本文整理汇总了Python中naoqi.ALProxy.getTransform方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python ALProxy.getTransform方法的具体用法?Python ALProxy.getTransform怎么用?Python ALProxy.getTransform使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类naoqi.ALProxy
示例1: main
# 需要导入模块: from naoqi import ALProxy [as 别名]
# 或者: from naoqi.ALProxy import getTransform [as 别名]
def main(robotIP, PORT=9559):
''' Example showing a path of two positions
Warning: Needs a PoseInit before executing
motionProxy = ALProxy("ALMotion", robotIP, PORT)
postureProxy = ALProxy("ALRobotPosture", robotIP, PORT)
# Wake up robot
# Send robot to Stand Init
postureProxy.goToPosture("StandInit", 0.5)
effector = "LArm"
frame = motion.FRAME_TORSO
axisMask = almath.AXIS_MASK_VEL # just control position
useSensorValues = False
path = []
currentTf = motionProxy.getTransform(effector, frame, useSensorValues)
targetTf = almath.Transform(currentTf)
targetTf.r1_c4 += 0.03 # x
targetTf.r2_c4 += 0.03 # y
# Go to the target and back again
times = [2.0, 4.0] # seconds
motionProxy.transformInterpolations(effector, frame, path, axisMask, times)
# Go to rest position
示例2: main
# 需要导入模块: from naoqi import ALProxy [as 别名]
# 或者: from naoqi.ALProxy import getTransform [as 别名]
def main(robotIP, PORT=9559):
''' Example showing a hand ellipsoid
Warning: Needs a PoseInit before executing
motionProxy = ALProxy("ALMotion", robotIP, PORT)
postureProxy = ALProxy("ALRobotPosture", robotIP, PORT)
# Wake up robot
# Send robot to Stand Init
postureProxy.goToPosture("StandInit", 0.5)
#tts = ALProxy("ALTextToSpeech", "", 9559)
tts = ALProxy("ALTextToSpeech", "", 9559)
tts.say("Hello, I'm going to move my left arm.")
tts.say("Then I will go back to the rest position!")
effector = "LArm"
frame = motion.FRAME_TORSO
axisMask = almath.AXIS_MASK_VEL # just control position
useSensorValues = False
path = []
currentTf = motionProxy.getTransform(effector, frame, useSensorValues)
# point 1
targetTf = almath.Transform(currentTf)
targetTf.r2_c4 -= 0.05 # y
# point 2
targetTf = almath.Transform(currentTf)
targetTf.r3_c4 += 0.04 # z
# point 3
targetTf = almath.Transform(currentTf)
targetTf.r2_c4 += 0.04 # y
# point 4
targetTf = almath.Transform(currentTf)
targetTf.r3_c4 -= 0.02 # z
# point 5
targetTf = almath.Transform(currentTf)
targetTf.r2_c4 -= 0.05 # y
# point 6
times = [0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 4.5] # seconds
motionProxy.transformInterpolations(effector, frame, path, axisMask, times)
# Go to rest position
示例3: getMarkXYZ
# 需要导入模块: from naoqi import ALProxy [as 别名]
# 或者: from naoqi.ALProxy import getTransform [as 别名]
def getMarkXYZ (IP, portNumber, markData, landmarkSize):
print "0"
currentCamera = "CameraTop"
print "1"
# Retrieve landmark angular size in radians.
angularSize = markData[1][0][0][3]
print "2"
# Compute distance to landmark.
distanceFromCameraToLandmark = landmarkSize / ( 2 * math.tan( angularSize / 2))
print "3"
motionProxy = ALProxy("ALMotion", IP, portNumber)
print "4"
# Retrieve landmark center position in radians.
wzCamera = markData[1][0][0][1]
print "5"
wyCamera = markData[1][0][0][2]
print "6"
# Get current camera position in NAO space.
transform = motionProxy.getTransform(currentCamera, 2, True)
print "7"
transformList = almath.vectorFloat(transform)
robotToCamera = almath.Transform(transformList)
# Compute the rotation to point towards the landmark.
cameraToLandmarkRotationTransform = almath.Transform_from3DRotation(0, wyCamera, wzCamera)
# Compute the translation to reach the landmark.
cameraToLandmarkTranslationTransform = almath.Transform(distanceFromCameraToLandmark, 0, 0)
