedTime [as 别名]
def run_retina(params):
"""Run the retina using the specified parameters."""
print "Setting up simulation"
timer = Timer()
timer.start() # start timer on construction
pyNN.setup(timestep=params['dt'], max_delay=params['syn_delay'], threads=params['threads'], rng_seeds=params['kernelseeds'])
N = params['N']
phr_ON = pyNN.Population((N, N), pyNN.native_cell_type('dc_generator')())
phr_OFF = pyNN.Population((N, N), pyNN.native_cell_type('dc_generator')())
noise_ON = pyNN.Population((N, N), pyNN.native_cell_type('noise_generator')(mean=0.0, std=params['noise_std']))
noise_OFF = pyNN.Population((N, N), pyNN.native_cell_type('noise_generator')(mean=0.0, std=params['noise_std']))
phr_ON.set(start=params['simtime']/4, stop=params['simtime']/4*3,
amplitude=params['amplitude'] * params['snr'])
phr_OFF.set(start=params['simtime']/4, stop=params['simtime']/4*3,
amplitude=-params['amplitude'] * params['snr'])
# target ON and OFF populations
v_init = params['parameters_gc'].pop('Vinit')
out_ON = pyNN.Population((N, N), pyNN.native_cell_type('iaf_cond_exp_sfa_rr')(**params['parameters_gc']))
out_OFF = pyNN.Population((N, N), pyNN.native_cell_type('iaf_cond_exp_sfa_rr')(**params['parameters_gc']))
#print "Connecting the network"
retina_proj_ON = pyNN.Projection(phr_ON, out_ON, pyNN.OneToOneConnector())
retina_proj_OFF = pyNN.Projection(phr_OFF, out_OFF, pyNN.OneToOneConnector())
noise_proj_ON = pyNN.Projection(noise_ON, out_ON, pyNN.OneToOneConnector())
noise_proj_OFF = pyNN.Projection(noise_OFF, out_OFF, pyNN.OneToOneConnector())
# reads out time used for building
buildCPUTime = timer.elapsedTime()
print "Running simulation"
timer.start() # start timer on construction
simCPUTime = timer.elapsedTime()
out_ON_DATA = out_ON.get_data().segments[0]
out_OFF_DATA = out_OFF.get_data().segments[0]
print "\nRetina Network Simulation:"
print "Number of Neurons : ", N**2
print "Output rate (ON) : ", out_ON.mean_spike_count(), \
"spikes/neuron in ", params['simtime'], "ms"
print "Output rate (OFF) : ", out_OFF.mean_spike_count(), \
"spikes/neuron in ", params['simtime'], "ms"
print "Build time : ", buildCPUTime, "s"
print "Simulation time : ", simCPUTime, "s"
return out_ON_DATA, out_OFF_DATA
示例5: test
# 需要导入模块: from pyNN.utility import Timer [as 别名]
# 或者: from pyNN.utility.Timer import elapsedTime [as 别名]
def test(cases=[1]):
sp = Space(periodic_boundaries=((0,1), (0,1), None))
safe = False
verbose = True
autapse = False
parallel_safe = True
render = True
for case in cases:
#w = RandomDistribution('uniform', (0,1))
w = "0.2 + d/0.2"
#w = 0.1
#w = lambda dist : 0.1 + numpy.random.rand(len(dist[0]))*sqrt(dist[0]**2 + dist[1]**2)
#delay = RandomDistribution('uniform', (0.1,5.))
