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PHP object::getAttribute方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了PHP中object::getAttribute方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP object::getAttribute方法的具体用法?PHP object::getAttribute怎么用?PHP object::getAttribute使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在object的用法示例。


示例1: perform

  * Processes the request.
  * @param  object    $page       CRM_Core_Form the current form-page
  * @param  string    $actionName Current action name, as one Action object can serve multiple actions
  * @return void
  * @access public
 function perform(&$page, $actionName)
     $pageName = $page->getAttribute('id');
     // If the original action was 'display' and we have values in container then we load them
     // BTW, if the page was invalid, we should later call validate() to get the errors
     list(, $oldName) = $page->controller->getActionName();
     if ('display' == $oldName) {
         // If the controller is "modal" we should not allow direct access to a page
         // unless all previous pages are valid (see also bug #2323)
         if ($page->controller->isModal() && !$page->controller->isValid($page->getAttribute('id'))) {
             $target =& $page->controller->getPage($page->controller->findInvalid());
             return $target->handle('jump');
         $data =& $page->controller->container();
         if (!empty($data['values'][$pageName])) {
             $validate = FALSE === $data['valid'][$pageName];
     // set "common" defaults and constants
     $page->isFormBuilt() or $page->buildForm();
     // if we had errors we should show them again
     if (isset($validate) && $validate) {
     //will this work generally as TRUE (i.e., return output)
     //was default, i.e., FALSE
     return $this->renderForm($page);

示例2: checkPdoDriver

  * Check the PDO driver
  * @param string $name
  * @param bool $exception
  * @return bool
 protected function checkPdoDriver($name = false, $exception = false)
     if ($name === false) {
         $name = $this->pdo->getAttribute(\PDO::ATTR_DRIVER_NAME);
     if (array_search($name, $this->pdo->getAvailableDrivers()) === false) {
         if ($exception) {
             throw new PDOException("PDO does not support any driver.");
         return false;
     return true;

示例3: reWriteURL

  * reWriteURL - can using the config option 'url_rewrite'
  *  format "from:to,from:to"
  * only handle left rewrite. 
  * so 
  *  "/images:/myroot/images"
  * would change
  *   /images/xyz.gif to /myroot/images/xyz.gif
  *   /images/stylesheet/imagestyles.css to  /myroot/images/stylesheet/imagestyles.css
  *   note /imagestyles did not get altered.
  * will only work on strings (forget about doing /images/{someimage}
  * @param    string attribute to rewrite
  * @return   none
  * @access   public
 function reWriteURL($which)
     global $_HTML_TEMPLATE_FLEXY;
     if (!is_string($original = $this->element->getAttribute($which))) {
     if ($original == '') {
     if (empty($_HTML_TEMPLATE_FLEXY['currentOptions']['url_rewrite'])) {
     $bits = explode(",", $_HTML_TEMPLATE_FLEXY['currentOptions']['url_rewrite']);
     $new = $original;
     foreach ($bits as $bit) {
         if (!strlen(trim($bit))) {
         $parts = explode(':', $bit);
         if (!isset($parts[1])) {
             return HTML_Template_Flexy::staticRaiseError('HTML_Template_Flexy: url_rewrite syntax incorrect' . print_r(array($bits, $bits), true), null, HTML_TEMPLATE_FLEXY_ERROR_DIE);
         $new = preg_replace('#^' . $parts[0] . '#', $parts[1], $new);
     if ($original == $new) {
     $this->element->ucAttributes[$which] = '"' . $new . '"';

示例4: __construct

  * Construct
  * @param string $type the crud type
  * @param object $db the sql object
 public function __construct($type, $db)
     $this->db = $db;
     //get a new factory
     $factory = new QueryFactory($db->getAttribute(PDO::ATTR_DRIVER_NAME));
     $this->query = call_user_func([$factory, 'new' . ucfirst($type)]);

