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Python utility.NodeUtility类代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中marigold.utility.NodeUtility的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python NodeUtility类的具体用法?Python NodeUtility怎么用?Python NodeUtility使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: createCompoundCurve

def createCompoundCurve(inCurves):
    Merges all the controls into one transform node.
    @param inCurves: List of Strings. Names of curves to combine under one transform node.
                        The first curve in the list is considered the parent of all the others.
    @return: MObject. Compound curve transform node.
    # List for creating the compound.
    compoundList = []

    # Get the nurbs curves of all curves in the list.
    for index in range(1, len(inCurves)):
        curve = NodeUtility.getDagPath(inCurves[index])
        for child in xrange(curve.childCount()):
            nurb = curve.child(child)
            nurbDagPath = OpenMaya.MDagPath.getAPathTo(nurb)
            if nurb.apiType() == OpenMaya.MFn.kNurbsCurve:

    # Add the transform of the parent curve. This is the first curve passed into
    # the function.
    parent = NodeUtility.getDagPath(inCurves[0])

    # Now parent the shapes to the first curve's transform node.
    cmds.parent(compoundList, shape=True, relative=True)

    # Delete the remaining transform nodes of the other curves.
    for index in range(1, len(inCurves)):

    # Returns a MObject.
    return NodeUtility.getDependNode(parent.fullPathName())

示例2: getComponents

def getComponents( inObj ):
    Creates the components GUI.
    if inObj is not None:
        components_list = NodeUtility.getFrameBitSettings( inObj )
        components_list = None
    # If the newly selected bit has components then update the UI to show them.
    # Check to see if any of the components are connected to a meta node.
    # We do this check so that we don't create a bunch of UI elements
    # unnecessarily.
    if components_list is not None and metaNodeCheck( inObj, components_list ):            
        # Loop through each component on the bit.
        components_class_list = {}
        for node_name in components_list:
            # Check to see if the component is connected to a meta node.
            metaNode = NodeUtility.getNodeAttrDestination( inObj, node_name )
            if metaNode:
                # It has a meta node.
                # Get the meta node properties. This returns a dict.
                meta_properties = NodeUtility.getFrameBitSettings( metaNode[0] )
                component_class = meta_properties[ 'classType' ]
                # test hack!!!
                components_class_list[ node_name ] = component_class
        return components_class_list
        return None

示例3: addComponentToObject

def addComponentToObject( inClassType, **kwargs ):    
    if kwargs.has_key('inObject'):
        targetObj = kwargs['inObject']
        print 'targetObj: {0}'.format( targetObj )
        del kwargs['inObject']
        prevSel = None
        selList = cmds.ls( selection=True, long=True )
        if len( selList ) is 1:
            targetObj = selList[0]
            prevSel = selList[0]
    if targetObj is not None:
        component_class = str_to_class( inClassType )
        newNode = component_class.createCompNode( inClassType, **kwargs )
        # Add the component attribute to the object.
        NodeUtility.addPlug( targetObj, newNode.name(), 'attributeType', 'message' )
        nodePlug = '{0}.parentName'.format( newNode.name() )
        objectPlug = '{0}.{1}'.format( targetObj, newNode.name() )
        NodeUtility.connectPlugs( objectPlug, nodePlug )
        if prevSel is not None:
            cmds.select( prevSel )
        return newNode

示例4: requiredAttributes

 def requiredAttributes( self, *args, **kwargs ):
     NodeUtility.addPlug( self.newNode, 'parentName', 'attributeType', 'message' )
     #cmds.addAttr( newNode, longName='parentName', attributeType='message', storable=True )
     #self.setAttribute( cls(), 'parentName', self.newNode, inNodeName=self.newNode )
     self.setAttribute( 'parentName', self.newNode, self.newNode )
     NodeUtility.addPlug( self.newNode, 'classType', 'dataType', 'string' )
     #cls( self.newNode ).classType = [ self.newNode, self.nodeType, True ]
     self.classType = [ self.newNode, self.nodeType, True ]

