本文整理汇总了Python中javax.swing.JLabel.setEnabled方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python JLabel.setEnabled方法的具体用法?Python JLabel.setEnabled怎么用?Python JLabel.setEnabled使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类javax.swing.JLabel
示例1: VolatilitySettingsWithUISettingsPanel
# 需要导入模块: from javax.swing import JLabel [as 别名]
# 或者: from javax.swing.JLabel import setEnabled [as 别名]
self.local_settings.setSetting('AdditionalParms', self.Additional_Parms_TF.getText())
def onchange_version(self, event):
self.local_settings.setSetting('Version', event.item)
plugin_list = self.get_plugins()
profile_list = self.get_profiles()
for profile in profile_list:
def onchange_plugins_lb(self, event):
self.local_settings.setSetting('PluginListBox' , '')
list_selected = self.Plugin_LB.getSelectedValuesList()
self.local_settings.setSetting('PluginListBox', str(list_selected))
def onchange_profile_cb(self, event):
self.local_settings.setSetting('Profile', event.item)
# Create the initial data fields/layout in the UI
def initComponents(self):
self.panel0 = JPanel()
self.rbgPanel0 = ButtonGroup()
self.gbPanel0 = GridBagLayout()
self.gbcPanel0 = GridBagConstraints()
self.panel0.setLayout( self.gbPanel0 )
self.Error_Message = JLabel( "")
self.gbcPanel0.gridx = 2
self.gbcPanel0.gridy = 31
self.gbcPanel0.gridwidth = 1
self.gbcPanel0.gridheight = 1
self.gbcPanel0.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH
self.gbcPanel0.weightx = 1
self.gbcPanel0.weighty = 0
self.gbcPanel0.anchor = GridBagConstraints.NORTH
self.gbPanel0.setConstraints( self.Error_Message, self.gbcPanel0 )
self.panel0.add( self.Error_Message )
self.Label_1 = JLabel("Volatility Executable Directory")
self.gbcPanel0.gridx = 2
self.gbcPanel0.gridy = 1
self.gbcPanel0.gridwidth = 1
self.gbcPanel0.gridheight = 1
self.gbcPanel0.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH
self.gbcPanel0.weightx = 1
self.gbcPanel0.weighty = 0
self.gbcPanel0.anchor = GridBagConstraints.NORTH
self.gbPanel0.setConstraints( self.Label_1, self.gbcPanel0 )
self.panel0.add( self.Label_1 )
self.Program_Executable_TF = JTextField(10)
self.gbcPanel0.gridx = 2
self.gbcPanel0.gridy = 3
self.gbcPanel0.gridwidth = 1
self.gbcPanel0.gridheight = 1
self.gbcPanel0.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH
self.gbcPanel0.weightx = 1
示例2: GUI_Test_SQLSettingsWithUISettingsPanel
# 需要导入模块: from javax.swing import JLabel [as 别名]
# 或者: from javax.swing.JLabel import setEnabled [as 别名]
class GUI_Test_SQLSettingsWithUISettingsPanel(IngestModuleIngestJobSettingsPanel):
# Note, we can't use a self.settings instance variable.
# Rather, self.local_settings is used.
# https://wiki.python.org/jython/UserGuide#javabean-properties
# Jython Introspector generates a property - 'settings' on the basis
# of getSettings() defined in this class. Since only getter function
# is present, it creates a read-only 'settings' property. This auto-
# generated read-only property overshadows the instance-variable -
# 'settings'
# We get passed in a previous version of the settings so that we can
# prepopulate the UI
# TODO: Update this for your UI
def __init__(self, settings):
self.local_settings = settings
# Check the checkboxs to see what actions need to be taken
def checkBoxEvent(self, event):
if self.Exec_Program_CB.isSelected():
self.local_settings.setSetting('Exec_Prog_Flag', 'true')
self.local_settings.setSetting('Exec_Prog_Flag', 'false')
# Check to see if there are any entries that need to be populated from the database.
def check_Database_entries(self):
head, tail = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(__file__))
settings_db = os.path.join(head, "GUI_Settings.db3")
dbConn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:sqlite:%s" % settings_db)
except SQLException as e:
self.Error_Message.setText("Error Opening Settings DB!")
stmt = dbConn.createStatement()
SQL_Statement = 'Select Setting_Name, Setting_Value from settings;'
resultSet = stmt.executeQuery(SQL_Statement)
while resultSet.next():
if resultSet.getString("Setting_Name") == "Program_Exec_Name":
self.local_settings.setSetting('ExecFile', resultSet.getString("Setting_Value"))
self.local_settings.setSetting('Exec_Prog_Flag', 'true')
self.Error_Message.setText("Settings Read successfully!")
