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Python RUtil.get_table_string方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中RUtil.get_table_string方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python RUtil.get_table_string方法的具体用法?Python RUtil.get_table_string怎么用?Python RUtil.get_table_string使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在RUtil的用法示例。


示例1: hard_coded_analysis

# 需要导入模块: import RUtil [as 别名]
# 或者: from RUtil import get_table_string [as 别名]
def hard_coded_analysis():
    branch_length = 5.0
    sequence_length = 1000
    nsequences = 1000
    estimate_triple_list = []
    column_headers = ('most.info', 'less.info', 'least.info')
    for i in range(nsequences):
        # sample sequence changes at three levels of informativeness
        sequence_changes = sample_sequence_changes(
                branch_length, sequence_length)
        # get a distance estimate for each level of informativeness
        estimate_triple = sample_distance(*sequence_changes)
    print RUtil.get_table_string(estimate_triple_list, column_headers)

示例2: get_table_string_and_scripts

# 需要导入模块: import RUtil [as 别名]
# 或者: from RUtil import get_table_string [as 别名]
def get_table_string_and_scripts(start_stop_pairs, nsamples):
    Command-line only.
    # build the array for the R table
    data_arr = []
    sequence_lengths = []
    midpoints = []
    for start_pos, stop_pos in start_stop_pairs:
        sequence_length = stop_pos - start_pos + 1
        means, variations, covs = get_value_lists(
                start_pos, stop_pos, nsamples)
        midpoint = (start_pos + stop_pos) / 2.0
        row = [sequence_length, midpoint]
        for values in means, variations, covs:
            corr_info = mcmc.Correlation()
            hpd_low, hpd_high = mcmc.get_hpd_interval(0.95, values)
            row.extend([hpd_low, corr_info.mean, hpd_high])
    # build the table string
    table_string = RUtil.get_table_string(data_arr, g_headers)
    # get the scripts
    scripts = get_ggplot2_scripts(nsamples, sequence_lengths, midpoints)
    # return the table string and scripts
    return table_string, scripts

示例3: get_response_content

# 需要导入模块: import RUtil [as 别名]
# 或者: from RUtil import get_table_string [as 别名]
def get_response_content(fs):
    f_info = ctmcmi.get_mutual_info_known_distn
    # define the R table headers
    headers = ['log.probability.ratio', 'mutual.information']
    # make the array
    arr = []
    for x in np.linspace(fs.x_min, fs.x_max, 101):
        row = [x]
        proc = evozoo.AlternatingHypercube_d_1(3)
        X = np.array([x])
        distn = proc.get_distn(X)
        Q = proc.get_rate_matrix(X)
        info = f_info(Q, distn, fs.t)
    # create the R table string and scripts
    # get the R table
    table_string = RUtil.get_table_string(arr, headers)
    # get the R script
    script = get_ggplot()
    # create the R plot image
    device_name = Form.g_imageformat_to_r_function[fs.imageformat]
    retcode, r_out, r_err, image_data = RUtil.run_plotter(
            table_string, script, device_name)
    if retcode:
        raise RUtil.RError(r_err)
    return image_data

示例4: get_latex_documentbody

# 需要导入模块: import RUtil [as 别名]
# 或者: from RUtil import get_table_string [as 别名]
def get_latex_documentbody(fs):
    This is obsolete because I am now using pure R output.
    The latex documentbody should have a bunch of tikz pieces in it.
    Each tikz piece should have been generated from R.
    Q_mut, Q_sels = get_qmut_qsels(fs)
    # compute the statistics
    ER_ratios, NSR_ratios, ER_NSR_ratios  = get_statistic_ratios(Q_mut, Q_sels)
    M = zip(*(ER_ratios, NSR_ratios, ER_NSR_ratios))
    column_headers = ('ER.ratio', 'NSR.ratio', 'ER.times.NSR.ratio')
    table_string = RUtil.get_table_string(M, column_headers)
    nsels = len(Q_sels)
    # define the R scripts
    scripts = []
    for name in column_headers:
        scripts.append(get_r_tikz_script(nsels, name))
    # get the tikz codes from R, for each histogram
    retcode, r_out, r_err, tikz_code_list = RUtil.run_plotter_multiple_scripts(
            table_string, scripts, 'tikz',
            width=3, height=2)
    if retcode:
        raise RUtil.RError(r_err)
    # show some timings
    print 'R did not fail, but here is its stderr:'
    print r_err
    # write the latex code
    out = StringIO()
    #print >> out, '\\pagestyle{empty}'
    for tikz_code in tikz_code_list:
        print >> out, tikz_code
    # return the latex code, consisting mainly of a bunch of tikz plots
    return out.getvalue()

