本文整理汇总了Python中mesh.Mesh类的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Mesh类的具体用法?Python Mesh怎么用?Python Mesh使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: readMesh
def readMesh(self,ncoords,nelems,nplex,props,eltype,normals,sep,objtype='Mesh'):
"""Read a Mesh from a pyFormex geometry file.
The following arrays are read from the file:
- a coordinate array with `ncoords` points,
- a connectivity array with `nelems` elements of plexitude `nplex`,
- if present, a property number array for `nelems` elements.
Returns the Mesh constructed from these data, or a subclass if
an objtype is specified.
# Make sure to import the Mesh subclasses that can be read
from plugins.trisurface import TriSurface
ndim = 3
x = readArray(self.fil,Float,(ncoords,ndim),sep=sep)
e = readArray(self.fil,Int,(nelems,nplex),sep=sep)
if props:
p = readArray(self.fil,Int,(nelems,),sep=sep)
p = None
M = Mesh(x,e,p,eltype)
if objtype != 'Mesh':
clas = locals()[objtype]
clas = globals()[objtype]
M = clas(M)
if normals:
n = readArray(self.fil,Float,(nelems,nplex,ndim),sep=sep)
M.normals = n
return M
示例2: readTetgen
def readTetgen(fn):
"""Read and draw a tetgen file.
This is an experimental function for the geometry import menu.
res = {}
base,ext = os.path.splitext(fn)
if ext == '.node':
nodes = readNodeFile(fn)[0]
res['tetgen'+ext] = nodes
elif ext in [ '.ele', '.face' ]:
nodes,nodenrs = readNodeFile(utils.changeExt(fn,'.node'))[:2]
if ext == '.ele':
elems = readEleFile(fn)[0]
elif ext == '.face':
elems = readFaceFile(fn)[0]
if nodenrs.min() == 1 and nodenrs.max()==nodenrs.size:
elems = elems-1
M = Mesh(nodes,elems,eltype=elems.eltype)
res['tetgen'+ext] = M
elif ext == '.smesh':
nodes,elems = readSmeshFile(fn)
ML = [ Mesh(nodes,elems[e]) for e in elems ]
res = dict([('Mesh-%s'%M.nplex(),M) for M in ML])
elif ext == '.poly':
nodes,elems = readPolyFile(fn)
ML = [ Mesh(nodes,elems[e]) for e in elems ]
res = dict([('Mesh-%s'%M.nplex(),M) for M in ML])
return res
示例3: areas
def areas(self):
"""area of elements
For surface element the faces' area is returned.
For volume elements the sum of the faces'areas is returned.
#In case of quadratic faces, the face's area should be
#the area inside the polygon of face vertices or
#the area of the equivalent linear face?
##this function would require some changes (here proposed inside the function as starting):
##create a _default_surfacetype to create quad8 instead of hex8 ?maybe also a _default_volumetype to create tet4 instead of quad4 ?
def defaultSurfacetype(nplex):
"""Default face type for a surface mesh with given plexitude.
