本文整理汇总了Python中neo.core.Segment.spiketrains方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Segment.spiketrains方法的具体用法?Python Segment.spiketrains怎么用?Python Segment.spiketrains使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类neo.core.Segment
示例1: _read_segment
# 需要导入模块: from neo.core import Segment [as 别名]
# 或者: from neo.core.Segment import spiketrains [as 别名]
def _read_segment(self, node, parent):
attributes = self._get_standard_attributes(node)
segment = Segment(**attributes)
signals = []
for name, child_node in node['analogsignals'].items():
if "AnalogSignal" in name:
signals.append(self._read_analogsignal(child_node, parent=segment))
if signals and self.merge_singles:
segment.unmerged_analogsignals = signals # signals will be merged later
signals = []
for name, child_node in node['analogsignalarrays'].items():
if "AnalogSignalArray" in name:
signals.append(self._read_analogsignalarray(child_node, parent=segment))
segment.analogsignals = signals
irr_signals = []
for name, child_node in node['irregularlysampledsignals'].items():
if "IrregularlySampledSignal" in name:
irr_signals.append(self._read_irregularlysampledsignal(child_node, parent=segment))
if irr_signals and self.merge_singles:
segment.unmerged_irregularlysampledsignals = irr_signals
irr_signals = []
segment.irregularlysampledsignals = irr_signals
epochs = []
for name, child_node in node['epochs'].items():
if "Epoch" in name:
epochs.append(self._read_epoch(child_node, parent=segment))
if self.merge_singles:
epochs = self._merge_data_objects(epochs)
for name, child_node in node['epocharrays'].items():
if "EpochArray" in name:
epochs.append(self._read_epocharray(child_node, parent=segment))
segment.epochs = epochs
events = []
for name, child_node in node['events'].items():
if "Event" in name:
events.append(self._read_event(child_node, parent=segment))
if self.merge_singles:
events = self._merge_data_objects(events)
for name, child_node in node['eventarrays'].items():
if "EventArray" in name:
events.append(self._read_eventarray(child_node, parent=segment))
segment.events = events
spiketrains = []
for name, child_node in node['spikes'].items():
raise NotImplementedError('Spike objects not yet handled.')
for name, child_node in node['spiketrains'].items():
if "SpikeTrain" in name:
spiketrains.append(self._read_spiketrain(child_node, parent=segment))
segment.spiketrains = spiketrains
segment.block = parent
return segment
示例2: read_segment
# 需要导入模块: from neo.core import Segment [as 别名]
# 或者: from neo.core.Segment import spiketrains [as 别名]
def read_segment(self, lazy=False, cascade=True,
gdf_id_list=None, time_unit=pq.ms, t_start=None,
t_stop=None, id_column=0, time_column=1, **args):
Read a Segment which contains SpikeTrain(s) with specified neuron IDs
from the GDF data.
lazy : bool, optional, default: False
cascade : bool, optional, default: True
gdf_id_list : list or tuple, default: None
Can be either list of GDF IDs of which to return SpikeTrain(s) or
a tuple specifying the range (includes boundaries [start, stop])
of GDF IDs. Must be specified if the GDF file contains neuron
IDs, the default None then raises an error. Specify an empty
list [] to retrieve the spike trains of all neurons with at least
one spike.
time_unit : Quantity (time), optional, default: quantities.ms
The time unit of recorded time stamps.
t_start : Quantity (time), default: None
Start time of SpikeTrain. t_start must be specified, the default None
raises an error.
t_stop : Quantity (time), default: None
Stop time of SpikeTrain. t_stop must be specified, the default None
raises an error.
id_column : int, optional, default: 0
Column index of neuron IDs.
time_column : int, optional, default: 1
Column index of time stamps.
seg : Segment
The Segment contains one SpikeTrain for each ID in gdf_id_list.
