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Java BigInteger.mod方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Java中java.math.BigInteger.mod方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Java BigInteger.mod方法的具体用法?Java BigInteger.mod怎么用?Java BigInteger.mod使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在java.math.BigInteger的用法示例。


示例1: chineseRemainder

import java.math.BigInteger; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Computes the integer x that is expressed through the given primes and the
 * congruences with the chinese remainder theorem (CRT).
 * @param congruences
 *            the congruences c_i
 * @param primes
 *            the primes p_i
 * @return an integer x for that x % p_i == c_i
private static BigInteger chineseRemainder(Vector congruences, Vector primes)
    BigInteger retval = ZERO;
    BigInteger all = ONE;
    for (int i = 0; i < primes.size(); i++)
        all = all.multiply((BigInteger)primes.elementAt(i));
    for (int i = 0; i < primes.size(); i++)
        BigInteger a = (BigInteger)primes.elementAt(i);
        BigInteger b = all.divide(a);
        BigInteger b_ = b.modInverse(a);
        BigInteger tmp = b.multiply(b_);
        tmp = tmp.multiply((BigInteger)congruences.elementAt(i));
        retval = retval.add(tmp);

    return retval.mod(all);

示例2: main

import java.math.BigInteger; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

		TestJCAProvider d = new TestJCAProvider();
		// Add dynamically the desired provider
		Security.addProvider(new PaillierProvider());
		KeyPairGenerator kpg = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("Paillier");
		KeyPair keyPair = kpg.generateKeyPair();
		PublicKey pubKey = keyPair.getPublic();
		PrivateKey privKey = keyPair.getPrivate();
		final Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("Paillier");
		final Cipher cipherHP = Cipher.getInstance("PaillierHP");
		System.out.println("The Paillier public key through Generator is \n"+keyPair.toString());
		System.out.println("The Paillier public key is \n"+keyPair.getPublic().toString());
		System.out.println("The Paillier private key is \n"+keyPair.getPrivate().toString());
		String plainText = "101";
		String plaintext1 = "101";
		// get the n
		String delims = "[,]";
		String[] keyComponents = pubKey.toString().split(delims);
		String keyComponent = "";
		for (String keyComponent2 : keyComponents) {
			if (keyComponent2.startsWith("n")) {
				keyComponent = keyComponent2.substring(2);// ignoring 'n:' or 'r:'
		BigInteger n = new BigInteger(keyComponent);
		BigInteger first = new BigInteger(plainText);
		BigInteger second = new BigInteger(plaintext1);
		BigInteger n2 = n.multiply(n);

		// encrypt
		BigInteger codedBytes = d.encrypt(first.toByteArray(), pubKey,cipherHP);
		BigInteger codedBytes12 = d.encrypt(second.toByteArray(), pubKey,cipherHP);
		BigInteger product = codedBytes.multiply(codedBytes12);

		// product mod n^2
		BigInteger tallyProduct = product.mod(n2);
	    System.out.println(" Product mod n^2:      "+tallyProduct);
	    d.decrypt(tallyProduct.toByteArray(), privKey,cipherHP);

		//////////////////////////////BLOCK EXAMPLE/////////////////////////////////
		String plainTextBlock = "This Provider working correctly and its safe 10000000000000000011000000000000000001";
		System.out.println("This is the message which will be encrypted: " + plainTextBlock);
		// encrypt
		byte[] codedBytesBlock = d.encryptBlock(plainTextBlock.getBytes(), pubKey,cipher);
		String codedMessageBlock = new String(codedBytesBlock);
		String codedMessageBlockInHEX = formatingHexRepresentation(codedBytesBlock);
		System.out.println("\n" + "ENCRYPTED :  \n" + codedMessageBlock);
		System.out.println("\n" + "ENCRYPTED in HEX:  \n" + codedMessageBlockInHEX);

		// decrypt
		byte[] encodedBytesBlock = d.decryptBlock(codedMessageBlock, privKey,cipher);
		String encodedMessageBlock = new String(encodedBytesBlock);
		System.out.println("\n" + "DECRYPTED:  \n" + encodedMessageBlock);

