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Java Token.NUMBER属性代码示例

本文整理汇总了Java中com.google.javascript.rhino.Token.NUMBER属性的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Java Token.NUMBER属性的具体用法?Java Token.NUMBER怎么用?Java Token.NUMBER使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的属性代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该属性所在com.google.javascript.rhino.Token的用法示例。


示例1: constructEdges

 * Block node points to it's first child.
protected void constructEdges() {

	this.left = getCFGNodeFor(node.getChildAtIndex(0));
	addEdge(left, "numerator", Assumption.NONE);
	this.right = getCFGNodeFor(node.getChildAtIndex(1));
	left.addEdgeToLeaves(right, "denominator", Assumption.NONE);
	// Then, after evaluating the left and right, this division either succeeds and goes to the
	// end node, or it's a zero and goes to the end of the function.
	right.addEdge(end, "divide", Assumption.NON_ZERO);
	// We only add an edge for divide by zero if it's not a number.
	if(right.getASTNode().getType() != Token.NUMBER)
		right.addEdge(getFunction().getExit(), "divide by zero", Assumption.DIVIDE_BY_ZERO);

示例2: isImmutableValue

 * Returns true if this is an immutable value.
static boolean isImmutableValue(Node n) {
  switch (n.getType()) {
    case Token.STRING:
    case Token.NUMBER:
    case Token.NULL:
    case Token.TRUE:
    case Token.FALSE:
    case Token.VOID:
      return true;
    case Token.NEG:
      return isImmutableValue(n.getFirstChild());
    case Token.NAME:
      String name = n.getString();
      // We assume here that programs don't change the value of the keyword
      // undefined to something other than the value undefined.
      return "undefined".equals(name)
          || "Infinity".equals(name)
          || "NaN".equals(name);

  return false;

示例3: isCollapsibleValue

 * Determines whether we know enough about the given value to be able
 * to collapse it into subsequent expressions.
 * For example, we can collapse booleans and variable names:
 * <code>
 * x = 3; y = x; // y = x = 3;
 * a = true; b = true; // b = a = true;
 * <code>
 * But we won't try to collapse complex expressions.
 * @param value The value node.
 * @param isLValue Whether it's on the left-hand side of an expr.
private boolean isCollapsibleValue(Node value, boolean isLValue) {
  switch (value.getType()) {
    case Token.GETPROP:
      // Do not collapse GETPROPs on arbitrary objects, because
      // they may be implemented  setter functions, and oftentimes
      // setter functions fail on native objects. This is ok for "THIS"
      // objects, because we assume that they are non-native.
      return !isLValue || value.getFirstChild().getType() == Token.THIS;

    case Token.NAME:
    case Token.NUMBER:
    case Token.TRUE:
    case Token.FALSE:
    case Token.NULL:
    case Token.STRING:
      return true;

  return false;

示例4: determineType

public TypeInfo determineType() {
	if(node.getType() == Token.NUMBER) return new TypeInfo(this, JavaScriptDictionary.NUMBER);
	else if(node.getType() == Token.STRING) return new TypeInfo(this, JavaScriptDictionary.STRING);
	else if(node.getType() == Token.TRUE || node.getType() == Token.FALSE) return new TypeInfo(this, JavaScriptDictionary.BOOL);
	else if(node.getType() == Token.THIS) {
		// Is this "this" reference declared in a function declared in an object literal? If so, it's type info
		// should include the scope of the object literal, so that functions called with respect to "this" first
		// search the object literal for matching functions. Not infallible, but a good guess.
		CFGFunction function = getFunction();
		ScriptOrFnNode funNode = function.getFunctionNode();
		if(funNode.getParent() != null && funNode.getParent().getType() == Token.OBJECTLIT) {
			JavaScriptType type = getFunction().getFeedlack().getObjectLiteralType(funNode.getParent());
			if(type != null)
				return new TypeInfo(this, type);
		return new TypeInfo(this, JavaScriptDictionary.NONE);
	else return new TypeInfo(this, JavaScriptDictionary.NONE);

示例5: getCodeString

public String getCodeString() {

	if(node.getType() == Token.NUMBER) return "" + node.getDouble();
	else if(node.getType() == Token.STRING) return "" + node.getString();
	else if(node.getType() == Token.THIS) return "this";
	else return "[BasicNode " + Token.name(node.getType()) + "]";