示例5: onQuickFormEvent

  * Called by HTML_QuickForm whenever form event is made on this element
  * @param     string    $event  Name of event
  * @param     mixed     $arg    event arguments
  * @param     object    $caller calling object
  * @since     1.0
  * @access    public
  * @return    void
 function onQuickFormEvent($event, $arg, &$caller)
     switch ($event) {
         case 'createElement':
             $this->_formid = $caller->getAttribute('id');
     return parent::onQuickFormEvent($event, $arg, $caller);

示例6: perform

  * Processes the request.
  * @param  object    $page       CRM_Core_Form the current form-page
  * @param  string    $actionName Current action name, as one Action object can serve multiple actions
  * @return void
  * @access public
 function perform(&$page, $actionName)
     // save the form values and validation status to the session
     $page->isFormBuilt() or $page->buildForm();
     $pageName = $page->getAttribute('name');
     $data =& $page->controller->container();
     $data['values'][$pageName] = $page->exportValues();
     return $page->handle('display');

示例7: normalize

  * Normalizes an object into a set of arrays/scalars
  * @param object $object  object to normalize
  * @param string $format  format the normalization result will be encoded as
  * @param array  $context Context options for the normalizer
  * @return array|scalar
 public function normalize($object, $format = null, array $context = [])
     $attributeCode = strtolower($context['attributeCodeMapping']->getTarget($object->getAttribute()->getCode()));
     if ($this->isValueNormalizable($object, $context['identifier'], $attributeCode, $context['scopeCode'], $context['localeCode'], $context['onlyLocalized'])) {
         return $this->getNormalizedValue($object, $attributeCode, $context['magentoAttributes'], $context['magentoAttributesOptions'], $context['attributeCodeMapping'], $context['currencyCode']);
     } else {
         return null;

示例8: validate

  * @param object     $attributeOption
  * @param Constraint $constraint
 public function validate($attributeOption, Constraint $constraint)
     /** @var AttributeOptionInterface */
     if ($attributeOption instanceof AttributeOptionInterface) {
         $attribute = $attributeOption->getAttribute();
         $authorizedTypes = [AttributeTypes::OPTION_SIMPLE_SELECT, AttributeTypes::OPTION_MULTI_SELECT];
         if (!in_array($attribute->getAttributeType(), $authorizedTypes)) {
             $this->addInvalidAttributeViolation($constraint, $attributeOption);

示例9: showServerInfo

  * Method to display details about the target server's database connected
  * @access public static
  * @param void
  * @return void
 public static function showServerInfo()
     try {
         if (self::$instance instanceof \PDO) {
             $driver = self::getDriver();
             $info = $driver == 'sqlite' || $driver == 'mssql' ? 'not available' : self::$instance->getAttribute(\PDO::ATTR_SERVER_INFO);
             echo '<h7>Server Information - ', is_array($info) ? implode(', ', $info) : $info, '</h7>';
         } else {
             throw new \PDOException(self::$exception['no-instance']);
     } catch (\PDOException $e) {

示例10: __construct

  * 构造方法
  * 用于初始化运行环境,或对基本变量进行赋值
  * @access public
  * @param array $params 数据库连接参数,如主机名,数据库用户名,密码等
  * @return boolean
 public function __construct($params = array())
     if (!$params['dsn']) {
         Controller::halt('database config params error!', 'Normal');
     $params += $this->_defaultConfig;
     try {
         $flags = array(PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT => $params['persistency'], PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE => PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);
         $this->_dbLink = new PDO($params['dsn'], $params['username'], $params['password'], $flags);
     } catch (PDOException $exception) {
         if (DOIT_DEBUG === false) {
             Log::write("Database server connect error! Error Code:{$exception->getCode()} Error Message:{$exception->getMessage()}", 'Warning');
         throw new DoitException('Database connect error!<br/>' . $exception->getMessage(), $exception->getCode());
     $driverName = $this->_dbLink->getAttribute(PDO::ATTR_DRIVER_NAME);
     switch ($driverName) {
         case 'mysql':
         case 'pgsql':
             $this->_dbLink->exec("SET NAMES {$params['charset']}");
         case 'sqlsrv':
             $this->_dbLink->setAttribute(PDO::SQLSRV_ATTR_ENCODING, $params['charset']);
     return true;

