本文整理汇总了Python中marigold.utility.NodeUtility.getMetaNodesInScene方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python NodeUtility.getMetaNodesInScene方法的具体用法?Python NodeUtility.getMetaNodesInScene怎么用?Python NodeUtility.getMetaNodesInScene使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类marigold.utility.NodeUtility
示例1: fillList
# 需要导入模块: from marigold.utility import NodeUtility [as 别名]
# 或者: from marigold.utility.NodeUtility import getMetaNodesInScene [as 别名]
def fillList( self ):
metaNodes = NodeUtility.getMetaNodesInScene()
cmds.textScrollList( self.scrollList, edit=True, removeAll=True )
if metaNodes is not None:
self.attrWin = cmds.textScrollList( parent=self.column, append=metaNodes,
allowMultiSelection=False, width=self.winWidth,
selectCommand=lambda: self.selectNode() )
self.attrWin = cmds.textScrollList( parent=self.column, allowMultiSelection=True, width=self.winWidth )
示例2: getFramesInSceneWIP
# 需要导入模块: from marigold.utility import NodeUtility [as 别名]
# 或者: from marigold.utility.NodeUtility import getMetaNodesInScene [as 别名]
def getFramesInSceneWIP():
# Get all the meta nodes in the scene.
metaNodes = NodeUtility.getMetaNodesInScene()
print metaNodes
if not metaNodes:
return None
for node in metaNodes:
# Get the root bit of the frame module.
rootBit = NodeUtility.getNodeAttrSource( node, 'rootBit' )
# Get the parent's full path. We need to remove the group name from the beginning as well.
parent = cleanParentFullName( rootBit[0] )
print parent
示例3: buildModule
# 需要导入模块: from marigold.utility import NodeUtility [as 别名]
# 或者: from marigold.utility.NodeUtility import getMetaNodesInScene [as 别名]
def buildModule():
Build function for all the rigging associated with this module.
# Get the frame module meta nodes in the scene.
modules = NodeUtility.getMetaNodesInScene( 'frameModule' )
# Read the meta node.
nodeData = NodeUtility.getFrameBitSettings( modules[0] )
prefix = nodeData['prefix']
# Get the frame module bits.
frameRoot = NodeUtility.getNodeAttrSource( modules[0], 'rootBit' )[0]
shoulderBit = NodeUtility.getNodeAttrSource( modules[0], 'jShoulder' )[0]
elbowBit = NodeUtility.getNodeAttrSource( modules[0], 'jElbow' )[0]
wristBit = NodeUtility.getNodeAttrSource( modules[0], 'jWrist' )[0]
ikRootBit = NodeUtility.getNodeAttrSource( modules[0], 'ikRoot' )[0]
ikEndBit = NodeUtility.getNodeAttrSource( modules[0], 'ikEnd' )[0]
ikUpVecBit = NodeUtility.getNodeAttrSource( modules[0], 'ikUpVecControl' )[0]
# Build shadow skeleton.
jointShoulder = marigoldJoints.createJoint( nodeData['jShoulder'], shoulderBit, inPrefix=prefix )
jointElbow = marigoldJoints.createJoint( nodeData['jElbow'], elbowBit, jointShoulder, inPrefix=prefix )
jointWrist = marigoldJoints.createJoint( nodeData['jWrist'], wristBit, jointElbow, inPrefix=prefix )
# Make the FK rigging.
fkControls = [ [nodeData['fkShoulderControl'], nodeData['fkShoulderControlName'], nodeData['jShoulder'], shoulderBit],
[nodeData['fkElbowControl'], nodeData['fkElbowControlName'], nodeData['jElbow'],elbowBit] ]
for i in fkControls:
# Create the spacer.
spacerName = 'j_{0}_{1}'.format( prefix, i[2] )
newSpacer = marigoldControls.makeControl().createSpacer( i[3], i[1], spacerName, True )
# Create the controller.
controlSplit = i[0].split( '.' )
marigoldControls.makeControl().createController( controlSplit[0], controlSplit[1], i[1], newSpacer )
# Make the IK rigging.
effSplit = nodeData['ikEffControl'].split('.')
effSpacer = marigoldControls.makeControl().createSpacer( ikEndBit, nodeData['ikEffControlName'], 'j_'+prefix+'_'+nodeData['jWrist'], inDoParent=False, inPrefix=prefix )
marigoldControls.makeControl().createController( effSplit[0], effSplit[1], nodeData['ikEffControlName'], effSpacer, inPrefix=prefix )
upVecSplit = nodeData['ikUpVecControl'].split('.')
upVecSpacer = marigoldControls.makeControl().createSpacer( ikUpVecBit, nodeData['ikUpVecControlName'], ikUpVecBit, inDoParent=False, inPrefix=prefix )
marigoldControls.makeControl().createController( upVecSplit[0], upVecSplit[1], nodeData['ikUpVecControlName'], upVecSpacer, inPrefix=prefix )
jointFn = OpenMayaAnim.MFnIkJoint()
# IK root joint.
jointShoulder = 'j_{0}_{1}'.format( prefix, nodeData['jShoulder'] )
rootJointDagPath = NodeUtility.getDagPath( jointShoulder )
# IK eff joint.
jointWrist = 'j_{0}_{1}'.format( prefix, nodeData['jWrist'] )
effJointDagPath = NodeUtility.getDagPath( jointWrist )
# Do up the solver.
ikHandleName = '{0}_{1}_arm'.format( nodeData['ikEffControlName'], prefix )
cmds.ikHandle( name=ikHandleName,
solver='ikRPsolver' )
effControlName = 'ct_{0}_{1}'.format( prefix, nodeData['ikEffControlName'] )
cmds.parent( ikHandleName, effControlName, absolute=True )
upVecControlName = 'ct_{0}_{1}'.format( prefix, nodeData['ikUpVecControlName'] )
cmds.poleVectorConstraint( upVecControlName, ikHandleName )