示例5: storeControlTransforms

def storeControlTransforms( sourceObj, targetObj ):
    Store control transform data.
    @param sourceObj: String. Name of object to pull data from.
    @param targetObj: String. Name of object to store data on.
    sourceMatrix = TransformUtility.getMatrix( sourceObj, 'matrix' )
    # Store the position
    targetPosPlug = NodeUtility.getPlug( targetObj, 'controlPosition' )
    sourceTranslation = TransformUtility.getMatrixTranslation( sourceMatrix, OpenMaya.MSpace.kTransform )
    pos = [ sourceTranslation.x, sourceTranslation.y, sourceTranslation.z ]
    NodeUtility.setPlugValue( targetPosPlug, pos )
    # Store the rotation
    targetRotPlug = NodeUtility.getPlug( targetObj, 'controlRotation' )
    sourceRotation = TransformUtility.getMatrixRotation( sourceMatrix, 'euler' )
    #rot = [ degrees(angle) for angle in (sourceRotation.x, sourceRotation.y, sourceRotation.z) ]
    rot = [ sourceRotation.x, sourceRotation.y, sourceRotation.z ]
    NodeUtility.setPlugValue( targetRotPlug, rot )
    # Store the scale.
    targetSclPlug = NodeUtility.getPlug( targetObj, 'controlScale' )
    sourceScale = TransformUtility.getMatrixScale( sourceMatrix, OpenMaya.MSpace.kTransform )
    scl = [ sourceScale.x, sourceScale.y, sourceScale.z ]
    NodeUtility.setPlugValue( targetSclPlug, scl )

示例6: connectModules

 def connectModules(self):
     Connects a module to the character component.
     # Get modules selected from disList
     selList = self.disList.selectedItems()
     for module in selList:
         NodeUtility.connectNodes( self.charNode, 'modules', self.disMods[module.text()], 'characterRoot' )
     # Refresh the lists.

示例7: setPriorities

 def setPriorities( self ):
     Applies the user adjusted priorities to all the modules of a character.
     for index in xrange( self.dropList.count() ):
         moduleName = self.dropList.item( index ).text()
         moduleComponent = self.modDict[moduleName][0]
         priorityPlug = NodeUtility.getPlug( moduleComponent, 'buildPriority' )
         NodeUtility.setPlugValue( priorityPlug, index )

示例8: __init__

 def __init__( self, nodeName, parent=None ):
     super( componentWidget, self ).__init__( parent )
     self.parent = parent
     def on_context_menu( point, inNodeName ):
         popMenu = QtGui.QMenu()
         deleteAction = QtGui.QAction( 'Delete Component', popMenu, triggered=lambda a=inNodeName:self.deleteComponentFromObject( a ) )
         popMenu.addAction( deleteAction )
         popMenu.exec_( self.componentLabel.mapToGlobal( point ) )
     # Setup layout.
     verticalLayout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout()
     verticalLayout.setContentsMargins( 0,0,0,0 )
     verticalLayout.setSpacing( 0 )
     verticalLayout.setAlignment( QtCore.Qt.AlignTop )
     # Label for component
     componentLabel = QTWidgets.basicLabel( nodeName, 'bold', 10, 'black', '6E9094', inIndent=20 )
     componentLabel.setMinimumHeight( 18 )    
     componentLabel.setContextMenuPolicy( QtCore.Qt.CustomContextMenu )
     componentLabel.customContextMenuRequested.connect( lambda point, nodeName=nodeName:on_context_menu( point, nodeName ) )
     # Properties
     propertyStack = QtGui.QVBoxLayout()
     propertyFrame = QTWidgets.basicFrame()
     propertyFrame.setMinimumHeight( 40 )
     propertyFrame.setMaximumHeight( 40 )
     # Add string edit property
     modulePlug = NodeUtility.getPlug( nodeName, 'moduleName' )
     moduleValue = NodeUtility.getPlugValue( modulePlug )
     moduleTextLayout = QTWidgets.stringProperty( 'Module Name', moduleValue )
     # Add everything to the vertical layout.
     propertyStack.addLayout( moduleTextLayout )        
     propertyFrame.setLayout( propertyStack )
     verticalLayout.addWidget( componentLabel )
     verticalLayout.addWidget( propertyFrame )
     # Connections
     moduleTextBox = propertyFrame.findChild( QtGui.QLineEdit, 'Module Name' )
     moduleTextBox.editingFinished.connect( lambda inPlugName='moduleName', inQTType='QLineEdit', inPlugValue=moduleTextBox, inNodeName=nodeName
                                            :ModuleRootComponent( inNodeName ).setComponentAttributeFromQT( inPlugName, inQTType, inPlugValue, inNodeName ) )
     #return mainWidget
     self.setLayout( verticalLayout )

