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PHP object::getError方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了PHP中object::getError方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP object::getError方法的具体用法?PHP object::getError怎么用?PHP object::getError使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在object的用法示例。


示例1: foreach

  * Constructor of the container class.
  * $options can have these keys:
  * 'servers'    an array containing an array: servername, port,
  *              sharedsecret, timeout, maxtries
  * 'configfile' The filename of the configuration file
  * 'authtype'   The type of authentication, one of: PAP, CHAP_MD5,
  *              MSCHAPv1, MSCHAPv2, default is PAP
  * @param  $options associative array
  * @return object Returns an error object if something went wrong
 function Auth_Container_RADIUS($options)
     $this->authtype = 'PAP';
     if (isset($options['authtype'])) {
         $this->authtype = $options['authtype'];
     $classname = 'Auth_RADIUS_' . $this->authtype;
     if (!class_exists($classname)) {
         PEAR::raiseError("Unknown Authtype, please use on of: PAP, CHAP_MD5, MSCHAPv1, MSCHAPv2!", 41, PEAR_ERROR_DIE);
     $this->radius = new $classname();
     if (isset($options['configfile'])) {
     $servers = $options['servers'];
     if (is_array($servers)) {
         foreach ($servers as $server) {
             $servername = $server[0];
             $port = isset($server[1]) ? $server[1] : 0;
             $sharedsecret = isset($server[2]) ? $server[2] : 'testing123';
             $timeout = isset($server[3]) ? $server[3] : 3;
             $maxtries = isset($server[4]) ? $server[4] : 3;
             $this->radius->addServer($servername, $port, $sharedsecret, $timeout, $maxtries);
     if (!$this->radius->start()) {
         PEAR::raiseError($this->radius->getError(), 41, PEAR_ERROR_DIE);


 function _getResult()
     if ($this->progress->hasErrors()) {
         $err = $this->progress->getError();
         $this->assertTrue(false, $err['message']);
     } else {

示例3: save

  * Create or update a record to
  * DB from POST data or input array of data
  * @param array $dataArray an array holding data to save. If empty, $_POST is used
  * @return integer id of created or updated record
 public function save($dataArray = null)
     // get required tools
     $this->_data = JTable::getInstance($this->_defaultTable, 'Sh404sefTable');
     $post = is_null($dataArray) ? JRequest::get('post') : $dataArray;
     // use table save method
     try {
         $status = $this->_data->save($post);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         ShlSystem_Log::error('sh404sef', '%s::%s::%d: %s', __CLASS__, __METHOD__, __LINE__, $e->getMessage());
         $status = false;
     // report error
     if (!$status) {
         return 0;
     // if success, fetch last insert id and return that
     $tableDb = $this->_data->getDBO();
     $keyName = $this->_data->getKeyName();
     $id = empty($post[$keyName]) ? 0 : intval($post[$keyName]);
     $savedId = empty($id) ? $tableDb->insertid() : $id;
     return $savedId;

示例4: upload

  * 开始处理上传
  * @return false|string
 public function upload()
     if (!$this->file->isValid() or $this->file->getError() != UPLOAD_ERR_OK) {
         return false;
     $savePath = $this->setSavePath();
     $saveFileName = $this->getSaveFileName() . '.' . $this->file->getClientOriginalExtension();
     $this->file->move($savePath, $saveFileName);
     $realFile = $savePath . $saveFileName;
     if (!file_exists($realFile)) {
         return false;
     if (isset($this->params['waterSetting']) and $this->params['waterSetting'] === true) {
         $waterImage = $this->params['waterImage'];
         if (!isset($this->params['waterImage']) or empty($this->params['waterImage'])) {
             $waterImage = $this->getWaterFile();
         $this->waterImage($realFile, $waterImage);
     $realFileUrl[] = str_replace('/', '', str_replace($this->getConfigSavePath(), '', $realFile));
     $thumbRealFileUrl = [];
     if (isset($this->params['thumbSetting']) and !empty($this->params['thumbSetting'])) {
         $thumbRealFileUrl = $this->cutImage($realFile, $savePath);
     $returnFileUrl = implode('|', array_merge($realFileUrl, $thumbRealFileUrl));
     return $returnFileUrl;

