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Java Token.HOOK属性代码示例

本文整理汇总了Java中com.google.javascript.rhino.Token.HOOK属性的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Java Token.HOOK属性的具体用法?Java Token.HOOK怎么用?Java Token.HOOK使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的属性代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该属性所在com.google.javascript.rhino.Token的用法示例。


示例1: getValueType

 * Gets the type of a value or simple expression.
 * @param n An rvalue in an assignment or variable declaration (not null)
 * @return A {@link Name.Type}
Name.Type getValueType(Node n) {
  switch (n.getType()) {
    case Token.OBJECTLIT:
      return Name.Type.OBJECTLIT;
    case Token.FUNCTION:
      return Name.Type.FUNCTION;
    case Token.OR:
      // Recurse on the second value. If the first value were an object
      // literal or function, then the OR would be meaningless and the
      // second value would be dead code. Assume that if the second value
      // is an object literal or function, then the first value will also
      // evaluate to one when it doesn't evaluate to false.
      return getValueType(n.getLastChild());
    case Token.HOOK:
      // The same line of reasoning used for the OR case applies here.
      Node second = n.getFirstChild().getNext();
      Name.Type t = getValueType(second);
      if (t != Name.Type.OTHER) return t;
      Node third = second.getNext();
      return getValueType(third);
  return Name.Type.OTHER;

示例2: updateAssignAllowedStack

 * Determines whether assignment to a define should be allowed
 * in the subtree of the given node, and if not, records that fact.
 * @param n The node whose subtree we're about to enter or exit.
 * @param entering True if we're entering the subtree, false otherwise.
private void updateAssignAllowedStack(Node n, boolean entering) {
  switch (n.getType()) {
    case Token.CASE:
    case Token.FOR:
    case Token.FUNCTION:
    case Token.HOOK:
    case Token.IF:
    case Token.SWITCH:
    case Token.WHILE:
      if (entering) {
      } else {

示例3: valueConsumedByParent

 * Determine if the parent reads the value of a child expression
 * directly.  This is true children used in predicates, RETURN
 * statements and, rhs of variable declarations and assignments.
 * In the case of:
 * if (a) b else c
 * This method returns true for "a", and false for "b" and "c": the
 * IF expression does something special based on "a"'s value.  "b"
 * and "c" are effectivelly outputs.  Same logic applies to FOR,
 * WHILE and DO loop predicates.  AND/OR/HOOK expressions are
 * syntactic sugar for IF statements; therefore this method returns
 * true for the predicate and false otherwise.
private boolean valueConsumedByParent(Node n, Node parent) {
  if (NodeUtil.isAssignmentOp(parent)) {
    return parent.getLastChild() == n;

  switch (parent.getType()) {
    case Token.NAME:
    case Token.RETURN:
      return true;
    case Token.AND:
    case Token.OR:
    case Token.HOOK:
      return parent.getFirstChild() == n;
    case Token.FOR:
      return parent.getFirstChild().getNext() == n;
    case Token.IF:
    case Token.WHILE:
      return parent.getFirstChild() == n;
    case Token.DO:
      return parent.getLastChild() == n;
      return false;

示例4: isPropertyTest

 * Determines whether this node is testing for the existence of a property.
 * If true, we will not emit warnings about a missing property.
 * @param getProp The GETPROP being tested.
private boolean isPropertyTest(Node getProp) {
  Node parent = getProp.getParent();
  switch (parent.getType()) {
    case Token.CALL:
      return parent.getFirstChild() != getProp &&

    case Token.IF:
    case Token.WHILE:
    case Token.DO:
    case Token.FOR:
      return NodeUtil.getConditionExpression(parent) == getProp;

    case Token.INSTANCEOF:
    case Token.TYPEOF:
      return true;

    case Token.AND:
    case Token.HOOK:
      return parent.getFirstChild() == getProp;
  return false;

示例5: definitionTypeContainsFunctionType

 * Determines if the type of the value of the rhs expression can
 * be a function node.
private static boolean definitionTypeContainsFunctionType(Definition def) {
  Node rhs = def.getRValue();
  if (rhs == null) {
    return true;

  switch (rhs.getType()) {
    case Token.ASSIGN:
    case Token.AND:
    case Token.CALL:
    case Token.GETPROP:
    case Token.GETELEM:
    case Token.FUNCTION:
    case Token.HOOK:
    case Token.NAME:
    case Token.NEW:
    case Token.OR:
      return true;
      return false;

示例6: getSideEffectsHookNode

private Node getSideEffectsHookNode() {
  Node hookNode = new Node(Token.HOOK);

  Node assign1 = new Node(Token.ASSIGN);
  assign1.addChildToBack(Node.newString(Token.NAME, "bar"));

  Node assign2 = new Node(Token.ASSIGN);
  assign2.addChildToBack(Node.newString(Token.NAME, "baz"));

  hookNode.addChildToBack(Node.newString(Token.NAME, "foo"));

  return hookNode;

