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Java Token.OBJECTLIT属性代码示例

本文整理汇总了Java中com.google.javascript.rhino.Token.OBJECTLIT属性的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Java Token.OBJECTLIT属性的具体用法?Java Token.OBJECTLIT怎么用?Java Token.OBJECTLIT使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的属性代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该属性所在com.google.javascript.rhino.Token的用法示例。


示例1: isLiteralValue

 * Returns true if this is a literal value. We define a literal value
 * as any node that evaluates to the same thing regardless of when or
 * where it is evaluated. So /xyz/ and [3, 5] are literals, but
 * function() { return a; } is not.
static boolean isLiteralValue(Node n) {
  // TODO(nicksantos): Refine this function to catch more literals.
  switch (n.getType()) {
    case Token.ARRAYLIT:
    case Token.OBJECTLIT:
    case Token.REGEXP:
      // Return true only if all children are const.
      for (Node child = n.getFirstChild(); child != null;
           child = child.getNext()) {
        if (!isLiteralValue(child)) {
          return false;
      return true;

      return isImmutableValue(n);

示例2: getObjectLiteralCast

public ObjectLiteralCast getObjectLiteralCast(NodeTraversal t,
    Node callNode) {
  Preconditions.checkArgument(callNode.getType() == Token.CALL);
  Node callName = callNode.getFirstChild();
  if (!"goog.reflect.object".equals(callName.getQualifiedName()) ||
      callName.getChildCount() != 2) {
    return null;

  Node typeNode = callName.getNext();
  if (!typeNode.isQualifiedName()) {
    return null;

  Node objectNode = typeNode.getNext();
  if (objectNode.getType() != Token.OBJECTLIT) {
    t.getCompiler().report(JSError.make(t.getSourceName(), callNode,
    return null;

  return new ObjectLiteralCast(typeNode.getQualifiedName(),

示例3: isConstructorOrEnumDeclaration

 * Determines whether a set operation is a constructor or enumeration
 * declaration. The set operation may either be an assignment to a name,
 * a variable declaration, or an object literal key mapping.
 * @param n The node that represents the name being set
 * @param parent Parent node of {@code n} (an ASSIGN, VAR, or OBJLIT node)
 * @return Whether the set operation is either a constructor or enum
 *     declaration
private boolean isConstructorOrEnumDeclaration(Node n, Node parent) {
  JSDocInfo info;
  int valueNodeType;
  switch (parent.getType()) {
    case Token.ASSIGN:
      info = parent.getJSDocInfo();
      valueNodeType = n.getNext().getType();
    case Token.VAR:
      info = n.getJSDocInfo();
      if (info == null) {
        info = parent.getJSDocInfo();
      Node valueNode = n.getFirstChild();
      valueNodeType = valueNode != null ? valueNode.getType() : Token.VOID;
      return false;
  // Heed the annotations only if they're sensibly used.
  return info != null &&
         (info.isConstructor() && valueNodeType == Token.FUNCTION ||
          info.hasEnumParameterType() && valueNodeType == Token.OBJECTLIT);

示例4: visit

@Override public void visit(NodeTraversal t, Node n, Node parent) {
  if (n.getType() == Token.WITH) {
    t.report(n, WITH_DISALLOWED);
  } else if (n.getType() == Token.NAME) {
    if (!NodeUtil.isLabelName(n) && !isDeclaration(n)) {
      checkNameUse(t, n);
  } else if (n.getType() == Token.ASSIGN) {
    checkAssignment(t, n);
  } else if (n.getType() == Token.DELPROP) {
    checkDelete(t, n);
  } else if (n.getType() == Token.OBJECTLIT) {
    checkObjectLiteral(t, n);
  } else if (n.getType() == Token.LABEL) {
    checkLabel(t, n);

示例5: visit

/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void visit(NodeTraversal t, Node n, Node parent) {
  switch (n.getType()) {
    case Token.GETPROP:
      Node dest = n.getFirstChild().getNext();
      if (dest.getType() == Token.STRING) {
    case Token.OBJECTLIT:
      for (Node child = n.getFirstChild();
           child != null;
           child = child.getNext().getNext()) {
        if (child.getType() == Token.STRING) {

示例6: isNamespacePlaceholder

 * @return Whether the node is namespace placeholder.
private static boolean isNamespacePlaceholder(Node n) {
  if (!n.getBooleanProp(Node.IS_NAMESPACE)) {
    return false;