示例6: getBooleanValue

 * Gets the boolean value of a node that represents a literal. This method
 * effectively emulates the <code>Boolean()</code> JavaScript cast function.
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException If {@code n} is not a literal value
static boolean getBooleanValue(Node n) {
  switch (n.getType()) {
    case Token.STRING:
      return n.getString().length() > 0;

    case Token.NUMBER:
      return n.getDouble() != 0;

    case Token.NULL:
    case Token.FALSE:
    case Token.VOID:
      return false;

    case Token.NAME:
      String name = n.getString();
      if ("undefined".equals(name)
          || "NaN".equals(name)) {
        // We assume here that programs don't change the value of the keyword
        // undefined to something other than the value undefined.
        return false;
      } else if ("Infinity".equals(name)) {
        return true;

    case Token.TRUE:
    case Token.ARRAYLIT:
    case Token.OBJECTLIT:
    case Token.REGEXP:
      return true;
  throw new IllegalArgumentException("Non-literal value: " + n);

示例7: getStringValue

 * Gets the value of a node as a String, or null if it cannot be converted.
 * When it returns a non-null String, this method effectively emulates the
 * <code>String()</code> JavaScript cast function.
static String getStringValue(Node n) {
  // TODO(user): Convert constant array, object, and regex literals as well.
  switch (n.getType()) {
    case Token.NAME:
    case Token.STRING:
      return n.getString();

    case Token.NUMBER:
      double value = n.getDouble();
      long longValue = (long) value;

      // Return "1" instead of "1.0"
      if (longValue == value) {
        return Long.toString(longValue);
      } else {
        return Double.toString(n.getDouble());

    case Token.FALSE:
    case Token.TRUE:
    case Token.NULL:
      return Node.tokenToName(n.getType());

    case Token.VOID:
      return "undefined";
  return null;

示例8: isValidDefineValue

 * Determines whether the given value may be assigned to a define.
 * @param val The value being assigned.
 * @param defines The list of names of existing defines.
static boolean isValidDefineValue(Node val, Set<String> defines) {
  switch (val.getType()) {
    case Token.STRING:
    case Token.NUMBER:
    case Token.TRUE:
    case Token.FALSE:
      return true;

    // Single operators are valid if the child is valid.
    case Token.BITAND:
    case Token.BITNOT:
    case Token.BITOR:
    case Token.BITXOR:
    case Token.NOT:
    case Token.NEG:
      return isValidDefineValue(val.getFirstChild(), defines);

    // Names are valid if and only if they are defines themselves.
    case Token.NAME:
    case Token.GETPROP:
      if (val.isQualifiedName()) {
        return defines.contains(val.getQualifiedName());
  return false;

示例9: tryFoldArithmetic

 * Try to fold arithmetic binary operators
void tryFoldArithmetic(NodeTraversal t, Node n, Node left, Node right,
                       Node parent) {

  if (left.getType() == Token.NUMBER &&
      right.getType() == Token.NUMBER) {
    double result;
    double lval = left.getDouble();
    double rval = right.getDouble();

    switch (n.getType()) {
      case Token.ADD:
        result = lval + rval;
      case Token.SUB:
        result = lval - rval;
      case Token.MUL:
        result = lval * rval;
      case Token.DIV:
        if (rval == 0) {
          error(t, DIVIDE_BY_0_ERROR, right);
        result = lval / rval;
        throw new Error("Unknown arithmetic operator");

    // length of the left and right value plus 1 byte for the operator.
    if (String.valueOf(result).length() <=
        String.valueOf(lval).length() + String.valueOf(rval).length() + 1) {
      parent.replaceChild(n, Node.newNumber(result));

示例10: precedence

static int precedence(int type) {
  switch (type) {
    case Token.COMMA:  return 0;
    case Token.ASSIGN_BITOR:
    case Token.ASSIGN_BITXOR:
    case Token.ASSIGN_BITAND:
    case Token.ASSIGN_LSH:
    case Token.ASSIGN_RSH:
    case Token.ASSIGN_URSH:
    case Token.ASSIGN_ADD:
    case Token.ASSIGN_SUB:
    case Token.ASSIGN_MUL:
    case Token.ASSIGN_DIV:
    case Token.ASSIGN_MOD:
    case Token.ASSIGN: return 1;
    case Token.HOOK:   return 2;  // ?: operator
    case Token.OR:     return 3;
    case Token.AND:    return 4;
    case Token.BITOR:  return 5;
    case Token.BITXOR: return 6;
    case Token.BITAND: return 7;
    case Token.EQ:
    case Token.NE:
    case Token.SHEQ:
    case Token.SHNE:   return 8;
    case Token.LT:
    case Token.GT:
    case Token.LE:
    case Token.GE:
    case Token.INSTANCEOF:
    case Token.IN:     return 9;
    case Token.LSH:
    case Token.RSH:
    case Token.URSH:   return 10;
    case Token.SUB:
    case Token.ADD:    return 11;
    case Token.MUL:
    case Token.MOD:
    case Token.DIV:    return 12;
    case Token.INC:
    case Token.DEC:
    case Token.NEW:
    case Token.DELPROP:
    case Token.TYPEOF:
    case Token.VOID:
    case Token.NOT:
    case Token.BITNOT:
    case Token.POS:
    case Token.NEG:    return 13;