For the most common cases of plexitudes, we define a default face
type. The full list of default types can be found in
return _default_surfacetype.get(nplex,None)
import geomtools
nfacperel= len(self.eltype.faces[1])#nfaces per elem
mf=Mesh(self.coords, self.getFaces())#mesh of all faces
mf.eltype = elementType(defaultSurfacetype(mf.nplex()))
ntriperfac= mf.select([0]).convert('tri3').nelems()#how many tri per face
elfacarea = geomtools.areaNormals( mf.convert('tri3').toFormex()[:])[0].reshape(self.nelems(), nfacperel*ntriperfac)#elems'faces'areas
return elfacarea.sum(axis=1)#elems'areas
示例4: crop
def crop(self, x_0, x_1, y_0, y_1, with_normals=False):
This function generates another mesh (not depthMesh) by cropping the organized set of veftices (a depth ROI)
w, h = self.depth.shape[1], self.depth.shape[0]
if x_0 < 0 or y_0 < 0 or x_1 >= w or y_1 >= h or x_1 <=x_0 or y_1 <= y_0:
return None
mesh = Mesh()
vcs_aux = self.vcs.reshape(self.depth.shape[0], self.depth.shape[1], 3)
# Vertices
mesh.vcs = vcs_aux[y_0:y_1, x_0:x_1, :].reshape(-1, 3)
mesh.vcs_q = mesh.vcs.shape[0]
# Normals
if with_normals:
vnorms_aux = self.vnorms.reshape(self.depth.shape[0], self.depth.shape[1], 3)
mesh.vnorms = vnorms_aux[y_0:y_1, x_0:x_1, :].reshape(-1, 3)
# Facets
mesh.faces = DepthMesh.genFacets(x_1 - x_0, y_1 - y_0)
mesh.faces_q = mesh.faces.shape[0]
# texture mapping
txcoord_aux = self.txcoord.reshape(self.depth.shape[0], self.depth.shape[1], 2)
mesh.txcoord = txcoord_aux[y_0:y_1, x_0:x_1, :].reshape(-1, 2)
mesh.texture = self.texture
mesh.txwidth, mesh.txheight = self.txwidth, self.txheight
return mesh
示例5: gen_mesh_from_voxels_mc
def gen_mesh_from_voxels_mc(voxels, voxelsize,
gmsh3d=False, scale_factor=0.25):
import scipy.spatial as scsp
tri = marching_cubes(voxels, voxelsize)
nel, nnd, dim = tri.shape
coors = tri.reshape((nel * nnd, dim))
tree = scsp.ckdtree.cKDTree(coors)
eps = nm.max(coors.max(axis=0) - coors.min(axis=0)) *1e-6
dist, idx = tree.query(coors, k=24, distance_upper_bound=eps)
uniq = set([])
for ii in idx:
ukey = ii[ii < tree.n]
ntri = nm.ones((nel * nnd,), dtype=nm.int32)
nnod = len(uniq)
ncoors = nm.zeros((nnod, 3), dtype=nm.float64)
for ii, idxs in enumerate(uniq):
ntri[nm.array(idxs)] = ii
ncoors[ii] = coors[idxs[0]]
mesh = Mesh.from_data('voxel_mc_data',
ncoors, nm.ones((nnod,), dtype=nm.int32),
{0: nm.ascontiguousarray(ntri.reshape((nel, nnd)))},
{0: nm.ones((nel,), dtype=nm.int32)},
{0: '%d_%d' % (2, 3)})
if gmsh3d:
from vtk2stl import vtk2stl
import tempfile
import os
auxfile = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'dicom2fem_aux')
vtk_fn = auxfile + '_surfmc.vtk'
stl_fn = auxfile + '_surfmc.stl'
geo_fn = auxfile + '_surf2vol.geo'
mesh_fn = auxfile + '_volmv.mesh'
vtk2stl(vtk_fn, stl_fn)
geofile = open(geo_fn, 'wt')
os.system('gmsh -3 -format mesh -o %s %s' % (mesh_fn, geo_fn))
mesh = Mesh.from_file(mesh_fn)
return mesh
示例6: createAnimatedModel
def createAnimatedModel(self, f11):
wld = self.wld_container.wld_file_obj
f10 = wld.getFragment(f11.fragRef)
if f10.type != 0x10:
print 'Model::createAnimatedModel() ERROR expected 0x10 fragment but got:', f10.type