if isinstance(gdf_id_list, tuple):
gdf_id_list = range(gdf_id_list[0], gdf_id_list[1] + 1)
# __read_spiketrains() needs a list of IDs
if gdf_id_list is None:
gdf_id_list = [None]
# create an empty Segment and fill in the spike trains
seg = Segment()
seg.spiketrains = self.__read_spiketrains(gdf_id_list,
time_unit, t_start,
id_column, time_column,
return seg
示例3: proc_src_condition
# 需要导入模块: from neo.core import Segment [as 别名]
# 或者: from neo.core.Segment import spiketrains [as 别名]
def proc_src_condition(rep, filename, ADperiod, side, block):
'''Get the condition in a src file that has been processed by the official
matlab function. See proc_src for details'''
chx = block.channel_indexes[0]
stim = rep['stim'].flatten()
params = [str(res[0]) for res in stim['paramName'][0].flatten()]
values = [res for res in stim['paramVal'][0].flatten()]
stim = dict(zip(params, values))
sweepLen = rep['sweepLen'][0, 0]
if not len(rep):
unassignedSpikes = rep['unassignedSpikes'].flatten()
if len(unassignedSpikes):
damaIndexes = [res[0, 0] for res in unassignedSpikes['damaIndex']]
timeStamps = [res[0, 0] for res in unassignedSpikes['timeStamp']]
spikeunit = [res.flatten() for res in unassignedSpikes['spikes']]
respWin = np.array([], dtype=np.int32)
trains = proc_src_condition_unit(spikeunit, sweepLen, side, ADperiod,
respWin, damaIndexes, timeStamps,
atrains = [trains]
damaIndexes = []
timeStamps = []
atrains = []
clusters = rep['clusters'].flatten()
if len(clusters):
IdStrings = [res[0] for res in clusters['IdString']]
sweepLens = [res[0, 0] for res in clusters['sweepLen']]
respWins = [res.flatten() for res in clusters['respWin']]
spikeunits = []
for cluster in clusters['sweeps']:
if len(cluster):
spikes = [res.flatten() for res in
spikes = []
IdStrings = []
sweepLens = []
respWins = []
spikeunits = []
for unit, IdString in zip(chx.units[1:], IdStrings):
unit.name = str(IdString)
fullunit = zip(spikeunits, chx.units[1:], sweepLens, respWins)
for spikeunit, unit, sweepLen, respWin in fullunit:
trains = proc_src_condition_unit(spikeunit, sweepLen, side, ADperiod,
respWin, damaIndexes, timeStamps,
atrains = zip(*atrains)
for trains in atrains:
segment = Segment(file_origin=filename, feature_type=-1,
include_unit_bounds=False, **stim)
segment.spiketrains = trains
示例4: proc_f32
# 需要导入模块: from neo.core import Segment [as 别名]
# 或者: from neo.core.Segment import spiketrains [as 别名]
def proc_f32(filename):
"""Load an f32 file that has already been processed by the official matlab
file converter. That matlab data is saved to an m-file, which is then
converted to a numpy '.npz' file. This numpy file is the file actually
loaded. This function converts it to a neo block and returns the block.
This block can be compared to the block produced by BrainwareF32IO to
make sure BrainwareF32IO is working properly
block = proc_f32(filename)
filename: The file name of the numpy file to load. It should end with
'*_f32_py?.npz'. This will be converted to a neo 'file_origin' property
with the value '*.f32', so the filename to compare should fit that pattern.
'py?' should be 'py2' for the python 2 version of the numpy file or 'py3'
for the python 3 version of the numpy file.
example: filename = 'file1_f32_py2.npz'
f32 file name = 'file1.f32'
filenameorig = os.path.basename(filename[:-12] + ".f32")
# create the objects to store other objects
block = Block(file_origin=filenameorig)
rcg = RecordingChannelGroup(file_origin=filenameorig)
rcg.channel_indexes = np.array([], dtype=np.int)
rcg.channel_names = np.array([], dtype="S")
unit = Unit(file_origin=filenameorig)
# load objects into their containers
with np.load(filename) as f32obj:
f32file = f32obj.items()[0][1].flatten()
except IOError as exc:
if "as a pickle" in exc.message:
return block
sweeplengths = [res[0, 0].tolist() for res in f32file["sweeplength"]]
stims = [res.flatten().tolist() for res in f32file["stim"]]
sweeps = [res["spikes"].flatten() for res in f32file["sweep"] if res.size]
fullf32 = zip(sweeplengths, stims, sweeps)
for sweeplength, stim, sweep in fullf32:
for trainpts in sweep:
if trainpts.size:
trainpts = trainpts.flatten().astype("float32")
trainpts = []
paramnames = ["Param%s" % i for i in range(len(stim))]
params = dict(zip(paramnames, stim))
train = SpikeTrain(trainpts, units=pq.ms, t_start=0, t_stop=sweeplength, file_origin=filenameorig)
segment = Segment(file_origin=filenameorig, **params)
segment.spiketrains = [train]
return block
示例5: read_segment
# 需要导入模块: from neo.core import Segment [as 别名]
# 或者: from neo.core.Segment import spiketrains [as 别名]
def read_segment(self, gid_list=None, time_unit=pq.ms, t_start=None,
t_stop=None, sampling_period=None, id_column_dat=0,
time_column_dat=1, value_columns_dat=2,
id_column_gdf=0, time_column_gdf=1, value_types=None,
value_units=None, lazy=False):
Reads a Segment which contains SpikeTrain(s) with specified neuron IDs
from the GDF data.
gid_list : list, default: None
A list of GDF IDs of which to return SpikeTrain(s). gid_list must
be specified if the GDF file contains neuron IDs, the default None
then raises an error. Specify an empty list [] to retrieve the spike
trains of all neurons.
