本文整理汇总了Python中moviepy.editor.VideoFileClip类的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python VideoFileClip类的具体用法?Python VideoFileClip怎么用?Python VideoFileClip使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: get_clip
def get_clip(video_title, start=(0,0), seconds=5):
video = VideoFileClip(video_title)
end = (start[0], start[1]+seconds)
clip = video.subclip(start, end)
return clip
示例2: processProjectVideo
def processProjectVideo():
CHALLENGEVIDEOOUTPUT = 'test_videos_output/ChallengeVideoOutput%04d.mp4'
PROJECTVIDEOOUTPUT = './output_images/video/ProjectVideoOutput_%04d-%04d.mp4'
CLIPLENGTH=10 # process 10 second clips
## To speed up the testing process you may want to try your pipeline on a shorter subclip of the video
## To do so add .subclip(start_second,end_second) to the end of the line below
## Where start_second and end_second are integer values representing the start and end of the subclip
## You may also uncomment the following line for a subclip of the first 5 seconds
##clip2 = VideoFileClip('test_videos/solidYellowLeft.mp4').subclip(0,5)
video = VideoFileClip('./project_video.mp4')
#video = VideoFileClip("./test_video.mp4")
duration = video.duration
print ("processProjectVideo-duration:", duration, ", CLIPLENGTH:", CLIPLENGTH, ", numberOfClips:", numberOfClips)
for clipNumber in range(0, numberOfClips): #
print ("processProjectVideo-clipNumber:", clipNumber, ", clipStart:", clipStart, ", clipStop:", clipStop)
videoClip = video.subclip(clipStart,clipStop)
annotatedClip = videoClip.fl_image(process_image)
videoFileName=PROJECTVIDEOOUTPUT % (clipStart,clipStop)
print ("processProjectVideo-videoFileName:", videoFileName)
annotatedClip.write_videofile(videoFileName, audio=False)
示例3: create_video_thumbnails
def create_video_thumbnails(repo, file_id, path, size, thumbnail_file, file_size):
t1 = timeit.default_timer()
token = seafile_api.get_fileserver_access_token(repo.id,
file_id, 'view', '', use_onetime=False)
if not token:
return (False, 500)
inner_path = gen_inner_file_get_url(token, os.path.basename(path))
clip = VideoFileClip(inner_path)
tmp_path = str(os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), '%s.png' % file_id[:8]))
clip.save_frame(tmp_path, t=THUMBNAIL_VIDEO_FRAME_TIME)
t2 = timeit.default_timer()
logger.debug('Create thumbnail of [%s](size: %s) takes: %s' % (path, file_size, (t2 - t1)))
ret = _create_thumbnail_common(tmp_path, thumbnail_file, size)
return ret
except Exception as e:
return (False, 500)
示例4: MoviePyReader
class MoviePyReader(FramesSequence):
class_priority = 4
def class_exts(cls):
return {'mov', 'mp4', 'avi', 'mpeg', 'wmv', 'mkv'}
def __init__(self, filename):
if VideoFileClip is None:
raise ImportError('The MoviePyReader requires moviepy to work.')
self.clip = VideoFileClip(filename)
self.filename = filename
self._fps = self.clip.fps
self._len = int(self.clip.fps * self.clip.end)
first_frame = self.clip.get_frame(0)
self._shape = first_frame.shape
self._dtype = first_frame.dtype
def get_frame(self, i):
return Frame(self.clip.get_frame(i / self._fps), frame_no=i)
def __len__(self):
return self._len
def frame_shape(self):
return self._shape
def frame_rate(self):
return self._fps
def pixel_type(self):
return self._dtype
示例5: save_out
def save_out(tracks, outfile=None, filetype='mp4'):
out = []
vids = [t for t in tracks if t['type'] == 'vid']
texts = [t for t in tracks if t['type'] == 'text']
for v in vids:
c = VideoFileClip(v['content']).subclip(v['in'], v['in'] + v['duration'])
c = c.set_start(v['start'])
size = out[0].size
for t in texts:
c = create_sub(t['content'], size, rect_offset=195, min_height=55)
c = c.set_start(t['start'])
c = c.set_duration(t['duration'])
final_clip = CompositeVideoClip(out)
if outfile is None:
outfile = 'msg_' + str(int(time.time())) + '.mp4'
if filetype == 'gif':
outfile = outfile.replace('.mp4', '.gif')
final_clip.speedx(1.7).write_gif(outfile, fps=7, loop=1)
final_clip.write_videofile(outfile, fps=24, codec='libx264')
return outfile
示例6: create_movie_dataset
def create_movie_dataset(movie_path, target_folder):
if not os.path.isdir(target_folder): os.makedirs(target_folder)
video = VideoFileClip(movie_path)