    case Token.ARRAYLIT:
    case Token.CALL:
    case Token.EMPTY:
    case Token.FALSE:
    case Token.FUNCTION:
    case Token.GETELEM:
    case Token.GETPROP:
    case Token.GET_REF:
    case Token.IF:
    case Token.LP:
    case Token.NAME:
    case Token.NULL:
    case Token.NUMBER:
    case Token.OBJECTLIT:
    case Token.REGEXP:
    case Token.RETURN:
    case Token.STRING:
    case Token.THIS:
    case Token.TRUE:
      return 15;

    default: throw new Error("Unknown precedence for " +
                             Node.tokenToName(type) +
                             " (type " + type + ")");

示例11: tryFoldBitAndOr

 * Try to fold arithmetic binary operators
void tryFoldBitAndOr(NodeTraversal t, Node n, Node left, Node right,
                     Node parent) {

  if (left.getType() == Token.NUMBER &&
      right.getType() == Token.NUMBER) {
    double result;
    double lval = left.getDouble();
    double rval = right.getDouble();

    // For now, we are being extra conservative, and only folding ints in
    // the range MIN_VALUE-MAX_VALUE
    if (lval < Integer.MIN_VALUE || lval > Integer.MAX_VALUE ||
        rval < Integer.MIN_VALUE || rval > Integer.MAX_VALUE) {

      // Fall back through and let the javascript use the larger values

    // Convert the numbers to ints
    int lvalInt = (int) lval;
    if (lvalInt != lval) {

    int rvalInt = (int) rval;
    if (rvalInt != rval) {

    switch (n.getType()) {
      case Token.BITAND:
        result = lvalInt & rvalInt;
      case Token.BITOR:
        result = lvalInt | rvalInt;
        throw new Error("Unknown bitwise operator");
    parent.replaceChild(n, Node.newNumber(result));

示例12: tryFoldShift

 * Try to fold shift operations
void tryFoldShift(NodeTraversal t, Node n, Node left, Node right,
                  Node parent) {

  if (left.getType() == Token.NUMBER &&
      right.getType() == Token.NUMBER) {

    double result;
    double lval = left.getDouble();
    double rval = right.getDouble();

    // check ranges.  We do not do anything that would clip the double to
    // a 32-bit range, since the user likely does not intend that.
    if (!(lval >= Integer.MIN_VALUE && lval <= Integer.MAX_VALUE)) {
      error(t, BITWISE_OPERAND_OUT_OF_RANGE, left);

    // only the lower 5 bits are used when shifting, so don't do anything
    // if the shift amount is outside [0,32)
    if (!(rval >= 0 && rval < 32)) {
      error(t, SHIFT_AMOUNT_OUT_OF_BOUNDS, right);

    // Convert the numbers to ints
    int lvalInt = (int) lval;
    if (lvalInt != lval) {
      error(t, FRACTIONAL_BITWISE_OPERAND, left);

    int rvalInt = (int) rval;
    if (rvalInt != rval) {
      error(t, FRACTIONAL_BITWISE_OPERAND, right);

    switch (n.getType()) {
      case Token.LSH:
        result = lvalInt << rvalInt;
      case Token.RSH:
        result = lvalInt >> rvalInt;
      case Token.URSH:
        result = lvalInt >>> rvalInt;
        throw new AssertionError("Unknown shift operator: " +
    parent.replaceChild(n, Node.newNumber(result));

示例13: tryFoldStringIndexOf

 * Try to evaluate String.indexOf/lastIndexOf:
 *     "abcdef".indexOf("bc") -> 1
 *     "abcdefbc".indexOf("bc", 3) -> 6
void tryFoldStringIndexOf(NodeTraversal t, Node n, Node left, Node right,
                          Node parent) {
  if (!NodeUtil.isGetProp(left) || !NodeUtil.isImmutableValue(right)) {

