本文整理汇总了Python中attrdict.AttrDict.items方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python AttrDict.items方法的具体用法?Python AttrDict.items怎么用?Python AttrDict.items使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类attrdict.AttrDict
示例1: test_iteration_2
# 需要导入模块: from attrdict import AttrDict [as 别名]
# 或者: from attrdict.AttrDict import items [as 别名]
def test_iteration_2(self):
Test the iteration methods (items, keys, values[, iteritems,
iterkeys, itervalues]).
if not PY2: # Python2.6 doesn't have skipif/skipunless
from attrdict import AttrDict
empty = AttrDict()
adict = AttrDict({'foo': 'bar', 'lorem': 'ipsum', 'alpha': {
'beta': 1, 'bravo': empty}})
self.assertEqual(empty.items(), [])
self.assertEqual(empty.keys(), [])
self.assertEqual(empty.values(), [])
items = adict.items()
self.assertEqual(len(items), 3)
self.assertTrue(('foo', 'bar') in items)
self.assertTrue(('lorem', 'ipsum') in items)
self.assertTrue(('alpha', {'beta': 1, 'bravo': empty}) in items)
self.assertEqual(set(adict.keys()), set(['foo', 'lorem', 'alpha']))
values = adict.values()
self.assertEqual(len(values), 3)
self.assertTrue('bar' in values)
self.assertTrue('ipsum' in values)
self.assertTrue({'beta': 1, 'bravo': empty} in values)
# Iterator methods
iterator = empty.iteritems()
self.assertFalse(isinstance(iterator, list))
self.assertEqual(list(iterator), [])
iterator = empty.iterkeys()
self.assertFalse(isinstance(iterator, list))
self.assertEqual(list(iterator), [])
iterator = empty.itervalues()
self.assertFalse(isinstance(iterator, list))
self.assertEqual(list(iterator), [])
iterator = adict.iteritems()
self.assertFalse(isinstance(iterator, list))
self.assertEqual(list(iterator), adict.items())
iterator = adict.iterkeys()
self.assertFalse(isinstance(iterator, list))
self.assertEqual(list(iterator), adict.keys())
iterator = adict.itervalues()
self.assertFalse(isinstance(iterator, list))
self.assertEqual(list(iterator), adict.values())
示例2: Process
# 需要导入模块: from attrdict import AttrDict [as 别名]
# 或者: from attrdict.AttrDict import items [as 别名]
class Process(object):
"""A generic parent class for all climlab process objects.
Every process object has a set of state variables on a spatial grid.
For more general information about `Processes` and their role in climlab,
see :ref:`process_architecture` section climlab-architecture.
**Initialization parameters** \n
An instance of ``Process`` is initialized with the following
arguments *(for detailed information see Object attributes below)*:
:param Field state: spatial state variable for the process.
Set to ``None`` if not specified.
:param domains: domain(s) for the process
:type domains: :class:`~climlab.domain.domain._Domain` or dict of
:param subprocess: subprocess(es) of the process
:type subprocess: :class:`~climlab.process.process.Process` or dict of
:param array lat: latitudinal points (optional)
:param lev: altitudinal points (optional)
:param int num_lat: number of latitudional points (optional)
:param int num_levels:
number of altitudinal points (optional)
:param dict input: collection of input quantities
:param bool verbose: Flag to control text output during instantiation
of the Process [default: True]
**Object attributes** \n
Additional to the parent class :class:`~climlab.process.process.Process`
following object attributes are generated during initialization:
:ivar dict domains: dictionary of process :class:`~climlab.domain.domain._Domain`
:ivar dict state: dictionary of process states
(of type :class:`~climlab.domain.field.Field`)
:ivar dict param: dictionary of model parameters which are given
through ``**kwargs``
:ivar dict diagnostics: a dictionary with all diagnostic variables
:ivar dict _input_vars: collection of input quantities like boundary conditions
and other gridded quantities
:ivar str creation_date:
date and time when process was created
:ivar subprocess: dictionary of suprocesses of the process
:vartype subprocess: dict of :class:`~climlab.process.process.Process`
def __str__(self):
str1 = 'climlab Process of type {0}. \n'.format(type(self))
str1 += 'State variables and domain shapes: \n'
for varname in list(self.state.keys()):
str1 += ' {0}: {1} \n'.format(varname, self.domains[varname].shape)
str1 += 'The subprocess tree: \n'
str1 += walk.process_tree(self, name=self.name)
return str1
def __init__(self, name='Untitled', state=None, domains=None, subprocess=None,
lat=None, lev=None, num_lat=None, num_levels=None,
input=None, verbose=True, **kwargs):
# verbose flag used to control text output at process creation time
self.verbose = verbose
