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Python Read.addBond方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中MolKit.Read.addBond方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Read.addBond方法的具体用法?Python Read.addBond怎么用?Python Read.addBond使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在MolKit.Read的用法示例。


示例1: len

# 需要导入模块: from MolKit import Read [as 别名]
# 或者: from MolKit.Read import addBond [as 别名]
    if verbose: print 'removed rat3 %s'%rat3.full_name()
    rM.allAtoms = rM.chains.residues.atoms
    if verbose: print 'after removing rat1,rat2 and rat3 but before adding ligand atoms, residue %s has %d atoms.' %( resP.name, len(resP.atoms))
    if verbose: print 'and the receptor has %d atoms'%len(rM.allAtoms)
    #keep handle to existing atoms for possible clashes
    res_atoms_to_check = resP.atoms[:]
    #(4) add the ligand atoms to the residue
    #for h in atoms_to_adopt:
    for h in lM.allAtoms:
        if verbose: print "%s added to %s"%(h.full_name(), resP.full_name())
    if verbose: print 'after adding %d ligand atoms, residue %s has %d atoms.' %( len(lM.allAtoms), resP.name, len(resP.atoms))
    rM.allAtoms = rM.chains.residues.atoms
    if verbose: print 'and the receptor has %d atoms'%len(rM.allAtoms)
    #(5) add the bonds between at3 'CB' in the ligand and the attachment atom in the receptor 
    rM.addBond(at3, atom_to_attach)
    if verbose: 
        print 'built bond between %s from ligand and  atom %s  in residue %s' %( at3.name,atom_to_attach.name, resP.name)
        print "now the bonds of atom %s are:"%(at3.name)
        for b in at3.bonds:
            print " %s -%s"%(b.atom1.full_name(), b.atom2.full_name())

    #(6) do some necessary updates of the protein data structure
    rM.allAtoms = rM.chains.residues.atoms
    num_ats = len(rM.allAtoms)
    rM.allAtoms.number = range(1, num_ats+1)
    # LOOK FOR CLOSE CONTACTS BETWEEN atoms_to_adopt and res_atoms_to_check
    #if find close contacts, iterate rotation around bond
    #in steps of 30degrees using setAngle stuff...
    clashes = detect_clashes(res_atoms_to_check, atoms_to_adopt, verbose=verbose)
    print "@@@ detected %d clashes! @@@"%len(clashes)