delay = "0.1 + d/0.2"
#delay = 0.1
#delay = lambda distances : 0.1 + numpy.random.rand(len(distances))*distances
d_expression = "d < 0.1"
#d_expression = "(d[0] < 0.05) & (d[1] < 0.05)"
#d_expression = "(d[0]/(0.05**2) + d[1]/(0.1**2)) < 100*numpy.random.rand()"
timer = Timer()
np = num_processes()
if case is 1:
conn = DistanceDependentProbabilityConnector(d_expression, delays=delay, weights=w, space=sp, safe=safe, verbose=verbose, allow_self_connections=autapse)
fig_name = "DistanceDependent_%s_np_%d.png" %(simulator_name, np)
elif case is 2:
conn = FixedProbabilityConnector(0.05, weights=w, delays=delay, space=sp, safe=safe, verbose=verbose, allow_self_connections=autapse)
fig_name = "FixedProbability_%s_np_%d.png" %(simulator_name, np)
elif case is 3:
conn = AllToAllConnector(delays=delay, weights=w, space=sp, safe=safe, verbose=verbose, allow_self_connections=autapse)
fig_name = "AllToAll_%s_np_%d.png" %(simulator_name, np)
elif case is 4:
conn = FixedNumberPostConnector(50, weights=w, delays=delay, space=sp, safe=safe, verbose=verbose, allow_self_connections=autapse)
fig_name = "FixedNumberPost_%s_np_%d.png" %(simulator_name, np)
elif case is 5:
conn = FixedNumberPreConnector(50, weights=w, delays=delay, space=sp, safe=safe, verbose=verbose, allow_self_connections=autapse)
fig_name = "FixedNumberPre_%s_np_%d.png" %(simulator_name, np)
elif case is 6:
conn = OneToOneConnector(safe=safe, weights=w, delays=delay, verbose=verbose)
fig_name = "OneToOne_%s_np_%d.png" %(simulator_name, np)
elif case is 7:
conn = FromFileConnector('connections.dat', safe=safe, verbose=verbose)
fig_name = "FromFile_%s_np_%d.png" %(simulator_name, np)
elif case is 8:
conn = SmallWorldConnector(degree=0.1, rewiring=0., weights=w, delays=delay, safe=safe, verbose=verbose, allow_self_connections=autapse, space=sp)
fig_name = "SmallWorld_%s_np_%d.png" %(simulator_name, np)
print "Generating data for %s" %fig_name
rng = NumpyRNG(23434, num_processes=np, parallel_safe=parallel_safe)
prj = Projection(x, x, conn, rng=rng)
simulation_time = timer.elapsedTime()
print "Building time", simulation_time
print "Nb synapses built", len(prj)
if render :
if not(os.path.isdir('Results')):
print "Saving Positions...."
print "Saving Connections...."
prj.saveConnections('Results/connections.dat', compatible_output=False)
if node_id == 0 and render:
print "Generating and saving %s" %fig_name
positions = numpy.loadtxt('Results/positions.dat')
connections = numpy.loadtxt('Results/connections.dat')
positions = positions[numpy.argsort(positions[:,0])]
idx_pre = (connections[:,0] - x.first_id).astype(int)
idx_post = (connections[:,1] - x.first_id).astype(int)
d = distances(positions[idx_pre,1:3], positions[idx_post,1:3], 1)
title('Cells positions')
plot(positions[:,1], positions[:,2], '.')
title('Weights distribution')
hist(connections[:,2], 50)
title('Delay distribution')
hist(connections[:,3], 50)
ids = numpy.random.permutation(numpy.unique(positions[:,0]))[0:6]
colors = ['k', 'r', 'b', 'g', 'c', 'y']
for count, cell in enumerate(ids):
draw_rf(cell, positions, connections, colors[count])
plot(d, connections[:,2], '.')
plot(d, connections[:,3], '.')