except SQLException as e:
self.Error_Message.setText("Error Reading Settings Database")
# Save entries from the GUI to the database.
def SaveSettings(self, e):
head, tail = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(__file__))
settings_db = os.path.join(head, "GUI_Settings.db3")
dbConn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:sqlite:%s" % settings_db)
except SQLException as e:
self.Error_Message.setText("Error Opening Settings")
stmt = dbConn.createStatement()
SQL_Statement = 'Insert into settings (Setting_Name, Setting_Value) values ("Program_Exec_Name", "' + \
self.Program_Executable_TF.getText() + '");'
resultSet = stmt.executeQuery(SQL_Statement)
self.Error_Message.setText("Settings Saved")
except SQLException as e:
self.Error_Message.setText("Error Inserting Settings " + str(e))
# When button to find file is clicked then open dialog to find the file and return it.
def onClick(self, e):
chooseFile = JFileChooser()
filter = FileNameExtensionFilter("SQLite", ["sqlite"])
ret = chooseFile.showDialog(self.panel0, "Select SQLite")
if ret == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION:
file = chooseFile.getSelectedFile()
Canonical_file = file.getCanonicalPath()
#text = self.readPath(file)
self.local_settings.setSetting('ExecFile', Canonical_file)
# Create the initial data fields/layout in the UI
def initComponents(self):
示例3: VolatilitySettingsWithUISettingsPanel
# 需要导入模块: from javax.swing import JLabel [as 别名]
# 或者: from javax.swing.JLabel import setEnabled [as 别名]
class VolatilitySettingsWithUISettingsPanel(IngestModuleIngestJobSettingsPanel):
# Note, we can't use a self.settings instance variable.
# Rather, self.local_settings is used.
# https://wiki.python.org/jython/UserGuide#javabean-properties
# Jython Introspector generates a property - 'settings' on the basis
# of getSettings() defined in this class. Since only getter function
# is present, it creates a read-only 'settings' property. This auto-
# generated read-only property overshadows the instance-variable -
# 'settings'
# We get passed in a previous version of the settings so that we can
# prepopulate the UI
# TODO: Update this for your UI
def __init__(self, settings):
self.local_settings = settings
# When button to find file is clicked then open dialog to find the file and return it.
def Find_Dir(self, e):
chooseFile = JFileChooser()
filter = FileNameExtensionFilter("All", ["*.*"])
ret = chooseFile.showDialog(self.panel0, "Find Volatility Directory")
if ret == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION:
file = chooseFile.getSelectedFile()
Canonical_file = file.getCanonicalPath()
#text = self.readPath(file)
self.local_settings.setSetting('Volatility_Directory', Canonical_file)
def keyPressed(self, event):
def checkBoxEvent(self, event):
if self.Check_Box.isSelected():
self.local_settings.setSetting('Flag', 'true')
self.local_settings.setSetting('Flag', 'False')
# Create the initial data fields/layout in the UI
def initComponents(self):
self.panel0 = JPanel()
self.rbgPanel0 = ButtonGroup()
self.gbPanel0 = GridBagLayout()
self.gbcPanel0 = GridBagConstraints()
self.panel0.setLayout( self.gbPanel0 )
self.Error_Message = JLabel( "")
self.gbcPanel0.gridx = 2
self.gbcPanel0.gridy = 15
self.gbcPanel0.gridwidth = 1
self.gbcPanel0.gridheight = 1
self.gbcPanel0.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH
self.gbcPanel0.weightx = 1
self.gbcPanel0.weighty = 0
self.gbcPanel0.anchor = GridBagConstraints.NORTH
self.gbPanel0.setConstraints( self.Error_Message, self.gbcPanel0 )
self.panel0.add( self.Error_Message )
self.Label_1 = JLabel("Volatility Executable Directory")
self.gbcPanel0.gridx = 2
self.gbcPanel0.gridy = 1
self.gbcPanel0.gridwidth = 1
self.gbcPanel0.gridheight = 1
self.gbcPanel0.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH
self.gbcPanel0.weightx = 1
self.gbcPanel0.weighty = 0
self.gbcPanel0.anchor = GridBagConstraints.NORTH
self.gbPanel0.setConstraints( self.Label_1, self.gbcPanel0 )
self.panel0.add( self.Label_1 )
self.Program_Executable_TF = JTextField(10)
self.gbcPanel0.gridx = 2
self.gbcPanel0.gridy = 3
self.gbcPanel0.gridwidth = 1
self.gbcPanel0.gridheight = 1
self.gbcPanel0.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH
self.gbcPanel0.weightx = 1
self.gbcPanel0.weighty = 0
self.gbcPanel0.anchor = GridBagConstraints.NORTH
self.gbPanel0.setConstraints( self.Program_Executable_TF, self.gbcPanel0 )
self.panel0.add( self.Program_Executable_TF )
self.Find_Program_Exec_BTN = JButton( "Find Dir", actionPerformed=self.Find_Dir)
self.rbgPanel0.add( self.Find_Program_Exec_BTN )
self.gbcPanel0.gridx = 6
self.gbcPanel0.gridy = 3
self.gbcPanel0.gridwidth = 1
self.gbcPanel0.gridheight = 1
示例4: TimesketchSettingsWithUISettingsPanel
# 需要导入模块: from javax.swing import JLabel [as 别名]
# 或者: from javax.swing.JLabel import setEnabled [as 别名]
class TimesketchSettingsWithUISettingsPanel(IngestModuleIngestJobSettingsPanel):