示例5: getError

  * returns one error (as String!)
 public function getError()
     if ($this->SofortLib_Multipay) {
         if ($this->SofortLib_Multipay->isError('sr')) {
             return $this->SofortLib_Multipay->getError('sr');
     if ($this->ConfirmSr) {
         if ($this->ConfirmSr->isError('sr')) {
             return $this->ConfirmSr->getError('sr');
     if ($this->EditSr) {
         if ($this->EditSr->isError('sr')) {
             return $this->EditSr->getError('sr');
     if ($this->CancelSr) {
         if ($this->CancelSr->isError('sr')) {
             return $this->CancelSr->getError('sr');
     if ($this->SofortLib_TransactionData) {
         if ($this->SofortLib_TransactionData->isError('sr')) {
             return $this->SofortLib_TransactionData->getError('sr');
     return '';

示例6: addAll

  * 批量插入
  * @param $list 数组
 public function addAll($list)
     $result = $this->model->addAll($list);
     if ($result === FALSE) {
         return $this->apiReturnErr($this->model->getError());
     } else {
         return $this->apiReturnSuc($result);

示例7: patch

  * Default implementation for patch function.
  * Patch requests are routed here by the main Sync function.
  * These requests are usually coming from lists togglers and state buttons.
  * Usually there will be no need to override this function.
  * @return void
 protected function patch()
     // Check for token
     JSession::checkToken() or K2Response::throwError(JText::_('JINVALID_TOKEN'));
     // Batch update
     $ids = $this->input->get('id', array(), 'array');
     $states = $this->input->get('states', array(), 'array');
     $mode = $this->input->get('mode', 'apply', 'string');
     // Ensure we have ids
     $ids = array_filter($ids);
     if (!count($ids)) {
         K2Response::throwError(JText::_('K2_NO_ROWS_SELECTED'), 401);
     foreach ($ids as $key => $id) {
         $data = array();
         $data['id'] = $id;
         foreach ($states as $state => $values) {
             $value = is_array($values) ? $values[$key] : $values;
             if ($value != '') {
                 $data[$state] = $value;
         if ($mode == 'clone') {
             $sourceData = $this->model->getCopyData($id);
             $data = array_merge($sourceData, $data);
             $data['id'] = null;
             $this->model->setState('patch', false);
         } else {
             $this->model->setState('patch', true);
         $this->model->setState('data', $data);
         $result = $this->model->save();
         if (!$result) {
     // Trigger change state event for items and categories
     if ($mode != 'clone' && isset($states['state']) && in_array($this->resourceType, array('items', 'categories'))) {
         // Get dispatcher
         $dispatcher = JDispatcher::getInstance();
         // Import content plugins
         if ($this->resourceType == 'items') {
             $eventName = 'onContentChangeState';
             $context = 'com_k2.' . $this->resourceType;
         } else {
             if ($this->resourceType == 'categories') {
                 $eventName = 'onCategoryChangeState';
                 $context = 'com_k2';
         $dispatcher->trigger($eventName, array($context, $ids, $states['state']));

示例8: init

	 * init
	 * initialize the module
	 * sets up our sockets and loads the configuration settings
	 * @access public
	 * @return void
	public function init() {
		// Set up the constants


		// Set up TCP sending socket
		$this->m_oSendSock = new connection($this->m_aConfig['server']['ip'], $this->m_aConfig['server']['port'], 5);




		if ($this->m_oSendSock->getError()) {
			$this->destroy('Error creating TCP socket: ' . $this->m_oSendSock->getErrorMsg());


		$this->m_iSendSock = $this->m_oSendSock->getSockInt();

		// setup UDP socket for recieviing server logs
		if (!$this->m_oRecvSock = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, SOL_UDP)) {
			$this->destroy('Error creating UDP socket [1]');
		if (!socket_bind($this->m_oRecvSock, '', $this->m_aConfig['local']['port'])) {
			$this->destroy('Error creating UDP socket [2]');

		if (!socket_set_nonblock($this->m_oRecvSock)) {
			$this->destroy('Error creating UDP socket [3]');

		// set up udp reading process
		$this->timerClass->addTimer('parseReadLog', $this, 'parseReadLog', '', 0.1, true);