savefig("Results/" + fig_name)
示例6: int
# 需要导入模块: from pyNN.utility import Timer [as 别名]
# 或者: from pyNN.utility.Timer import elapsedTime [as 别名]
print "[%d] Creating populations" % node
n_spikes = int(2*tstop*input_rate/1000.0)
spike_times = numpy.add.accumulate(rng.next(n_spikes, 'exponential',
{'beta': 1000.0/input_rate}, mask_local=False))
input_population = Population(100, SpikeSourceArray(spike_times=spike_times), label="input")
output_population = Population(10, IF_curr_exp(**cell_params), label="output")
print "[%d] input_population cells: %s" % (node, input_population.local_cells)
print "[%d] output_population cells: %s" % (node, output_population.local_cells)
print "[%d] Connecting populations" % node
connector = CSAConnector(csa.random(0.5))
syn = StaticSynapse(weight=0.1)
projection = Projection(input_population, output_population, connector, syn)
print connector.describe(), timer.elapsedTime()
file_stem = "Results/simpleRandomNetwork_csa_np%d_%s" % (num_processes(), simulator_name)
projection.save('all', '%s.conn' % file_stem)
output_population.sample(n_record, rng).record('v')
print "[%d] Running simulation" % node
print "[%d] Writing spikes and Vm to disk" % node
output_population.write_data('%s_output.pkl' % file_stem)
#input_population.write_data('%s_input.pkl' % file_stem)
示例7: runBrunelNetwork
# 需要导入模块: from pyNN.utility import Timer [as 别名]
# 或者: from pyNN.utility.Timer import elapsedTime [as 别名]
if N_rec_v>0:
print("%d Setting up recording in inhibitory population." % rank)
if N_rec_v>0:
progress_bar = ProgressBar(width=20)
connector = FixedProbabilityConnector(epsilon, rng=rng, callback=progress_bar)
E_syn = StaticSynapse(weight=JE, delay=delay)
I_syn = StaticSynapse(weight=JI, delay=delay)
ext_Connector = OneToOneConnector(callback=progress_bar)
ext_syn = StaticSynapse(weight=JE, delay=dt)
print("%d Connecting excitatory population with connection probability %g, weight %g nA and delay %g ms." % (rank, epsilon, JE, delay))
E_to_E = Projection(E_net, E_net, connector, E_syn, receptor_type="excitatory")
print("E --> E\t\t", len(E_to_E), "connections")
I_to_E = Projection(I_net, E_net, connector, I_syn, receptor_type="inhibitory")
print("I --> E\t\t", len(I_to_E), "connections")
input_to_E = Projection(expoisson, E_net, ext_Connector, ext_syn, receptor_type="excitatory")
print("input --> E\t", len(input_to_E), "connections")
print("%d Connecting inhibitory population with connection probability %g, weight %g nA and delay %g ms." % (rank, epsilon, JI, delay))
E_to_I = Projection(E_net, I_net, connector, E_syn, receptor_type="excitatory")
print("E --> I\t\t", len(E_to_I), "connections")
I_to_I = Projection(I_net, I_net, connector, I_syn, receptor_type="inhibitory")
print("I --> I\t\t", len(I_to_I), "connections")
input_to_I = Projection(inpoisson, I_net, ext_Connector, ext_syn, receptor_type="excitatory")
print("input --> I\t", len(input_to_I), "connections")
# read out time used for building
buildCPUTime = timer.elapsedTime()
# === Run simulation ===========================================================
# run, measure computer time
timer.start() # start timer on construction
print("%d Running simulation for %g ms (dt=%sms)." % (rank, simtime, dt))
simCPUTime = timer.elapsedTime()
# write data to file
#print("%d Writing data to file." % rank)
#(E_net + I_net).write_data("Results/brunel_np%d_%s.pkl" % (np, simulator_name))
if save and not simulator_name=='neuroml':
for pop in [E_net , I_net]:
io = PyNNTextIO(filename="brunel-PyNN-%s-%s-%i.gdf"%(simulator_name, pop.label, rank))
