本文整理汇总了Python中moviepy.editor.VideoFileClip.get_frame方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python VideoFileClip.get_frame方法的具体用法?Python VideoFileClip.get_frame怎么用?Python VideoFileClip.get_frame使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类moviepy.editor.VideoFileClip
示例1: MoviePyReader
# 需要导入模块: from moviepy.editor import VideoFileClip [as 别名]
# 或者: from moviepy.editor.VideoFileClip import get_frame [as 别名]
class MoviePyReader(FramesSequence):
class_priority = 4
def class_exts(cls):
return {'mov', 'mp4', 'avi', 'mpeg', 'wmv', 'mkv'}
def __init__(self, filename):
if VideoFileClip is None:
raise ImportError('The MoviePyReader requires moviepy to work.')
self.clip = VideoFileClip(filename)
self.filename = filename
self._fps = self.clip.fps
self._len = int(self.clip.fps * self.clip.end)
first_frame = self.clip.get_frame(0)
self._shape = first_frame.shape
self._dtype = first_frame.dtype
def get_frame(self, i):
return Frame(self.clip.get_frame(i / self._fps), frame_no=i)
def __len__(self):
return self._len
def frame_shape(self):
return self._shape
def frame_rate(self):
return self._fps
def pixel_type(self):
return self._dtype
示例2: average_video
# 需要导入模块: from moviepy.editor import VideoFileClip [as 别名]
# 或者: from moviepy.editor.VideoFileClip import get_frame [as 别名]
def average_video(filepath, outpath, start=None, end=None, sample_every=1):
"""Calculate average of video frames"""
# Load video
vid = VideoFileClip(filepath, audio=False)
width = vid.w
height = vid.h
if start is None and end is None:
frame_generator = vid.iter_frames(progress_bar=True, dtype=np.uint8)
if start is None:
start = 0
if end is None:
end = vid.duration
# compute time increment for sampling by frames
sample_inc = sample_every / vid.fps
frame_generator = tqdm(vid.get_frame(f) for f in frange(start, end, sample_inc))
# create starting matrix of zeros
sum_fs = np.zeros(shape=(height, width, 3), dtype=int)
ma_sum_fs = np.zeros(shape=(height, width, 3), dtype=int)
prev_f = np.zeros(shape=(height, width, 3), dtype=int)
sum_delta_fs = np.zeros(shape=(height, width, 3), dtype=int)
n_frames = 0
for f in frame_generator:
delta = f - prev_f
sum_delta_fs += delta
sum_fs += f
ma_sum_fs += f
if divmod(n_frames, 100)[1] == 0 and n_frames > 0:
ma_f = ma_sum_fs / 100
.save(os.path.join(outpath, 'movavg_{}.png'.format(n_frames)))
ma_sum_fs = np.zeros(shape=(height, width, 3), dtype=int)
n_frames += 1
prev_f = f
# average out the values for each frame
average_delta_f = sum_delta_fs / n_frames
average_f = sum_fs / n_frames
# Create images
delta_img = Image.fromarray(average_delta_f.astype(np.uint8))
delta_img.save(os.path.join(outpath, 'average_delta.png'))
final_img = Image.fromarray(average_f.astype(np.uint8))
final_img.save(os.path.join(outpath, 'average.png'))
示例3: video2rollscan
# 需要导入模块: from moviepy.editor import VideoFileClip [as 别名]
# 或者: from moviepy.editor.VideoFileClip import get_frame [as 别名]
def video2rollscan(videofile, focus, start=0, end=None, savefile=None):
Makes a scan of the roll from the video.
Requires the pyton module MoviePy
Any videofile that MoviePy (FFMPEG) can read.
A function ( f(image)->rectangular image ). For instance
if the line of interest is defined by y=15 and x=10...230
>>> focus = lambda im : im[ [15], 10:230 ]
Where to start and stop, each one either in seconds, or in
format `(minutes, seconds)`. By default `start=0` and `end`
is the end of the video.
If provided, the scan image will be saved under this name.