  Node lstringNode = left.getFirstChild();
  Node functionName = lstringNode.getNext();

  if ((lstringNode.getType() != Token.STRING) ||
      (!functionName.getString().equals("indexOf") &&
      !functionName.getString().equals("lastIndexOf"))) {

  String lstring = NodeUtil.getStringValue(lstringNode);
  boolean isIndexOf = functionName.getString().equals("indexOf");
  Node firstArg = right;
  Node secondArg = right.getNext();
  String searchValue = NodeUtil.getStringValue(firstArg);
  // searchValue must be a valid string.
  if (searchValue == null) {
  int fromIndex = isIndexOf ? 0 : lstring.length();
  if (secondArg != null) {
    // Third-argument and non-numeric second arg are problematic. Discard.
    if ((secondArg.getNext() != null) ||
        (secondArg.getType() != Token.NUMBER)) {
    } else {
      fromIndex = (int) secondArg.getDouble();
  int indexVal = isIndexOf ? lstring.indexOf(searchValue, fromIndex)
                           : lstring.lastIndexOf(searchValue, fromIndex);
  Node newNode = Node.newNumber(indexVal);
  parent.replaceChild(n, newNode);


示例14: tryFoldGetElem

 * Try to fold array-element. e.g [1, 2, 3][10];
void tryFoldGetElem(NodeTraversal t, Node n, Node left, Node right,
                    Node parent) {
  if (left.getType() == Token.ARRAYLIT) {

    if (right.getType() != Token.NUMBER) {
      // Sometimes people like to use complex expressions to index into
      // arrays, or strings to index into array methods.

    double index = right.getDouble();
    int intIndex = (int) index;
    if (intIndex != index) {
      t.getCompiler().report(JSError.make(t, right,
          INVALID_GETELEM_INDEX_ERROR, String.valueOf(index)));

    if (intIndex < 0) {
      t.getCompiler().report(JSError.make(t, n, INDEX_OUT_OF_BOUNDS_ERROR,

    Node elem = left.getFirstChild();
    for (int i = 0; elem != null && i < intIndex; i++) {
      elem = elem.getNext();

    if (elem == null) {
      t.getCompiler().report(JSError.make(t, n, INDEX_OUT_OF_BOUNDS_ERROR,

    // Replace the entire GETELEM with the value
    parent.replaceChild(n, elem);

示例15: getName

 * Returns a qualified name of the specified node. Dots and brackets
 * are changed to the delimiter passed in when constructing the
 * NodeNameExtractor object.  We also replace ".prototype" with the
 * delimiter to keep names short, while still differentiating them
 * from static properties.  (Prototype properties will end up
 * looking like "a$b$$c" if this.delimiter = '$'.)
String getName(Node node) {
  switch (node.getType()) {
    case Token.FUNCTION:
      Node functionNameNode = node.getFirstChild();
      return functionNameNode.getString();
    case Token.GETPROP:
      Node lhsOfDot = node.getFirstChild();
      Node rhsOfDot = lhsOfDot.getNext();
      String lhsOfDotName = getName(lhsOfDot);
      String rhsOfDotName = getName(rhsOfDot);
      if ("prototype".equals(rhsOfDotName)) {
        return lhsOfDotName + delimiter;
      } else {
        return lhsOfDotName + delimiter + rhsOfDotName;
    case Token.GETELEM:
      Node outsideBrackets = node.getFirstChild();
      Node insideBrackets = outsideBrackets.getNext();
      String nameOutsideBrackets = getName(outsideBrackets);
      String nameInsideBrackets = getName(insideBrackets);
      if ("prototype".equals(nameInsideBrackets)) {
        return nameOutsideBrackets + delimiter;
      } else {
        return nameOutsideBrackets + delimiter + nameInsideBrackets;
    case Token.NAME:
      return node.getString();
    case Token.STRING:
      return TokenStream.isJSIdentifier(node.getString()) ?
          node.getString() : ("__" + nextUniqueInt++);
    case Token.NUMBER:
      return NodeUtil.getStringValue(node);
    case Token.THIS:
      return "this";
    case Token.CALL:
      return getName(node.getFirstChild());
      StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
      for (Node child = node.getFirstChild(); child != null;
           child = child.getNext()) {
        if (sb.length() > 0) {
      return sb.toString();
