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Python Database.create_table方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中db.Database.create_table方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Database.create_table方法的具体用法?Python Database.create_table怎么用?Python Database.create_table使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在db.Database的用法示例。


示例1: init_db

# 需要导入模块: from db import Database [as 别名]
# 或者: from db.Database import create_table [as 别名]
def init_db():  # Creates the DB object and sets up hierarchy
    if not os.path.exists('data'):  # All data should be placed here
    db = Database('bot')
    db.create_table("plugins", {"plugin_id": "INT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL", "plugin_name": "TEXT",
                                "pretty_name": "TEXT", "description": "TEXT", "usage": "TEXT"}, drop_existing=True)
    db.create_table("flagged_messages", {"plugin_id": "INT", "message_id": "INT", "chat_id": "INT",
                                         "user_id": "INT", "single_use": "BOOLEAN", "currently_active": "BOOLEAN",
                                         "plugin_data": "TEXT"})
    db.create_table("flagged_time", {"plugin_id": "INT", "time": "INT", "plugin_data": "TEXT"})
    db.create_table("downloads", {"file_id": "TEXT", "file_path": "TEXT"})
    db.create_table("callback_queries", {"plugin_id": "INT", "data": "TEXT", "plugin_data": "TEXT"})
    return db

示例2: DbTest

# 需要导入模块: from db import Database [as 别名]
# 或者: from db.Database import create_table [as 别名]
class DbTest(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.photostore = Database(True)

    def test_tables(self):
        # No local index, only hash and range indices
        keys = [{'hash': 'hashkey'}, {'range': 'rangekey'}]
        self.photostore.create_table('photostore', keys)
        data = {
                 'hashkey' : 'gopa',
                 'rangekey' : 'sanjose',
                 'comments' : 'testing again...!' 
        datakeys = {'hashkey' : 'gopa', 'rangekey' : 'sanjose'}
        # Store the data
        self.photostore.put_data('photostore', data, datakeys)
        # Retrieve it
        item = self.photostore.get_data('photostore', datakeys)
        if item:
            print 'GET: photo %s, tag %s, comments %s\n' % \
                  (item['hashkey'], item['rangekey'], item['comments'])
            print 'Item not found\n'

    def test_tables_localindex(self):
        # Only hash index and one local range index. Local hash has to be the
        # same as the hash index because thats how local indices work
        keys = [{'hash': 'hashkey'}, {'range': 'rangekey'},
                {'hash': 'hashkey', 'local': 'mylocal', 'range': 'rangekey_1'}]
        self.photostore.create_table('photostore-local', keys)
        # data set 1
        data = {
                 'hashkey' : 'gopa-local',
                 'rangekey' : 'sanjose-ca-95134',
                 'rangekey_1' : 'test1',
                 'comments' : 'testing local this time' 
        datakeys = {'hashkey' : 'gopa-local', 'rangekey' : 'sanjose-ca-95134'}
        # store data set 1
        self.photostore.put_data('photostore-local', data, datakeys)
        # data set 2 .. note that the rangekey_1 which is the local index, is
        # the same as in data set 1 .. So when we query with the local index
        # (secondary index) we should get both the results
        data = {
                 'hashkey' : 'gopa-local',
                 'rangekey' : 'sanjose-ca-95134-1',
                 'rangekey_1' : 'test1',
                 'comments' : 'testing local this time, duplicate !!' 
        datakeys = {'hashkey' : 'gopa-local',
                    'rangekey' : 'sanjose-ca-95134-1'}
        # store data set 2
        self.photostore.put_data('photostore-local', data, datakeys)
        # query with the local secondary index
        datakeys_query = {'hashkey__eq' : 'gopa-local', 
                          'rangekey_1__eq' : 'test1'}
        # we expect to see two entries
        item = self.photostore.query_data('photostore-local',
                                      datakeys_query, 'mylocal')
        for i in item:
            print 'QUERY: [%s, %s, %s, %s]\n' %  \
                  (i['hashkey'], i['rangekey'], i['rangekey_1'],

        # now get item again with the primary hash/range keys
        datakeys = {'hashkey' : 'gopa-local', 'rangekey' : 'sanjose-ca-95134'}
        item = self.photostore.get_data('photostore-local', datakeys)
        if item:
            print 'GET: [%s, %s, %s, %s]\n' % \
                  (item['hashkey'], item['rangekey'], item['rangekey_1'],

        # now get the second with the primary hash/range keys
        datakeys = {'hashkey' : 'gopa-local', 'rangekey' : 'sanjose-ca-95134-1'}
        item = self.photostore.get_data('photostore-local', datakeys)
        if item:
            print 'GET: [%s, %s, %s, %s]\n' % \
                  (item['hashkey'], item['rangekey'], item['rangekey_1'],

示例3: Excel

# 需要导入模块: from db import Database [as 别名]
# 或者: from db.Database import create_table [as 别名]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# authors 13077/13130
# data: 05 de outubro de 2014

from excel import Excel
from db import Database

# x = Excel("../Data/IPC_Portugal_1977_2013.xls")
x = Excel("C:/Users/Diogo/Dropbox/ESTIG/2/S1/LP/LP-1415/IPC_Portugal_1977_2013.xls")
#lista = x.lista

lista2 = x.lista2

d = Database(lista2)



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