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Python path.Path类代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中matplotlib.path.Path的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Path类的具体用法?Python Path怎么用?Python Path使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: selectArea

    def selectArea(self, ptlist, latlon=False, reduced=None):
        """Select an area of the grid.
        ptlist : list
        latlon : bool
        reduced : int
            The amount by which the index array should be short (i.e., 1 for
            basic difference, 2 for center difference).
        ptlist = np.asarray(ptlist)
        if latlon: 
            ptlist[:,0], ptlist[:,1] = self.basemap(ptlist[:,0], ptlist[:,1])
        # create the polygon
        path = Path(ptlist)

        if reduced is not None:
            X, Y = np.meshgrid(self.x[:-reduced], self.y[:-reduced])
            areaind = path.contains_points(zip(X.flatten(), Y.flatten()))
            areaind = areaind.reshape((self.shape[0]-reduced,
            X, Y = np.meshgrid(self.x, self.y)
            areaind = path.contains_points(zip(X.flatten(), Y.flatten()))
            areaind = areaind.reshape(self.shape)
        # return array indices
        return areaind

示例2: reverse_geocode

def reverse_geocode(tweet):
	# print index
	# latlong = json.load(tweets)[index]['coordinates']
	latlong = tweet["coordinates"]
	if latlong == [0.0, 0.0]:
		return False
	# latlong.reverse()
	with open('world-countries.json.txt', 'r') as countries_json:
		found_country = None
		countries = json.load(countries_json)['features']
		for country in countries:
			country_name = country['properties']['name']
			if country['geometry']['type'] == 'Polygon':
				country_vertices = country['geometry']['coordinates'][0]
				country_path = Path(country_vertices)
				if country_path.contains_point(latlong):
					found_country = country_name
			if country['geometry']['type'] == 'MultiPolygon':
				country_polygons = country['geometry']['coordinates']
				for polygon in country_polygons:
					country_vertices = polygon[0]
					country_path = Path(country_vertices)
					if country_path.contains_point(latlong):
						found_country = country_name
		if not found_country:
			found_country = False
	return found_country
# with open('Ferguson_tweets.txt', 'r') as tweets:
# 	print reverse_geocode(tweets, 0)

示例3: processPolygon

def processPolygon(polygon, rows, columns, mode):
    Finds the points within a particular polygon
    length = len(polygon)
    polygon.append((0.0, 0.0))
    codes = [Path.MOVETO]
    for index in range(length - 1):
    path = Path(polygon, codes)
    points = []
    if mode == 'V':
        for index in range(rows):
            row = [(x, index) for x in range(columns)]
            check = path.contains_points(row)
            temp_points = ([row[i] for i, j in enumerate(check) if j == True and not contains(row[i], polygon)])
            if (len(temp_points) > 0):
        for index in range(columns):
            col = [(index, x) for x in range(rows)]
            check = path.contains_points(col)
            temp_points = ([col[i] for i, j in enumerate(check) if j == True and not contains(col[i], polygon)])
            if (len(temp_points) > 0):
    return points

示例4: pca_var

    def pca_var(sub_dims):
        data = np.array([df[d] for d in sub_dims]).T
        try: pca = PCA(data, standardize=True)
        except: return 0,1,0,1,None,None,None,sub_dims

        classed_points = zip(classes, pca.Y)
        pos = [(it[0], it[1]) for c, it in classed_points if c]
        neg = [(it[0], it[1]) for c, it in classed_points if not c]
        P_hull = [pos[i] for i in ConvexHull(pos).vertices]; P_hull.append(P_hull[0])
        N_hull = [neg[i] for i in ConvexHull(neg).vertices]; N_hull.append(N_hull[0])
        P_hull = np.array(P_hull)
        N_hull = np.array(N_hull)
        P_path = Path(P_hull)
        N_path = Path(N_hull)

        N_sep = 0
        for it in neg:
            if not P_path.contains_point(it):
                N_sep += 1

        P_sep = 0
        for it in pos:
            if not N_path.contains_point(it):
                P_sep += 1

        return N_sep, float(len(neg)), P_sep, float(len(pos)), P_hull, N_hull, pca, sub_dims