  Node value = null;
  if (n.getType() == Token.EXPR_RESULT) {
    Node assign = n.getFirstChild();
    value = assign.getLastChild();
  } else if (n.getType() == Token.VAR) {
    Node name = n.getFirstChild();
    value = name.getFirstChild();

  return value != null
    && value.getType() == Token.OBJECTLIT
    && !value.hasChildren();

示例7: visit

/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void visit(NodeTraversal t, Node n, Node parent) {
  switch (n.getType()) {
    case Token.GETPROP:
      Node dest = n.getFirstChild().getNext();
    case Token.OBJECTLIT:
      for (Node child = n.getFirstChild();
           child != null;
           child = child.getNext().getNext()) {
        if (child.getType() == Token.STRING) {

示例8: determineType

public TypeInfo determineType() {
	if(node.getType() == Token.NUMBER) return new TypeInfo(this, JavaScriptDictionary.NUMBER);
	else if(node.getType() == Token.STRING) return new TypeInfo(this, JavaScriptDictionary.STRING);
	else if(node.getType() == Token.TRUE || node.getType() == Token.FALSE) return new TypeInfo(this, JavaScriptDictionary.BOOL);
	else if(node.getType() == Token.THIS) {
		// Is this "this" reference declared in a function declared in an object literal? If so, it's type info
		// should include the scope of the object literal, so that functions called with respect to "this" first
		// search the object literal for matching functions. Not infallible, but a good guess.
		CFGFunction function = getFunction();
		ScriptOrFnNode funNode = function.getFunctionNode();
		if(funNode.getParent() != null && funNode.getParent().getType() == Token.OBJECTLIT) {
			JavaScriptType type = getFunction().getFeedlack().getObjectLiteralType(funNode.getParent());
			if(type != null)
				return new TypeInfo(this, type);
		return new TypeInfo(this, JavaScriptDictionary.NONE);
	else return new TypeInfo(this, JavaScriptDictionary.NONE);

示例9: nameObjectLiteralMethods

private void nameObjectLiteralMethods(Node objectLiteral, String context) {
  // Object literals are a list of key-value pairs.  All object
  // literals produced by the parser have an even number of
  // children.
  Preconditions.checkState(objectLiteral.getChildCount() % 2 == 0);

  for (Node keyNode = objectLiteral.getFirstChild();
       keyNode != null;
       keyNode = keyNode.getNext().getNext()) {  // skip 2 for next key

    Node valueNode = keyNode.getNext();

    // Object literal keys may be strings or numbers.  Numbers are
    // skipped because name tokens may not start with a number.
    if (keyNode.getType() == Token.STRING) {
      // concatenate the context and key name to get a new qualified name.
      String name = namer.getCombinedName(context, namer.getName(keyNode));

      int type = valueNode.getType();
      if (type == Token.FUNCTION) {
        // set name if function is anonymous
        Node functionNameNode = valueNode.getFirstChild();
        String functionName = functionNameNode.getString();
        if (functionName.isEmpty()) {
          namer.setFunctionName(name, valueNode);
      } else if (type == Token.OBJECTLIT) {
        // process nested object literal
        nameObjectLiteralMethods(valueNode, name);

示例10: processObjectLiteral

Node processObjectLiteral(ObjectLiteral literalNode) {
  if (literalNode.isDestructuring()) {

  Node node = new Node(Token.OBJECTLIT);
  for (ObjectProperty el : literalNode.getElements()) {
  return node;

示例11: updateObjLitOrFunctionDeclarationAtVarNode

 * Updates the first initialization (a.k.a "declaration") of a global name
 * that occurs at a VAR node. See comment for
 * {@link #updateObjLitOrFunctionDeclaration}.
 * @param n An object representing a global name (e.g. "a")
private void updateObjLitOrFunctionDeclarationAtVarNode(Name n) {
  Ref ref = n.declaration;
  String name = ref.node.getString();
  Node rvalue = ref.node.getFirstChild();
  Node varNode = ref.node.getParent();
  Node gramps = varNode.getParent();

  boolean isObjLit = rvalue.getType() == Token.OBJECTLIT;
  int numChanges = 0;

  if (isObjLit) {
    boolean discardKeys = n.aliasingGets == 0;
    numChanges += declareVarsForObjLitValues(
        n, name, rvalue, varNode, gramps.getChildBefore(varNode),
        gramps, discardKeys);

  numChanges += addStubsForUndeclaredProperties(n, name, gramps, varNode);