示例11: validate

  * @param object     $productValue
  * @param Constraint $constraint
 public function validate($productValue, Constraint $constraint)
     /** @var ProductValueInterface */
     if ($productValue instanceof ProductValueInterface) {
         $isLocalizable = $productValue->getAttribute()->isLocalizable();
         $localeCode = $productValue->getLocale();
         if ($isLocalizable && null === $localeCode) {
             $this->addExpectedLocaleViolation($constraint, $productValue);
         } elseif ($isLocalizable && !$this->doesLocaleExist($localeCode)) {
             $this->addUnexistingLocaleViolation($constraint, $productValue, $localeCode);
         } elseif (!$isLocalizable && null !== $localeCode) {
             $this->addUnexpectedLocaleViolation($constraint, $productValue);

示例12: perform

  * Processes the request. 
  * @param  object    $page       CRM_Core_Form the current form-page
  * @param  string    $actionName Current action name, as one Action object can serve multiple actions
  * @return void
  * @access public
 function perform(&$page, $actionName)
     $page->isFormBuilt() or $page->buildForm();
     $pageName = $page->getAttribute('name');
     $data =& $page->controller->container();
     $data['values'][$pageName] = $page->exportValues();
     $data['valid'][$pageName] = $page->validate();
     // Modal form and page is invalid: don't go further
     if ($page->controller->isModal() && !$data['valid'][$pageName]) {
         return $page->handle('display');
     // the page is valid, process it before we jump to the next state
     return $page->handle('display');

示例13: validate

  * @param object     $productValue
  * @param Constraint $constraint
 public function validate($productValue, Constraint $constraint)
     /** @var ProductValueInterface */
     if ($productValue instanceof ProductValueInterface) {
         $isScopable = $productValue->getAttribute()->isScopable();
         $channelCode = $productValue->getScope();
         if ($isScopable && null === $channelCode) {
             $this->addExpectedScopeViolation($constraint, $productValue);
         } elseif ($isScopable && !$this->doesChannelExist($channelCode)) {
             $this->addUnexistingScopeViolation($constraint, $productValue, $channelCode);
         } elseif (!$isScopable && null !== $channelCode) {
             $this->addUnexpectedScopeViolation($constraint, $productValue);

示例14: perform

  * Processes the request.
  * this is basically a self submit, so validate the page
  * and if success, call post process
  * when done processing pop to user context
  * @param  object    $page       CRM_Core_Form the current form-page
  * @param  string    $actionName Current action name, as one Action object can serve multiple actions
  * @return void
  * @access public
 function perform(&$page, $actionName)
     $page->isFormBuilt() or $page->buildForm();
     $pageName = $page->getAttribute('name');
     $data =& $page->controller->container();
     $data['values'][$pageName] = $page->exportValues();
     $data['valid'][$pageName] = $page->validate();
     // Modal form and page is invalid: don't go further
     if ($page->controller->isModal() && !$data['valid'][$pageName]) {
         return $page->handle('display');
     // the page is valid, process it before we jump to the next state
     // ok so we are done now, pop stack and jump back to where we came from
     // we do not reset the context because u can achieve that affect using next
     // use Done when u want to pop back to the same context without a reset

示例15: perform

  * Processes the request.
  * @param  object    $page       CRM_Core_Form the current form-page
  * @param  string    $actionName Current action name, as one Action object can serve multiple actions
  * @return void
  * @access public
 function perform(&$page, $actionName)
     // check whether the page is valid before trying to go to it
     if ($page->controller->isModal()) {
         // we check whether *all* pages up to current are valid
         // if there is an invalid page we go to it, instead of the
         // requested one
         $pageName = $page->getAttribute('id');
         if (!$page->controller->isValid($pageName)) {
             $pageName = $page->controller->findInvalid();
         $current =& $page->controller->getPage($pageName);
     } else {
         $current =& $page;
     // generate the URL for the page 'display' event and redirect to it
     $action = $current->getAttribute('action');
     $url = $action . (FALSE === strpos($action, '?') ? '?' : '&') . $current->getButtonName('display') . '=true' . '&qfKey=' . $page->get('qfKey');
