本文整理汇总了C#中UnityEngine.UI.Windows.Plugins.Flow.Data.IsFunction方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# Data.IsFunction方法的具体用法?C# Data.IsFunction怎么用?C# Data.IsFunction使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类UnityEngine.UI.Windows.Plugins.Flow.Data
示例1: DrawTransitionChooser
public void DrawTransitionChooser(AttachItem attach, FD.FlowWindow fromWindow, FD.FlowWindow toWindow, bool doubleSided) {
if (this.drawWindowContent == false) return;
if (toWindow.IsEnabled() == false) return;
if (toWindow.IsContainer() == true) return;
var factor = 0.5f;
var transitionsContainer = fromWindow;
var namePrefix = string.Empty;
if (fromWindow.IsSmall() == true &&
fromWindow.IsABTest() == true) {
// is ABTest
//Debug.Log(fromWindow.id + " => " + toWindow.id + " :: " + attach.index + " :: " + doubleSided);
transitionsContainer = FlowSystem.GetWindow(fromWindow.abTests.sourceWindowId);
if (transitionsContainer == null) return;
namePrefix = string.Format("Variant{0}", attach.index.ToString());
factor = 0.2f;
} else {
if (toWindow.IsSmall() == true) {
if (toWindow.IsFunction() == false) return;
if (FlowSystem.GetData().modeLayer == ModeLayer.Audio) {
if (FlowSystem.GetData().HasView(FlowView.AudioTransitions) == false) return;
} else {
if (FlowSystem.GetData().HasView(FlowView.VideoTransitions) == false) return;
const float size = 32f;
const float offset = size * 0.5f + 5f;
Vector2 centerOffset = Flow.OnDrawNodeCurveOffset(this, attach, fromWindow, toWindow, doubleSided);
if (doubleSided == true) {
var q = Quaternion.LookRotation(toWindow.rect.center - fromWindow.rect.center, Vector3.back);
var attachRevert = FlowSystem.GetAttachItem(toWindow.id, fromWindow.id);
this.DrawTransitionChooser(attachRevert, toWindow, toWindow, fromWindow, centerOffset, q * Vector2.left * offset, size, factor, namePrefix);
this.DrawTransitionChooser(attach, fromWindow, fromWindow, toWindow, centerOffset, q * Vector2.right * offset, size, factor, namePrefix);
} else {
this.DrawTransitionChooser(attach, transitionsContainer, fromWindow, toWindow, centerOffset, Vector2.zero, size, factor, namePrefix);
示例2: OnFlowWindowLayoutGUI
public override void OnFlowWindowLayoutGUI(Rect rect, FD.FlowWindow window) {
if (window.isVisibleState == false) return;
if (window.IsContainer() == true) return;
if (window.IsSmall() == true && window.IsFunction() == true) return;
if (window.IsShowDefault() == true) return;
if (Heatmap.settings == null) Heatmap.settings = Heatmap.GetSettingsFile();
var settings = Heatmap.settings;
if (settings != null) {
var data = settings.data.Get(window);
if (data == null) return;
LayoutWindowType screen;
var layout = HeatmapSystem.GetLayout(window.id, out screen);
if (layout == null) return;
var targetScreenSize = new Vector2(layout.root.editorRect.width, layout.root.editorRect.height);
foreach (var item in settings.items) {
if (item.show == true && item.enabled == true) {
foreach (var serviceBase in this.editor.services) {
var service = serviceBase as IAnalyticsService;
if (service.GetServiceName() == item.serviceName) {
var key = string.Format("{0}_{1}", item.serviceName, window.id);
HeatmapResult result;
if (this.heatmapResultsCache.TryGetValue(key, out result) == true) {
if (result != null) {
var texture = this.heatmapTexturesCache[key];
if (texture != null) {
var scaleFactor = HeatmapSystem.GetFactor(targetScreenSize, rect.size);
//var scaleFactorCanvas = layout.editorScale > 0f ? 1f / layout.editorScale : 1f;
//scaleFactor *= scaleFactorCanvas;
var r = layout.root.editorRect;
r.x *= scaleFactor;
r.y *= scaleFactor;
r.x += rect.x + rect.width * 0.5f;
r.y += rect.y + rect.height * 0.5f;
r.width *= scaleFactor;
r.height *= scaleFactor;
var c = Color.white;
GUI.color = c;
GUI.DrawTexture(r, texture, ScaleMode.StretchToFill, alphaBlend: true);
GUI.color = Color.white;
} else {
if (this.noDataTexture != null) GUI.DrawTexture(rect, this.noDataTexture, ScaleMode.ScaleToFit, alphaBlend: true);
} else {
// still loading...