# Combine all transformations to get the landmark position in NAO space.
robotToLandmark = robotToCamera * cameraToLandmarkRotationTransform *cameraToLandmarkTranslationTransform
return robotToLandmark.r1_c4, robotToLandmark.r2_c4, robotToLandmark.r3_c4
示例4: main
# 需要导入模块: from naoqi import ALProxy [as 别名]
# 或者: from naoqi.ALProxy import getTransform [as 别名]
def main(robotIP, PORT=9559):
''' Example of a cartesian foot trajectory
Warning: Needs a PoseInit before executing
motionProxy = ALProxy("ALMotion", robotIP, PORT)
postureProxy = ALProxy("ALRobotPosture", robotIP, PORT)
# Wake up robot
# Send robot to Stand Init
postureProxy.goToPosture("StandInit", 0.5)
frame = motion.FRAME_WORLD
axisMask = almath.AXIS_MASK_ALL # full control
useSensorValues = False
# Lower the Torso and move to the side
effector = "Torso"
initTf = almath.Transform(
motionProxy.getTransform(effector, frame, useSensorValues))
deltaTf = almath.Transform(0.0, -0.06, -0.03) # x, y, z
targetTf = initTf*deltaTf
path = list(targetTf.toVector())
times = 2.0 # seconds
motionProxy.transformInterpolations(effector, frame, path, axisMask, times)
# LLeg motion
effector = "LLeg"
initTf = almath.Transform()
initTf = almath.Transform(motionProxy.getTransform(effector, frame, useSensorValues))
except Exception, errorMsg:
print str(errorMsg)
print "This example is not allowed on this robot."
示例5: main
# 需要导入模块: from naoqi import ALProxy [as 别名]
# 或者: from naoqi.ALProxy import getTransform [as 别名]
def main(robotIP, PORT=9559):
Example showing a Hula Hoop Motion
with the NAO cartesian control of torso
motionProxy = ALProxy("ALMotion", robotIP, PORT)
postureProxy = ALProxy("ALRobotPosture", robotIP, PORT)
# end initialize proxy, begin go to Stand Init
# Wake up robot
# Send robot to Stand Init
postureProxy.goToPosture("StandInit", 0.5)
# end go to Stand Init, begin define control point
effector = "Torso"
frame = motion.FRAME_ROBOT
axisMask = almath.AXIS_MASK_ALL
isAbsolute = True
useSensorValues = False
currentTf = almath.Transform(motionProxy.getTransform(effector, frame, useSensorValues))
# end define control point, begin define target
# Define the changes relative to the current position
dx = 0.03 # translation axis X (meter)
dy = 0.03 # translation axis Y (meter)
dwx = 8.0*almath.TO_RAD # rotation axis X (rad)
dwy = 8.0*almath.TO_RAD # rotation axis Y (rad)
# point 01 : forward / bend backward
target1Tf = almath.Transform(currentTf.r1_c4, currentTf.r2_c4, currentTf.r3_c4)
target1Tf *= almath.Transform(dx, 0.0, 0.0)
target1Tf *= almath.Transform().fromRotY(-dwy)
# point 02 : right / bend left
target2Tf = almath.Transform(currentTf.r1_c4, currentTf.r2_c4, currentTf.r3_c4)
target2Tf *= almath.Transform(0.0, -dy, 0.0)
target2Tf *= almath.Transform().fromRotX(-dwx)
# point 03 : backward / bend forward
target3Tf = almath.Transform(currentTf.r1_c4, currentTf.r2_c4, currentTf.r3_c4)
target3Tf *= almath.Transform(-dx, 0.0, 0.0)
target3Tf *= almath.Transform().fromRotY(dwy)
# point 04 : left / bend right
target4Tf = almath.Transform(currentTf.r1_c4, currentTf.r2_c4, currentTf.r3_c4)
target4Tf *= almath.Transform(0.0, dy, 0.0)
target4Tf *= almath.Transform().fromRotX(dwx)
path = []
timeOneMove = 0.5 #seconds
times = []
for i in range(len(path)):
# end define target, begin call motion api
# call the cartesian control API
motionProxy.transformInterpolations(effector, frame, path, axisMask, times)
# Go to rest position
示例6: ALProxy
# 需要导入模块: from naoqi import ALProxy [as 别名]
# 或者: from naoqi.ALProxy import getTransform [as 别名]
#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from naoqi import ALProxy
import motion
import argparse
# ----------> Connect to robot <----------
robot_ip = ""
robot_port = 9559 # default port : 9559
motionProxy = ALProxy("ALMotion", robot_ip, robot_port)