# Note, we can't use a self.settings instance variable.
# Rather, self.local_settings is used.
# https://wiki.python.org/jython/UserGuide#javabean-properties
# Jython Introspector generates a property - 'settings' on the basis
# of getSettings() defined in this class. Since only getter function
# is present, it creates a read-only 'settings' property. This auto-
# generated read-only property overshadows the instance-variable -
# 'settings'
# We get passed in a previous version of the settings so that we can
# prepopulate the UI
def __init__(self, settings):
self.local_settings = settings
self.tag_list = []
self.path_to_Timesketch_exe = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "Timesketch_api.exe")
# Check to see if the Timesketch server is available and you can talk to it
def Check_Server(self, e):
pipe = Popen([self.path_to_Timesketch_exe, self.Protocol_TF.getText(),self.IP_Address_TF.getText(), self.Port_Number_TF.getText(), "Timesketch_status" ], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
out_text = pipe.communicate()[0]
self.Error_Message.setText("Timesketch Status is " + out_text)
#self.log(Level.INFO, "Timesketch Status is ==> " + out_text)
def setIPAddress(self, event):
self.local_settings.setSetting('ipAddress', self.IP_Address_TF.getText())
def setPortNumber(self, event):
self.local_settings.setSetting('portNumber', self.Port_Number_TF.getText())
def setUserName(self, event):
self.local_settings.setSetting('userName', self.userName_TF.getText())
def setPassword(self, event):
self.local_settings.setSetting('password', self.password_TF.getText())
def setsketchName(self, event):
self.local_settings.setSetting('sketchName', self.sketchName_TF.getText())
def setsketchDescription(self, event):
self.local_settings.setSetting('sketchDescription', self.sketchDescription_TF.getText())
# Create the initial data fields/layout in the UI
def initComponents(self):
self.panel0 = JPanel()
self.rbgPanel0 = ButtonGroup()
self.gbPanel0 = GridBagLayout()
self.gbcPanel0 = GridBagConstraints()
self.panel0.setLayout( self.gbPanel0 )
self.Label_2 = JLabel("Timesketch IP Address")
self.gbcPanel0.gridx = 2
self.gbcPanel0.gridy = 5
self.gbcPanel0.gridwidth = 1
self.gbcPanel0.gridheight = 1
self.gbcPanel0.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH
self.gbcPanel0.weightx = 1
self.gbcPanel0.weighty = 0
self.gbcPanel0.anchor = GridBagConstraints.NORTH
self.gbPanel0.setConstraints( self.Label_2, self.gbcPanel0 )
self.panel0.add( self.Label_2 )
self.IP_Address_TF = JTextField(20, focusLost=self.setIPAddress)
self.gbcPanel0.gridx = 4
self.gbcPanel0.gridy = 5
self.gbcPanel0.gridwidth = 1
self.gbcPanel0.gridheight = 1
self.gbcPanel0.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH
self.gbcPanel0.weightx = 1
self.gbcPanel0.weighty = 0
self.gbcPanel0.anchor = GridBagConstraints.NORTH
self.gbPanel0.setConstraints( self.IP_Address_TF, self.gbcPanel0 )
self.panel0.add( self.IP_Address_TF )
self.Blank_2 = JLabel( " ")
self.gbcPanel0.gridx = 2
self.gbcPanel0.gridy = 7
self.gbcPanel0.gridwidth = 1
self.gbcPanel0.gridheight = 1
self.gbcPanel0.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH
self.gbcPanel0.weightx = 1
self.gbcPanel0.weighty = 0
self.gbcPanel0.anchor = GridBagConstraints.NORTH
self.gbPanel0.setConstraints( self.Blank_2, self.gbcPanel0 )
self.panel0.add( self.Blank_2 )
self.Label_3 = JLabel("Port Number")
self.gbcPanel0.gridx = 2
self.gbcPanel0.gridy = 9
self.gbcPanel0.gridwidth = 1
示例5: CuckooSettingsWithUISettingsPanel
# 需要导入模块: from javax.swing import JLabel [as 别名]
# 或者: from javax.swing.JLabel import setEnabled [as 别名]
class CuckooSettingsWithUISettingsPanel(IngestModuleIngestJobSettingsPanel):
