本文整理汇总了Python中WLanalysis.coords2grid方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python WLanalysis.coords2grid方法的具体用法?Python WLanalysis.coords2grid怎么用?Python WLanalysis.coords2grid使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类WLanalysis
示例1: partialdata2grid
# 需要导入模块: import WLanalysis [as 别名]
# 或者: from WLanalysis import coords2grid [as 别名]
def partialdata2grid (icount):
'''for a small portion of the data, put into a grid'''
print 'icount',icount
idata = load(mask_dir+'smaller/weight0_cat_W%i_step%i_start%i.npy'%(Wx,step, icount))
print 'loaded',icount
ix, iy=np.indices(idata.shape)
#radeclist = (array(w.wcs_pix2world(ix, iy, 0)).reshape(2,-1)).T ////jia changed on 12/9, since the coordinates seems to be off..
#radeclist = (array(w.wcs_pix2world(iy, ix, 0)).reshape(2,-1)).T
#y, x = f_Wx (radeclist)
y, x = f_Wx ((array(w.wcs_pix2world(iy, ix, 0)).reshape(2,-1)).T )
print icount,'done f_wx %s'%(icount)#,time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
if Wx!=1:
ipix_mask, ipix = WLanalysis.coords2grid(x,y, idata.flatten().reshape(1,-1), size=sizes[Wx-1])
ipix_mask = zeros(shape=(sizes[Wx-1], sizes[Wx-1]))
ipix = ipix_mask.copy()
while jj< len(y):
print 'icount, jj',icount,jj
iipix_mask,iipix = WLanalysis.coords2grid(x[jj:jj+istep], y[jj:jj+istep], idata.flatten().reshape(1,-1)[:,jj:jj+istep], size=sizes[Wx-1])
ipix_mask += iipix_mask
ipix += iipix
print icount,'W%i done coords2grid %s'%(Wx,icount)#,time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
save(mask_dir+'smaller/weight0_W%i_%i_numpix'%(Wx,icount), ipix)
save(mask_dir+'smaller/weight0_W%i_%i_nummask'%(Wx,icount), ipix_mask)
#ipix is the num. of pixels fall in that big pix, ipix_mask is the mask
return ipix, ipix_mask
示例2: kmapPk_1sim
# 需要导入模块: import WLanalysis [as 别名]
# 或者: from WLanalysis import coords2grid [as 别名]
def kmapPk_1sim (r):
print r,'1sim'
k, s1, s2 = kappaGen_1sim(r)[:3]
A, galn = WLanalysis.coords2grid(x, y, array([s1,s2]))
Ms1,Ms2 = A
s1_smooth = WLanalysis.weighted_smooth(Ms1, galn, PPA=PPA512, sigmaG=sigmaG)
s2_smooth = WLanalysis.weighted_smooth(Ms1, galn, PPA=PPA512, sigmaG=sigmaG)
kmap = WLanalysis.KSvw(s1_smooth, s2_smooth)
pk = WLanalysis.peaks_mask_hist(kmap, mask, bins=25, kmin = -0.04, kmax = 0.12)
return pk
示例3: kmapPs
# 需要导入模块: import WLanalysis [as 别名]
# 或者: from WLanalysis import coords2grid [as 别名]
def kmapPs (r):
print r
k, s1, s2 = kappaGen(r)[:3]
A, galn = WLanalysis.coords2grid(x, y, array([s1,s2 ]))
Ms1,Ms2 = A
s1_smooth = WLanalysis.weighted_smooth(Ms1, galn, PPA=PPA512, sigmaG=sigmaG)
s2_smooth = WLanalysis.weighted_smooth(Ms1, galn, PPA=PPA512, sigmaG=sigmaG)
kmap = WLanalysis.KSvw(s1_smooth, s2_smooth)
ps = WLanalysis.PowerSpectrum(kmap,sizedeg=12.0)[-1]
return ps
示例4: fileGen
# 需要导入模块: import WLanalysis [as 别名]
# 或者: from WLanalysis import coords2grid [as 别名]
def fileGen(i, R, cosmo):
Put catalogue to grid, with (1+m)w correction. Mw is already done.