# ----------> get Transform and print <----------
# Example showing how to get the end of the right arm as a transform
# represented in torso space. The result is a 4 by 4 matrix composed
# of a 3*3 rotation matrix and a column vector of positions.
name = 'RArm'
frame = motion.FRAME_TORSO
useSensorValues = True
result = motionProxy.getTransform(name, frame, useSensorValues)
for i in range(0, 4):
for j in range(0, 4):
print result[4*i + j],
print ''
#R R R x
#R R R y
#R R R z
#0 0 0 1
示例7: NaoMotionController
# 需要导入模块: from naoqi import ALProxy [as 别名]
# 或者: from naoqi.ALProxy import getTransform [as 别名]
exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info()
traceback.print_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback)
def _init_effector(self):
"""Initialize the position and orientation of all effectors."""
for x in self._effectorNames:
self._effector[x] = 0.0
def _init_joint(self):
"""Initialize the position and orientation of all joints."""
for x in self._jointNames:
self._joint[x] = 0.0
def _init_camera(self):
"""Initialize the position and orientation of all cameras."""
for x in self._cameraNames:
self._camera[x] = 0.0
def _update_effector(self):
"""Update the position and orientation of all effectors."""
for x in self._effectorNames:
self._effector[x] = self._motion_proxy.getPosition(x, self._default_frame, self._use_sensor_values)
def _update_joint(self):
"""Update the position and orientation of all joints."""
for x in self._jointNames:
self._joint[x] = self._motion_proxy.getPosition(x, self._default_frame, self._use_sensor_values)
def _update_camera(self):
"""Update the position and orientation of all cameras."""
for x in self._cameraNames:
self._camera[x] = self._motion_proxy.getPosition(x, self._default_frame, self._use_sensor_values)
def _calculate_target_tf(self, effector, delta_tf, frame):
"""Calculate the target transform.
Calculate the target transform from the current position of the effector
and the relative position change.
effector : str
String of effector name.
delta_tf : ndarray[float]
The relative position change.
The task frame .
init_tf = almath.Transform(self._motion_proxy.getTransform(effector, frame, self._use_sensor_values))
delta_tf = listify(delta_tf)
d = delta_tf.pop(0)
target_tf = init_tf * almath.Transform().fromPosition(*d)
path = list(target_tf.toVector())
if delta_tf:
path = [path]
for d in delta_tf:
target_tf *= almath.Transform().fromPosition(*d)
return path
def _calculate_target_pos(self, effector, delta_pos, frame):
"""Calculate the target position.
Calculate the target position from the current position of the effector
and the relative position change.
effector : str
String of effector name.
delta_pos : ndarray[float]
The relative position change.
The task frame .
init_pos = self._motion_proxy.getPosition(effector, frame, self._use_sensor_values)
delta_pos = listify(delta_pos)
d = delta_pos.pop(0)
target_pos = almath.Position6D(init_pos)
target_pos += almath.Position6D(d)
path = list(target_pos.toVector())
if delta_pos:
path = [path]
for d in delta_pos:
target_pos += almath.Position6D(d)
return path
def _generate_id(self, pip, pport):
return "%s.%s:%s:%i:%i" % (self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__, pip, pport, next(self._ids))
示例8: main
# 需要导入模块: from naoqi import ALProxy [as 别名]
# 或者: from naoqi.ALProxy import getTransform [as 别名]
def main(robotIP, PORT=9559):
''' Simultaneously control three effectors:
the Torso, the Left Arm and the Right Arm
Warning: Needs a PoseInit before executing
motionProxy = ALProxy("ALMotion", robotIP, PORT)
postureProxy = ALProxy("ALRobotPosture", robotIP, PORT)
# Wake up robot
# Send robot to Stand Init
postureProxy.goToPosture("StandInit", 0.5)
frame = motion.FRAME_WORLD
coef = 0.5 # motion speed