A W*H*3 RGB picture of the piano roll made by stacking the focus
lines of the different frames under one another.
from moviepy.editor import VideoFileClip
if end is None:
end = video.duration
video = VideoFileClip(videofile, audio=False).subclip(start, end)
tt = np.arange(0, video.duration, 1.0 / video.fps)
result = np.vstack([focus(video.get_frame(t)) for t in tt])
if savefile:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
return result
示例4: average_video
# 需要导入模块: from moviepy.editor import VideoFileClip [as 别名]
# 或者: from moviepy.editor.VideoFileClip import get_frame [as 别名]
def average_video(filepath, outpath, start=None, end=None, sample_every=1):
"""Calculate average of video frames"""
# Load video
vid = VideoFileClip(filepath, audio=False).resize(width=66)
width = vid.w
height = vid.h
if start is None and end is None:
frame_generator = vid.iter_frames(progress_bar=True, dtype=np.uint8)
if start is None:
start = 0
if end is None:
end = vid.duration
# compute time increment for sampling by frames
sample_inc = sample_every / vid.fps
frame_generator = tqdm(vid.get_frame(f) for f in frange(start, end, sample_inc))
# create starting matrix of zeros
sum_fs = np.zeros(shape=(height, width, 3), dtype=int)
ma_sum_fs = np.zeros(shape=(height, width, 3), dtype=int)
prev_f = np.zeros(shape=(height, width, 3), dtype=int)
sum_delta_fs = np.zeros(shape=(height, width, 3), dtype=int)
n_frames = 0
for f in frame_generator:
#delta = f - prev_f
#sum_delta_fs += delta
#sum_fs += f
#ma_sum_fs += f
#if divmod(n_frames, 100)[1] == 0 and n_frames > 0:
# ma_f = ma_sum_fs / 100
# Image.fromarray(ma_f.astype(np.uint8))\
# .save(os.path.join(outpath, 'movavg_{}.png'.format(n_frames)))
# ma_sum_fs = np.zeros(shape=(height, width, 3), dtype=int)
#n_frames += 1
#prev_f = f
print len(f)
示例5: run_moving_crash
# 需要导入模块: from moviepy.editor import VideoFileClip [as 别名]
# 或者: from moviepy.editor.VideoFileClip import get_frame [as 别名]
def run_moving_crash(args, target, outfile):
"""Runs a moving crash based on moving (gif/mp4) inputs"""
video = VideoFileClip(target)
img = video.get_frame(t=0) # first frame of the video
bounds = foreground.get_fg_bounds(img.shape[1], args.max_depth)
max_depth = bounds.max_depth
crash_params = crash.CrashParams(
max_depth, args.threshold, args.bg_value, args.rgb_select)
options = _options(args.reveal_foreground, args.reveal_background,
args.crash, args.reveal_quadrants, args.bg_value)
frames = video.iter_frames(fps=video.fps)
def make_frame(_):
frame = next(frames)
fg, bounds = foreground.find_foreground(frame, crash_params)
return _process_img(frame, fg, bounds, options)
output_video = VideoClip(
make_frame, duration=video.duration-(4/video.fps)) # trim last 4 frms
outfile, preset=args.compression, fps=video.fps,
示例6: split_video
# 需要导入模块: from moviepy.editor import VideoFileClip [as 别名]
# 或者: from moviepy.editor.VideoFileClip import get_frame [as 别名]
def split_video():
movie_title = os.path.split(args.source_path)[-1]
offset_csv = os.path.join(args.target_folder, 'offsets.csv')
offsets = []
video = VideoFileClip(args.source_path, audio=False)
framerate = video.fps
width = (np.size(video.get_frame(0), 1) - args.middle_gap_pixel_size) / 2
left_video = moviepy.video.fx.all.crop(video, x1=0, width=width)
right_video = moviepy.video.fx.all.crop(video, x1=width + args.middle_gap_pixel_size, width=width)
right_frame_iterator = right_video.iter_frames()
output_ind = args.output_starting_ind
for ind, left_frame in enumerate(left_video.iter_frames()):
left_frame = rgb2gray(left_frame)
right_frame = rgb2gray(right_frame_iterator.next())
if (ind % 20 == 0): # INITIALIZE
left_frames = []
right_frames = []
offset_frames = []
first_start = ind
offset = randint(1,10)
second_start = first_start + offset
offset_left = randint(0, 1) == 1
if (ind >= first_start and ind < first_start + 10): # ADD FRAMES
if (ind >= second_start and ind < second_start + 10): # ADD OFFSET FRAMES
if (offset_left):
if (ind % 20 == 19): # SAVE SEGMENT FRAMES TO JPEG
if args.output_images:
assert len(left_frames) == 10, 'Only added ' + str(len(left_frames)) + ' left frames on segment ' + str(output_ind) + '. Should have 10.'