spikes = pop.get_data('spikes', gather=False)
for segment in spikes.segments:
io = PyNNTextIO(filename="brunel-PyNN-%s-%s-%i.dat"%(simulator_name, pop.label, rank))
vs = pop.get_data('v', gather=False)
for segment in vs.segments:
spike_data = {}
spike_data['senders'] = []
spike_data['times'] = []
index_offset = 1
for pop in [E_net , I_net]:
if rank == 0:
spikes = pop.get_data('spikes', gather=False)
示例8: compute_sdram_entries
# 需要导入模块: from pyNN.utility import Timer [as 别名]
# 或者: from pyNN.utility.Timer import elapsedTime [as 别名]
out_file_string += compute_sdram_entries(db, c, memory_pointer, process_id=process_id)
memory_pointer = BASE + len(out_file_string)
# If there's something write the file
if len(out_file_string) > 0:
f = open(filename,'w+')
if __name__ == '__main__':
if DEBUG: print "\n----- creating SDRAM files"
db = pacman.load_db(sys.argv[1]) # IMPORTS THE DB (it will also load the model libraray by default)
global n_synapses
n_synapses = 0
print("Loading DB: %g" %timer.elapsedTime())
image_map = db.get_image_map()
chip_map = [ (c['x'],c['y']) for c in image_map ]
chip_map = list(set(chip_map)) # removing duplicates http://love-python.blogspot.co.uk/2008/09/remove-duplicate-items-from-list-using.html
for c in chip_map:
x = c[0]
y = c[1]
filename = './binaries/SDRAM_%d_%d.dat' % (x, y)
# filename = '/tmp/SDRAM_%d_%d.dat' % (x, y)
used_cores = [ el for el in image_map if el['x']==x and el['y']==y ]
out_file_string = ""
memory_pointer = BASE
示例9: Timer
# 需要导入模块: from pyNN.utility import Timer [as 别名]
# 或者: from pyNN.utility.Timer import elapsedTime [as 别名]
timer = Timer()
# cell_params will be passed to the constructor of the Population Object
cell_params = {
'tau_m' : tau_m, 'cm' : cm,
'v_rest' : v_rest, 'v_reset' : v_reset, 'v_thresh' : v_thresh,
'tau_syn_E' : tau_syn_exc, 'tau_syn_I' : tau_syn_inh, 'tau_refrac' : t_refrac, 'i_offset' : i_offset
print "%g - Creating input population: %d x %d" % (timer.elapsedTime(), scale.input_size[0], scale.input_size[1])
if input_file_type:
input_file = open(InputFilePol1, 'r')
input_spike_list = eval(input_file.readline())
data_input_1 = convert_spike_list_to_timed_spikes(spike_list=input_spike_list, min_idx=0, max_idx=scale.input_size[0]*scale.input_size[1], tmin=0, tmax=runtime, tstep=int(time_step))
data_input_1 = convert_file_to_spikes(input_file_name=InputFilePol1, min_idx=0, max_idx=scale.input_size[0]*scale.input_size[1], tmin=0, tmax=runtime)
data_input_1 = subsample_spikes_by_time(data_input_1, 0, 100, 6)
data_input_1 = random_skew_times(data_input_1, 3)
data_input_1 = [data_input_1[neuron] if neuron in data_input_1 else [] for neuron in range(scale.input_size[0]*scale.input_size[1])]
input_pol_1 = Population(scale.input_size[0]*scale.input_size[1], # size
SpikeSourceArray, # Neuron Type
{'spike_times': data_input_1}, # Neuron Parameters
label="input_pol_1") # Label
if layer_to_observe == 'input_pol_1' or layer_to_observe == 'all':
print "%g - observing input (positive polarity)" % timer.elapsedTime()
示例10: len
# 需要导入模块: from pyNN.utility import Timer [as 别名]
# 或者: from pyNN.utility.Timer import elapsedTime [as 别名]
print "Bas --> Bas\t\t", len(Bas_to_Bas), "connections"
Ext_to_Bas = Projection(bas_poisson, Bas_net, BasExt_Connector, target="excitatory")
print "Ext --> Bas\t", len(Ext_to_Bas), "connections"
Pyr_to_Sli = []
print "%d Connecting slow inhibitory population." % (rank)
for pre in range(NP):
P2S_sub = Projection(Pyr_net[pre], Sli_net, SliExc_Connector, rng=rng, target="excitatory")
print "Pyr --> SlowInh\t\t", len(P2S_sub), "connections"