示例9: addComponentToObject

 def addComponentToObject( self, inClassType ):
     selList = cmds.ls( selection=True, long=True )
     if len( selList ) is 1:
         prevSel = selList[0]
         component_class = Components.str_to_class( inClassType )
         newNode = component_class.createCompNode( inClassType )
         # Add the component attribute to the object.
         FrameUtility.addPlug( selList[0], newNode.name(), 'attributeType', 'message' )
         nodePlug = '{0}.parentName'.format( newNode.name() )
         objectPlug = '{0}.{1}'.format( selList[0], newNode.name() )
         NodeUtility.connectPlugs( objectPlug, nodePlug )
         cmds.select( prevSel )

示例10: __init__

    def __init__( self, nodeName, parent=None ):
        super( componentWidget, self ).__init__( parent )
        self.parent = parent
        def on_context_menu( point, inNodeName ):
            popMenu = QtGui.QMenu()
            buildAction = QtGui.QAction( 'Build Joint', popMenu, triggered=lambda a=inNodeName:self.buildNode( a ) )
            popMenu.addAction( buildAction )
            deleteAction = QtGui.QAction( 'Delete Component', popMenu, triggered=lambda a=inNodeName:self.deleteComponentFromObject( a ) )
            popMenu.addAction( deleteAction )
            popMenu.exec_( componentLabel.mapToGlobal( point ) )
        # Setup layout.
        verticalLayout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout()
        verticalLayout.setContentsMargins( 0,0,0,0 )
        verticalLayout.setSpacing( 0 )
        verticalLayout.setAlignment( QtCore.Qt.AlignTop )
        # Label for component
        componentLabel = QTWidgets.basicLabel( nodeName, 'bold', 10, 'black', '6E9094', inIndent=20 )
        componentLabel.setMinimumHeight( 18 )    
        componentLabel.setContextMenuPolicy( QtCore.Qt.CustomContextMenu )
        componentLabel.customContextMenuRequested.connect( lambda point, node=nodeName:on_context_menu( point, node ) )
        # Properties
        propertyStack = QtGui.QVBoxLayout()
        propertyFrame = QTWidgets.basicFrame()
        propertyFrame.setMinimumHeight( 40 )
        propertyFrame.setMaximumHeight( 40 )
        # Add string edit property
        propertyPlug = NodeUtility.getPlug( nodeName, 'jointName' )
        propertyValue = NodeUtility.getPlugValue( propertyPlug )
        jointTextLayout = QTWidgets.stringProperty( 'Joint Name', propertyValue )
        propertyStack.addLayout( jointTextLayout )        
        propertyFrame.setLayout( propertyStack )
        verticalLayout.addWidget( componentLabel )
        verticalLayout.addWidget( propertyFrame )

        # Connections
        textBox = propertyFrame.findChild( QtGui.QLineEdit )
        textBox.editingFinished.connect( lambda inPlugName='jointName', inQTType='QLineEdit', inPlugValue=textBox, inNodeName=nodeName
                                         :BasicJointComponent( inNodeName ).setComponentAttributeFromQT( inPlugName, inQTType, inPlugValue, inNodeName ) )
        self.setLayout( verticalLayout )

示例11: addComponentToObject

 def addComponentToObject( self, inClassType ):
     selList = cmds.ls( selection=True, long=True )
     if len( selList ) is 1:
         prevSel = selList[0]
         newNode = componentNodes.jointComponentNode().createCompNode( inClassType )
         # Add the component attribute to the object.
         FrameUtility.addPlug( selList[0], newNode.name(), 'attributeType', 'message' )
         #cmds.addAttr( inObject, longName='jointComponent', attributeType='message', storable=False )
         nodePlug = '{0}.parentName'.format( newNode.name() )
         objectPlug = '{0}.{1}'.format( selList[0], newNode.name() )
         NodeUtility.connectPlugs( objectPlug, nodePlug )
         cmds.select( prevSel )

示例12: getFramesInSceneWIP

def getFramesInSceneWIP():
    # Get all the meta nodes in the scene.
    metaNodes = NodeUtility.getMetaNodesInScene()
    print metaNodes
    if not metaNodes:
        return None
        for node in metaNodes:
            # Get the root bit of the frame module.
            rootBit = NodeUtility.getNodeAttrSource( node, 'rootBit' )
            # Get the parent's full path. We need to remove the group name from the beginning as well.
            parent = cleanParentFullName( rootBit[0] )
            print parent