} else {
if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint) {
var rectSize = targetScreenSize;//rect.size;
var rootRect = layout.root.editorRect;
this.heatmapResultsCache.Add(key, null);
this.heatmapTexturesCache.Add(key, null);
service.GetHeatmapData(window.id, (int)targetScreenSize.x, (int)targetScreenSize.y, item.userFilter, (_result) => {
var heatmapResult = _result as HeatmapResult;
// Convert normalized points to real points
for (int i = 0; i < heatmapResult.points.Length; ++i) {
var root = layout.GetRootByTag((LayoutTag)heatmapResult.points[i].tag);
if (root != null) {
var xn = heatmapResult.points[i].x;
var yn = heatmapResult.points[i].y;
var sourceRect = root.editorRect;
var radius = (float)HeatmapVisualizer.GetRadius();
sourceRect.x += radius;
sourceRect.y += radius;
sourceRect.width -= radius * 2f;
sourceRect.height -= radius * 2f;
var scaleFactor = HeatmapSystem.GetFactor(targetScreenSize, rectSize);
var r = sourceRect;
r.x *= scaleFactor;
r.y *= scaleFactor;
示例3: DrawWindowToolbar
} else {
if (GUILayout.Button(string.Format("Attach Here{0}", (Event.current.alt == true ? " (Double Direction)" : string.Empty)), buttonStyle) == true) {
FlowSystem.Attach(this.currentAttachId, this.currentAttachIndex, id, oneWay: Event.current.alt == false);
if (this.onAttach != null) this.onAttach(id, this.currentAttachIndex, true);
if (Event.current.shift == false) this.WaitForAttach(-1);
} else {
if (GUILayout.Button("Cancel", buttonStyle) == true) {
} else {
if (window.IsSmall() == false ||
window.IsFunction() == true ||
window.IsABTest() == true) {
if (GUILayout.Button("Attach/Detach", buttonStyle) == true) {
this.ShowNotification(new GUIContent("Use Attach/Detach buttons to Connect/Disconnect a window"));
if (window.IsSmall() == false) {
//var isExit = false;
var functionWindow = window.GetFunctionContainer();
if (functionWindow != null) {
if (functionWindow.functionRootId == 0) functionWindow.functionRootId = id;
if (functionWindow.functionExitId == 0) functionWindow.functionExitId = id;
//isExit = (functionWindow.functionExitId == id);
var isRoot = (FlowSystem.GetRootWindow() == id || (functionWindow != null && functionWindow.functionRootId == id));
if (GUILayout.Toggle(isRoot, new GUIContent("R", "Set as root"), buttonStyle) != isRoot) {
if (functionWindow != null) {
示例4: OnFlowWindow
public override void OnFlowWindow(FD.FlowWindow window) {
if (window.isVisibleState == false) return;
if (window.IsContainer() == true) return;
if (window.IsSmall() == true && window.IsFunction() == true) return;
if (window.IsShowDefault() == true) return;
if (Heatmap.settings == null) Heatmap.settings = Heatmap.GetSettingsFile();
var settings = Heatmap.settings;
if (settings != null) {
var result = new ScreenResult();
foreach (var item in settings.items) {
if (item.show == true && item.enabled == true) {
foreach (var serviceBase in this.editor.services) {
var service = serviceBase as IAnalyticsService;
if (service.GetServiceName() == item.serviceName) {
var rect = window.rect;
this.DrawBubble(new Rect(new Vector2(rect.x + rect.width * 0.5f, rect.y), Vector2.zero), 0, window.id, -1, Vector2.zero, "LabelGreen");
int value;
var keyTransition = string.Format("{0}_{1}", item.serviceName, window.id);
if (this.resultsTransitionCache.TryGetValue(keyTransition, out value) == true) {
result.uniqueCount = value;
if (result.uniqueCount > 0 && result.popup == false) {
// Draw exit bubble
this.DrawBubble(new Vector2(rect.x + rect.width * 0.5f, rect.y + rect.height), result, Vector2.zero, "LabelRed", "{1}");
示例5: OnFlowWindowScreenMenuGUI
public override void OnFlowWindowScreenMenuGUI(FD.FlowWindow window, GenericMenu menu) {
if (window.isVisibleState == false) return;
if (window.IsContainer() == true) return;
