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PHP object::call方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了PHP中object::call方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP object::call方法的具体用法?PHP object::call怎么用?PHP object::call使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在object的用法示例。


示例1: setContactDetails

  * This function need to be called for any contact used as Registrant contact for .US.
  * @return void
  * @param string Username.
  * @param string Password.
  * @param string Role.
  * @param string Language Preference.
  * @param int Parent id.
  * @param int The Registrant contactId for which applicationPurposedetails, nexusCategory are required. 
  * @param string applicationPurpose e.g P1,P2 etc.
  * @param string nexusCategory e.g. C31
 function setContactDetails($userName, $password, $role, $langpref, $parentid, $contactId, $applicationPurpose, $nexusCategory)
     $para = array($userName, $password, $role, $langpref, $parentid, $contactId, $applicationPurpose, $nexusCategory);
     $return = $this->s->call("setContactDetails", $para);
     return $return;

示例2: moveWebsite

  * @param entityId The entityid which has to be moved
  * @param newCustomerId The new customer id under which the entity has to be moved
  * @param newResellerId The new reseller id under which the entity has to be moved
  * @return
 function moveWebsite($userName, $password, $role, $langpref, $parentid, $websiteName, $newCustomerId, $defaultContact)
     $para = array($userName, $password, $role, $langpref, $parentid, $websiteName, $newCustomerId, $defaultContact);
     $return = $this->s->call("moveWebsite", $para);
     return $return;

示例3: sendRfa

  * @param entityId The entityid which has to be moved
  * @param newCustomerId The new customer id under which the entity has to be moved
  * @param newResellerId The new reseller id under which the entity has to be moved
  * @return
 function sendRfa($userName, $password, $role, $langpref, $parentid, $orderId)
     $para = array($userName, $password, $role, $langpref, $parentid, $orderId);
     $return = $this->s->call("sendRfa", $para);
     return $return;


  * @param  string
  * @param  array
  * @return mixed
  * @access private
 function _performAPICall($apiCall, $parameters)
     $result = $this->_soapClient->call($apiCall, $parameters, "urn:GoogleSearch");
     // if (!PEAR::isError($result)) {
     if (is_array($result)) {
         return $result;
     } else {
         return false;

示例5: getCustomerAvailableBalance

  * This function returns the available balance of a customer.
  * @return AssociativeArray
  * @param string Username.
  * @param string Password.
  * @param string Role.
  * @param string Language Preference.
  * @param int Parent id.
  * @param int Customer id.
  * <br><br><b>Returns:</b>
  * <br>An Associative Array with balance details.
 function getCustomerAvailableBalance($userName, $password, $role, $langpref, $parentid, $customerId)
     $para = array($userName, $password, $role, $langpref, $parentid, $customerId);
     $return = $this->s->call("getCustomerAvailableBalance", $para);
     return $return;

示例6: getResults

  * Virtually calls the scope's method considering routes
  * @param *string $name the name of the method
  * @param *array  $args arguments to pass
  * @return mixed
 protected function getResults($name, $args)
     if (method_exists($this->scope, $name)) {
         return call_user_func_array(array($this->scope, $name), $args);
     return $this->scope->call($name, $args);

示例7: getDetails

 /** Gets the Details of the specified order based on given option
  * @return AssociativeArray
  * @param zoneid The zoneid under which the details is to be listed
  * @param options Vector for listing Orders with various options
  * <br> Valid values are: All,OrderDetails,PricingDetails
  * <br><br><b>Returns:</b>
  * <br>An Associative Array with the result
  * Values returned by the HashMap are
  * customerdetails=
  * resellerdetails=
  * orderdetails=
  * <br>Each further returns an AssociativeArray containing repective details
 function getDetails($userName, $password, $role, $langpref, $parentid, $zoneid, $options)
     $param = array($userName, $password, $role, $langpref, $parentid, $zoneid, $options);
     $return = $this->s->call("getDetails", $param);
     return $return;