Ext_to_Sli = Projection(sli_poisson, Sli_net, SliExt_Connector, target="excitatory")
print "Ext --> SlowInh\t", len(Ext_to_Sli), "connections"
# read out time used for building
buildCPUTime = timer.elapsedTime()
# === Run simulation ===========================================================
# run, measure computer time
timer.start() # start timer on construction
print "%d Running simulation for %g ms." % (rank, simtime)
simCPUTime = timer.elapsedTime()
print "%d Writing data to file." % rank
filename_spike_pyr = []
filename_v_pyr = []
for sp in range(NP):
filename_spike_sub = "Results/%s_pyr%d_np%d_%s.ras" % (run_name, sp, np, simulator_name) # output file for excit. population
示例11: run
# 需要导入模块: from pyNN.utility import Timer [as 别名]
# 或者: from pyNN.utility.Timer import elapsedTime [as 别名]
def run(self,params, verbose =True):
tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
timer = Timer()
timer.start() # start timer on construction
# === Build the network ========================================================
if verbose: print "Setting up simulation"
sim.setup(timestep=params.simulation.dt,max_delay=params.simulation.syn_delay, debug=False)
N = params.N
current_source = sim.DCSource( amplitude= params.snr,
# internal noise model (NEST specific)
noise = sim.Population(N,'noise_generator',{'mean':0.,'std':params.noise_std})
# target population
output = sim.Population(N , sim.IF_cond_exp)
# initialize membrane potential
V_rest, V_spike = -70., -53.
output.tset('v_init',V_rest + numpy.random.rand(N,)* (V_spike -V_rest))
# Connecting the network
conn = sim.OneToOneConnector(weights = params.weight)
sim.Projection(noise, output, conn)
for cell in output:
# reads out time used for building
buildCPUTime= timer.elapsedTime()
# === Run simulation ===========================================================
if verbose: print "Running simulation"
timer.reset() # start timer on construction
simCPUTime = timer.elapsedTime()
timer.reset() # start timer on construction
output_filename = os.path.join(tmpdir,'output.gdf')
#print output_filename
output_DATA = load_spikelist(output_filename,N,
t_start=0.0, t_stop=params.simulation.simtime)
writeCPUTime = timer.elapsedTime()
if verbose:
print "\nFiber Network Simulation:"
print "Number of Neurons : ", N
print "Mean Output rate : ", output_DATA.mean_rate(), "Hz during ",params.simulation.simtime, "ms"
print("Build time : %g s" % buildCPUTime)
print("Simulation time : %g s" % simCPUTime)
print("Writing time : %g s" % writeCPUTime)
return output_DATA
示例12: run
# 需要导入模块: from pyNN.utility import Timer [as 别名]
# 或者: from pyNN.utility.Timer import elapsedTime [as 别名]
def run(self, params, verbose=True):
params are the parameters to use
tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
myTimer = Timer()
# === Build the network ========================================================
if verbose:
print "Setting up simulation"
myTimer.start() # start timer on construction
sim.setup(timestep=params["dt"], max_delay=params["syn_delay"])
N = params["N"]
# dc_generator
phr_ON = sim.Population((N,), "dc_generator")
phr_OFF = sim.Population((N,), "dc_generator")
for factor, phr in [(-params["snr"], phr_OFF), (params["snr"], phr_ON)]:
phr.tset("amplitude", params["amplitude"] * factor)
phr.set({"start": params["simtime"] / 4, "stop": params["simtime"] / 4 * 3})
# internal noise model (see benchmark_noise)
noise_ON = sim.Population((N,), "noise_generator", {"mean": 0.0, "std": params["noise_std"]})
noise_OFF = sim.Population((N,), "noise_generator", {"mean": 0.0, "std": params["noise_std"]})