示例7: hasConditionalAncestor

 * return true if the node has any form of conditional in its ancestry
 * TODO(nicksantos) keep track of the conditionals in the ancestory, so
 * that we don't have to recrawl it.
private boolean hasConditionalAncestor(Node n) {
  for (Node ancestor : n.getAncestors()) {
    switch (ancestor.getType()) {
      case Token.DO:
      case Token.FOR:
      case Token.HOOK:
      case Token.IF:
      case Token.SWITCH:
      case Token.WHILE:
        return true;
  return false;

示例8: isBlockBoundary

 * @return true if this node marks the start of a new basic block
private static boolean isBlockBoundary(Node n, Node parent) {
  if (parent != null) {
    switch (parent.getType()) {
      case Token.DO:
      case Token.FOR:
      case Token.TRY:
      case Token.WHILE:
      case Token.WITH:
        // NOTE: TRY has up to 3 child blocks:
        // TRY
        //   BLOCK
        //   BLOCK
        //     CATCH
        //   BLOCK
        // Note that there is an explcit CATCH token but no explicit
        // FINALLY token. For simplicity, we consider each BLOCK
        // a separate basic BLOCK.
        return true;
      case Token.AND:
      case Token.HOOK:
      case Token.IF:
      case Token.OR:
        // The first child of a conditional is not a boundary,
        // but all the rest of the children are.
        return n != parent.getFirstChild();


  return n.getType() == Token.CASE;

示例9: isConditionalOp

 * @return Whether the node is a conditional op.
private static boolean isConditionalOp(Node n) {
  switch(n.getType()) {
    case Token.HOOK:
    case Token.AND:
    case Token.OR:
      return true;
      return false;

示例10: processConditionalExpression

Node processConditionalExpression(ConditionalExpression exprNode) {
  return new Node(

示例11: getNoSideEffectsHookNode

private Node getNoSideEffectsHookNode() {
  Node hookNode = new Node(Token.HOOK);

  hookNode.addChildToBack(Node.newString(Token.NAME, "foo"));
  hookNode.addChildToBack(Node.newString(Token.NAME, "bar"));
  hookNode.addChildToBack(Node.newString(Token.NAME, "baz"));

  return hookNode;

示例12: precedence

static int precedence(int type) {
  switch (type) {
    case Token.COMMA:  return 0;
    case Token.ASSIGN_BITOR:
    case Token.ASSIGN_BITXOR:
    case Token.ASSIGN_BITAND:
    case Token.ASSIGN_LSH:
    case Token.ASSIGN_RSH:
    case Token.ASSIGN_URSH:
    case Token.ASSIGN_ADD:
    case Token.ASSIGN_SUB:
    case Token.ASSIGN_MUL:
    case Token.ASSIGN_DIV:
    case Token.ASSIGN_MOD:
    case Token.ASSIGN: return 1;
    case Token.HOOK:   return 2;  // ?: operator
    case Token.OR:     return 3;
    case Token.AND:    return 4;
    case Token.BITOR:  return 5;
    case Token.BITXOR: return 6;
    case Token.BITAND: return 7;
    case Token.EQ:
    case Token.NE:
    case Token.SHEQ:
    case Token.SHNE:   return 8;
    case Token.LT:
    case Token.GT:
    case Token.LE:
    case Token.GE:
    case Token.INSTANCEOF:
    case Token.IN:     return 9;
    case Token.LSH:
    case Token.RSH:
    case Token.URSH:   return 10;
    case Token.SUB:
    case Token.ADD:    return 11;
    case Token.MUL:
    case Token.MOD:
    case Token.DIV:    return 12;
    case Token.INC:
    case Token.DEC:
    case Token.NEW:
    case Token.DELPROP:
    case Token.TYPEOF:
    case Token.VOID:
    case Token.NOT:
    case Token.BITNOT:
    case Token.POS:
    case Token.NEG:    return 13;

    case Token.ARRAYLIT:
    case Token.CALL:
    case Token.EMPTY:
    case Token.FALSE:
    case Token.FUNCTION:
    case Token.GETELEM:
    case Token.GETPROP:
    case Token.GET_REF:
    case Token.IF:
    case Token.LP:
    case Token.NAME:
    case Token.NULL:
    case Token.NUMBER:
    case Token.OBJECTLIT:
    case Token.REGEXP:
    case Token.RETURN:
    case Token.STRING:
    case Token.THIS:
    case Token.TRUE:
      return 15;

    default: throw new Error("Unknown precedence for " +
                             Node.tokenToName(type) +
                             " (type " + type + ")");