  if (isObjLit && n.canEliminate()) {
    if (!varNode.hasChildren()) {

    // Clear out the object reference, since we've eliminated it from the
    // parse tree.
    ref.node = null;

  if (numChanges > 0) {

示例12: canMoveValue

 * Determines whether the given value is eligible to be moved across modules.
private boolean canMoveValue(Node n) {
  // the value is only movable if it's
  // a) nothing,
  // b) a constant literal,
  // c) a function, or
  // d) an array/object literal of movable values.
  // e) a function stub generated by CrossModuleMethodMotion.
  if (n == null || NodeUtil.isLiteralValue(n) ||
      n.getType() == Token.FUNCTION) {
    return true;
  } else if (n.getType() == Token.CALL) {
    Node functionName = n.getFirstChild();
    return functionName.getType() == Token.NAME &&
            CrossModuleMethodMotion.STUB_METHOD_NAME) ||
  } else if (n.getType() == Token.ARRAYLIT ||
      n.getType() == Token.OBJECTLIT) {
    for (Node child = n.getFirstChild(); child != null;
         child = child.getNext()) {
      if (!canMoveValue(child)) {
        return false;

    return true;

  return false;

示例13: visit

public void visit(NodeTraversal t, Node n, Node parent) {
  switch (n.getType()) {
    case Token.GETPROP:
    case Token.GETELEM:
      Node dest = n.getFirstChild().getNext();

      if (dest.getType() == Token.STRING) {
        if (dest.getString().equals("prototype")) {
          processPrototypeParent(t, parent);
        } else {
          // Static methods of the form Foo.bar = function() {} or
          // Static methods of the form Foo.bar = baz (where baz is a
          // function name). Parse tree looks like:
          // assign                 <- parent
          //      getprop           <- n
          //          name Foo
          //          string bar
          //      function or name  <- n.getNext()
          if (parent.getType() == Token.ASSIGN &&
              parent.getFirstChild() == n) {
            addPossibleSignature(dest.getString(), n.getNext(), t);

    case Token.OBJECTLIT:
      // assumes the object literal is well formed
      // (has an even number of children)
      for (Node key = n.getFirstChild();
           key != null; key = key.getNext().getNext()) {
        if (key.getType() == Token.STRING) {
          Node value = key.getNext();
          addPossibleSignature(key.getString(), value, t);

示例14: checkEnumInitializer

 * <p>Checks the initializer of an enum. An enum can be initialized with an
 * object literal whose values must be subtypes of the declared enum element
 * type, or by copying another enum.</p>
 * <p>In the case of an enum copy, we verify that the enum element type of the
 * enum used for initialization is a subtype of the enum element type of
 * the enum the value is being copied in.</p>
 * <p>Examples:</p>
 * <pre>var myEnum = {FOO: ..., BAR: ...};
 * var myEnum = myOtherEnum;</pre>
 * @param value the value used for initialization of the enum
 * @param primitiveType The type of each element of the enum.
private void checkEnumInitializer(
    NodeTraversal t, Node value, JSType primitiveType) {
  if (value.getType() == Token.OBJECTLIT) {
    // re-using value as the value of the object literal and advancing twice
    value = value.getFirstChild();
    value = (value == null) ? null : value.getNext();
    while (value != null) {
      // the value's type must be assignable to the enum's primitive type
      validator.expectCanAssignTo(t, value, getJSType(value), primitiveType,
          "element type must match enum's type");

      // advancing twice
      value = value.getNext();
      value = (value == null) ? null : value.getNext();
  } else if (value.getJSType() instanceof EnumType) {
    // TODO(user): Remove the instanceof check in favor
    // of a type.isEnumType() predicate. Currently, not all enum types are
    // implemented by the EnumClass, e.g. the unknown type and the any
    // type. The types need to be defined by interfaces such that an
    // implementation can implement multiple types interface.
    EnumType valueEnumType = (EnumType) value.getJSType();
    JSType valueEnumPrimitiveType =
    validator.expectCanAssignTo(t, value, valueEnumPrimitiveType,
        primitiveType, "incompatible enum element types");
  } else {
    // The error condition is handled in TypedScopeCreator.

示例15: getLValue

public Node getLValue() {
  // TODO(user) revisit: object literal definitions are an example
  // of definitions whose lhs doesn't correspond to a node that
  // exists in the AST.  We will have to change the return type of
  // getLValue sooner or later in order to provide this added
  // flexibility.
  return new Node(Token.GETPROP,
                  new Node(Token.OBJECTLIT),