# target ON and OFF populations (what about a tridimensional Population?)
out_ON = sim.Population(
(N,), sim.IF_curr_alpha
) #'IF_cond_alpha) #iaf_sfa_neuron')# EIF_cond_alpha_isfa_ista, IF_cond_exp_gsfa_grr,sim.IF_cond_alpha)#'iaf_sfa_neuron',params['parameters_gc'])#'iaf_cond_neuron')# IF_cond_alpha) #
out_OFF = sim.Population(
(N,), sim.IF_curr_alpha
) #'IF_cond_alpha) #IF_curr_alpha)#'iaf_sfa_neuron')#sim.IF_curr_alpha)#,params['parameters_gc'])
# initialize membrane potential TODO: and conductances?
from pyNN.random import RandomDistribution, NumpyRNG
rng = NumpyRNG(seed=params["kernelseed"])
vinit_distr = RandomDistribution(distribution="uniform", parameters=[-70, -55], rng=rng)
for out_ in [out_ON, out_OFF]:
retina_proj_ON = sim.Projection(phr_ON, out_ON, sim.OneToOneConnector())
# TODO fix setWeight, add setDelays to 10 ms (relative to stimulus onset)
retina_proj_OFF = sim.Projection(phr_OFF, out_OFF, sim.OneToOneConnector())
noise_proj_ON = sim.Projection(noise_ON, out_ON, sim.OneToOneConnector())
noise_proj_OFF = sim.Projection(
noise_OFF, out_OFF, sim.OneToOneConnector()
) # implication if ON and OFF have the same noise input?
# reads out time used for building
buildCPUTime = myTimer.elapsedTime()
# === Run simulation ===========================================================
if verbose:
print "Running simulation"
myTimer.reset() # start timer on construction
simCPUTime = myTimer.elapsedTime()
myTimer.reset() # start timer on construction
# TODO LUP use something like "for pop in [phr, out]" ?
out_ON_filename = os.path.join(tmpdir, "out_on.gdf")
out_OFF_filename = os.path.join(tmpdir, "out_off.gdf")
out_ON.printSpikes(out_ON_filename) #
out_OFF.printSpikes(out_OFF_filename) #
# TODO LUP get out_ON_DATA on a 2D grid independantly of out_ON.cell.astype(int)
out_ON_DATA = load_spikelist(out_ON_filename, range(N), t_start=0.0, t_stop=params["simtime"])
out_OFF_DATA = load_spikelist(out_OFF_filename, range(N), t_start=0.0, t_stop=params["simtime"])
out = {"out_ON_DATA": out_ON_DATA, "out_OFF_DATA": out_OFF_DATA} # ,'out_ON_pos':out_ON}
# cleans up
writeCPUTime = myTimer.elapsedTime()
if verbose:
print "\nRetina Network Simulation:"
print (params["description"])
print "Number of Neurons : ", N
print "Output rate (ON) : ", out_ON_DATA.mean_rate(), "Hz/neuron in ", params["simtime"], "ms"
print "Output rate (OFF) : ", out_OFF_DATA.mean_rate(), "Hz/neuron in ", params["simtime"], "ms"
print ("Build time : %g s" % buildCPUTime)
print ("Simulation time : %g s" % simCPUTime)
print ("Writing time : %g s" % writeCPUTime)
return out
示例13: str
# 需要导入模块: from pyNN.utility import Timer [as 别名]
# 或者: from pyNN.utility.Timer import elapsedTime [as 别名]
already_computed = 0
for pop in params['Populations'].keys():
if os.path.exists(opts.data_folder + str(run) +'/'+pop+str(comb)+'.pkl'):
already_computed = already_computed + 1
if already_computed > 0:
print "already computed"
Populations = h.build_network(sim,params)
h.record_data(params, Populations)
h.perform_injections(params, Populations)
print "Running Network"
timer = Timer()
interval = 10
sim.run(params['run_time'], callbacks = SetInput(Populations, interval, params['dt']))
simCPUtime = timer.elapsedTime()
print "Simulation Time: %s" % str(simCPUtime)
h.save_data(Populations, opts.data_folder + str(run), str(comb))
else :