if (window.IsSmall() == true && window.IsFunction() == true) return;
if (window.IsShowDefault() == true) return;
if (Heatmap.settings == null) Heatmap.settings = Heatmap.GetSettingsFile();
var settings = Heatmap.settings;
if (settings != null) {
var data = settings.data.Get(window);
if (data == null) return;
foreach (var item in settings.items) {
if (item.show == true && item.enabled == true) {
foreach (var serviceBase in this.editor.services) {
var service = serviceBase as IAnalyticsService;
if (service.GetServiceName() == item.serviceName) {
var key = string.Format("{0}_{1}", item.serviceName, window.id);
var windowId = window.id;
menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Open Heatmap..."), false, () => {
//this.fullScreenData = this.heatmapResultsCache[key];
this.fullScreenTexture = this.heatmapTexturesCache[key];
this.fullScreenWindowId = windowId;
this.fullScreenEditor = null;
this.openFullScreen = true;
示例6: DrawTransitionChooser
public void DrawTransitionChooser(FD.FlowWindow.AttachItem attach, FD.FlowWindow fromWindow, FD.FlowWindow toWindow, bool doubleSided) {
if (toWindow.IsEnabled() == false) return;
if (toWindow.IsContainer() == true) return;
if (toWindow.IsSmall() == true) {
if (toWindow.IsFunction() == false) return;
const float size = 32f;
const float offset = size * 0.5f + 5f;
if (doubleSided == true) {
var q = Quaternion.LookRotation(toWindow.rect.center - fromWindow.rect.center, Vector3.back);
var attachRevert = FlowSystem.GetAttachItem(toWindow.id, fromWindow.id);
this.DrawTransitionChooser(attachRevert, toWindow, fromWindow, q * Vector2.left * offset, size);
this.DrawTransitionChooser(attach, fromWindow, toWindow, q * Vector2.right * offset, size);
} else {
this.DrawTransitionChooser(attach, fromWindow, toWindow, Vector2.zero, size);
示例7: OnFlowWindowGUI
public override void OnFlowWindowGUI(FD.FlowWindow window) {
var data = FlowSystem.GetData();
if (data == null) return;
var flag = (window.IsFunction() == true &&
window.IsSmall() == true &&
window.IsContainer() == false);
if (flag == true) {
var alreadyConnectedFunctionIds = new List<int>();
// Find caller window
var windowFrom = data.windowAssets.FirstOrDefault((item) => item.HasAttach(window.id));
if (windowFrom != null) {
var attaches = windowFrom.GetAttachedWindows();
foreach (var attachWindow in attaches) {
if (attachWindow.IsFunction() == true) {
foreach (var win in data.windowAssets) {
if (win.IsFunction() == true &&
win.IsContainer() == true) {
var count = alreadyConnectedFunctionIds.Count((e) => e == win.id);
if ((window.GetFunctionId() == win.id && count == 1) || count == 0) {
} else {
if (win.id == window.functionId) window.functionId = 0;
var functionId = window.GetFunctionId();
var functionContainer = functionId == 0 ? null : data.GetWindow(functionId);
var isActiveSelected = true;
var oldColor = GUI.color;
GUI.color = isActiveSelected ? Color.white : Color.grey;
var result = GUILayout.Button(functionContainer != null ? functionContainer.title : "None", FlowSystemEditorWindow.defaultSkin.button, GUILayout.ExpandHeight(true));
GUI.color = oldColor;
var rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect();
rect.y += rect.height;
if (result == true) {
var menu = new GenericMenu();
menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("None"), window.functionId == 0, () => {
window.functionId = 0;
if (windowFrom != null) {
var attaches = windowFrom.GetAttachedWindows();
foreach (var attachWindow in attaches) {
if (attachWindow.IsFunction() == true) {
foreach (var win in data.windowAssets) {
if (win.IsFunction() == true &&
win.IsContainer() == true) {
var count = alreadyConnectedFunctionIds.Count((e) => e == win.id);