示例13: mirrorModule

def mirrorModule():
    # Mirrors a module.
    selList = cmds.ls( selection=True, long=True )
    if len( selList ) == 1:
        # Prompt for axis.
        mirrorAxis = int( cmds.layoutDialog( ui=mirrorObjectPrompt ) )
        inBitObj = selList[0]
        # Check if selected bit is the root.
        if NodeUtility.attributeCheck( inBitObj, 'frameRoot' ):
            # This is the root bit of the module. From here we know we can get the
            # meta node by accessing the frameRoot attribute.
            metaNode = NodeUtility.getNodeAttrDestination( inBitObj, 'frameRoot' )[0]
            # The selected bit is not the root. Run through each custom attribute
            # to find one connected to the meta node.
            attrList = cmds.listAttr( inBitObj, userDefined=True )
            for attr in attrList:
                connection = NodeUtility.getNodeAttrDestination( inBitObj, attr )
                if NodeUtility.attributeCheck( connection[0], 'metaType' ):
                    metaNode = connection[0]
        # Now that we have the meta node, we need the XML file name and it's location.
        metaClassPlug = NodeUtility.getPlug( metaNode, 'metaClass' )
        metaClassValue = NodeUtility.getPlugValue( metaClassPlug )
        metaBuildFolderPlug = NodeUtility.getPlug( metaNode, 'buildFolder' )
        metaBuildFolderValue = NodeUtility.getPlugValue( metaBuildFolderPlug )
        # Create the target module.
        targetRootBit = buildFrameModule( metaBuildFolderValue, metaClassValue )
        # Loop through each object in the source module.
        metaRootBit = NodeUtility.getNodeAttrSource( metaNode, 'rootBit' )[0]
        sourceChildBits = getFrameRootAllChildren( metaRootBit )
        targetChildBits = getFrameRootAllChildren( targetRootBit )
        sourceBits = []
        targetBits = []
        for i,bit in enumerate( sourceChildBits ):
            sourceBits.append( bit )
        sourceBits.insert( 0, metaRootBit )
        for i, bit in enumerate( targetChildBits ):
            targetBits.append( bit )
        targetBits.insert( 0, targetRootBit )
        for bit in xrange( len(sourceBits) ):
            # Mirror the source onto the target.
            mirrorObject( inSourceObj=sourceBits[bit], inTargetObj=targetBits[bit], inMirrorAxis=mirrorAxis )

示例14: nodeRotation

 def nodeRotation( self ):
     dagFn= OpenMaya.MFnDagNode( self.fNodePath )
     path = OpenMaya.MDagPath()
     dagFn.getPath( path )
     transformFn = OpenMaya.MFnTransform( path )
     q = OpenMaya.MQuaternion()
     transformFn.getRotation( q, OpenMaya.MSpace.kWorld )
     return q
     plug = NodeUtility.getPlug( 'ControlBox1', 'rotate' )
     rot = NodeUtility.getPlugValue( plug )
     e = OpenMaya.MEulerRotation( rot[0], rot[1], rot[2] )
     return e

示例15: matchTransforms

def matchTransforms( inType ):
    @param inType: String. Type of matching to perform. 'tran', 'rot', or 'all'
    selObjs = cmds.ls( selection=True, dag=False, ap=True )
    if len( selObjs ) == 0:
        cmds.warning( 'No objects are selected. Select two objects and try again' )
    elif len( selObjs ) > 2:
        cmds.warning( 'To many objects are selected. Select only two objects and try again' )
        # first object is child, second object is target
        cObj = selObjs[0]
        tObj = selObjs[1]
        # do the matching of child to target
        MFnTrans = OpenMaya.MFnTransform()
        childDagPath = NodeUtility.getDagPath( cObj )
        MFnTrans.setObject( childDagPath )
        targetMatrix = getMatrix( tObj, 'worldMatrix' )
        if inType == 'tran' or inType == 'all':
            childTranslation = getMatrixTranslation( targetMatrix, OpenMaya.MSpace.kWorld )
            MFnTrans.setTranslation( childTranslation, OpenMaya.MSpace.kWorld )
        if inType == 'rot' or inType == 'all':            
            childRotation = getMatrixRotation( targetMatrix, 'quat' )
            MFnTrans.setRotation( childRotation, OpenMaya.MSpace.kWorld )