if search:
already_computed = 0
for pop in params['Populations'].keys():
if os.path.exists(opts.data_folder + str(run) +'/'+pop+str(comb)+'.png'):
already_computed = already_computed + 1
if already_computed > len(params['Populations']) - 1:
print "already analysed"
ratio,fqcy,psd,freq, fqcy_ratio = h.analyse(params, opts.data_folder + str(run), str(comb), opts.remove)
print "ratio",ratio,"fqcy",fqcy,"psd",psd,"freq",freq
示例14: run_simulation
# 需要导入模块: from pyNN.utility import Timer [as 别名]
# 或者: from pyNN.utility.Timer import elapsedTime [as 别名]
def run_simulation(run):
info = {}
# run combinations
for i,comb in enumerate(combinations):
print "param combination",i, "trial",run
print "current set:",comb
# replacement
for ckey,val in comb.iteritems():
keys = ckey.split('.') # get list from dotted string
# save parameters in the data_folder
if not os.path.exists(opts.data_folder+str(run)):
shutil.copy('./'+opts.param_file, opts.data_folder + str(run)+'/'+opts.param_file+'_'+str(comb)+'.py')
if not opts.analysis: #run simulation
# run simulation if it hasn't already been ran for these parameters
already_computed = 0
for pop in params['Populations'].keys():
if os.path.exists(opts.data_folder + str(run) +'/'+pop+str(comb)+'.pkl'):
already_computed = already_computed + 1
if already_computed > 0:
print "already computed"
Populations = h.build_network(sim,params)
h.record_data(params, Populations)
h.perform_injections(params, Populations)
print "Running Network"
timer = Timer()
inject_spikes = partial(inject_spikes_pop,Populations = Populations)
sim.run(params['run_time'], [inject_spikes])
simCPUtime = timer.elapsedTime()
print "Simulation Time: %s" % str(simCPUtime)
h.save_data(Populations, opts.data_folder + str(run), str(comb))
else : #do analysis
if search: #then compute the csv needed for the search maps
already_analysed = 0 #analyse only those that haven't already been analysed
for pop in params['Populations'].keys():
if os.path.exists(opts.data_folder + str(run) +'/'+pop+str(comb)+'.png'):
already_analysed = already_analysed + 1
if already_analysed >= len(params['Populations'])-1 :
print "already analysed"
ratio,fqcy,psd,freq, fqcy_ratio = h.analyse(params, opts.data_folder + str(run), str(comb), opts.remove)
#save computed values in csv files
gen = (pop for pop in params['Populations'].keys() if pop != 'ext')
for pop in gen:
if i == 0:
with open(opts.data_folder+ str(run)+'/map-'+pop+'.csv', 'wb') as csvfile:
mywriter = csv.writer(csvfile)
mywriter.writerow( ['#'+str(testParams[1])+ ':' +str(search[testParams[1]]) ] )
mywriter.writerow( ['#'+str(testParams[0])+ ':' +str(search[testParams[0]]) ] )
with open(opts.data_folder+ str(run)+'/psdmap-'+pop+'.csv', 'wb') as csvfile:
mywriter = csv.writer(csvfile)
mywriter.writerow( ['#'+str(testParams[1])+ ':' +str(search[testParams[1]]) ] )
mywriter.writerow( ['#'+str(testParams[0])+ ':' +str(search[testParams[0]]) ] )
if pop in freq:
info[pop] = []
if pop in ratio and pop in fqcy:
if (i+1)%len(search[testParams[1]]) == 0:
with open(opts.data_folder+str(run)+'/map-'+pop+'.csv', 'a') as csvfile:
mywriter = csv.writer(csvfile)
info[pop] = []
if pop in psd:
with open(opts.data_folder+str(run)+'/psdmap-'+pop+'.csv', 'a') as csvfile:
mywriter = csv.writer(csvfile)
h.analyse(params, opts.data_folder+str(run), str(comb), opts.remove)