示例5: get_response_content

# 需要导入模块: import RUtil [as 别名]
# 或者: from RUtil import get_table_string [as 别名]
def get_response_content(fs):
    # precompute some transition matrices
    P_drift_selection = pgmsinglesite.create_drift_selection_transition_matrix(
            fs.npop, fs.selection_ratio)
    P_mutation = pgmsinglesite.create_mutation_transition_matrix(
            fs.npop, fs.mutation_ab, fs.mutation_ba)
    # define the R table headers
    headers = ['generation', 'number.of.mutants']
    # compute the path samples
    P = np.dot(P_drift_selection, P_mutation)
    mypath = PathSampler.sample_endpoint_conditioned_path(
            fs.nmutants_initial, fs.nmutants_final, fs.ngenerations, P)
    arr = [[i, nmutants] for i, nmutants in enumerate(mypath)]
    # create the R table string and scripts
    # get the R table
    table_string = RUtil.get_table_string(arr, headers)
    # get the R script
    script = get_ggplot()
    # create the R plot image
    device_name = Form.g_imageformat_to_r_function[fs.imageformat]
    retcode, r_out, r_err, image_data = RUtil.run_plotter(
            table_string, script, device_name)
    if retcode:
        raise RUtil.RError(r_err)
    return image_data

示例6: get_response_content

# 需要导入模块: import RUtil [as 别名]
# 或者: from RUtil import get_table_string [as 别名]
def get_response_content(fs):
    M, R = get_input_matrices(fs)
    # create the R table string and scripts
    headers = [
    npoints = 100
    t_low = 0.0
    t_high = 5.0
    t_incr = (t_high - t_low) / (npoints - 1)
    t_values = [t_low + t_incr*i for i in range(npoints)]
    # get the data for the R table
    arr = []
    for t in t_values:
        mi_mut = ctmcmi.get_mutual_information(M, t)
        mi_mutsel = ctmcmi.get_mutual_information(R, t)
        mi_analog_mut = ctmcmi.get_ll_ratio_wrong(M, t)
        mi_analog_mutsel = ctmcmi.get_ll_ratio_wrong(R, t)
        row = [t, mi_mut, mi_mutsel, mi_analog_mut, mi_analog_mutsel]
    # get the R table
    table_string = RUtil.get_table_string(arr, headers)
    # get the R script
    script = get_ggplot()
    # create the R plot image
    device_name = Form.g_imageformat_to_r_function[fs.imageformat]
    retcode, r_out, r_err, image_data = RUtil.run_plotter(
            table_string, script, device_name)
    if retcode:
        raise RUtil.RError(r_err)
    return image_data

示例7: get_response_content

# 需要导入模块: import RUtil [as 别名]
# 或者: from RUtil import get_table_string [as 别名]
def get_response_content(fs):
    # validate and store user input
    if fs.x_max <= fs.x_min:
        raise ValueError('check the min and max logs')
    f_info = divtime.get_fisher_info_known_distn_fast
    # define the R table headers
    headers = ['log.probability.ratio', 'fisher.information']
    # make the array
    arr = []
    for x in np.linspace(fs.x_min, fs.x_max, 101):
        row = [x]
        proc = evozoo.DistinguishedCornerPairHypercube_d_1(3)
        X = np.array([x])
        distn = proc.get_distn(X)
        Q = proc.get_rate_matrix(X)
        info = f_info(Q, distn, fs.t)
    # create the R table string and scripts
    # get the R table
    table_string = RUtil.get_table_string(arr, headers)
    # get the R script
    script = get_ggplot()
    # create the R plot image
    device_name = Form.g_imageformat_to_r_function[fs.imageformat]
    retcode, r_out, r_err, image_data = RUtil.run_plotter(
            table_string, script, device_name)
    if retcode:
        raise RUtil.RError(r_err)
    return image_data

示例8: get_table_string_and_scripts_from_logs

# 需要导入模块: import RUtil [as 别名]
# 或者: from RUtil import get_table_string [as 别名]
def get_table_string_and_scripts_from_logs(
        start_stop_pairs, log_paths, nsamples):
    This is for analysis of remote execution.
    # build the array for the R table
    data_arr = []
    sequence_lengths = []
    midpoints = []
    for start_stop_pair, log_path in zip(
            start_stop_pairs, log_paths):
        start_pos, stop_pos = start_stop_pair
        sequence_length = stop_pos - start_pos + 1
        means, variations, covs = read_log(log_path, nsamples)
        midpoint = (start_pos + stop_pos) / 2.0
        row = [sequence_length, midpoint]
        for values in means, variations, covs:
            corr_info = mcmc.Correlation()
            hpd_low, hpd_high = mcmc.get_hpd_interval(0.95, values)
            row.extend([hpd_low, corr_info.mean, hpd_high])
    # build the table string
    table_string = RUtil.get_table_string(data_arr, g_headers)
    # get the scripts
    scripts = get_ggplot2_scripts(nsamples, sequence_lengths, midpoints)
    # return the table string and scripts
    return table_string, scripts