# Note, we can't use a self.settings instance variable.
# Rather, self.local_settings is used.
# https://wiki.python.org/jython/UserGuide#javabean-properties
# Jython Introspector generates a property - 'settings' on the basis
# of getSettings() defined in this class. Since only getter function
# is present, it creates a read-only 'settings' property. This auto-
# generated read-only property overshadows the instance-variable -
# 'settings'
# We get passed in a previous version of the settings so that we can
# prepopulate the UI
# TODO: Update this for your UI
def __init__(self, settings):
self.local_settings = settings
self.tag_list = []
self.path_to_cuckoo_exe = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "cuckoo_api.exe")
# Check the checkboxs to see what actions need to be taken
def checkBoxEvent(self, event):
if self.Submit_File_CB.isSelected():
self.local_settings.setSetting('Submit_File', 'true')
self.local_settings.setSetting('Submit_URL', 'false')
self.local_settings.setSetting('Submit_File', 'false')
def onchange_lb(self, event):
list_selected = self.List_Box_LB.getSelectedValuesList()
self.local_settings.setSetting('tag_list', str(list_selected))
def find_tags(self):
sql_statement = "SELECT distinct(display_name) u_tag_name FROM content_tags INNER JOIN tag_names ON " + \
" content_tags.tag_name_id = tag_names.tag_name_id;"
skCase = Case.getCurrentCase().getSleuthkitCase()
dbquery = skCase.executeQuery(sql_statement)
resultSet = dbquery.getResultSet()
while resultSet.next():
# Check to see if the Cuckoo server is available and you can talk to it
def Check_Server(self, e):
pipe = Popen([self.path_to_cuckoo_exe, self.Protocol_TF.getText(),self.IP_Address_TF.getText(), self.Port_Number_TF.getText(), "cuckoo_status" ], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
out_text = pipe.communicate()[0]
self.Error_Message.setText("Cuckoo Status is " + out_text)
#self.log(Level.INFO, "Cuckoo Status is ==> " + out_text)
def setIPAddress(self, event):
self.local_settings.setSetting('IP_Address', self.IP_Address_TF.getText())
def setProtocol(self, event):
self.local_settings.setSetting('Protocol', self.Protocol_TF.getText())
def setPortNumber(self, event):
self.local_settings.setSetting('Port_Number', self.Port_Number_TF.getText())
# Create the initial data fields/layout in the UI
def initComponents(self):
self.panel0 = JPanel()
self.rbgPanel0 = ButtonGroup()
self.gbPanel0 = GridBagLayout()
self.gbcPanel0 = GridBagConstraints()
self.panel0.setLayout( self.gbPanel0 )
self.Label_1 = JLabel("Protocol:")
self.gbcPanel0.gridx = 2
self.gbcPanel0.gridy = 1
self.gbcPanel0.gridwidth = 1
self.gbcPanel0.gridheight = 1
self.gbcPanel0.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH
self.gbcPanel0.weightx = 1
self.gbcPanel0.weighty = 0
self.gbcPanel0.anchor = GridBagConstraints.NORTH
self.gbPanel0.setConstraints( self.Label_1, self.gbcPanel0 )
self.panel0.add( self.Label_1 )
self.Protocol_TF = JTextField(20, focusLost=self.setProtocol)
self.gbcPanel0.gridx = 4
self.gbcPanel0.gridy = 1
self.gbcPanel0.gridwidth = 1
self.gbcPanel0.gridheight = 1
self.gbcPanel0.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH
self.gbcPanel0.weightx = 1
self.gbcPanel0.weighty = 0
self.gbcPanel0.anchor = GridBagConstraints.NORTH
self.gbPanel0.setConstraints( self.Protocol_TF, self.gbcPanel0 )
self.panel0.add( self.Protocol_TF )
self.Blank_1 = JLabel( " ")
示例6: Remove_ArtifactsWithUISettingsPanel
# 需要导入模块: from javax.swing import JLabel [as 别名]
# 或者: from javax.swing.JLabel import setEnabled [as 别名]
class Remove_ArtifactsWithUISettingsPanel(IngestModuleIngestJobSettingsPanel):