also add randomly rotated noise
i: subfield range from (1, 2..13)
R: realization range from (1..1000)
cosmo: one of the 100 cosmos
Me1 = e1*w
Me2 = e2*w
#y, x, e1, e2, w, m = yxewm_arr[i-1].T
s1, s2 = (WLanalysis.readFits(SIMfn(i,cosmo,R)).T)[[1,2]]
A, galn = WLanalysis.coords2grid(x, y, array([s1*w, s2*w]))
Ms1, Ms2 = A
return Ms1, Ms2
示例5: createBadFieldMask
# 需要导入模块: import WLanalysis [as 别名]
# 或者: from WLanalysis import coords2grid [as 别名]
def createBadFieldMask (sf):
sf_splitfiles = os.listdir(sf_dir(sf))
genfromtxtA = lambda fn: genfromtxt(sf_dir(sf)+fn)
datas = map(genfromtxtA,sf_splitfiles)#3 columns: RA, DEC, GB
datas = concatenate(datas,axis=0)
idx = where(datas[:,-1]==1)[0]
datas = datas[idx]
y, x, k = datas.T
k, galn = WLanalysis.coords2grid(x, y, array([k,]))
for sigmaG in sigmaG_arr:
print 'createBadFieldMask sf, sigmaG:', sf, sigmaG
Allmask = WLanalysis.readFits(mask_fcn(sigmaG, sf))#mask for all field
badmask_fn = badmask_fcn(sigmaG, sf)#file name for bad pointing mask, which is 75% area of Allmask
galn_smooth = snd.filters.gaussian_filter(galn.astype(float),sigmaG*PPA512, mode='constant')
#smooth the galn grid
Mmask = ones(shape=galn.shape)#create mask grid
Mmask[where(galn_smooth < ngal_cut)]=0#find the low density region in galn_smooth
Mmask = adHocFix(Mmask,sf)
Mmask *= Allmask#since I didn't do redshift cut in badmask, so here it takes care of it, since ALl mask has redshift cuts
WLanalysis.writeFits(Mmask, badmask_fn)
示例6: fileGen
# 需要导入模块: import WLanalysis [as 别名]
# 或者: from WLanalysis import coords2grid [as 别名]
def fileGen(i):
i range from (1, 2..13)
Me1 = e1*w
Me2 = (e2-c2)*w
Mw = (1+m)*w
galn = number of galaxies per pixel
Me1_fn = KS_dir+'CFHT_subfield%02d_Me1.fits'%(i)
Me2_fn = KS_dir+'CFHT_subfield%02d_Me2.fits'%(i)
Mw_fn = KS_dir+'CFHT_subfield%02d_Mw.fits'%(i)
galn_fn = KS_dir+'CFHT_subfield%02d_galn.fits'%(i)
print 'fileGen', i
if WLanalysis.TestComplete((Me1_fn,Me2_fn,Mw_fn,galn_fn),rm = True):
Me1 = WLanalysis.readFits(Me1_fn)
Me2 = WLanalysis.readFits(Me2_fn)
Mw = WLanalysis.readFits(Mw_fn)
galn =WLanalysis.readFits(galn_fn)
ifile = np.genfromtxt(full_dir+'full_subfield'+str(i) ,usecols=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 16, 17])
# cols: y, x, z_peak, z_rnd1, z_rnd2, e1, e2, w, m, c2
#redshift cut 0.2< z <1.3
zs = ifile[:,[2,3,4]]
print 'zs'
idx = np.where((amax(zs,axis=1) <= zmax) & (amin(zs,axis=1) >= zmin))[0]
y, x, z_peak, z_rnd1, z_rnd2, e1, e2, w, m, c2 = ifile[idx].T
k = array([e1*w, (e2-c2)*w, (1+m)*w])
Ms, galn = WLanalysis.coords2grid(x, y, k)
print 'coords2grid'
Me1, Me2, Mw = Ms
return Me1, Me2, Mw, galn
示例7: arange
# 需要导入模块: import WLanalysis [as 别名]
# 或者: from WLanalysis import coords2grid [as 别名]
for i in arange(1,14):
sG_arr = array([1, 3.5, 5.3, 8.9])
for sG in sG_arr:
KS_45_fn = test_dir+'KS_45_%i_%i.fit'%(i,sG)
KS_rand_fn = test_dir+'KS_rand_%i_%i.fit'%(i,sG)
print i, sG
if os.path.isfile(KS_45_fn) and os.path.isfile(KS_rand_fn):
print 'generating KS'
y, x, e1, e2, w = WLanalysis.readFits(test_dir+'yxew_subfield%i_zcut0213.fit'%(i)).T