num_frames = int(video.fps * video.duration)
video = video.set_fps(1).set_duration(num_frames).resize(0.5)
first_frame = 650
num_cpus = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
saved_frames = set(map(lambda x: int(x) if x else 0, map(lambda f: ''.join(x for x in f if x.isdigit()), os.listdir(target_folder))))
num_done = len(saved_frames)
if num_done == 0:
offsets = np.random.randint(0, 10, num_frames - first_frame - 9)
offset_file = os.path.join(target_folder, 'offsets.npz')
np.savez_compressed(offset_file, offsets=offsets)
frames_per_process = (num_frames - first_frame) / num_cpus
for i in xrange(num_cpus):
start_i = i * frames_per_process + first_frame
end_i = num_frames if i == num_cpus - 1 else start_i + frames_per_process
print start_i, end_i
args=(video, target_folder, start_i, end_i, first_frame, i, saved_frames)
return True
示例7: make_small_gif
def make_small_gif(gif_path="F:\\input_gif.gif"):
shrink gif
output_file = 'F:\\\output.gif'
video = VideoFileClip(gif_path).resize(0.6)
length = int(video.fps * video.duration)
new_frame_speed = int(1/(video.fps/2) * 100)
options = ["gifsicle",
'-o', output_file
result = subprocess.Popen(options,
stdout = subprocess.PIPE,
stderr = subprocess.STDOUT)
for l in result.stdout.readlines():
print l
示例8: add_intro
def add_intro(self):
for _, _, filenames in os.walk('../intros'):
choice = os.path.join("../intros", random.choice(filenames))
sys.stdout.write("Adding intro: %s\n" % choice)
clip = VideoFileClip(choice)
clip = clip.set_start(0)
return clip
示例9: avi_to_gif
def avi_to_gif(odbname):
"""converts an avi video file to an animated gif so that it can easily be
easily inserted into a pptx
avidir = 'customBeamExample'
for aviname in avinames:
clip = VideoFileClip(aviname)
示例10: decrypt_video
def decrypt_video(filename, t0=56):
vid = VideoFileClip(filename)
vid.save_frame("frame.png", t=t0+0.05)
img = Image.open("frame.png").convert(mode='RGB')
msg = stepic.decode(img)
return msg
示例11: gen_gif
def gen_gif(gif_video_id):
gif_video = GifVideo.objects.get(pk=gif_video_id)
vid = download_video(gif_video.video)
clip = VideoFileClip(vid).subclip((0, 0), (0, 5)).resize((320, 240))
gif_video.gif_uri = '{}.gif'.format(vid)
示例12: create_compilation
def create_compilation(filename, index):
dims = get_video_dimensions(filename)
subclips = []
video_file = VideoFileClip(filename)
for label in sorted(index.keys()):
label_img_filename = create_title_frame(label_as_title(label), dims)
label_clip = ImageClip(label_img_filename, duration=2)
for region in index[label]:
subclip = video_file.subclip(*region)
if not subclips: return None
return concatenate_videoclips(subclips)
示例13: create_trump_dataset
def create_trump_dataset(movie_path, target_folder):
# To write video to file: clip.write_videofile(outfile, codec='libx264', audio_codec='aac', temp_audiofile='china-%02d.m4a' % i, remove_temp=True)
# moviepy help: http://zulko.github.io/blog/2014/06/21/some-more-videogreping-with-python/
# https://zulko.github.io/moviepy/ref/ref.html
cuts = [(1.7, 2.5), (4.2, 4.6), (4.7, 5.2), (5.35, 5.93), (5.95, 6.45), (6.45, 6.95), (7, 7.34), (7.38, 7.82), (7.85, 8.24), (8.44, 9.04), (9.43, 9.7), (16.44, 16.7), (16.77, 17), (17, 17.31), (17.39, 17.67), (17.9, 18), (18.56, 18.8), (19, 19.4), (19.41, 19.75), (19.78, 20), (20.75, 21), (21, 21.52), (21.9, 22.41), (23, 23.52), (23.7, 23.96), (24.4, 24.7), (24.73, 24.98), (25, 25.38), (26.63, 27.15), (30, 30.36), (31.3, 31.77), (31.9, 32.16), (32.2, 32.5), (32.9, 33.16), (33.23, 33.4), (33.47, 33.79), (33.81, 34.25), (34.3, 34.65), (34.75, 35.23), (35.27, 35.95), (36.03, 36.59), (36.63, 37.04), (38.66, 39.1), (39.85, 40.3), (40.4, 40.75), (40.83, 41.271), (41.59, 41.95), (42.96, 43.33), (43.58, 43.88), (44, 44.6), (47, 47.48), (50.45, 50.75), (51, 51.33), (52.15, 52.48), (58.3, 58.55), (59, 59.4), (60, 60.4), (61.35, 61.71), (62.44, 62.8), (64.3, 64.6), (65.15, 65.58), (67.45, 67.8), (68.8, 69.15), (69.27, 69.6), (70.63, 70.97), (71, 71.4), (72.35, 72.8), (73.3, 73.7), (74.2, 74.61), (76, 76.9), (80.3, 80.65), (81.1, 81.4), (82.4, 82.75), (83.52, 84), (84.14, 84.49), (85.3, 85.6), (86.1, 86.4), (86.8, 87), (87.1, 87.48), (88, 88.2), (88.9, 