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Python Read.write方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中MolKit.Read.write方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Read.write方法的具体用法?Python Read.write怎么用?Python Read.write使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在MolKit.Read的用法示例。


示例1: PDBWriterTests

# 需要导入模块: from MolKit import Read [as 别名]
# 或者: from MolKit.Read import write [as 别名]
class PDBWriterTests(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):

    def tearDown(self):
        if hasattr(self, 'mol'): del self.mol

    def test_Write_1(self):
        Test the default option of the write method of a PdbWriter.
        Just write the ATOM, HETATM and CONECT records and bondOrigin
        is File.
        # read a molecule
        from MolKit import Read
        self.mol = Read("Data/1crn.pdb")[0]

        # instanciate a PdbWriter and call the write method with the
        # default arguments
        from MolKit.pdbWriter import PdbWriter
        writer = PdbWriter()
        writer.write('Data/1crn_writer.pdb', self.mol)
        # This should write only the ATOM and CONECT records
        # The TER records are automatically created with the ATOM records

        # 1- Make sure that the file has been created
        import os
        # 2- Make sure that the file created the proper records
        # Get the default records from the new pdb files
        from MolKit.pdbParser import PdbParser
        nmol = Read("Data/1crn_writer.pdb")[0]

        # COMPARE 
        ncoords = nmol.allAtoms.coords
        ocoords = self.mol.allAtoms.coords
        self.assertEqual(ncoords, ocoords)

        nname = nmol.allAtoms.name
        oname = nmol.allAtoms.name
        self.assertEqual(nname, oname)

        nbonds = nmol.allAtoms.bonds[0]
        obonds = self.mol.allAtoms.bonds[0]
        self.assertEqual(len(nbonds), len(obonds))
        nbatms = nbonds.atom1+nbonds.atom2
        nbatms = nbatms.uniq()
        nbatms = nbonds.atom1+nbonds.atom2
        nbatms = nbatms.uniq()
        os.system("rm Data/1crn_writer.pdb")

    def test_Write_2(self):
        Test writing out CONECT records for the bonds described in
        the pdb file and built by distance.
        from MolKit import Read
        self.mol = Read("Data/1crn.pdb")[0]
        # instanciate a PdbWriter and call the write method with the
        # default arguments
        from MolKit.pdbWriter import PdbWriter
        writer = PdbWriter()
        writer.write('Data/1crn_writer.pdb', self.mol)
        from MolKit.pdbParser import PdbParser
        nmol = Read("Data/1crn_writer.pdb")[0]
        os.system("rm Data/1crn_writer.pdb")

    def test_Write_3(self):
        Test writing out CONECT records for the bonds described in
        the pdb file eventhough the bonds built by distance exist.
        from MolKit import Read
        self.mol = Read("Data/1crn.pdb")[0]
        # instanciate a PdbWriter and call the write method with the
        # default arguments
        from MolKit.pdbWriter import PdbWriter
        writer = PdbWriter()
        writer.write('Data/1crn_writer.pdb', self.mol)
        from MolKit.pdbParser import PdbParser
        nmol = Read("Data/1crn_writer.pdb")[0]
        os.system("rm Data/1crn_writer.pdb")

    def test_Write_4(self):
        Test writing out the ATOM records and the CONECT records
        without the HETATM
        from MolKit import Read
        self.mol = Read("Data/1bsr.pdb")[0]
        # instanciate a PdbWriter and call the write method with the
        # default arguments
        from MolKit.pdbWriter import PdbWriter