e1_45, e2_45 = WLanalysis.rndrot(e1, e2, deg=45)
e1_rand, e2_rand = WLanalysis.rndrot(e1, e2, iseed=0)
mat_e1_45,mat_e2_45,mat_e1_rand,mat_e2_rand, Mw = WLanalysis.coords2grid(x, y, array([e1_45*w, e2_45*w, e1_rand*w, e2_rand*w, w]) )[0]
mat_e1_45_smoothed = WLanalysis.weighted_smooth(mat_e1_45 , Mw, sigmaG=sG)
mat_e2_45_smoothed = WLanalysis.weighted_smooth(mat_e2_45 , Mw, sigmaG=sG)
mat_e1_rand_smoothed= WLanalysis.weighted_smooth(mat_e1_rand, Mw, sigmaG=sG)
mat_e2_rand_smoothed= WLanalysis.weighted_smooth(mat_e2_rand, Mw, sigmaG=sG)
KS_45 =WLanalysis.KSvw(mat_e1_45_smoothed,mat_e2_45_smoothed)
kappa_45 = KS_45.flatten()
#hist_45,binedges45 = histogram(kappa_45,bins=100,range=(-5*std_45,5*std_45))
示例8: cat_gen
# 需要导入模块: import WLanalysis [as 别名]
# 或者: from WLanalysis import coords2grid [as 别名]
icat = cat_gen(Wx).T #
ra, dec, redshift, weight, MAGi, Mhalo, Rvir, DL = icat
##########next 3 lines, cut at z=0.4 for source galaxies
k = np.load(obsPK_dir+'kappa_predict_W%i.npy'%(Wx))
idx_k = where(k>0)[0]
k = k[idx_k]
icat = icat[:,idx_k]
f_Wx = WLanalysis.gnom_fun(center)
y, x = array(f_Wx(icat[:2]))
weight = icat[3]
#k = np.load(obsPK_dir+'kappa_predict_W%i.npy'%(Wx))#kappa_predict_Mmax2e15_W%i.npy
A, galn = WLanalysis.coords2grid(x, y, array([k*weight, weight, k]), size=isize)
Mkw, Mw, Mk = A
for sigmaG in (0.5, 1.0, 1.8, 3.5, 5.3, 8.9):
print Wx, sigmaG
mask0 = maskGen(Wx, 0.5, sigmaG)
mask = WLanalysis.smooth(mask0, 5.0)
################ make maps ######################
kmap_predict = WLanalysis.weighted_smooth(Mkw, Mw, PPA=PPA512, sigmaG=sigmaG)
np.save(obsPK_dir+'maps/kmap_W%i_predict_sigmaG%02d.npy'%(Wx, sigmaG*10), kmap_predict)
if plot_predict_maps:
def plot_predict_maps_fcn(WxsigmaG):
示例9: SumSplitFile2Grid
# 需要导入模块: import WLanalysis [as 别名]
# 或者: from WLanalysis import coords2grid [as 别名]
def SumSplitFile2Grid(Wx):
'''For Wx field, read in each split file,
and create e1, e2 grid for mass construction.
Input: Wx=1,2,3,4
Output: (Me1, Me2, Mw, galn) split in each redshift bins'''
isize = sizes[Wx-1]
ishape = (len(zbins), isize, isize)
ishape_hi = (len(zbins)-1, isize, isize)#no need to do hi for zcut=1.3 since it's everything
Me1_hi = zeros(shape=ishape_hi)
Me2_hi = zeros(shape=ishape_hi)#hi is for higher redshift bins, lo is lower redshift
Mw_hi = zeros(shape=ishape_hi)
#Mk_hi = zeros(shape=ishape_hi)
galn_hi = zeros(shape=ishape_hi)
Me1_lo = zeros(shape=ishape)
Me2_lo = zeros(shape=ishape)
Mw_lo = zeros(shape=ishape)
#Mk_lo = zeros(shape=ishape)
galn_lo = zeros(shape=ishape)
Wfiles = os.listdir(W_dir(Wx))#get the list of split file for Wx
for iW in Wfiles:
datas = WLanalysis.readFits(W_dir(Wx)+iW)
#cols: x, y, ra, dec, e1, e2, w, r, snr, m, c2, mag, z_peak, z_rand1, z_rand2
z = datas.T[-3]#z_peak, -2 is z_rand1, -1 is z_rand2
i = 0 #zbin count
for zcut in zbins:
idx0 = where(z<zcut)[0]
idx1 = where(z>=zcut)[0]
for idx in [idx0,idx1]:
y, x, e1, e2, w, m = (datas[idx].T)[[0,1,4,5,6,9]]#note x, y is reversed in python
k = array([e1*w, e2*w, (1+m)*w])