示例5: transform_path_non_affine

 def transform_path_non_affine(self, path):
     # Adaptive interpolation:
     # we keep adding control points, till all control points
     # have an error of less than 0.01 (about 1%)
     # or if the number of control points is > 80.
     ra0 = self.ra0
     path = path.cleaned(curves=False)
     v = path.vertices
     diff = v[:, 0] - v[0, 0]
     v00 = v[0][0] - ra0
     while v00 > 180: v00 -= 360
     while v00 < -180: v00 += 360
     v00 += ra0
     v[:, 0] = v00 + diff
     nonstop = path.codes > 0
     path = Path(v[nonstop], path.codes[nonstop])
     isteps = path._interpolation_steps * 2
     while True:
         ipath = path.interpolated(isteps)
         tiv = self.transform(ipath.vertices)
         itv = Path(self.transform(path.vertices)).interpolated(isteps).vertices
         if np.mean(np.abs(tiv - itv)) < 0.01:
         if isteps > 20:
         isteps = isteps * 2
     return Path(tiv, ipath.codes)

示例6: contained_in

def contained_in(lat, lng, bound_coords):
    Returns true if (lat, lng) is contained within the polygon formed by the
    points in bound_coords.
    bound_path = Path(np.array(bound_coords))
    return bound_path.contains_point((lat, lng))

示例7: test_path_no_doubled_point_in_to_polygon

def test_path_no_doubled_point_in_to_polygon():
    hand = np.array(
        [[1.64516129, 1.16145833],
         [1.64516129, 1.59375],
         [1.35080645, 1.921875],
         [1.375, 2.18229167],
         [1.68548387, 1.9375],
         [1.60887097, 2.55208333],
         [1.68548387, 2.69791667],
         [1.76209677, 2.56770833],
         [1.83064516, 1.97395833],
         [1.89516129, 2.75],
         [1.9516129, 2.84895833],
         [2.01209677, 2.76041667],
         [1.99193548, 1.99479167],
         [2.11290323, 2.63020833],
         [2.2016129, 2.734375],
         [2.25403226, 2.60416667],
         [2.14919355, 1.953125],
         [2.30645161, 2.36979167],
         [2.39112903, 2.36979167],
         [2.41532258, 2.1875],
         [2.1733871, 1.703125],
         [2.07782258, 1.16666667]])

    (r0, c0, r1, c1) = (1.0, 1.5, 2.1, 2.5)

    poly = Path(np.vstack((hand[:, 1], hand[:, 0])).T, closed=True)
    clip_rect = transforms.Bbox([[r0, c0], [r1, c1]])
    poly_clipped = poly.clip_to_bbox(clip_rect).to_polygons()[0]

    assert np.all(poly_clipped[-2] != poly_clipped[-1])
    assert np.all(poly_clipped[-1] == poly_clipped[0])

示例8: _gating

  def _gating(self,DF_array_data,x_ax,y_ax,coords):
      return index

示例9: paths_in_shape

def paths_in_shape(paths):

    shape = shape_(shape_path)
    minx, miny, maxx, maxy = shape.bounds
    #print minx; print miny; print maxx; print maxy
    #bounding_box = geometry.box(minx, miny, maxx, maxy)

    #generate random points within bounding box! 
    sf = shapefile.Reader(shape_path)
    shape = sf.shapes()[0]

    #find polygon nodes lat lons
    verticies = shape.points
    #convert to a matplotlib path class!
    polygon = Path(verticies)
    points_in_shape = polygon.contains_points(paths)
    points_in_shape = paths[points_in_shape == True]
    return points_in_shape

示例10: __init__

    def __init__(self, shape, scale=1):
        Initalize a Warper with a reference shape with coordinates in the 
        numpy array 'shape'
        xy = shape.copy() * scale
        self.scale = scale
        xy = self.shape_to_xy(xy)
        xy = xy - np.min(xy,axis=0)
        dt = scipy.spatial.Delaunay(xy)
        # Define a grid
        cols = int(np.ceil(np.max(xy[:,0])))
        rows = int(np.ceil(np.max(xy[:,1])))
        xx, yy = np.meshgrid(range(cols),range(rows))

        xy_grid = np.vstack((xx.flatten(),yy.flatten())).T        
        # Define a mask 
        mask = Path(xy).contains_points(xy_grid)
        self.mask = mask.reshape(xx.shape)
        xy_grid = xy_grid[mask==True,:] # Remove pts not inside mask
        # Calculate barycentric coordinates for all points inside mask
        simplex_ids = dt.find_simplex(xy_grid)
        bary_coords = points_to_bary(dt,simplex_ids,xy_grid)
        self.tri = dt.simplices
        self.warp_template = np.hstack((simplex_ids[:,np.newaxis],bary_coords))