示例13: handleGet

 * Updates our respresentation of the global namespace to reflect a read
 * of a global name.
 * @param t The traversal
 * @param n The node currently being visited
 * @param parent {@code n}'s parent
 * @param name The global name (e.g. "a" or "a.b.c.d")
void handleGet(NodeTraversal t, Node n, Node parent, String name) {
  if (maybeHandlePrototypePrefix(t, n, parent, name)) return;

  Ref.Type type = Ref.Type.DIRECT_GET;
  if (parent != null) {
    switch (parent.getType()) {
      case Token.IF:
      case Token.TYPEOF:
      case Token.VOID:
      case Token.NOT:
      case Token.BITNOT:
      case Token.POS:
      case Token.NEG:
      case Token.CALL:
        type = n == parent.getFirstChild()
               ? Ref.Type.CALL_GET
               : Ref.Type.ALIASING_GET;
      case Token.NEW:
        type = n == parent.getFirstChild()
               ? Ref.Type.DIRECT_GET
               : Ref.Type.ALIASING_GET;
      case Token.OR:
      case Token.AND:
        // This node is x or y in (x||y) or (x&&y). We only know that an
        // alias is not getting created for this name if the result is used
        // in a boolean context or assigned to the same name
        // (e.g. var a = a || {}).
        type = determineGetTypeForHookOrBooleanExpr(t, parent, name);
      case Token.HOOK:
        if (n != parent.getFirstChild()) {
          // This node is y or z in (x?y:z). We only know that an alias is
          // not getting created for this name if the result is assigned to
          // the same name (e.g. var a = a ? a : {}).
          type = determineGetTypeForHookOrBooleanExpr(t, parent, name);
        type = Ref.Type.ALIASING_GET;

  handleGet(t, n, parent, name, type);

示例14: determineGetTypeForHookOrBooleanExpr

 * Determines whether the result of a hook (x?y:z) or boolean expression
 * (x||y) or (x&&y) is assigned to a specific global name.
 * @param t The traversal
 * @param parent The parent of the current node in the traversal. This node
 *     should already be known to be a HOOK, AND, or OR node.
 * @param name A name that is already known to be global in the current
 *     scope (e.g. "a" or "a.b.c.d")
 * @return The expression's get type, either {@link Ref.Type#DIRECT_GET} or
 *     {@link Ref.Type#ALIASING_GET}
Ref.Type determineGetTypeForHookOrBooleanExpr(
    NodeTraversal t, Node parent, String name) {
  Node prev = parent;
  for (Node anc : parent.getAncestors()) {
    switch (anc.getType()) {
      case Token.EXPR_RESULT:
      case Token.VAR:
      case Token.IF:
      case Token.WHILE:
      case Token.FOR:
      case Token.TYPEOF:
      case Token.VOID:
      case Token.NOT:
      case Token.BITNOT:
      case Token.POS:
      case Token.NEG:
        return Ref.Type.DIRECT_GET;
      case Token.HOOK:
        if (anc.getFirstChild() == prev) {
          return Ref.Type.DIRECT_GET;
      case Token.ASSIGN:
        if (!name.equals(anc.getFirstChild().getQualifiedName())) {
          return Ref.Type.ALIASING_GET;
      case Token.NAME:  // a variable declaration
        if (!name.equals(anc.getString())) {
          return Ref.Type.ALIASING_GET;
      case Token.CALL:
        if (anc.getFirstChild() != prev) {
          return Ref.Type.ALIASING_GET;
    prev = anc;
  return Ref.Type.ALIASING_GET;

示例15: shouldTraverse

 * Computes the list of subtrees whose root nodes have side effects.
 * <p>If the current subtree's root has side effects this method should
 * call accumulator.keepSubTree and return 'false' to add the
 * subtree to the result list and avoid avoid traversing the nodes children.
 * <p>Branching nodes whose then or else branch contain side effects
 * must be simplified by doing a recursive traversal; this method
 * should call the appropriate accumulator 'keepSimplified' method
 * and return 'false' to stop the regular traversal.
public boolean shouldTraverse(
    NodeTraversal traversal, Node node, Node parent) {
  if (FORBIDDEN_TYPES.contains(node.getType()) ||
      NodeUtil.isControlStructure(node)) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException(
        Token.name(node.getType()) + " nodes are not supported.");

  // Do not recurse into nested functions.
  if (node.getType() == Token.FUNCTION) {
    return false;

  // simplify and maybe keep hook expression.
  if (node.getType() == Token.HOOK) {
    return processHook(node);

  // simplify and maybe keep AND/OR expression.
  if ((node.getType() == Token.AND) || (node.getType() == Token.OR)) {
    return processShortCircuitExpression(node);

  if (!NodeUtil.nodeTypeMayHaveSideEffects(node)) {
    return true;
  } else {

    // Node type suggests that the expression has side effects.

    if (node.getType() == Token.CALL) {
      return processFunctionCall(node);
    } else if (node.getType() == Token.NEW) {
      return processConstructorCall(node);
    } else {
      return false;