times = [coef, 2.0*coef, 3.0*coef, 4.0*coef]
useSensorValues = False
# Relative movement between current and desired positions
dy = +0.03 # translation axis Y (meters)
dz = -0.03 # translation axis Z (meters)
dwx = +8.0*almath.TO_RAD # rotation axis X (radians)
# Motion of Torso with post process
effector = "Torso"
path = []
initTf = almath.Transform(motionProxy.getTransform(effector, frame, useSensorValues))
# point 1
deltaTf = almath.Transform(0.0, -dy, dz)*almath.Transform().fromRotX(-dwx)
targetTf = initTf*deltaTf
# point 2
# point 3
deltaTf = almath.Transform(0.0, dy, dz)*almath.Transform().fromRotX(dwx)
targetTf = initTf*deltaTf
# point 4
axisMask = almath.AXIS_MASK_ALL # control all the effector axes
motionProxy.post.transformInterpolations(effector, frame, path,
axisMask, times)
# Motion of Arms with block process
frame = motion.FRAME_TORSO
axisMask = almath.AXIS_MASK_VEL # control just the position
times = [1.0*coef, 2.0*coef] # seconds
# Motion of Right Arm during the first half of the Torso motion
effector = "RArm"
path = []
currentTf = motionProxy.getTransform(effector, frame, useSensorValues)
targetTf = almath.Transform(currentTf)
targetTf.r2_c4 -= 0.04 # y
motionProxy.transformInterpolations(effector, frame, path, axisMask, times)
# Motion of Left Arm during the last half of the Torso motion
effector = "LArm"
path = []
currentTf = motionProxy.getTransform(effector, frame, useSensorValues)
targetTf = almath.Transform(currentTf)
targetTf.r2_c4 += 0.04 # y
motionProxy.transformInterpolations(effector, frame, path, axisMask, times)
# Go to rest position
示例9: main
# 需要导入模块: from naoqi import ALProxy [as 别名]
# 或者: from naoqi.ALProxy import getTransform [as 别名]
def main(robotIP, PORT=9559):
Example of a whole body multiple effectors control "LArm", "RArm" and "Torso"
Warning: Needs a PoseInit before executing
Whole body balancer must be inactivated at the end of the script
motionProxy = ALProxy("ALMotion", robotIP, PORT)
postureProxy = ALProxy("ALRobotPosture", robotIP, PORT)
# end initialize proxy, begin go to Stand Init
# Wake up robot
# Send robot to Stand Init
id = postureProxy.post.goToPosture("Stand", 0.5)
postureProxy.wait(id, 0)
# end go to Stand Init, begin initialize whole body
# Enable Whole Body Balancer
isEnabled = True
# Legs are constrained fixed
stateName = "Fixed"
supportLeg = "Legs"
motionProxy.wbFootState(stateName, supportLeg)
# Constraint Balance Motion
isEnable = True
supportLeg = "Legs"
motionProxy.wbEnableBalanceConstraint(isEnable, supportLeg)
# end initialize whole body, define arms motions
useSensorValues = False
# ***************************************************************
# effectorList = ["LArm"]
# arm = "LArm"
# axisDirection = 1 # +1 for LArm, -1 for RArm
# frame = motion.FRAME_WORLD
# currentTf = motionProxy.getTransform(arm, frame, useSensorValues)
for i in range(5):
print i
# Arms motion
effectorList = ["LArm"]
arm = "LArm"
axisDirection = 1 # +1 for LArm, -1 for RArm
frame = motion.FRAME_WORLD
pathArm = []
currentTf = motionProxy.getTransform(arm, frame, useSensorValues)
# 1 - arm ready out front
target1Tf = almath.Transform(currentTf)
target1Tf.r1_c4 += 0.05 # x
target1Tf.r2_c4 += 0.00 * axisDirection # y
target1Tf.r3_c4 += 0.00 # z
# 2 - arm back
target2Tf = almath.Transform(currentTf)
target2Tf.r1_c4 += 0.00
target2Tf.r2_c4 += 0.15
target2Tf.r3_c4 += 0.15
# 3 - arm to ball using ball.y
target3Tf = almath.Transform(currentTf)
target3Tf.r1_c4 += 0.05
target3Tf.r2_c4 += 0.00 * axisDirection
target3Tf.r3_c4 += 0.10
pathList = [pathArm]
axisMaskList = [almath.AXIS_MASK_VEL]
coef = 1.5
timesList = [coef * (i + 1) for i in range(len(pathArm))]
# And move!
id = motionProxy.post.transformInterpolations(effectorList, frame, pathArm, axisMaskList, timesList)
motionProxy.wait(id, 0)