self.name = name
# dictionary of domains. Keys are the domain names
self.domains = _make_dict(domains, _Domain)
# If lat is given, create a simple domains
if lat is not None:
sfc = zonal_mean_surface()
self.domains.update({'default': sfc})
# dictionary of state variables (all of type Field)
self.state = AttrDict()
states = _make_dict(state, Field)
for name, value in states.items():
self.set_state(name, value)
# dictionary of model parameters
self.param = kwargs
# dictionary of diagnostic quantities
#self.diagnostics = AttrDict()
#self._diag_vars = frozenset()
self._diag_vars = []
# dictionary of input quantities
#self.input = _make_dict(input, Field)
if input is None:
#self._input_vars = frozenset()
self._input_vars = []
for name, var in input:
self.__dict__[name] = var
self.creation_date = time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z",
# subprocess is a dictionary of any sub-processes
self.subprocess = AttrDict()
if subprocess is not None:
#if subprocess is None:
# #self.subprocess = {}
# # a dictionary whose items can be accessed as attributes
# self.subprocess = AttrDict()
示例3: Widget
# 需要导入模块: from attrdict import AttrDict [as 别名]
# 或者: from attrdict.AttrDict import items [as 别名]
self.set_value(name, val)
def _normalize_id(self, id):
""" Removes illegal characters from the widget id. The id can appear in HTML,
as file name, as part of css. """
return re.sub('[^a-zA-Z_0-9]', '_', id)
#return id.replace(' ', '').replace('-','').replace('/','_').replace('\\', '_')
def _get_widget(self, name):
""" Gets a widget with the specified name. """
name = self._normalize_id(name)
if not name in self.widgets:
raise Exception('name %s not found.' % name)
return self.widgets[name]
def _add_widget_if_needed(self, name, new_widget_type, *args, **kargs):
name = self._normalize_id(name)
if not name in self.widgets:
return self._add_widget(name, new_widget_type, *args, **kargs)
return self.widgets[name]
def _add_widget(self, name, new_widget_type, *args, **kargs):
""" Adds a sub widget. """
name = self._normalize_id(name)
if name in self.widgets:
raise Exception('name %s is already in use' % name)
new_id = '%s%s%s' % (self.id, ID_SEPERATOR, name)
new_widget = new_widget_type(new_id, self, *args, **kargs)
self.widgets[name] = new_widget
return new_widget
def _remove_widget(self, widget):
""" Removes a sub widget. """
widget_name = widget.id.split(ID_SEPERATOR)[-1]
del self.widgets[widget_name]
def run_on_load(self):
""" Called by a Report when a widget is reloaded. """
for w in self.widgets.values():
if 'on_load' in dir(self):
def _get_unique_id(self):
""" Returns a unique id. Multiple calls to this function
will no generate the same id.
if not self.unique_counter:
ret = self.id
ret = '%s_%d' % (self.id, self.unique_counter)
self.unique_counter += 1
return ret
def _save_value_if_needed(self, value_name, value):
""" This function saves the given value according to the last
key used in _guess_or_remember.
if not value_name in self.value_name_to_cache_key:
cache_key = self.value_name_to_cache_key[value_name]
dict_name = str(type(self))
cache_dict = CACHE.get(dict_name, none_if_not_found=True)
if not cache_dict:
cache_dict = {}
cache_dict[cache_key] = value
CACHE.put(dict_name, cache_dict, dict_name)
def _guess_or_remember(self, value_name, key, default_value=None):
""" Used to suggest a default for a certain value of the widget, or
record the selected value.
If there is no value in values.choices:
The method will look for a value under 'key', and set values.[value_name]
to that value. If there is no value, values.[value_name] is set to default_value.
If there is a value in values.choices:
The value is saved under 'key'.
Any subsequent changes to value_name are saved under 'key'.
key = make_unique_str(key)
dict_name = str(type(self))
cache_dict = CACHE.get(dict_name, none_if_not_found=True)
if not cache_dict:
cache_dict = {}
if self.values[value_name] == None:
self.values[value_name] = cache_dict.get(key, default_value)
cache_dict[key] = self.values[value_name]
CACHE.put(dict_name, cache_dict, dict_name)
# make sure we will update the value in cache when it changes:
self.value_name_to_cache_key[value_name] = key
def __str__(self):
my_str = '%s' % '{%s}' % ','.join(['%s: %s' % (k,v) for k,v in self.values.items()])
sub_widgets = '\n'.join('%s - %s' % (k,str(v)) for k,v in self.widgets.items())
if sub_widgets:
sub_widgets = '\n'.join([' %s' % s for s in sub_widgets.split('\n')])
return '%s\n%s' % (my_str, sub_widgets)
return my_str