示例8: transferDomain

  * Attempts to place a Transfer order for the specified domain name(s).
  * @return AssociativeArray
  * @param string Username.
  * @param string Password.
  * @param string Role.
  * @param string Language Preference.
  * @param int Parent id.
  * @param AssociativeArray This should contain the domain name(s) which are to be registered. The AssociativeArray should have the domainname as the key, and the domain transfer secret as the value. In case of domains which do not have a transfer secret, an empty string should be passed. ex. {domain1.com=secret1,domain2.net=secret2}
  * @param int The contact to be used as the Registrant for all the specified domains.
  * @param int The contact to be used as the Admin Contact for all the specified domains.
  * @param int The contact to be used as the Tech Contact for all the specified domains.
  * @param int The contact to be used as the Billing Contact for all the specified domains.
  * @param int The customer under whom the orders should be added
  * @param string This parameter will decide how the Customer Invoices will be handled. NoInvoice - If this value is passed, then no customer invoice will be generated for the domains. PayInvoice - If this value is passed, then a customer invoice will be generated for the domains in the first step. If there is sufficient balance in the Customer's Debit Account, then the invoices will be paid and the domains will be registered. If a customer has less balance than required, then as many domains as possible will be registered with the existing funds. All other orders will remain pending in the system. KeepInvoice - If this value is passed, then a customer invoice will be generated for the domains. However, these invoices will not be paid. They will be kept pending, while the orders will be executed. 
  * <br><br>This method performs the action in two steps - 1. It adds an order in the system for the domain name. 2. It attempts to register the domainname in the Registry. Your Reseller account must have sufficient funds to register the domain names since this is a billable action. 
  * <br><br><b>Returns:</b>
  * <br>AssociativeArray.
  * <br>A AssociativeArray with the result of the Transfer order. The AssociativeArray has the domainnames as the key, and a AssociativeArray as the value. The inner AssociativeArray will have key-values as follows: 
  * <br>	entityid=435
  * <br>	description=apitest04.com
  * <br>	actiontype=AddTransferDomain
  * <br>	actiontypedesc=Transfer of apitest04.com from old Registrar alongwith 1 year Renewal
  * <br>	actionstatus=RFASent
  * <br>	actionstatusdesc=Transfer waiting for Admin Contact Approval
  * <br>	status=Success
  * <br>	eaqid=1169
  * <br>Incase you have chosen "KeepInvoice" or "PayInvoice", the return key-value paired array will also contain the following data: 
  * <br>	customerid=8
  * <br>	invoiceid=727
  * <br>	sellingcurrencysymbol=INR
  * <br>	sellingamount=-500.000
  * <br>	unutilisedsellingamount=-500.000
  * <br>invoiceid is the Id that you will need to pass to Fund.payCustomerTransaction if you wish to pay the invoice at a later date. selllingamount is the Invoice amount in your Selling Currency unutilisedselllingamount is the Pending Invoice amount in your Selling Currency. In case of "KeepInvoice", the pending amount will always be equal to the invoice amount. In case of "PayInvoice", if the Customer does not have sufficient funds to pay the entire invoice amount, unutilisedsellingamount will reflect the balance amount that is pending. If the invoice has been completely paid, the unutilisedsellingamount will be 0.
 function transferDomain($userName, $password, $role, $langpref, $parentid, $domainHash, $registrantContactId, $adminContactId, $techContactId, $billingContactId, $customerId, $invoiceOption)
     $para = array($userName, $password, $role, $langpref, $parentid, $domainHash, $registrantContactId, $adminContactId, $techContactId, $billingContactId, $customerId, $invoiceOption);
     $return = $this->s->call("transferDomain", $para);
     return $return;

示例9: authenticateCustomer

  * This function authenticates the Customer.This fuction is invoked only if the role is customer.
  * @return AssociativeArray
  * @param string Username.
  * @param string Password.
  * @param string Role.
  * @param string Language Preference.
  * @param int Parent id.
  * <br><br><b>Returns:</b>
  * <br>AssociativeArray
  * <br>A AssociativeArray with the Customer information.
 function authenticateCustomer($userName, $password, $role, $langpref, $parentid, $customerUserName, $customerPasswd)
     $para = array($userName, $password, $role, $langpref, $parentid, $customerUserName, $customerPasswd);
     $return = $this->s->call("authenticateCustomer", $para);
     return $return;