# It is necessary to return the robot to the start position so the next target
# positions are not added to the last move position.
# id = postureProxy.post.goToPosture("Stand", 0.75)
# postureProxy.wait(id, 0)
示例10: main
# 需要导入模块: from naoqi import ALProxy [as 别名]
# 或者: from naoqi.ALProxy import getTransform [as 别名]
def main(robotIP, PORT=9559):
''' Move the torso and keep arms fixed in nao space
Warning: Needs a PoseInit before executing
motionProxy = ALProxy("ALMotion", robotIP, PORT)
postureProxy = ALProxy("ALRobotPosture", robotIP, PORT)
# Wake up robot
# Send robot to Stand Init
postureProxy.goToPosture("StandInit", 0.5)
frame = motion.FRAME_ROBOT
useSensorValues = False
effectorList = ["LArm", "RArm"]
# Motion of Arms with block process
axisMaskList = [almath.AXIS_MASK_VEL, almath.AXIS_MASK_VEL]
timesList = [[1.0], [1.0]] # seconds
# LArm path
pathLArm = []
targetTf = almath.Transform(motionProxy.getTransform("LArm", frame, useSensorValues))
targetTf.r2_c4 -= 0.04 # y
# RArm path
pathRArm = []
targetTf = almath.Transform(motionProxy.getTransform("RArm", frame, useSensorValues))
targetTf.r2_c4 += 0.04 # y
pathList = []
motionProxy.transformInterpolations(effectorList, frame, pathList,
axisMaskList, timesList)
effectorList = ["LArm", "RArm", "Torso"]
# Motion of Arms and Torso with block process
axisMaskList = [almath.AXIS_MASK_VEL,
timesList = [[4.0], # LArm in seconds
[4.0], # RArm in seconds
[1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]] # Torso in seconds
# LArm path
pathLArm = []
pathLArm.append(motionProxy.getTransform("LArm", frame, useSensorValues))
# RArm path
pathRArm = []
pathRArm.append(motionProxy.getTransform("RArm", frame, useSensorValues))
# Torso path
pathTorso = []
currentTf = motionProxy.getTransform("Torso", frame, useSensorValues)
# 1
targetTf = almath.Transform(currentTf)
targetTf.r2_c4 += 0.04 # y
# 2
targetTf = almath.Transform(currentTf)
targetTf.r1_c4 -= 0.03 # x
# 3
targetTf = almath.Transform(currentTf)
targetTf.r2_c4 -= 0.04 # y
# 4
pathList = []
motionProxy.transformInterpolations(effectorList, frame, pathList,
axisMaskList, timesList)
# Go to rest position
示例11: planner_move
# 需要导入模块: from naoqi import ALProxy [as 别名]
# 或者: from naoqi.ALProxy import getTransform [as 别名]
def compass(self, deviation):
if deviation[0][0] > .3 or deviation[0][0] < -.3:
self.motionProxy.moveToward(0, 0, 0)
self.motionProxy.moveTo(0, 0, -deviation[0][0])
self.motionProxy.moveToward(.5, .02, -.03)
if deviation[0][1] > .3 or deviation[0][1] < -.3:
self.motionProxy.moveToward(0, 0, 0)
self.motionProxy.moveTo(0, 0, -deviation[0][1])
self.motionProxy.moveToward(.5, .02, -.03)
def landmark(self, detection):
if detection == []:
return []
elif (detection[1][0][0][3] and detection[1][0][0][4]) > .14:
if int(str(detection[1][0][1]).strip('[]')) == mark[0]:
#return ["event", detection[1][0][1]]
return [[0, []], [1, [int(str(detection[1][0][1]).strip('[]'))]], [1, [int(str(detection[1][0][1]).strip('[]'))]]]
elif int(str(detection[1][0][1]).strip('[]')) == mark[1]:
return []
elif int(str(detection[1][0][1]).strip('[]')) in mark[2]:
return [[0, []], [1, [int(str(detection[1][0][1]).strip('[]'))]], [1, [int(str(detection[1][0][1]).strip('[]'))]]]
return []
def landmarkYmovement(self, detection):
zCamera = detection[1][0][0][1]
yCamera = detection[1][0][0][2]
angularSize = detection[1][0][0][3]
distance = .06 / ( 2 * math.tan( angularSize / 2))
transform = self.motionProxy.getTransform("CameraTop", 2, True)
transformList = almath.vectorFloat(transform)
robotToCamera = almath.Transform(transformList)
cameraToLandmarkRotationTransform = almath.Transform_from3DRotation(0, yCamera, zCamera)