time_unit : Quantity (time), optional, default: quantities.ms
The time unit of recorded time stamps in DAT as well as GDF files.
t_start : Quantity (time), optional, default: 0 * pq.ms
Start time of SpikeTrain.
t_stop : Quantity (time), default: None
Stop time of SpikeTrain. t_stop must be specified, the default None
raises an error.
sampling_period : Quantity (frequency), optional, default: None
Sampling period of the recorded data.
id_column_dat : int, optional, default: 0
Column index of neuron IDs in the DAT file.
time_column_dat : int, optional, default: 1
Column index of time stamps in the DAT file.
value_columns_dat : int, optional, default: 2
Column index of the analog values recorded in the DAT file.
id_column_gdf : int, optional, default: 0
Column index of neuron IDs in the GDF file.
time_column_gdf : int, optional, default: 1
Column index of time stamps in the GDF file.
value_types : str, optional, default: None
Nest data type of the analog values recorded, eg.'V_m', 'I', 'g_e'
value_units : Quantity (amplitude), default: None
The physical unit of the recorded signal values.
lazy : bool, optional, default: False
seg : Segment
The Segment contains one SpikeTrain and one AnalogSignal for
each ID in gid_list.
assert not lazy, 'Do not support lazy'
if isinstance(gid_list, tuple):
if gid_list[0] > gid_list[1]:
raise ValueError('The second entry in gid_list must be '
'greater or equal to the first entry.')
gid_list = range(gid_list[0], gid_list[1] + 1)
# __read_xxx() needs a list of IDs
if gid_list is None:
gid_list = [None]
# create an empty Segment
seg = Segment(file_origin=",".join(self.filenames))
seg.file_datetime = datetime.fromtimestamp(os.stat(self.filenames[0]).st_mtime)
# todo: rather than take the first file for the timestamp, we should take the oldest
# in practice, there won't be much difference
# Load analogsignals and attach to Segment
if 'dat' in self.avail_formats:
seg.analogsignals = self.__read_analogsignals(
if 'gdf' in self.avail_formats:
seg.spiketrains = self.__read_spiketrains(
return seg
示例6: read_block
# 需要导入模块: from neo.core import Segment [as 别名]
# 或者: from neo.core.Segment import spiketrains [as 别名]
def read_block(self, lazy=False, cascade=True, signal_names=None, signal_units=None):
block = Block(file_origin=self.filename)
segment = Segment(name="default")
segment.block = block
spike_times = defaultdict(list)
spike_file = self.filename + ".dat"
print("SPIKEFILE: {}".format(spike_file))
if os.path.exists(spike_file):
print("Loading data from {}".format(spike_file))
with open(spike_file, 'r') as fp:
for line in fp:
if line[0] != '#':
entries = line.strip().split()
if len(entries) > 1:
time = float(entries[0])
for id in entries[1:]:
t_stop = float(entries[0])
if spike_times:
min_id = min(map(int, spike_times))
segment.spiketrains = [SpikeTrain(times, t_stop=t_stop, units="ms",
id=int(id), source_index=int(id) - min_id)
for id, times in spike_times.items()]
signal_files = glob("{}_state.*.dat".format(self.filename))
for signal_file in signal_files:
print("Loading data from {}".format(signal_file))
population = os.path.basename(signal_file).split(".")[1]
data = np.loadtxt(signal_file, delimiter=", ")
except ValueError:
print("Couldn't load data from file {}".format(signal_file))
t_start = data[0, 1]
ids = data[:, 0]
unique_ids = np.unique(ids)
for column in range(2, data.shape[1]):
if signal_names is None:
signal_name = "signal{}".format(column - 2)
signal_name = signal_names[column - 2]
if signal_units is None:
units = "mV" # seems like a reasonable default
units = signal_units[column - 2]
signals_by_id = {}
for id in unique_ids:
times = data[ids==id, 1]
unique_times, idx = np.unique(times, return_index=True) # some time points are represented twice
signals_by_id[id] = data[ids==id, column][idx]
channel_ids = np.array(list(signals_by_id.keys()))
if len(unique_times) > 1:
sampling_period = unique_times[1] - unique_times[0]
assert sampling_period != 0.0, sampling_period
signal_lengths = np.array([s.size for s in signals_by_id.values()])
min_length = signal_lengths.min()
if not (signal_lengths == signal_lengths[0]).all():
print("Warning: signals have different sizes: min={}, max={}".format(min_length,
print("Truncating to length {}".format(min_length))
signal = AnalogSignal(np.vstack([s[:min_length] for s in signals_by_id.values()]).T,
t_start=t_start * pq.ms,
#signal.channel_index = ChannelIndex(np.arange(signal.shape[1], int),
# channel_ids=channel_ids)
signal.channel_index = channel_ids
return block