		// add the status timer, call it every 5 minutes
		$this->timerClass->addTimer('statusQuery', $this, 'statusQuery', '', 300, false);

		// add our UDP handlers

		// initiate logging to file

示例9: getCategory

  * Method to get category by catid.
  * @param   integer $pk Category id.
  * @return  mixed   Category object or false.
 public function getCategory($pk = null)
     if (!empty($this->category)) {
         return $this->category;
     $pk = $pk ? $pk : $this->getItem()->catid;
     $this->category = JTable::getInstance('Category');
     if (!$this->category->load($pk)) {
         return false;
     return $this->category;

示例10: setTimestamp

  * Defines the calendar by a Unix timestamp, replacing values
  * passed to the constructor
  * @param int Unix timestamp
  * @return boolean
  * @access public
 function setTimestamp($ts)
     if (!$this->validator->validTimestamp($ts)) {
         trigger_error('Calendar::setTimestamp ' . $this->validator->getError());
         return false;
     $this->year = date('Y', $ts);
     $this->month = date('m', $ts);
     $this->day = date('d', $ts);
     $this->hour = date('H', $ts);
     $this->minute = date('i', $ts);
     $this->second = date('s', $ts);
     return true;

示例11: delete

  * Delete a record
  * @return  boolean  True on success, false on error
 public function delete()
     // Can't delete what doesn't exist
     if (!$this->exists()) {
         return true;
     // Remove record from the database
     if (!$this->_tbl->delete()) {
         return false;
     // Hey, no errors!
     return true;

示例12: delete

  * Table delete method
  * @param  mixed	Can either be a row, an array of rows or a query object
  * @throws KDatabaseTableException
  * @return boolean True if successful otherwise returns false
 public function delete($where)
     $table = $this->getTableName();
     //Create where statement
     if (!$where instanceof KDatabaseQuery) {
         $rows = (array) $where;
         //Create where statement
         if (count($rows)) {
             $where = $this->_db->getQuery()->where($this->getPrimaryKey(), 'IN', $rows);
     $result = $this->_db->delete($table, $where);
     if ($err = $this->_db->getError()) {
         throw new KDatabaseTableException($err);
     return $result;

示例13: upload

  * 开始处理上传
  * @return false|array
 public function upload()
     if (!$this->file->isValid() or $this->file->getError() != UPLOAD_ERR_OK) {
         return false;
     $saveFileName = $this->getSaveFileName() . '.' . $this->file->getClientOriginalExtension();
     $savePath = $this->setSavePath();
     $this->file->move($savePath, $saveFileName);
     $realFile = $savePath . $saveFileName;
     if (!file_exists($realFile)) {
         return false;
     $realFileUrl[] = substr(str_replace($this->getConfigSavePath(), '', $realFile), 1);
     $thumbRealFileUrl = $this->doCutImage($realFile, $savePath);
     return array_merge($realFileUrl, $thumbRealFileUrl);

示例14: getError

  * returns one error (as String!)
 function getError()
     if ($this->multipay) {
         if ($this->multipay->isError('sr')) {
             return $this->multipay->getError('sr');
     if ($this->confirmSr) {
         if ($this->confirmSr->isError('sr')) {
             return $this->confirmSr->getError('sr');
     if ($this->transactionData) {
         if ($this->transactionData->isError('sr')) {
             return $this->transactionData->getError('sr');
     return '';

示例15: save

  * Create or update a record to
  * DB from POST data or input array of data
  * @param array $dataArray an array holding data to save. If empty, $_POST is used
  * @return integer id of created or updated record
 public function save($dataArray = null)
     // get required tools
     $this->_data =& JTable::getInstance($this->_defaultTable, 'Sh404sefTable');
     $post = is_null($dataArray) ? JRequest::get('post') : $dataArray;
     // use table save method
     $status = $this->_data->save($post);
     // report error
     if (!$status) {
         $app =& JFactory::getApplication();
         return 0;
     // if success, fetch last insert id and return that
     $tableDb =& $this->_data->getDBO();
     $keyName = $this->_data->getKeyName();
     $id = empty($post[$keyName]) ? 0 : intval($post[$keyName]);
     $savedId = empty($id) ? $tableDb->insertid() : $id;
     return $savedId;