示例3: PerformSignature

import java.math.BigInteger; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Host has collected all the shares for the same j, can use Algorithm 4.3
 * on all the σi, j to recover σj , obtaining the aggregate signature (σj ,
 * ϵj ). The recipient of (m, j), σ, ϵ can verify the validity of the
 * signature by checking if ϵ = Hash(R| |Hash(m)| |j), where R = σ ·G +ϵ ·Y.
 * @param msgToSign
 * @param i
 * @param playersList
 * @param channel
 * @param perfResultsList
 * @param perfFile
 * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException
 * @throws Exception
static void PerformSignature(BigInteger msgToSign, int counter, ArrayList<MPCPlayer> playersList, ArrayList<Pair<String, Long>> perfResultsList, FileOutputStream perfFile, MPCRunConfig runCfg) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, Exception {
    // Sign EC Point
    byte[] plaintext_sig = mpcGlobals.G.multiply(msgToSign).getEncoded(false);

    if (!playersList.isEmpty()) {
        BigInteger sum_s_BI = new BigInteger("0");
        BigInteger card_e_BI = new BigInteger("0");
        boolean bFirstPlayer = true;
        for (MPCPlayer player : playersList) {
            if (bFirstPlayer) {
                sum_s_BI = player.Sign(QUORUM_INDEX, counter, mpcGlobals.Rands[counter - 1].getEncoded(false), plaintext_sig);
                card_e_BI = player.GetE(QUORUM_INDEX);
                bFirstPlayer = false;
            } else {
                sum_s_BI = sum_s_BI.add(player.Sign(QUORUM_INDEX, counter, mpcGlobals.Rands[counter - 1].getEncoded(false), plaintext_sig));
                sum_s_BI = sum_s_BI.mod(mpcGlobals.n);
        System.out.println(String.format("Sign: %s", Util.bytesToHex(sum_s_BI.toByteArray())));

示例4: mod

import java.math.BigInteger; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Returns (this mod m), allowing for negative numbers or zeros as results.
 * @param m The divisor
 * @return The result of the modulo operation
public BigRational mod(BigInteger m) {
    if (undefined) {
        return this; // We cannot compute the mod of an "uncomputable" number.
    } else if (this.isNegative()) {
        return this.negate().mod(m).negate();
    } else {
        BigRational toReturn;
        BigInteger a = this.num;
        BigInteger b = this.den.multiply(m);
        toReturn = new BigRational(a.mod(b), den);
        return toReturn;

示例5: bigIntegerToHex

import java.math.BigInteger; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Convert BigInteger pbKey/pbExp to hexadecimal pbKey/pbExp
 * @param key pbKey/pbExp in integer format
 * @return    pbKey/pbExp in hexadecimal format
public static String bigIntegerToHex(BigInteger key) {
	String digits = "0123456789ABCDEF";
	if (key.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) == 0) return "0";
	String hex = "";
	while (key.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) > 0) {
		BigInteger digit = key.mod(BigInteger.valueOf(16));
		hex = digits.charAt(digit.intValueExact()) + hex;
		key = key.divide(BigInteger.valueOf(16));
	return hex;

示例6: unblindMessage

import java.math.BigInteger; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
private BigInteger unblindMessage(
    BigInteger blindedMsg)
    BigInteger m = key.getModulus();
    BigInteger msg = blindedMsg;
    BigInteger blindFactorInverse = blindingFactor.modInverse(m);
    msg = msg.multiply(blindFactorInverse);
    msg = msg.mod(m);

    return msg;

示例7: validatePublicValue

import java.math.BigInteger; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public static BigInteger validatePublicValue(BigInteger N, BigInteger val)
    throws CryptoException
    val = val.mod(N);

    // Check that val % N != 0
    if (val.equals(ZERO))
        throw new CryptoException("Invalid public value: 0");

    return val;

示例8: publicPointFromPrivate

import java.math.BigInteger; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Returns public key point from the given private key. To convert a byte array into a BigInteger, use <tt>
 * new BigInteger(1, bytes);</tt>
public static ECPoint publicPointFromPrivate(BigInteger privKey) {
     * TODO: FixedPointCombMultiplier currently doesn't support scalars longer than the group order,
     * but that could change in future versions.
    if (privKey.bitLength() > CURVE.getN().bitLength()) {
        privKey = privKey.mod(CURVE.getN());
    return new FixedPointCombMultiplier().multiply(CURVE.getG(), privKey);