示例9: get_table_string_and_scripts_par

# 需要导入模块: import RUtil [as 别名]
# 或者: from RUtil import get_table_string [as 别名]
def get_table_string_and_scripts_par(start_stop_pairs, nsamples):
    Local command-line multi-process only.
    # define the pool of processes corresponding to the number of cores
    mypool = Pool(processes=4)
    # do the multiprocessing
    start_stop_n_triples = [(a, b, nsamples) for a, b in start_stop_pairs]
    post_pairs_list = mypool.map(forked_function, start_stop_n_triples)
    # build the array for the R table
    data_arr = []
    sequence_lengths = []
    midpoints = []
    for start_stop_pair, post_pairs in zip(start_stop_pairs, post_pairs_list):
        start_pos, stop_pos = start_stop_pair
        sequence_length = stop_pos - start_pos + 1
        midpoint = (start_pos + stop_pos) / 2.0
        row = [sequence_length, midpoint]
        for corr_info, hpd_interval in post_pairs:
            hpd_low, hpd_high = hpd_interval
            row.extend([hpd_low, corr_info.mean, hpd_high])
    # build the table string
    table_string = RUtil.get_table_string(data_arr, g_headers)
    # get the scripts
    scripts = get_ggplot2_scripts(nsamples, sequence_lengths, midpoints)
    # return the table string and scripts
    return table_string, scripts

示例10: get_table_string_and_scripts

# 需要导入模块: import RUtil [as 别名]
# 或者: from RUtil import get_table_string [as 别名]
def get_table_string_and_scripts(stop_positions, nsamples):
    Command-line only.
    start_position = 1
    # build the array for the R table
    data_arr = []
    for stop_position in stop_positions:
        sequence_length = stop_position - start_position + 1
        means, variations, covs = get_value_lists(
                start_position, stop_position, nsamples)
        row = [sequence_length]
        for values in means, variations, covs:
            corr_info = mcmc.Correlation()
            hpd_low, hpd_high = mcmc.get_hpd_interval(0.95, values)
            row.extend([hpd_low, corr_info.mean, hpd_high])
    # build the table string
    table_string = RUtil.get_table_string(data_arr, g_headers)
    # get the scripts
    sequence_lengths = [x - start_position + 1 for x in stop_positions]
    scripts = get_ggplot2_scripts(sequence_lengths)
    # return the table string and scripts
    return table_string, scripts

示例11: get_table_string_and_scripts

# 需要导入模块: import RUtil [as 别名]
# 或者: from RUtil import get_table_string [as 别名]
def get_table_string_and_scripts(fs):
    nstates = fs.nresidues ** fs.nsites
    if nstates > 256:
        raise ValueError('the mutation rate matrix is too big')
    # get the mutation matrix
    Q_mut = mrate.get_sparse_sequence_rate_matrix(fs.nresidues, fs.nsites)
    # sample a bunch of mutation-selection rate matrices
    Q_sels = []
    for selection_index in range(fs.nselections):
        # sample the selection parameters
        if fs.low_var:
            v = 0.2
        elif fs.medium_var:
            v = 1
        elif fs.high_var:
            v = 5.0
        elif fs.really_high_var:
            v = 25.0
        s = math.sqrt(v)
        if fs.neg_skew:
            sels = [-random.expovariate(1/s) for i in range(nstates)]
        elif fs.no_skew:
            sels = [random.gauss(0, s) for i in range(nstates)]
        elif fs.pos_skew:
            sels = [random.expovariate(1/s) for i in range(nstates)]
        # define the mutation-selection rate matrix using Halpern-Bruno
        Q = np.zeros_like(Q_mut)
        for i in range(nstates):
            for j in range(nstates):
                if i != j:
                    tau = math.exp(-(sels[j] - sels[i]))
                    coeff = math.log(tau) / (1 - 1/tau)
                    Q[i, j] = Q_mut[i, j] * coeff
        for i in range(nstates):
            Q[i, i] = -np.sum(Q[i])
    # define the time points
    incr = (fs.t_high - fs.t_low) / (fs.ntimes - 1)
    times = [fs.t_low + i*incr for i in range(fs.ntimes)]
    # compute the statistics
    nsels = len(Q_sels)
    pairs = [get_time_point_summary(Q_mut, Q_sels, t) for t in times]
    mi_sign_lists, time_stats = zip(*pairs)
    ncrossing_list = []
    # look at how the signs change over time for each selection sample
    for signs in zip(*mi_sign_lists):
        count = 0
        for sign_a, sign_b in iterutils.pairwise(signs):
            if sign_a != sign_b:
                count += 1
    # get the R scripts
    scripts = [
            get_r_band_script(nsels, time_stats),
            get_r_prop_script(nsels, time_stats),
    table_string = RUtil.get_table_string(time_stats, g_time_stats_headers)
    return table_string, scripts