# Note, we can't use a self.settings instance variable.
# Rather, self.local_settings is used.
# https://wiki.python.org/jython/UserGuide#javabean-properties
# Jython Introspector generates a property - 'settings' on the basis
# of getSettings() defined in this class. Since only getter function
# is present, it creates a read-only 'settings' property. This auto-
# generated read-only property overshadows the instance-variable -
# 'settings'
# We get passed in a previous version of the settings so that we can
# prepopulate the UI
# TODO: Update this for your UI
def __init__(self, settings):
self.local_settings = settings
self.artifact_list = []
# Check to see if there are any entries that need to be populated from the database.
def checkBoxEvent(self, event):
if self.All_Artifacts_CB.isSelected():
self.local_settings.setSetting('allArtifacts', 'true')
self.local_settings.setSetting('allArtifacts', 'false')
if self.All_Attributes_CB.isSelected():
self.local_settings.setSetting('allAttributes', 'true')
self.local_settings.setSetting('allAttributes', 'false')
def onchange_lb(self, event):
self.local_settings.setSetting('listSelected', '')
list_selected = self.List_Box_LB.getSelectedValuesList()
self.local_settings.setSetting('listSelected', list_selected)
def get_artifacts(self):
sql_statement = "select distinct(type_name) 'type_name' from blackboard_artifacts a, blackboard_artifact_types b " + \
" where a.artifact_type_id = b.artifact_type_id;"
skCase = Case.getCurrentCase().getSleuthkitCase()
dbquery = skCase.executeQuery(sql_statement)
resultSet = dbquery.getResultSet()
while resultSet.next():
# Create the initial data fields/layout in the UI
def initComponents(self):
self.panel0 = JPanel()
self.rbgPanel0 = ButtonGroup()
self.gbPanel0 = GridBagLayout()
self.gbcPanel0 = GridBagConstraints()
self.panel0.setLayout( self.gbPanel0 )
self.All_Artifacts_CB = JCheckBox("Remove All Custom Artifacts", actionPerformed=self.checkBoxEvent)
self.gbcPanel0.gridx = 2
self.gbcPanel0.gridy = 1
self.gbcPanel0.gridwidth = 1
self.gbcPanel0.gridheight = 1
self.gbcPanel0.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH
self.gbcPanel0.weightx = 1
self.gbcPanel0.weighty = 0
self.gbcPanel0.anchor = GridBagConstraints.NORTH
self.gbPanel0.setConstraints( self.All_Artifacts_CB, self.gbcPanel0 )
self.panel0.add( self.All_Artifacts_CB )
self.All_Attributes_CB = JCheckBox("Remove All Custom Attributes", actionPerformed=self.checkBoxEvent)
self.gbcPanel0.gridx = 2
self.gbcPanel0.gridy = 3
self.gbcPanel0.gridwidth = 1
self.gbcPanel0.gridheight = 1
self.gbcPanel0.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH
self.gbcPanel0.weightx = 1
self.gbcPanel0.weighty = 0
self.gbcPanel0.anchor = GridBagConstraints.NORTH
self.gbPanel0.setConstraints( self.All_Attributes_CB, self.gbcPanel0 )
self.panel0.add( self.All_Attributes_CB )
self.Blank_0 = JLabel( " ")
self.gbcPanel0.gridx = 2
self.gbcPanel0.gridy = 5
self.gbcPanel0.gridwidth = 1
self.gbcPanel0.gridheight = 1
self.gbcPanel0.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH
self.gbcPanel0.weightx = 1
self.gbcPanel0.weighty = 0
self.gbcPanel0.anchor = GridBagConstraints.NORTH
self.gbPanel0.setConstraints( self.Blank_0, self.gbcPanel0 )
self.panel0.add( self.Blank_0 )
self.Label_0 = JLabel( "Remove selected Artifacts")