示例9: modularExponential

import java.math.BigInteger; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public static BigInteger modularExponential(long base, long power, long mod) {
    BigInteger result = BigInteger.ONE;
    base = base % mod;
    while(power > 0) {
        if(power % 2 == 1) {
            result = result.multiply(BigInteger.valueOf(base));
            result = result.mod(BigInteger.valueOf(mod));
        power = power / 2;
        base = (base * base) % mod;
    return result;

示例10: ECPrivKey

import java.math.BigInteger; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Generate a random private key with ECDomainParameters dp
public ECPrivKey(ECDomainParameters dp) {
	this.dp = (ECDomainParameters) dp.clone();
	SecureRandom rnd = new SecureRandom();
	s = new BigInteger(dp.m, rnd);
	s = s.mod(dp.r);

示例11: publicPointFromPrivate

import java.math.BigInteger; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Returns public key point from the given private key. To convert a byte
 * array into a BigInteger, use <tt>
 * new BigInteger(1, bytes);</tt>
public static ECPoint publicPointFromPrivate(BigInteger privKey) {
     * TODO: FixedPointCombMultiplier currently doesn't support scalars
     * longer than the group order, but that could change in future
     * versions.
    if (privKey.bitLength() > CURVE.getN().bitLength()) {
        privKey = privKey.mod(CURVE.getN());
    return new FixedPointCombMultiplier().multiply(CURVE.getG(), privKey);

示例12: changePassword

import java.math.BigInteger; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Update password based on old password, device share, and cloud shares.
 * @param cloudShares Current cloud shares.
 * @return Updated cloud shares.
public SecretShare[] changePassword(SecretShare oldPassword, SecretShare newPassword, SecretShare[] cloudShares) {
    BigInteger newPy = newPassword.getShareY();
    BigInteger oldPy = oldPassword.getShareY();
    BigInteger acc = newPy.subtract(oldPy);
    acc = acc.mod(PRIME);

    return proactivizeCloudShares(acc, BigInteger.ZERO, cloudShares);

示例13: generateShares

import java.math.BigInteger; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Generates Y values given X values using a polynomial which is based on the
 * threshold and a secret value. <code>threshold-1</code> is the degree of
 * the polynomial. The secret is the Y intercept (x=0 value). Coefficients
 * of the polynomial are randomly generated.
 * For <code>threshold = 3</code>, the polynomial is given by:<br>
 * y = secret + a * x + b * x**2
 * The number of shares that the secret is split into is given by the number of X values.
 * @param secret The value to protect. This will be the x=0 value.
 * @param xValues The x coordinates of the shares. Note that none of them should be zero.
 *  All xValues should be unique.
 * @param coefficients The coefficients of the polynomial. All the values should be smaller than p.
 *          There should be threshold-1 coefficients.
 * @return The y coordinates of the shares.
private static BigInteger[] generateShares(BigInteger secret, BigInteger[] xValues,
        BigInteger[] coefficients) {

    // Calculate the Y values given the X values and coefficients.
    int numShares = xValues.length;
    int numCoefficients = coefficients.length;
    BigInteger[] yVals = new BigInteger[numShares];
    BigInteger k;
    for(int i = 0; i < numShares; i++){
        BigInteger accumulator = BigInteger.ZERO;
        k  = BigInteger.ONE;
        for(int j=0; j < numCoefficients; j++){
            // Calculate coefficient * x ** k
            BigInteger exp = xValues[i].modPow(k, PRIME);
            BigInteger mult = exp.multiply(coefficients[j]);
            k = k.add(BigInteger.ONE);

            // Accumulate the term
            BigInteger add1 = accumulator.add(mult);
            accumulator = add1.mod(PRIME);
        // Accumulate the constant term; which is the secret.
        BigInteger add2 = accumulator.add(secret);
        accumulator = add2.mod(PRIME);

        yVals[i] = accumulator;

    return yVals;