示例12: get_response_content

# 需要导入模块: import RUtil [as 别名]
# 或者: from RUtil import get_table_string [as 别名]
def get_response_content(fs):
    # precompute some transition matrices
    P_drift_selection = pgmsinglesite.create_drift_selection_transition_matrix(
            fs.npop, fs.selection_ratio)
    P_mutation = pgmsinglesite.create_mutation_transition_matrix(
            fs.npop, fs.mutation_ab, fs.mutation_ba)
    # define the R table headers
    headers = [
    # compute the transition matrix
    P = np.dot(P_drift_selection, P_mutation)
    # Compute the endpoint conditional probabilities for various states
    # along the unobserved path.
    nstates = fs.npop + 1
    M = np.zeros((nstates, fs.ngenerations))
    M[fs.nmutants_initial, 0] = 1.0
    M[fs.nmutants_final, fs.ngenerations-1] = 1.0
    for i in range(fs.ngenerations-2):
        A_exponent = i + 1
        B_exponent = fs.ngenerations - 1 - A_exponent
        A = np.linalg.matrix_power(P, A_exponent)
        B = np.linalg.matrix_power(P, B_exponent)
        weights = np.zeros(nstates)
        for k in range(nstates):
            weights[k] = A[fs.nmutants_initial, k] * B[k, fs.nmutants_final]
        weights /= np.sum(weights)
        for k, p in enumerate(weights):
            M[k, i+1] = p
    arr = []
    for g in range(fs.ngenerations):
        for k in range(nstates):
            p = M[k, g]
            if p:
                logp = math.log(p)
                logp = float('-inf')
            row = [g, k, p, logp]
    # create the R table string and scripts
    # get the R table
    table_string = RUtil.get_table_string(arr, headers)
    # get the R script
    script = get_ggplot()
    # create the R plot image
    device_name = Form.g_imageformat_to_r_function[fs.imageformat]
    retcode, r_out, r_err, image_data = RUtil.run_plotter(
            table_string, script, device_name)
    if retcode:
        raise RUtil.RError(r_err)
    return image_data

示例13: get_response_content

# 需要导入模块: import RUtil [as 别名]
# 或者: from RUtil import get_table_string [as 别名]
def get_response_content(fs):
    # legend labels
    label_a = 'N=%d mu=%f' % (fs.nstates_a, fs.mu_a)
    label_b = 'N=%d mu=%f' % (fs.nstates_b, fs.mu_b)
    arr, headers = make_table(fs)
    # compute the max value
    ymax = math.log(max(fs.nstates_a, fs.nstates_b))
    nfifths = int(math.floor(ymax * 5.0)) + 1
    ylim = RUtil.mk_call_str('c', 0, 0.2 * nfifths)
    # write the R script body
    out = StringIO()
    print >> out, RUtil.mk_call_str(
            main='"comparison of an information criterion for two processes"',
    # draw some horizontal lines
    for i in range(nfifths+1):
        print >> out, RUtil.mk_call_str(
    colors = ('darkblue', 'darkred')
    for c, header in zip(colors, headers[1:]):
        print >> out, RUtil.mk_call_str(
                'my.table$%s' % header,
                col='"%s"' % c,
    legend_names = (label_a, label_b)
    legend_name_str = 'c(' + ', '.join('"%s"' % s for s in legend_names) + ')'
    legend_col_str = 'c(' + ', '.join('"%s"' % s for s in colors) + ')'
    legend_lty_str = 'c(' + ', '.join('1' for s in colors) + ')'
    print >> out, RUtil.mk_call_str(
            '"%s"' % fs.legend_placement,
    script_body = out.getvalue()
    # create the R plot image
    table_string = RUtil.get_table_string(arr, headers)
    device_name = Form.g_imageformat_to_r_function[fs.imageformat]
    retcode, r_out, r_err, image_data = RUtil.run_plotter(
            table_string, script_body, device_name)
    if retcode:
        raise RUtil.RError(r_err)
    return image_data