示例11: _endGate

    def _endGate(self, event):
        #draw gate rectangle
        start_x = self.start_x if self.start_x < event.xdata else event.xdata
        start_y = self.start_y if self.start_y < event.ydata else event.ydata
        width = np.absolute(event.xdata-self.start_x)
        height = np.absolute(event.ydata-self.start_y)
        rect = Rectangle((start_x, start_y), width, height, 
                         fill=False, ec='black', alpha=1, lw=2)

        #disable mouse events
        #save cell gate
        gate = Path([[start_x, start_y], 
                     [start_x + width, start_y],
                     [start_x + width, start_y + height], 
                     [start_x, start_y + height],
                     [start_x, start_y]])
        gated_cells = self.scdata.tsne.index[gate.contains_points(self.scdata.tsne)]
        self.gates[self.gateName.get()] = gated_cells

        #replot tSNE w gate colored
        plt.scatter(self.scdata.tsne['x'], self.scdata.tsne['y'], s=10, edgecolors='none', color='lightgrey')
        plt.scatter(self.scdata.tsne.ix[gated_cells, 'x'], self.scdata.tsne.ix[gated_cells, 'y'], s=10, edgecolors='none')

        self.visMenu.entryconfig(6, state='disabled')

示例12: distribute_pixels

 def distribute_pixels(self, edges, length, width):
     corners = self.get_corners()
     reg_path = Path(corners)
     # Get region boundaries.
     bounds = reg_path.get_extents().get_points()
     [[x_min_bound, y_min_bound], [x_max_bound, y_max_bound]] = bounds
     # For cases when the boundary pixels are not integers:
     x_min_bound = floor(x_min_bound)
     y_min_bound = floor(y_min_bound)
     x_max_bound = ceil(x_max_bound)
     y_max_bound = ceil(y_max_bound)
     pixels_in_bins = []
     for x in range(max(0, x_min_bound), min(x_max_bound+1, width)):
         for y in range(max(0, y_min_bound), min(y_max_bound+1, length)):
             if reg_path.contains_point((x, y)):
                 x_nonrotated, y_nonrotated = rotate_point(self.x0, self.y0,
                                                           x - self.x0,
                                                           y - self.y0,
                 dist_from_box_bottom = self.height/2. - \
                                        (self.y0 - y_nonrotated)
                 for i, edge in enumerate(edges[1:]):
                     if edge > dist_from_box_bottom:
                         pixels_in_bins.append((y, x, i))
     return pixels_in_bins

示例13: test_point_in_path_nan

def test_point_in_path_nan():
    box = np.array([[0, 0], [1, 0], [1, 1], [0, 1], [0, 0]])
    p = Path(box)
    test = np.array([[np.nan, 0.5]])
    contains = p.contains_points(test)
    assert len(contains) == 1
    assert not contains[0]

示例14: onselect

 def onselect(self, verts):
     path = Path(verts)
     self.ind = np.nonzero([path.contains_point(xy) for xy in self.xys])[0]
     self.fc[:, -1] = self.alpha_other
     self.fc[self.ind, -1] = 1

示例15: get_mask_img

def get_mask_img(transform, target_bin, camera_model):
    :param point: point that is going to be transformed
    :type point: PointStamped
    :param transform: camera_frame -> bbox_frame
    :type transform: Transform
    # check frame_id of a point and transform just in case
    assert camera_model.tf_frame == transform.header.frame_id
    assert target_bin.bbox.header.frame_id == transform.child_frame_id

    transformed_list = [
            do_transform_point(corner, transform)
            for corner in target_bin.corners]
    projected_points = project_points(transformed_list, camera_model)

    # generate an polygon that covers the region
    path = Path(projected_points)
    x, y = np.meshgrid(
    x, y = x.flatten(), y.flatten()
    points = np.vstack((x, y)).T
    mask_img = path.contains_points(
                    camera_model.height, camera_model.width
    return mask_img
