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Python Database.getLocation方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中db.Database.getLocation方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Database.getLocation方法的具体用法?Python Database.getLocation怎么用?Python Database.getLocation使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在db.Database的用法示例。


示例1: post_new_vote

# 需要导入模块: from db import Database [as 别名]
# 或者: from db.Database import getLocation [as 别名]
def post_new_vote(study_id):
    def incVotes(obj):
        # Keep obj updates for consistency
        if obj.get("votes"):
            obj["votes"] += 1
        Database.locations.update({"_id": obj["_id"]}, {"$inc": {"votes": 1}})
        Database.incQSVoteCount(study_id, str(obj.get("_id")))

    leftObj = Database.getLocation(request.form["left"])
    rightObj = Database.getLocation(request.form["right"])
    if leftObj is None or rightObj is None:
        return jsonifyResponse({"error": "Locations don't exist!"})
    map(incVotes, [leftObj, rightObj])
    newVoteObj = {
        "study_id": request.form["study_id"],
        "left": request.form["left"],
        "right": request.form["right"],
        "choice": request.form["choice"],
        "timestamp": datetime.now(),
    # If there is no userObj, create one now
    if not session.get("userObj"):
        # Generate a random ID to associate votes with this user if one does not already exist
        session["voterID"] = session["voterID"] if session.get("voterID") else str(uuid4().hex)
        session["userObj"] = Database.createUserObj(session["voterID"])
    if session["userObj"].get("email"):
        newVoteObj["voter_email"] = session["userObj"]["email"]
    if session.get("voterID"):
        newVoteObj["voter_uniqueid"] = session["voterID"]
    # Insert vote into DB
    # Increment votes in DB
    Database.users.update({"_id": session["userObj"]["_id"]}, {"$inc": {"num_votes": 1}})
    # And in cookied object
    session["userObj"]["num_votes"] = session["userObj"]["num_votes"] + 1 if session["userObj"].get("num_votes") else 1
    # Did the user unlock anything?
    unlockedStudies = Gamification.unlockNew(session["userObj"])
    if len(unlockedStudies) > 0:
            {"_id": session["userObj"]["_id"]},
                "$pushAll": {"unlocked_studies": unlockedStudies},
                "$set": {"last_unlocked_at": session["userObj"]["num_votes"]},
        # Get user obj from database and update cookied object
        session["userObj"] = Database.getUserById(session["userObj"]["_id"])
    session.modified = True
    response = {"success": True}
    # Finally, if the user requested an update to their gamification status, send it
    if request.form.get("gamification_status"):
        response["gamificationStatus"] = Gamification.getUnlockStatus(session["userObj"])
    return jsonifyResponse(response)

示例2: get_bottom_n_place

# 需要导入模块: from db import Database [as 别名]
# 或者: from db.Database import getLocation [as 别名]
def get_bottom_n_place(study_id, place_id, n):
    qss = list(Database.qs.find({'study_id': study_id, 'place_id': place_id}).sort('trueskill.score', direction=1).limit(n))
    for qs in qss:
        #place = Database.getPlace(qs['place_id'])
        #qs['place_name'] = place['place_name']
        location = Database.getLocation(qs['location_id'])['loc']
        qs['location'] = location
    return jsonifyResponse(qss)

示例3: curate_location

# 需要导入模块: from db import Database [as 别名]
# 或者: from db.Database import getLocation [as 别名]
def curate_location():
    # Insert the new study into Mongo
    location = Database.getLocation(id)
    # Return the ID for the client to rendezvous at /study/populate/<id>
    return jsonifyResponse({
        'latitude': str(location.loc[0]),
        'longitude': str(location.loc[1]),
        'heading': str(location.heading),
        'pitch': str(location.pitch)

示例4: get_location

# 需要导入模块: from db import Database [as 别名]
# 或者: from db.Database import getLocation [as 别名]
def get_location(location_id):
    locationCursor = Database.getLocation(location_id)
    lat = locationCursor["loc"][0]
    lng = locationCursor["loc"][1]
    return (
        "<img src='http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/streetview?size=404x296&location="
        + lat
        + ","
        + lng
        + "&sensor=false'/>"

示例5: get_study_pairing

# 需要导入模块: from db import Database [as 别名]
# 或者: from db.Database import getLocation [as 别名]
def get_study_pairing(study_id):
    # get location 1
    QS1 = Database.randomQS(study_id, fewestVotes=True)
    if QS1 is None:
        return jsonifyResponse({"error": "Could not get location 1 from QS collection."})
    # get location 2
    if not QS1.has_key("q"):  # location 1 has no q score
        QS2 = Database.randomQS(study_id, exclude=QS1.get("location_id"))
        # get 25 locations with q scores
        obj = {
            "study_id": study_id,
            "location_id": {"$ne": QS1.get("location_id")},
            "num_votes": {"$lte": 30},
            "q": {"$exists": True},
        f = 25
        count = Database.qs.find(obj).count() - 1
        s = randint(0, max(0, count - f))
        QSCursor = Database.qs.find(obj).skip(s).limit(f)

        # pick location with closest score
        dist = lambda QS: abs(QS.get("q") - QS1["q"])
            QS2 = min(QSCursor, key=dist)
        except ValueError:  # db query yields zero results
            QS2 = Database.randomQS(study_id, exclude=QS1.get("location_id"))
    if QS2 is None:
        return jsonifyResponse({"error": "Could not get location 2 from QS collection."})

    # convert to location objects
    location1 = Database.getLocation(QS1.get("location_id"))
    location2 = Database.getLocation(QS2.get("location_id"))
    locationsToDisplay = [location1, location2]
    if location1 is None or location2 is None:
        return jsonifyResponse({"error": "Locations could not be retrieved from location collection!"})

    return jsonifyResponse({"locs": map(objifyPlace, locationsToDisplay)})