示例14: get_table_string_and_scripts

# 需要导入模块: import RUtil [as 别名]
# 或者: from RUtil import get_table_string [as 别名]
def get_table_string_and_scripts(fs):
    The latex documentbody should have a bunch of tikz pieces in it.
    Each tikz piece should have been generated from R.
    nstates = fs.nresidues ** fs.nsites
    if nstates > 256:
        raise ValueError("the mutation rate matrix is too big")
    # get the mutation matrix
    Q_mut = mrate.get_sparse_sequence_rate_matrix(fs.nresidues, fs.nsites)
    # sample a bunch of mutation-selection rate matrices
    Q_sels = []
    for selection_index in range(fs.nselections):
        # sample the selection parameters
        if fs.low_var:
            v = 0.2
        elif fs.medium_var:
            v = 1
        elif fs.high_var:
            v = 5.0
        elif fs.really_high_var:
            v = 25.0
        s = math.sqrt(v)
        if fs.neg_skew:
            sels = [-random.expovariate(1 / s) for i in range(nstates)]
        elif fs.no_skew:
            sels = [random.gauss(0, s) for i in range(nstates)]
        elif fs.pos_skew:
            sels = [random.expovariate(1 / s) for i in range(nstates)]
        # define the mutation-selection rate matrix using Halpern-Bruno
        Q = np.zeros_like(Q_mut)
        for i in range(nstates):
            for j in range(nstates):
                if i != j:
                    tau = math.exp(-(sels[j] - sels[i]))
                    coeff = math.log(tau) / (1 - 1 / tau)
                    Q[i, j] = Q_mut[i, j] * coeff
        for i in range(nstates):
            Q[i, i] = -np.sum(Q[i])
    # define the time points
    incr = (fs.t_high - fs.t_low) / (fs.ntimes - 1)
    times = [fs.t_low + i * incr for i in range(fs.ntimes)]
    # compute the statistics
    nsels = len(Q_sels)
    time_stats = [get_time_point_summary(Q_mut, Q_sels, t) for t in times]
    # get the R scripts
    scripts = [
        # get_r_tikz_mi_plot(nsels, time_stats),
        get_r_tikz_corr_plot(nsels, time_stats),
        get_r_tikz_prop_plot(nsels, time_stats),
        get_r_tikz_info_plot(nsels, time_stats),
    table_string = RUtil.get_table_string(time_stats, g_time_stats_headers)
    return table_string, scripts

示例15: get_response_content

# 需要导入模块: import RUtil [as 别名]
# 或者: from RUtil import get_table_string [as 别名]
def get_response_content(fs):
    f_info = divtime.get_fisher_info_known_distn_fast
    requested_triples = []
    for triple in g_process_triples:
        name, desc, zoo_obj = triple
        if getattr(fs, name):
    if not requested_triples:
        raise ValueError('nothing to plot')
    # define the R table headers
    r_names = [a.replace('_', '.') for a, b, c in requested_triples]
    headers = ['t'] + r_names
    # Spend a lot of time doing the optimizations
    # to construct the points for the R table.
    arr = []
    for t in cbreaker.throttled(
            progrid.gen_binary(fs.start_time, fs.stop_time),
            nseconds=5, ncount=200):
        row = [t]
        for python_name, desc, zoo_class in requested_triples:
            zoo_obj = zoo_class(fs.d)
            df = zoo_obj.get_df()
            opt_dep = OptDep(zoo_obj, t, f_info)
            if df:
                X0 = np.random.randn(df)
                xopt = scipy.optimize.fmin(
                        opt_dep, X0, maxiter=10000, maxfun=10000)
                # I would like to use scipy.optimize.minimize
                # except that this requires a newer version of
                # scipy than is packaged for ubuntu right now.
                # fmin_bfgs seems to have problems sometimes
                # either hanging or maxiter=10K is too big.
                xopt = scipy.optimize.fmin_bfgs(opt_dep, X0,
                        gtol=1e-8, maxiter=10000)
                xopt = np.array([])
            info_value = -opt_dep(xopt)
    npoints = len(arr)
    # create the R table string and scripts
    # get the R table
    table_string = RUtil.get_table_string(arr, headers)
    # get the R script
    script = get_ggplot()
    # create the R plot image
    device_name = Form.g_imageformat_to_r_function[fs.imageformat]
    retcode, r_out, r_err, image_data = RUtil.run_plotter(
            table_string, script, device_name)
    if retcode:
        raise RUtil.RError(r_err)
    return image_data