89.37), (90.3, 90.7), (90.9, 91.2), (91.3, 91.5), (91.55, 91.78), (91.79, 92.06), (92.33, 92.67), (93.3, 93.55), (94.2, 94.5), (96.6, 96.96), (98, 98.44), (98.9, 99.1), (99.14, 99.53), (100.68, 100.92), (100.93, 101.25), (101.45, 101.8), (102.7, 102.96), (103.7, 104), (105.2, 105.7), (105.88, 106.1), (106.2, 106.6), (106.65, 107), (107.05, 107.85), (108.57, 109), (109.1, 109.48), (110.24, 110.74), (113.5, 113.85), (115.12, 115.4), (115.8, 116.25), (116.56, 116.95), (117.95, 118.35), (118.9, 119.3), (119.6, 120.2), (120.4, 120.9), (121.48, 121.9), (122.95, 123.25), (124.25, 124.65), (125, 125.39), (129.58, 129.9), (130.9, 131.3), (131.8, 132.15), (135, 135.5), (135.75, 136.1), (136.2, 136.65), (137, 137.4), (138.55, 138.8), (145.3, 145.75), (152.1, 152.5), (154.8, 155.25), (156.68, 156.95), (157.3, 157.8), (159.4, 159.78), (159.8, 160), (160.46, 160.8), (162.6, 163), (163.9, 164.18), (164.25, 164.63), (164.64, 165.1), (165.33, 165.7), (165.73, 166.1), (166.28, 166.58), (166.6, 167.06), (167.27, 167.65), (167.69, 168), (168.05, 168.45), (168.93, 169.25), (169.28, 169.6), (169.7, 170.15), (171.82, 172.24), (172.8, 173.1), (173.2, 173.6), (174.6, 175.04), (175.2, 175.6), (177, 177.35), (178.55, 178.97)]
video = VideoFileClip(movie_path)
subclips = [video.subclip(start, end) for (start, end) in cuts]
for i in xrange(len(subclips)):
clip = subclips[i]
video_outfile = os.path.join(target_folder, 'video', 'china-%03d.mp4' % i)
audio_outfile = os.path.join(target_folder, 'audio', 'china-%03d.m4a' % i)
clip.write_videofile(video_outfile, codec='libx264', audio=False)
clip.audio.write_audiofile(audio_outfile, codec='aac')
return True
示例14: average_video
def average_video(filepath, outpath, start=None, end=None, sample_every=1):
"""Calculate average of video frames"""
# Load video
vid = VideoFileClip(filepath, audio=False)
width = vid.w
height = vid.h
if start is None and end is None:
frame_generator = vid.iter_frames(progress_bar=True, dtype=np.uint8)
if start is None:
start = 0
if end is None:
end = vid.duration
# compute time increment for sampling by frames
sample_inc = sample_every / vid.fps
frame_generator = tqdm(vid.get_frame(f) for f in frange(start, end, sample_inc))
# create starting matrix of zeros
sum_fs = np.zeros(shape=(height, width, 3), dtype=int)
ma_sum_fs = np.zeros(shape=(height, width, 3), dtype=int)
prev_f = np.zeros(shape=(height, width, 3), dtype=int)
sum_delta_fs = np.zeros(shape=(height, width, 3), dtype=int)
n_frames = 0
for f in frame_generator:
delta = f - prev_f
sum_delta_fs += delta
sum_fs += f
ma_sum_fs += f
if divmod(n_frames, 100)[1] == 0 and n_frames > 0:
ma_f = ma_sum_fs / 100
.save(os.path.join(outpath, 'movavg_{}.png'.format(n_frames)))
ma_sum_fs = np.zeros(shape=(height, width, 3), dtype=int)
n_frames += 1
prev_f = f
# average out the values for each frame
average_delta_f = sum_delta_fs / n_frames
average_f = sum_fs / n_frames
# Create images
delta_img = Image.fromarray(average_delta_f.astype(np.uint8))
delta_img.save(os.path.join(outpath, 'average_delta.png'))
final_img = Image.fromarray(average_f.astype(np.uint8))
final_img.save(os.path.join(outpath, 'average.png'))
示例15: video2rollscan
def video2rollscan(videofile, focus, start=0, end=None, savefile=None):
Makes a scan of the roll from the video.
Requires the pyton module MoviePy
Any videofile that MoviePy (FFMPEG) can read.
A function ( f(image)->rectangular image ). For instance
if the line of interest is defined by y=15 and x=10...230
>>> focus = lambda im : im[ [15], 10:230 ]
Where to start and stop, each one either in seconds, or in
format `(minutes, seconds)`. By default `start=0` and `end`
is the end of the video.
If provided, the scan image will be saved under this name.
A W*H*3 RGB picture of the piano roll made by stacking the focus
lines of the different frames under one another.
from moviepy.editor import VideoFileClip
if end is None:
end = video.duration
video = VideoFileClip(videofile, audio=False).subclip(start, end)
tt = np.arange(0, video.duration, 1.0 / video.fps)
result = np.vstack([focus(video.get_frame(t)) for t in tt])
if savefile:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
return result