if ((window.GetFunctionId() == win.id && count == 1) || count == 0) {
var id = win.id;
menu.AddItem(new GUIContent(win.title), win.id == window.functionId, () => {
window.functionId = id;
} else {
示例8: OnCompilerTransitionTypedAttachedGeneration
public override string OnCompilerTransitionTypedAttachedGeneration(FD.FlowWindow windowFrom, FD.FlowWindow windowTo, bool everyPlatformHasUniqueName, System.Type[] types, string[] names) {
if (windowTo.IsFunction() == true &&
windowTo.IsSmall() == true &&
windowTo.IsContainer() == false &&
windowTo.GetFunctionId() > 0) {
return FlowFunctionsTemplateGenerator.GenerateTransitionTypedMethod(this.flowEditor, windowFrom, windowTo, types, names);
return base.OnCompilerTransitionTypedAttachedGeneration(windowFrom, windowTo, everyPlatformHasUniqueName, types, names);
示例9: IsCompilerTransitionAttachedGeneration
public override bool IsCompilerTransitionAttachedGeneration(FD.FlowWindow windowFrom, FD.FlowWindow windowTo) {
return windowTo.IsFunction() == true &&
windowTo.IsSmall() == true &&
windowTo.IsContainer() == false &&
windowTo.GetFunctionId() > 0;
示例10: CreateTransition
public static void CreateTransition(FD.FlowWindow flowWindow, FD.FlowWindow toWindow, string localPath, System.Action<TransitionInputTemplateParameters> callback = null) {
if (flowWindow.GetScreen() == null) return;
var screenPath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(flowWindow.GetScreen());
screenPath = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(screenPath);
var splitted = screenPath.Split(new string[] {"/"}, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
var packagePath = string.Join("/", splitted, 0, splitted.Length - 1);
var path = packagePath + localPath;
root: null,
onSelect: (element) => {
// Clean up previous transitions if exists
var attachItem = flowWindow.GetAttachItem(toWindow);
if (attachItem != null) {
if (attachItem.transition != null && attachItem.transitionParameters != null) {
attachItem.transition = null;
attachItem.transitionParameters = null;
if (System.IO.Directory.Exists(path) == false) {
if (element == null) return;
var elementPath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(element.gameObject);
var targetName = "Transition-" + element.gameObject.name + "-" + (toWindow.IsFunction() == true ? FlowSystem.GetWindow(toWindow.functionId).directory : toWindow.directory);
var targetPath = path + "/" + targetName + ".prefab";
if (AssetDatabase.CopyAsset(elementPath, targetPath) == true) {
var newInstance = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<GameObject>(targetPath);
var instance = newInstance.GetComponent<TransitionInputTemplateParameters>();
instance.useAsTemplate = false;
attachItem.transition = instance.transition;
attachItem.transitionParameters = instance;
if (callback != null) callback(instance);
onEveryGUI: (element) => {
// on gui
var style = new GUIStyle(GUI.skin.label);
style.wordWrap = true;
if (element != null) {
GUILayout.Label(element.name, style);
} else {
GUILayout.Label("None", style);
predicate: (element) => {
var elementPath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(element.gameObject);
var isInPackage = FlowProjectWindowObject.IsValidPackage(elementPath + "/../");
if (element.transition != null && (isInPackage == true || element.useAsTemplate == true)) {
var name = element.GetType().FullName;
var baseName = name.Substring(0, name.IndexOf("Parameters"));
var type = System.Type.GetType(baseName + ", " + element.GetType().Assembly.FullName, throwOnError: true, ignoreCase: true);
if (type != null) {
var attribute = type.GetCustomAttributes(inherit: true).OfType<TransitionCameraAttribute>().FirstOrDefault();
if (attribute != null) {
return true;
} else {
Debug.Log("No Attribute: " + baseName, element);