assert len(right_frames) == 10, 'Only added ' + str(len(right_frames)) + ' right frames on segment ' + str(output_ind) + '. Should have 10.'
assert len(offset_frames) == 10, 'Only added ' + str(len(offset_frames)) + ' offset frames on segment ' + str(output_ind) + '. Should have 10.'
for frame_ind, left_frame in enumerate(left_frames):
misc.toimage(left_frame, cmin=np.min(left_frame), cmax=np.max(left_frame)).save(os.path.join(args.target_folder, ('seg-{:06d}-frame-{:02d}-left.jpeg').format(output_ind, frame_ind)))
for frame_ind, right_frame in enumerate(right_frames):
misc.toimage(right_frame, cmin=np.min(right_frame), cmax=np.max(right_frame)).save(os.path.join(args.target_folder, ('seg-{:06d}-frame-{:02d}-right.jpeg').format(output_ind, frame_ind)))
left_video_out = ImageSequenceClip(left_frames, fps=framerate)
left_video_out.write_videofile(os.path.join(args.target_folder, 'seg-{:06d}-left.mp4' % output_ind), codec='libx264', audio=False)
right_video_out = ImageSequenceClip(right_frames, fps=framerate)
right_video_out.write_videofile(os.path.join(args.target_folder, 'seg-{:06d}-right.mp4' % output_ind), codec='libx264', audio=False)
offsets.append({ 'id': '%06d' % output_ind, 'offset_frames': 0 })
output_ind += 1
if (offset_left):
if args.output_images:
for frame_ind, offset_frame in enumerate(offset_frames):
misc.toimage(offset_frame, cmin=np.min(left_frame), cmax=np.max(left_frame)).save(os.path.join(args.target_folder, ('seg-{:06d}-frame-{:02d}-left.jpeg').format(output_ind, frame_ind)))
for frame_ind, right_frame in enumerate(right_frames):
misc.toimage(right_frame, cmin=np.min(right_frame), cmax=np.max(right_frame)).save(os.path.join(args.target_folder, ('seg-{:06d}-frame-{:02d}-right.jpeg').format(output_ind, frame_ind)))
left_video_out = ImageSequenceClip(offset_frames, fps=framerate)
left_video_out.write_videofile(os.path.join(args.target_folder, 'seg-{:06d}-left.mp4' % output_ind), codec='libx264', audio=False)
right_video_out = ImageSequenceClip(right_frames, fps=framerate)
right_video_out.write_videofile(os.path.join(args.target_folder, 'seg-{:06d}-right.mp4' % output_ind), codec='libx264', audio=False)
if args.output_images:
for frame_ind, left_frame in enumerate(left_frames):
misc.toimage(left_frame, cmin=np.min(left_frame), cmax=np.max(left_frame)).save(os.path.join(args.target_folder, ('seg-{:06d}-frame-{:02d}-left.jpeg').format(output_ind, frame_ind)))
for frame_ind, offset_frame in enumerate(offset_frames):
misc.toimage(offset_frame, cmin=np.min(right_frame), cmax=np.max(right_frame)).save(os.path.join(args.target_folder, ('seg-{:06d}-frame-{:02d}-right.jpeg').format(output_ind, frame_ind)))
left_video_out = ImageSequenceClip(left_frames, fps=framerate)
left_video_out.write_videofile(os.path.join(args.target_folder, 'seg-{:06d}-left.mp4' % output_ind), codec='libx264', audio=False)
right_video_out = ImageSequenceClip(offset_frames, fps=framerate)
right_video_out.write_videofile(os.path.join(args.target_folder, 'seg-{:06d}-right.mp4' % output_ind), codec='libx264', audio=False)
offsets.append({ 'id': '{:06d}'.format(output_ind), 'offset_frames': offset })
output_ind += 1
if (ind % 1000 == 0):
print('Finished processing {:d} datapoints.'.format(output_ind))
with open(offset_csv, 'w') as offset_csv_file:
w = csv.DictWriter(offset_csv_file, fieldnames=['id', 'offset_frames'])
return True
示例7: MyPaintWidget
# 需要导入模块: from moviepy.editor import VideoFileClip [as 别名]
# 或者: from moviepy.editor.VideoFileClip import get_frame [as 别名]
return None
# create default txt filename
self.txtFilename = filename[:filename.rfind(".")] + "_label.txt"
# display txt filename
self.ids.PathSaveFile.text = self.txtFilename
# create temp directory for frames from video
# self.dirPath = mkdtemp()
self.dirPath = "asdf"
print self.video.duration
# set number of frame
self.numberOfFrame = 0
# change winow size
Window.size = (self.video.size[0], self.video.size[1] + pad)
self.size = (self.video.size[0], self.video.size[1] + pad)
self.firstFrame = True
# find rectangle
for obj in self.canvas.children:
if type(obj) == Rectangle:
self.rect = obj
# set rectangle size
self.rect.size = (self.size[0], self.size[1] - pad)
# set frame to rectangle
self.rect.source = self.GetFrameFilename()
# return filename of frame from video
def GetFrameFilename(self):
# check if video open
if (self.video == None):
print "Error! Video doesn't open!"