cameraToLandmarkTranslationTransform = almath.Transform(distance, 0, 0)
robotToLandmark = robotToCamera * cameraToLandmarkRotationTransform *cameraToLandmarkTranslationTransform
if math.fabs(robotToLandmark.r2_c4) > .2 and math.fabs(robotToLandmark.r2_c4) < .45:
self.motionProxy.moveToward(0, 0, 0)
self.motionProxy.moveTo(0, robotToLandmark.r2_c4, 0)
firstDetection = robotToLandmark.r2_c4
secondDetection = self.memoryProxy.getData("LandmarkDetected", 0)
if not secondDetection == []:
zCamera = secondDetection[1][0][0][1]
yCamera = secondDetection[1][0][0][2]
angularSize = secondDetection[1][0][0][3]
distance = .06 / ( 2 * math.tan( angularSize / 2))
transform = self.motionProxy.getTransform("CameraTop", 2, True)
transformList = almath.vectorFloat(transform)
robotToCamera = almath.Transform(transformList)
cameraToLandmarkRotationTransform = almath.Transform_from3DRotation(0, yCamera, zCamera)
cameraToLandmarkTranslationTransform = almath.Transform(distance, 0, 0)
robotToLandmark = robotToCamera * cameraToLandmarkRotationTransform *cameraToLandmarkTranslationTransform
if not robotToLandmark < math.fabs(.2):
if robotToLandmark.r2_c4 < 0:
self.motionProxy.moveTo(0, 0, ((robotToLandmark.r2_c4 / 1.06) * 5))
self.motionProxy.moveTo(0, 0, -((robotToLandmark.r2_c4 / 1.06) * 5))
if firstDetection < 0:
self.motionProxy.moveTo(0, 0, ((firstDetection / 1.06) * 5))
self.motionProxy.moveTo(0, 0, -((firstDetection / 1.06) * 5))
self.motionProxy.moveToward(.5, .02, -.03)
示例12: ALProxy
# 需要导入模块: from naoqi import ALProxy [as 别名]
# 或者: from naoqi.ALProxy import getTransform [as 别名]
tts = ALProxy("ALTextToSpeech", robot_ip, robot_port)
motion = ALProxy("ALMotion", robot_ip, robot_port)
posture = ALProxy("ALRobotPosture", robot_ip, robot_port)
# ----------> set a posture <----------
posture.goToPosture("StandInit", 0.5)
# ----------> Retrieve a transform matrix using ALMotion <----------
chainName = "RArm"
frame = 1 # FRAME_WORLD
useSensors = True
# Retrieve current transform from ALMotion.
# Convert it to a transform matrix for ALMath.
origTransform = almath.Transform(motion.getTransform(chainName, frame, useSensors))
# std::vector<float> ALMotionProxy::getTransform(
# const std::string& name, const int& frame, const bool& useSensorValues);
# Gets an Homogeneous Transform relative to the FRAME.
# Axis definition: the x axis is positive toward the robot’s front, the y from right to left and the z is vertical.
# name - Name of the item. Could be: any joint or chain or sensor
# frame - Task frame {FRAME_TORSO = 0, FRAME_WORLD = 1, FRAME_ROBOT = 2}.
# useSensorValues - If true, the sensor values will be used to determine the position.
# Returns:
# Vector of 16 floats corresponding to the values of the matrix, line by line.
print "Original transform"
print origTransform
示例13: ALProxy
# 需要导入模块: from naoqi import ALProxy [as 别名]
# 或者: from naoqi.ALProxy import getTransform [as 别名]
markData = memoryProxy.getData("LandmarkDetected")
# Retrieve landmark center position in radians.
wzCamera = markData[1][0][0][1]
wyCamera = markData[1][0][0][2]
# Retrieve landmark angular size in radians.
angularSize = markData[1][0][0][3]
# Compute distance to landmark.
distanceFromCameraToLandmark = landmarkTheoreticalSize / ( 2 * math.tan( angularSize / 2))
motionProxy = ALProxy("ALMotion", ip, 9559)
# Get current camera position in NAO space.
transform = motionProxy.getTransform(currentCamera, 2, True)
transformList = almath.vectorFloat(transform)
robotToCamera = almath.Transform(transformList)
# Compute the rotation to point towards the landmark.
cameraToLandmarkRotationTransform = almath.Transform_from3DRotation(0, wyCamera, wzCamera)