x = radians(x)
y = radians(y)
print 'W'+str(Wx), iW, 'coords2grid, zbin =',zbins[i]
A, galn = WLanalysis.coords2grid(x, y, k, size=isize)
if len(idx)==0:#no need to calculate hi bin for zcut=1.3
elif idx[0] == idx0[0]:
Me1_lo[i] += A[0]
Me2_lo[i] += A[1]
Mw_lo[i] += A[2]
galn_lo[i] += galn
Me1_hi[i] += A[0]
Me2_hi[i] += A[1]
Mw_hi[i] += A[2]
galn_hi[i] += galn
print 'Done collecting small fields for W'+str(Wx)
for i in range(len(zbins)):
for hl in ('lo','hi'):
Me1_fn = cat_dir+'Me_Mw_galn/W%i_Me1w_%s_%s.fit'%(Wx, zbins[i],hl)
Me2_fn = cat_dir+'Me_Mw_galn/W%i_Me2w_%s_%s.fit'%(Wx, zbins[i],hl)
Mw_fn = cat_dir+'Me_Mw_galn/W%i_Mwm_%s_%s.fit'%(Wx, zbins[i],hl)
galn_fn = cat_dir+'Me_Mw_galn/W%i_galn_%s_%s.fit'%(Wx, zbins[i],hl)
if hl=='hi' and i==len(zbins)-1:
elif hl=='lo':
WLanalysis.writeFits(Me1_lo[i],Me1_fn, rewrite = True)
WLanalysis.writeFits(Me2_lo[i],Me2_fn, rewrite = True)
WLanalysis.writeFits(Mw_lo[i],Mw_fn, rewrite = True)
WLanalysis.writeFits(galn_lo[i],galn_fn, rewrite = True)
WLanalysis.writeFits(Me1_hi[i],Me1_fn, rewrite = True)
WLanalysis.writeFits(Me2_hi[i],Me2_fn, rewrite = True)
WLanalysis.writeFits(Mw_hi[i],Mw_fn, rewrite = True)
WLanalysis.writeFits(galn_hi[i],galn_fn, rewrite = True)
示例10: galn_gen
# 需要导入模块: import WLanalysis [as 别名]
# 或者: from WLanalysis import coords2grid [as 别名]
def galn_gen(i):
print i
y, x, z = WLanalysis.readFits(emucat_dir+'emulator_subfield%i_zcut0213.fit'%(i)).T
Mz, galn = WLanalysis.coords2grid(x, y, np.array([z,]))
WLanalysis.writeFits(galn, galn_fn)
示例11: eobs_analytical
# 需要导入模块: import WLanalysis [as 别名]
# 或者: from WLanalysis import coords2grid [as 别名]
z = WLanalysis.readFits('/Users/jia/weaklensing/CFHTLenS/catalogue/emulator_galpos_zcut0213/emulator_subfield1_zcut0213.fit').T[-1]
znoise1 = eobs_analytical (z)
znoise2 = eobs_analytical (z)
znoise27 = np.random.normal(0, 0.29,size=len(z))
s1 = s1o*(1+m)
s2 = s2o*(1+m)
eint1, eint2 = WLanalysis.rndrot(e1, e2, iseed=1000)
eint1_45, eint2_45 = WLanalysis.rndrot(e1, e2, iseed=1000,deg=45.0)
e1_reduce, e2_reduce = eobs_fun(s1, s2, kappa, eint1, eint2)
e1_add, e2_add = s1+eint1, s2+eint2
A, galn = WLanalysis.coords2grid(x, y, array([e1_reduce*w, e2_reduce*w, w*(1+m), s1o, s2o, kappa, e1_add*w, e2_add*w, s1+znoise1, s2+znoise2, kappa+znoise1]))
#Mk, Ms1, Ms2 = A
Me1, Me2, Mw, Ms1, Ms2, Mk, Me1add, Me2add, Ms1n, Ms2n, Mkn = A
B, galn = WLanalysis.coords2grid(x, y, array([znoise1, eint1, eint2, eint1_45, eint2_45, znoise27]))
Mn, Men1, Men2, Men1b, Men2b, Mn27 = B
### pure analytical noise ######
Mn_smooth = WLanalysis.weighted_smooth(Mn, galn, sigmaG=0.5)
Mn27_smooth = WLanalysis.weighted_smooth(Mn27, galn, sigmaG=0.5)
Men1_smooth = WLanalysis.weighted_smooth(Men1, galn, sigmaG=0.5)
Men2_smooth = WLanalysis.weighted_smooth(Men2, galn, sigmaG=0.5)
Men1b_smooth = WLanalysis.weighted_smooth(Men1b, galn, sigmaG=0.5)
Men2b_smooth = WLanalysis.weighted_smooth(Men2b, galn, sigmaG=0.5)
Nmap = WLanalysis.KSvw(Men1_smooth, Men2_smooth)
Nmap45 = WLanalysis.KSvw(Men1b_smooth, Men2b_smooth)