return None
if (self.firstFrame):
imsave(self.dirPath + "/temp0.png", self.video.get_frame(self.numberOfFrame / self.video.fps))
self.firstFrame = False
self.dictionary[self.numberOfFrame] = {}
self.dictionary[self.numberOfFrame]["smoke"] = []
self.dictionary[self.numberOfFrame]["fire"] = []
return self.dirPath + "/temp0.png"
# increase number of frame
self.numberOfFrame = int(self.numberOfFrame) + speed
if (self.numberOfFrame >= self.video.duration * self.video.fps):
self.numberOfFrame = int(self.numberOfFrame) - speed
self.Video = None
return None
self.dictionary[self.numberOfFrame] = {}
self.dictionary[self.numberOfFrame]["smoke"] = []
self.dictionary[self.numberOfFrame]["fire"] = []
# save frame from video
imsave(self.dirPath + "/temp" + str(self.numberOfFrame) + ".png",
self.video.get_frame(int(self.numberOfFrame / self.video.fps)))
print self.numberOfFrame / (self.video.fps * self.video.duration) * 100
return self.dirPath + "/temp" + str(self.numberOfFrame) + ".png"
def DrawSmoke(self):
# check if video open
if (self.video == None):
print "Error! Video doesn't open!"
return None
self.smoke = True
self.fire = False
def DrawFire(self):
# check if video open
if (self.video == None):
示例8: average_video
# 需要导入模块: from moviepy.editor import VideoFileClip [as 别名]
# 或者: from moviepy.editor.VideoFileClip import get_frame [as 别名]
def average_video(filepath, outpath, start=None, end=None, sample_every=1):
global sb1
global sb2
global sb3
global sb4
global sb5
global sb6
global sb7
global sb8
global sb9
global sb10
global sb11
global sb12
global sb13
global sb14
global sb15
global sb16
global sb17
global sb18
global sb19
global sb20
global sb21
global sb22
global sb23
global sb24
global sb25
global sb26
global sb27
global sb28
global sb29
global sb30
global sb31
global sb32
global sb33
global sb34
global sb35
global sb36
global sb37
global sb38
global sb39
global sb40
global sb41
global sb42
global sb43
global sb44
global sb45
global sb46
global sb47
global sb48
global sb49
global sb50
global sb51
global sb52
global sb53
global sb54
global sb55
global sb56
global sb57
global sb58
global sb59
global sb60
global sb61
global sb62
global sb63
global sb64
global sb65
global sb66
"""Calculate average of video frames"""
# Load video
vid = VideoFileClip(filepath, audio=False).resize(width=66)
width = vid.w
height = vid.h
if start is None and end is None:
frame_generator = vid.iter_frames(progress_bar=True, dtype=np.uint8)
if start is None:
start = 0
if end is None:
end = vid.duration
# compute time increment for sampling by frames
sample_inc = sample_every / vid.fps
frame_generator = tqdm(vid.get_frame(f) for f in frange(start, end, sample_inc))
# create starting matrix of zeros
sum_fs = np.zeros(shape=(height, width, 3), dtype=int)
ma_sum_fs = np.zeros(shape=(height, width, 3), dtype=int)
prev_f = np.zeros(shape=(height, width, 3), dtype=int)
sum_delta_fs = np.zeros(shape=(height, width, 3), dtype=int)
n_frames = 0
for f in frame_generator:
#delta = f - prev_f
#sum_delta_fs += delta
#sum_fs += f
#ma_sum_fs += f
#if divmod(n_frames, 100)[1] == 0 and n_frames > 0:
# ma_f = ma_sum_fs / 100