# Lets initially try to only read all the mesh pieces and assemble the basic
# model. Once that is working we can start looking into animation
# Loop over the parts of the model/skeleton: the entries list in the f10 fragment
# define these
root_mesh = None
for i in range(0, f10.size1):
if i > 0:
f2d = wld.getFragment(f10.entries[i][3]) # entry[3] -> fragRef2
# f2d.dump()
f36 = wld.getFragment(f2d.fragRef)
# f36.dump()
m = Mesh(self.name+'_mesh_'+str(i))
m.buildFromFragment(f36, self.wld_container, False)
else: # the root node (index 0) does not have a mesh
m = Mesh(self.name+'_mesh_'+str(i)) # empty dummy mesh
root_mesh = m
# get model part orientation data from 0x10->0x13->0x12 ref chain
f13 = wld.getFragment(f10.entries[i][2]) # entry[2] -> fragRef1
f12 = wld.getFragment(f13.fragRef)
denom = float(f12.rotDenom)
if denom != 0.0:
rotx = f12.rotx/denom
roty = f12.roty/denom
rotz = f12.rotz/denom
m.root.setHpr(rotx / 512.0 * 360.0, roty / 512.0 * 360.0, rotz / 512.0 * 360.0)
denom = float(f12.shiftDenom)
if denom != 0.0:
shiftx = float(f12.shiftx)/denom
shifty = float(f12.shifty)/denom
shiftz = float(f12.shiftz)/denom
# print shiftx, shifty, shiftz
m.root.setPos(shiftx, shifty, shiftz)
self.loaded = 1
示例7: test_mesh
def test_mesh():
'''Basic test of the Mesh factory method and mesh extending'''
ox, dx, nx = 0., 10., 5
mesh = Mesh(type='uniform', ox=ox, lx=dx, nx=nx, block='B1')
assert mesh.num_elem == nx
assert mesh.boundary_nodes == [1, nx+1]
assert np.allclose(mesh.boundary, [ox, dx])
# verify extending the mesh
dxb, nb = 4., 2
mesh.extend(dxb, nb, block='B2')
assert mesh.num_elem == nx + nb
assert mesh.boundary_nodes == [1, nx+nb+1]
assert np.allclose(mesh.boundary, [0., dx+dxb])
assert len(mesh.nodes) == len(mesh.vertices)
示例8: load_ply
def load_ply(self, filename):
Mesh.load_ply(self, filename)
v_array=np.array(self.verts, dtype=np.float32)
bbox=(np.min(v_array,0), np.max(v_array,0) )
self.v_array = v_array.astype(np.float32)
self.bbox = bbox
self.tri_array = np.array(self.tris, dtype=np.uint32)
self.n_array = self.vert_props['normal'].astype(np.float32)
logging.debug( 'done matrix {}'.format(self.zoom) )
return self.zoom
示例9: gen_mesh_from_voxels_mc
def gen_mesh_from_voxels_mc(voxels, voxelsize):
import scipy.spatial as scsp
tri = marching_cubes(voxels, voxelsize)
nel, nnd, dim = tri.shape
coors = tri.reshape((nel * nnd, dim))
tree = scsp.ckdtree.cKDTree(coors)
eps = nm.max(coors.max(axis=0) - coors.min(axis=0)) *1e-6
dist, idx = tree.query(coors, k=24, distance_upper_bound=eps)
uniq = set([])
for ii in idx:
ukey = ii[ii < tree.n]
ntri = nm.ones((nel * nnd,), dtype=nm.int32)
nnod = len(uniq)
ncoors = nm.zeros((nnod, 3), dtype=nm.float64)
for ii, idxs in enumerate(uniq):
ntri[nm.array(idxs)] = ii
ncoors[ii] = coors[idxs[0]]
mesh = Mesh.from_data('voxel_mc_data',
ncoors, nm.ones((nnod,), dtype=nm.int32),
{0: nm.ascontiguousarray(ntri.reshape((nel, nnd)))},
{0: nm.ones((nel,), dtype=nm.int32)},
{0: '%d_%d' % (2, 3)})
return mesh
示例10: from_conf
def from_conf(conf, init_fields=True, init_variables=True, init_equations=True, init_solvers=True):
mesh = Mesh.from_file(conf.filename_mesh)
eldesc_dir = op.join(install_dir, "eldesc")
domain = Domain.from_mesh(mesh, eldesc_dir)
obj = ProblemDefinition(conf=conf, domain=domain, eldesc_dir=eldesc_dir)