# Compute the translation to reach the landmark.
cameraToLandmarkTranslationTransform = almath.Transform(distanceFromCameraToLandmark, 0, 0)
# Combine all transformations to get the landmark position in NAO space.
robotToLandmark = robotToCamera * cameraToLandmarkRotationTransform *cameraToLandmarkTranslationTransform
print "x " + str(robotToLandmark.r1_c4) + " (in meters)"
print "y " + str(robotToLandmark.r2_c4) + " (in meters)"
print "z " + str(robotToLandmark.r3_c4) + " (in meters)"
示例14: ALProxy
# 需要导入模块: from naoqi import ALProxy [as 别名]
# 或者: from naoqi.ALProxy import getTransform [as 别名]
ip = "ra.local"
port = 9559
proxy = ALProxy("ALMotion", ip, port)
print "motionproxy ready"
space = motion.SPACE_TORSO
chainName = "Head"
currentSensor = proxy.getPosition(chainName, space, True)
current = proxy.getPosition(chainName, space, False)
print "Position of %s in space %s:"%(chainName, space_to_str(space))
print currentSensor
print current
rpy = currentSensor[3:]
print rpy
DCM = apply(transformations.euler_matrix,rpy)
print DCM
tTHSensor = proxy.getTransform(chainName, space, True)
tTH = proxy.getTransform(chainName, space, False)
print "Transform %s to %s:"%(space_to_str(space),chainName)
print transform_to_str(tTHSensor)
#print transform_to_str(tTH)
chainName = "CameraTop"
tTCSensor = proxy.getTransform(chainName, space, True)
tTC = proxy.getTransform(chainName, space, False)
print "Transform %s to %s:"%(space_to_str(space),chainName)
print transform_to_str(tTCSensor)
T = np.matrix([tTCSensor[0:4],tTCSensor[4:8],tTCSensor[8:12],tTCSensor[12:]])
#print cam_rotation_matrix()
DCM = T*cam_rotation_matrix()
print "Transform %s to %s (with rotated coordinate frame):"%(space_to_str(space),chainName)
print np_mat_to_str(DCM)
示例15: NaoXO
# 需要导入模块: from naoqi import ALProxy [as 别名]
# 或者: from naoqi.ALProxy import getTransform [as 别名]
return False
if not len(self.intersections)==4:
#print("Wrong number of intersections %s" % len(self.intersections))
return False
image_intersections = self.draw_intersections(self.img.copy(), self.intersections)
cv2.imshow("Intersections", image_intersections)
## otherwise, calculate position by using solvePnP from OpenCV
## create image points from intersections
imgPoints = np.zeros((4,2), dtype=np.float64)
for i in range(4):
## object points are created by calling setFieldSize method and can be used for solving PnP
_, self.rvec, self.tvec = cv2.solvePnP(self.objPoints, imgPoints, self.camMatrix, distCoeffs = None)
## rotation matrixause minions will die before the tower peaks and reset every minion. Unless the tower
R = cv2.cv.CreateMat(3,3,cv2.cv.CV_64FC1)
## convert rvec to R
cv2.cv.Rodrigues2(cv2.cv.fromarray(self.rvec), R)
## compose homogeneous transformation matrix
Rt = np.zeros((3,4), dtype=np.float64)
T = np.zeros((4,4), dtype = np.float64)
for i in range(3):
for j in range(3):
## obtain transformation matrix of the camera in FRAME_ROBOT
T_camAL = self.motion.getTransform("CameraBottom",2,True)
## convert to numpy format, needed for matrix multiplication
T_camAL = np.asarray(T_camAL)
T_camAL = np.reshape(T_camAL, (4,4))
## compose transformation from ALMotion coordinate frame to OpenCV coordinate frame
T_alCV = np.zeros((4,4), dtype = np.float64)
T_alCV[0,2] = 1 # this means Z'=X
T_alCV[1,0] = -1 # this means X'=-Y
T_alCV[2,1] = -1 # this means Y'=-Z
T_alCV[3,3] = 1 # homogenous coordinates!
## transformation of OpenCV camera frame in FRAME ROBOT
T_camCV = np.dot(T_camAL, T_alCV)
## transformation of the playing field in FRAME_ROBOT
self.T_field = np.dot(T_camCV, T)
## compose projection matrix
self.P = np.dot(self.camMatrix, Rt)
## calculate bounds of the playing field
self.imgproc.getBounds(self.P, self.cornerPoints)
return True
def cleanup(self):
Cleaning up when exiting
## unsubscribe from video device module