示例14: Technology

import java.math.BigInteger; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Compute the jacobi symbol <code>(a/n)</code>, as described in:
 * <a href="http://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/FIPS/NIST.FIPS.186-4.pdf">Digital signature standard (DSS). FIPS PUB 186-4, National Institute of Standards and
 Technology (NIST), 2013.</a>, pp. 76-77
 * @param initial_a the starting value of a
 * @param n the value of n
 * @return the computed jacobi symbol
public int computeJacobiSymbol(BigInteger initial_a, BigInteger n) {
    // Step 1: a = a mod n
    BigInteger a = initial_a.mod(n);
    // Step 2: if a = 1 or n = 1 return 1
    if (a.equals(BigInteger.ONE) || n.equals(BigInteger.ONE)) {
        return 1;
    // Step 3: if a = 0 return 0
    if (a.equals(BigInteger.ZERO)) {
        return 0;
    // Step 4: define e and a_1 such that a = 2^e * a_1 where a_1 is odd
    int e = 0;
    BigInteger a_1 = a;
    while (a_1.remainder(BigIntegers.TWO).equals(BigInteger.ZERO)) {
        a_1 = a_1.divide(BigIntegers.TWO);
    // Step 5: if e is even, then s = 1;
    //          else if n mod 8 = 1 or n mod 8 = 7, then s = 1
    //          else if n mod 8 = 3 or n mod 8 = 5, then s = -1
    int s;
    if (e % 2 == 0) {
        s = 1;
    } else {
        BigInteger n_mod_eight = n.mod(BigIntegers.EIGHT);
        if (n_mod_eight.equals(BigInteger.ONE) || n_mod_eight.equals(BigIntegers.SEVEN)) {
            s = 1;
        } else { // n_mod_eight.equals(THREE) || n_mod_eight.equals(FIVE)
            s = -1;
    // Step 6: if n mod 4 = 3 and a_1 mod 4 = 3, then s = -s
    if (n.mod(BigIntegers.FOUR).equals(BigIntegers.THREE) && a_1.mod(BigIntegers.FOUR).equals(BigIntegers.THREE)) {
        s = -s;
    // Step 7: n_1 = n mod a_1
    BigInteger n_1 = n.mod(a_1);
    // Step 8: return s * JacobiSymbol(n_1, a_1)
    return s * computeJacobiSymbol(n_1, a_1);

示例15: addCryptedBlocks

import java.math.BigInteger; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Adds the contents of two encrypted blocks mod sigma
 * @param block1
 *            the first encrypted block
 * @param block2
 *            the second encrypted block
 * @return encrypt((block1 + block2) mod sigma)
 * @throws InvalidCipherTextException
public byte[] addCryptedBlocks(byte[] block1, byte[] block2)
        throws InvalidCipherTextException
    // check for correct blocksize
    if (forEncryption)
        if ((block1.length > getOutputBlockSize())
                || (block2.length > getOutputBlockSize()))
            throw new InvalidCipherTextException(
                    "BlockLength too large for simple addition.\n");
        if ((block1.length > getInputBlockSize())
                || (block2.length > getInputBlockSize()))
            throw new InvalidCipherTextException(
                    "BlockLength too large for simple addition.\n");

    // calculate resulting block
    BigInteger m1Crypt = new BigInteger(1, block1);
    BigInteger m2Crypt = new BigInteger(1, block2);
    BigInteger m1m2Crypt = m1Crypt.multiply(m2Crypt);
    m1m2Crypt = m1m2Crypt.mod(key.getModulus());
    if (debug)
        System.out.println("c(m1) as BigInteger:....... " + m1Crypt);
        System.out.println("c(m2) as BigInteger:....... " + m2Crypt);
        System.out.println("c(m1)*c(m2)%n = c(m1+m2)%n: " + m1m2Crypt);

    byte[] output = key.getModulus().toByteArray();
    Arrays.fill(output, (byte)0);
    System.arraycopy(m1m2Crypt.toByteArray(), 0, output, output.length
            - m1m2Crypt.toByteArray().length,

    return output;