# Default output file trunk and format.
obj.ofn_trunk = io.get_trunk(conf.filename_mesh)
obj.output_format = "vtk"
obj.set_regions(conf.regions, conf.materials, conf.funmod)
if init_fields:
if init_variables:
if init_equations:
if init_solvers:
obj.set_solvers(conf.solvers, conf.options)
obj.ts = None
return obj
示例11: save_state
def save_state(
self, filename, state=None, out=None, fill_value=None, post_process_hook=None, file_per_var=False, **kwargs
extend = not file_per_var
if (out is None) and (state is not None):
out = self.state_to_output(state, fill_value=fill_value, extend=extend)
if post_process_hook is not None:
out = post_process_hook(out, self, state, extend=extend)
float_format = get_default_attr(self.conf.options, "float_format", None)
if file_per_var:
import os.path as op
meshes = {}
for var in self.variables.iter_state():
rname = var.field.region.name
if meshes.has_key(rname):
mesh = meshes[rname]
mesh = Mesh.from_region(var.field.region, self.domain.mesh, localize=True)
meshes[rname] = mesh
vout = {}
for key, val in out.iteritems():
if val.var_name == var.name:
vout[key] = val
base, suffix = op.splitext(filename)
mesh.write(base + "_" + var.name + suffix, io="auto", out=vout, float_format=float_format, **kwargs)
self.domain.mesh.write(filename, io="auto", out=out, float_format=float_format, **kwargs)
示例12: __init__
def __init__(self, heightfield):
mesh = Mesh()
size = 32
factor = 1.0
vertices = []
for z in xrange(size):
z = float(z)/float(size-1)
for x in xrange(size):
x = float(x)/float(size-1)
y = heightfield[x,z]
vertices.append(mesh.vertex(x, y, z))
for y in xrange(size-1):
for x in xrange(size-1):
v0 = vertices[(x+1) + (y+1)*size]
v1 = vertices[(x+1) + (y+0)*size]
v2 = vertices[(x+0) + (y+0)*size]
v3 = vertices[(x+0) + (y+1)*size]
mesh.face(v0, v1, v2)
mesh.face(v3, v0, v2)
splits = Splits(mesh, heightfield)
while len(mesh.verts) < 21840:
#while len(mesh.verts) < 3000:
print len(mesh.faces), len(mesh.verts)
self.vbo = mesh.serialize()
示例13: draw
def draw( self ) :
qm = tr.quaternion_matrix( self.Q[3:] )
if self.drawstate & MESH :
glMultTransposeMatrixf( qm )
Mesh.draw( self )
if self.drawstate & WIREFRAME :
glMultTransposeMatrixf( qm )
Mesh.draw( self )
glVertex3f( self.x[-1,0] , self.x[-1,1] , self.x[-1,2] )
if self.drawstate & TRACE :
for p in self.trace : glVertex3f( *p[:3] )
if self.drawstate & GRAVITY :
glTranslatef( 2 , 2 , 0 )
glMultTransposeMatrixf( qm )
glVertex3f( 0 , 0 , 0 )
glVertex3f( *self.G )
示例14: test_linear_element
def test_linear_element():
'''Test the implementation of the linear element with simple integrals'''
dx = 5.
num_elem = 5
mesh = Mesh(type='uniform', ox=0., lx=dx, nx=num_elem)
elem_num = 1
connect = mesh.connectivity(elem_num)
vertices = mesh.coordinates(connect)
elem = LinearElement(elem_num, connect, vertices)
# --- test some integrals
ex = lambda x: x
ex2 = lambda x: x ** 2
# Integrate[phi]
ans = elem.integrate()
exact = integrate(N, (x, 0, 1))
assert areclose(ans, exact)
# Integrate[dphi]
ans = elem.integrate(derivative=True)
exact = integrate(dN, (x, 0, 1))
assert areclose(ans, exact)
# Integrate[x phi]
ans = elem.integrate(ex)
exact = integrate(x * N, (x, 0, 1))
assert areclose(ans, exact)
# Integrate[x dphi]
ans = elem.integrate(ex, derivative=True)
exact = integrate(x * dN, (x, 0, 1))
assert areclose(ans, exact)
# Integrate[x x phi]
ans = elem.integrate(ex, ex)
exact = integrate(x * x * N, (x, 0, 1))
assert areclose(ans, exact)
# Integrate[x x dphi]
ans = elem.integrate(ex,ex,derivative=True)
exact = integrate(x*x*dN,(x,0,1))
assert areclose(ans, exact)
示例15: __init__
def __init__(self, parent, color=0xFF0000, x=0, y=0):
self.parent = parent
self.position.x = x
self.position.y = y
#self.matrix.translate(x, y, 0.0)
self.color = color
r, g, b = self.toRgb(self.color)
v = [
0.0, 0.0, r, g, b,
0.0 + BLOCK_SIZE, 0.0, r, g, b,
0.0 + BLOCK_SIZE, 0.0 + BLOCK_SIZE, r, g, b,
0.0, 0.0 + BLOCK_SIZE, r, g, b,
i = [
0, 1, 2,
2, 3, 0
self.set_data(vertices=v, indices=i)