示例10: addCustomerFund

 function addCustomerFund($userName, $password, $role, $langpref, $parentid, $customerId, $sellingAmount, $description, $type, $transactionKey, $updateTotalReceipt)
     $para = array($userName, $password, $role, $langpref, $parentid, $customerId, $sellingAmount, $description, $type, $transactionKey, $updateTotalReceipt);
     $return = $this->s->call("addCustomerFund", $para);
     return $return;

示例11: mod

  * Modifies the details for the specified contact. 
  * @return AssociativeArray
  * @param string Username.
  * @param string Password.
  * @param string Role.
  * @param string Language Preference.
  * @param int Parent id.
  * @param int The contact whose details are to be modified. 
  * @param string Name.
  * @param string Company.
  * @param string E-Mail.
  * @param string Address1.
  * @param string Address2.
  * @param string Address3.
  * @param string City.
  * @param string State.
  * @param string Country.
  * @param string Zip.
  * @param string Country Code.
  * @param string Tel. No.
  * @param string Country Code.
  * @param string Fax No.
  * <br><br><b>Returns:</b>
  * <br>AssociativeArray.
  * <br>A AssociativeArray with the result of the modification. 
  * <br>	entityid=245
  * <br>	description=DomainContact
  * <br>	actiontype=Mod
  * <br>	actiontypedesc=Modification of Contact Details in the Registry
  * <br>	actionstatus=Success
  * <br>	actionstatusdesc=Contact modification completed successfully in all registry
  * <br>	status=Success
 function mod($userName, $password, $role, $langpref, $parentid, $contactId, $name, $company, $emailAddr, $address1, $address2, $address3, $city, $state, $country, $zip, $telNoCc, $telNo, $faxNoCc, $faxNo)
     $para = array($userName, $password, $role, $langpref, $parentid, $contactId, $name, $company, $emailAddr, $address1, $address2, $address3, $city, $state, $country, $zip, $telNoCc, $telNo, $faxNoCc, $faxNo);
     $return = $this->s->call("mod", $para);
     return $return;

示例12: del

 function del($userName, $password, $role, $langpref, $parentid, $contactId)
     $para = array($userName, $password, $role, $langpref, $parentid, $contactId);
     $return = $this->s->call("delete", $para);
     return $return;

示例13: cancelTransferRequest

 function cancelTransferRequest($userName, $password, $role, $langpref, $parentid, $entityId)
     $para = array($userName, $password, $role, $langpref, $parentid, $entityId);
     $return = $this->s->call("cancelTransferRequest", $para);
     return $return;

示例14: listOrder

 function listOrder($userName, $password, $role, $langpref, $parentid, $customerId, $resellerId, $username, $name, $company, $city, $country, $customerStatus, $creationDTRangStart, $creationDTRangEnd, $totalReceiptStart, $totalReceiptEnd, $numOfRecordPerPage, $pageNum, $orderBy)
     $para = array($userName, $password, $role, $langpref, $parentid, $customerId, $resellerId, $username, $name, $company, $city, $country, $customerStatus, $creationDTRangStart, $creationDTRangEnd, $totalReceiptStart, $totalReceiptEnd, $numOfRecordPerPage, $pageNum, $orderBy);
     $return = $this->s->call("list", $para);
     return $return;

示例15: getStringID

  * Get translated string
  * @param string $string This is NOT the stringID, this is a real string.
  *                       The method will search for its matching stringID, 
  *                       and then it will return the associate string in the 
  *                       selected language.
  * @param string $pageID page/group ID
  * @return string
 function getStringID($string, $pageID = TRANSLATION2_DEFAULT_PAGEID)
     global $translation2_cachelitefunction_temp;
     //generate temp variable
     $translation2_cachelitefunction_temp = $this->translation2;
         $pageID = $this->translation2->currentPageID;
     return $this->cacheLiteFunction->call('translation2_cachelitefunction_temp->getStringID', $string, $pageID);
